Large image matrix: save to small matrices - matlab

I'm new to MATLAB and its development. I have a image which is 1134 (rows) X 1134 (columns). I want that image to save 3 (columns) X 3 (rows). In order to do that I need 378 cells. For that I used following code, but it gives me an error.
chunk_size = [3 3]; % your desired size of the chunks image is broken into
sc = sz ./ chunk_size; % number of chunks in each dimension; must be integer
% split to chunk_size(1) by chunk_size(2) chunks
X = mat2cell(I, chunk_size(1) * ones(sc(1),1), chunk_size(2) *ones(sc(2),1));
Error using mat2cell (line 97)
Input arguments, D1 through D2, must sum to each dimension of the input matrix size, [1 1285956].'

Unfortunately your code does not work as you think it would.
The ./ operator performs point wise division of two matrices. Short example:
[12, 8] ./ [4, 2] == [12/4, 8/2] == [3, 4]
In order for it to work both matrices must have exactly the same size. In your case you try to perform such an operation on a 1134x1134 matrix (the image) and a 1x2 matrix (chunk_size).
In other words you can not use it to divide matrices into smaller ones.
However, a solution to your problem is to use the mat2cell function to pick out subsets of the matrix. A explanation of how it is done can be found here (including examples):
Hope it helps :)

Behind the C=A./B command is loop over all elements of A(ii,jj,...) and B(ii,jj,..) and each C(ii,jj,..)=A(ii,jj,...)/B(ii,jj,...).
Therefore martices A and B must be of same dimension.
If you want to split matrix into groups you can use
for ii=2:3:1133
for jj=2:3:1133
The code allocates cell array sc for resulting submatrices and arbitrary counters kk and ll. Then it loops over ii and jj with step of 3 representing centers of each submatrices.
Or you can use mat2cell command (type help mat2cell or doc mat2cell in matlab shell)
In both cases the result is cell array and its iith and jjth elements (matrices) are accessible by sc{ii,jj}. If you want call iith anr jjth number in kkth and llth matrix, do it via sc{kk,ll}(ii,jj).

In short, you divided a 1134 x 1134 by 2 x 1 matrix. That doesn't work.
The error "Matrix dimensions must agree**" is from the dividing a matrix with another matrix that doesn't have the right dimensions.
You used the scalar divide "./" which divided a matrix by another matrix.
You want something like:
n = 1134 / 3 % you should measure the length of the image
I1=image(1:n,1:n); % first row
I4=image(n:2n,1:n); % second row
I7=image(2n:3n,1:n); % third row
from here:
There would be a nice loop you could do it in, but sometimes thinking is hard.


Simplify how to find unique rows of a Matlab array

I would like your help to vectorise (or, more generally, make more efficient) a Matlab code where:
Step 1: I construct a matrix C of size sgxR, where each row contains a sequence of ones and zeros, according to whether certain logical conditions are satisfied.
Step 2: I identify the indices of the unique rows of C.
I now describe the code in more details.
Step 1: Creation of the matrix C. I divide this step in 3 sub-steps.
Step 1.a: Create the 1x3 cell U_grid. For j=1,2,3, U_grid{j} is a sg x K matrix of numbers.
rng default
n_U_sets=3; %This parameter will not be changed
sg=4; %sg is usually quite large, for instance 10^6
K=5; %This parameter can range between 3 and 8
for j=1:n_U_sets
Step 1.b: For each g=1,...,sg
Take the 3 rows Ugrid{1}(g,:), Ugrid{2}(g,:), Ugrid{3}(g,:).
Take all possible 1x3 rows that can be formed such that the first element is from Ugrid{1}(g,:), the second element is from
Ugrid{2}(g,:), and the third element is from Ugrid{3}(g,:). There are K^3 such rows.
Create the matrix D{g} storing row-wise all possible pairs of such 1x3 rows. D{g} will have size (K^3*(K^3-1)/2)x6
This is coded as:
%Row indices of all possible pairs of rows
[y, x] = find(tril(logical(ones(K^(n_U_sets))), -1));
indices_pairs = [x, y]; %K^3*(K^3-1)/2
%Create D{g}
for g=1:sg
vectors = cellfun(#(x) {x(g,:)}, Ugrid); %1x3
T_temp = cell(1,n_U_sets);
[T_temp{:}] = ndgrid(vectors{:});
T_temp = cat(n_U_sets+1, T_temp{:});
T = reshape(T_temp,[],n_U_sets);
D{g}=[T(indices_pairs(:,1),:) T(indices_pairs(:,2),:)]; %(K^3*(K^3-1)/2) x (6)
Step 1.c: From D create C. Let R=(K^3*(K^3-1)/2). R is the size of any D{g}. C is a sg x R matrix constructed as follows: for g=1,...,sg and for r=1,...,R
if D{g}(r,1)>=D{g}(r,5)+D{g}(r,6) or D{g}(r,4)<=D{g}(r,2)+D{g}(r,3)
then C(g,r)=1
otherwise C(g,r)=0
This is coded as:
for g=1:sg
for r=1:R
if D{g}(r,1)>=D{g}(r,5)+D{g}(r,6) || D{g}(r,4)<=D{g}(r,2)+D{g}(r,3)
Step 2: Assign the same index to any two rows of C that are equal.
[~,~,idx] = unique(C,"rows");
Question: Steps 1.b and 1.c are the critical ones. With sg large and K between 3 and 8, they take a lot of time, due to the loop and reshape. Do you see any way to simplify them, for instance by vectorising?

element by element matrix multiplication in Matlab

So I have the following matrices:
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];
B = [0.5 2 3];
I'm writing a function in MATLAB that will allow me to multiply a vector and a matrix by element as long as the number of elements in the vector matches the number of columns. In A there are 3 columns:
1 2 3
4 5 6
B also has 3 elements so this should work. I'm trying to produce the following output based on A and B:
0.5 4 9
2 10 18
My code is below. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
function C = lab11(mat, vec)
C = zeros(2,3);
[a, b] = size(mat);
[c, d] = size(vec);
for i = 1:a
for k = 1:b
for j = 1
C(i,k) = C(i,k) + A(i,j) * B(j,k);
MATLAB already has functionality to do this in the bsxfun function. bsxfun will take two matrices and duplicate singleton dimensions until the matrices are the same size, then perform a binary operation on the two matrices. So, for your example, you would simply do the following:
C = bsxfun(#times,mat,vec);
Referencing MrAzzaman, bsxfun is the way to go with this. However, judging from your function name, this looks like it's homework, and so let's stick with what you have originally. As such, you need to only write two for loops. You would use the second for loop to index into both the vector and the columns of the matrix at the same time. The outer most for loop would access the rows of the matrix. In addition, you are referencing A and B, which are variables that don't exist in your code. You are also initializing the output matrix C to be 2 x 3 always. You want this to be the same size as mat. I also removed your checking of the length of the vector because you weren't doing anything with the result.
As such:
function C = lab11(mat, vec)
[a, b] = size(mat);
C = zeros(a,b);
for i = 1:a
for k = 1:b
C(i,k) = mat(i,k) * vec(k);
Take special note at what I did. The outer-most for loop accesses the rows of mat, while the inner-most loop accesses the columns of mat as well as the elements of vec. Bear in mind that the number of columns of mat need to be the same as the number of elements in vec. You should probably check for this in your code.
If you don't like using the bsxfun approach, one alternative is to take the vector vec and make a matrix out of this that is the same size as mat by stacking the vector vec on top of itself for as many times as we have rows in mat. After this, you can do element-by-element multiplication. You can do this stacking by using repmat which repeats a vector or matrices a given number of times in any dimension(s) you want. As such, your function would be simplified to:
function C = lab11(mat, vec)
rows = size(mat, 1);
vec_mat = repmat(vec, rows, 1);
C = mat .* vec_mat;
However, I would personally go with the bsxfun route. bsxfun basically does what the repmat paradigm does under the hood. Internally, it ensures that both of your inputs have the same size. If it doesn't, it replicates the smaller array / matrix until it is the same size as the larger array / matrix, then applies an element-by-element operation to the corresponding elements in both variables. bsxfun stands for Binary Singleton EXpansion FUNction, which is a fancy way of saying exactly what I just talked about.
Therefore, your function is further simplified to:
function C = lab11(mat, vec)
C = bsxfun(#times, mat, vec);
Good luck!

Split matrix into non-overlapping submatrices

I have an image of any size that I need to split into non-overlapping regions of 15x15 pixels. Previously I looked this up and used the following code:
newIm = rand(size(im2, 1),size(im2, 2));
subIm = mat2cell(newIm, 15*ones(size(newIm,1)/15,1), 15*ones(size(newIm,2)/15,1));
My problem is that I may not always be able to split the matrix into nice 15x15 regions. How can I fix this? Also, can you explain what exactly happens? I'd like to understand Matlab better for future use!
If you use the above code with a size not perfectly divisible by 15 (say 160), you will get the following error in MATLAB:
Input arguments, D1 through D2, must sum to each dimension of the input matrix size, [160 160].'
So you have to make your second and third input arguments of mat2cell sum to 160. Then you are done.
Code taken from here
blockSize=[15 15];
wholeBlockRows = floor(size(newIm,1)/ blockSize(1));
blockVectorR = [blockSize(1) * ones(1, wholeBlockRows), rem(size(newIm,1), blockSize(1))];
wholeBlockCols = floor(size(newIm,2)/ blockSize(2));
blockVectorC = [blockSize(2) * ones(1, wholeBlockCols), rem(size(newIm,2), blockSize(2))];
% sum of blockVectorR and blockVectorC will be equal to size(newIm,1) and
% size(newIm,2) respectively.
ca = mat2cell(newIm, blockVectorR, blockVectorC, size(newIm,3));
In your output cell array, you will see sub-images in the last row and column where either rows or columns (or both) are equal to: rem(size(newIm,1), blockSize(1)) or (and) rem(size(newIm,2), blockSize(2))

Augmenting matrix rows iteratively with answers

I am trying to add a row to a matrix every time an iterative loop in MATLAB produces an answer from fsolve function.
Say, fsolve produces an answer 3 and 2 (2 elements), and then I want to add these into a 1x2 matrix.
After a second loop fsolve produces an answer 5 and 3 (2 new elements) and I want to add these to the old solution matrix but as a new row so that a new matrix is a 2x2 matrix.
and on and on.
any ideas?
You can also use end to add an extra column to your matrix, so A(:,end+1) = [x1; x2]; adds an extra column to the matrix A. This also works for rows of course.
To augment:
Before the loop:
A = [];
In the loop, for example:
A = [A; 3 2];
A better way is to pre-allocate the array given you know how many times you gonna run the loop.
For example,
A = zeros(n,2);
A(i,:) = [3 2];

How to make a block of matrices from large matrix in matlab?

I have a 256x256 matrix from that I want to create block of 8x8 matrices. I have a below code which shows just one block i want all the blocks then subtract a number from each element of the matrix. When i do the subtract 128 from each element it doesn't show negative values rather showing only 0.
[x,y] = size(M);
for i=1:8
for j=1:8
k(i,j) = M(i,j);
for a=1:size(k)
for b=1:size(k)
A(a,b) = k(a,b) - 128;
well, if you have to subtract a fixed value it's better to do it as
M = M - 128;
It's faster.
You said you get 0 values instead of negative ones; it is likely due to the type of the matrix which is unsigned (i.e. the guys are just positive). A cast to general integer is necessary. Try:
M = int16(M) - 128;
To obtain the partition I propose the following, there can be more efficient ways, btw:
r = rand(256,256); %// test case, substitute with your matrix M
[i j] = meshgrid(1:8:256); %// lattice of indices
idx = num2cell([ i(:) , j(:) ],2); %// cell version
matr = cellfun( #(i) r(i(1):i(1)+7,i(2):i(2)+7), idx, 'UniformOutput',false); %// blocks
matr will contain all the sub-matrices in lexicographical order. e.g.
ans =
0.4026 0.3141 0.4164 0.5005 0.6952 0.1955 0.9803 0.5097
0.8186 0.9280 0.1737 0.6133 0.8562 0.7405 0.8766 0.0975
0.2704 0.8333 0.1892 0.7661 0.5168 0.3856 0.1432 0.9958
0.9973 0.8488 0.6937 0.2630 0.1004 0.5842 0.1844 0.5206
0.4052 0.0629 0.6982 0.1530 0.9234 0.1271 0.7317 0.3541
0.2984 0.3633 0.1510 0.0297 0.0225 0.7945 0.2925 0.0396
0.5097 0.0802 0.8744 0.1032 0.8523 0.6150 0.4845 0.5703
0.8635 0.0194 0.1879 0.5017 0.5297 0.6319 0.2406 0.5125
Explanation: In matlab you can efficiently operate on matrices and slices of them. For instance, you can easily copy submatrices, e.g. the first 8x8 matrix is
sub = M(1:8,1:8);
You want all the submatrices, thus you need kind of a lattice of indices to get
sub_ij = M(1+8*(i-1) : 7 * 8*(i-1) , 1+8*(j-1) : 7 * 8*(j-1))
i.e. you need the lattice
(1+8*(i-1) : 7 * 8*(i-1) , 1+8*(j-1) : 7 * 8*(j-1)) % // for all i,j
you can use meshgrid for that.
Finally you have to cut off the pieces, that is what the last two instruction do. particularly the first one generates the indices (try idx{1},...), and the second one generates the submatrices (try matr{1},...).
Hope this code helps you. It has 16x16 image to divide into 4x4 blocks. You may change the value and get the required output as you like.