Jenkins Pipeline pulls entire source code for jenkinsfile - jenkins-workflow

I was playing Jenkins 2.0 with multibranch pipeline with one master server plus a couple of slave nodes.
The Jenkinsfile looks like:
node('slave') {
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
stage 'Build'
We see that the plugin pulls the entire source code on the master node in order to get Jenkinsfile and then pull the entire source tree again on the slave nodes. Is there a way to have the master only pull Jenkinsfile?

See JENKINS-33273. The current SCM plugins do not offer a way of retrieving a single file without doing a complete checkout.


Azure Devops - trigger pipeline on Pull Request but not Push?

I have a ADO git repo with a YAML-based build pipeline that builds a docker image, runs some tests using Docker Compose, and then pushes the image and a helm chart to an ACR.
I'd like the have the build/test part run on PRs too. I have created a second pipeline that's just the first half of the normal build, and assigned it as a Build Validation pipeline for a branch.
However, I don't seem to be able to get the triggers right. If I have trigger: none in the test pipeline, it never triggers. If I have branch names, it is also run on merge alongside the normal build pipeline. How is this supposed to work? The docs define all the individual parts, but not really how they are expected to interact!
Am I supposed to have a multistage pipeline and use that somehow for the validation? (it's just 4 Steps in one Job in one Stage currently).
I am hoping to avoid building the same image too many times, or storing untested images anywhere outside the build agent.
I make it work with the following configuration:
In my YAML pipeline, I set the trigger: none.
In branch policies of a branch, I create a build validation with automatic trigger:
Then I create a pull request to that branch, and the pipeline runs automatically:
There are two possible mistakes:
The "Manual" trigger is selected in build validation, so that the pipeline needs to be run manually rather than triggered automatically.
The branch with branch policy set should be the same branch as the target branch of pull request.

Azure Pipelines CI not triggered by pushing tags to external git

I have repository on local GitLab server of my organization and want to trigger build pipeline that then will trigger release pipeline and publish to staging/production VMs.
I've read a lot of articles at microsoft docs, SO and tons of blogs that you can trigger pipeline by tags providing branch filter like refs/tags/v*. YAML configuration has additional section special for tags, however YAML is not supported for git repos that are connected as "Other git".
And that tag trigger just never works. After I set up trigger UI shows me just "v*", so it understands that refs/tags has special meaning. I can run pipeline manually specifying exact tag, like refs/tags/v1.0-test, and it works. But never launches automatically. Branch triggers work without problems.
What I've already tried:
set include filter for refs/tags/v* - doesn't work
set include filter for refs/tags/exacttagname - doesn't work
set include filter for refs/tags/v* and another one for master - triggers only for master
set include filter for refs/tags/v*, for * and exclude filters for refs/heads/* and refs/remotes/* - doesn't work
I tried pushing commit, then pushing tag. Tried pushing commit and tag in one requiest with git push ---follow-tags. Tried pushing tags for older commits. Nothing of that works.
This issue about the same problem was resolved on azure side previous summer, however all comments where about GitHub integrations. So maybe it's still broken for "other git" or smth else.
Any help?
I tested and got the same result, tags triggers for other git doesnot work. You can submit a feature request(click suggest a feature and choose Azure devops) for supporting tag triggers for gitlab repo to Micrsoft Development team. Please check this thread for example.
As workaround you can use multiple agent jobs to achieve above currently.
You can add another agent job before your original agent job to run a script task, And add dependency on it in your original agent job. The script task will check if there is tag associated to the current commit. If the tag exits, the script task will pass, and the following agent job will run. Or the script task fails and the following agent job will be skipped.
The detailed steps is as below:
add a agent job with a single powershell task. Check below screenshot.
Run below inline scripts in the powershell task to check the tags
$tags = git describe --tags $(Build.SourceVersion)
if($($tags) -notmatch 'v.'){exit 1} #fail the task if the tag doesnot match v*
In the original agent job, add dependencies to above agent job.
Go to Triggers tab and filter all branches.

Limit which branch is built by Jenkins pipeline?

I am currently configuring a Jenkins server hosted on a Docker container in AWS.
I am using BlueOcean to configure a repository.
Right now, the pipeline scans all branches on a repository to detect Jenkinsfiles and then will automatically build on that branch if it detects changes. I scan the repo every 5 minutes to detect changes.
However, I do not want to be running builds and jobs automatically if it is some random feature branch. I am trying to limit the automatically triggered builds to only changes in staging and master branches.
So my question is, how/where do you configure Jenkins GitHub pipeline to only build on certain branches rather than scanning all branches?
A Multibranch pipeline job is your friend.
Rather than trying to limit which branches Jenkins is polling firstly what I do in my Jenkinsfile is poll source control every minute:
triggers { pollSCM('* * * * *') }
This will poll every branch and create a job where it finds a Jenkinsfile in the location and name you specify in the Multibranch Pipeline job configuration.
Side Note
About the only configuration in a multibranch pipeline is:
Where's the SCM repo?
Workspace relative path and name of Jenkinsfile. (You can call it Bob if you want)
A multibranch pipeline job sets an additional environment variable: BRANCH_NAME which allows you to conditionally perform actions in pipeline like so:
script {
if( "${env.BRANCH_NAME}" == "integration" ) {
//Do something useful
Using this method you can also decide to do nothing in response to a poll event.
I assume you are using github plugin. I'd suggest configuring a webhook on your repository using Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin -
This plugin is awesome and lets you easily extract the values in the incoming webhook and use those in your pipeline. For ex. you can extract the branch from where the webhook came from and only build if the branch is staging or master
In our setup we use a simple job 'webhook trigger processor' which reads the incoming webhook from all repositories and triggers downstream pipelines using values extracted from webhook.
Pipeline accepts input parameters. So you can create a parameter called branch.
Inside your pipeline you could use regex to match only required branches.

Automatically Build GitHub Branch on Commit

I am new to working with Jenkins pipeline. I am able to use the GitHub Plugin in Jenkins and Webhooks from GitHub to successfully build a specific branch of a repository for a free style job. I can't find documentation that documents how to setup the "Source Code Management" so that only specific branches are build based on the github webhook.
For now I can chain the pipeline job to a free style job so that I can build only specific branches. I would rather have the pipeline job configured specifically for the branch we are trying to build.
Thanks in advance for your help!
SCM Configuration for the pipeline job.
In order to accomplish this within a Jenkins Pipeline job, you must mark the Pipeline Definition as "Pipeline script from SCM". This will instruct Jenkins to base the pipeline execution based on a Jenkinsfile within the repository. Here, you can also instruct Jenkins which branches to build.
From there, you simply need to make sure that your GitHub pushes are triggering builds within Jenkins correctly, and that's all there is to it!
The goal of the pipeline job was to build and deploy specific branch automatically. The approach was to create a pipeline job and define the branch in the SCM configuration and enable webhooks so that the branch would automatically build when a new commit is pushed. Unfortunately the webhook SCM build for pipeline is broken or is not supported for webhooks.
We have decided to change our approach and use the multibranch pipeline job. This by default build ALL branches that have a jenkinsFile. We are filtering in the job for the specific branches we want automatically build.

How to trigger nightly Jenkins pipeline job using a GitHub repository

I have a GitHub repository which contains a Jenkinsfile (with job configuration steps). I want to trigger a Jenkins simple Pipeline (not multibranch) job every night to build a jar from this repo and deploy to Nexus.
The pipeline definition options says read Pipeline script from SCM but then I don't see any option to point to specific SCM i.e. GitHub in my case. I can write the pipeline script in the Job but that is not what I want.
How can I achieve this? Please help.
You can add a build trigger for Build periodically to the jenkins job.
This will build it on a schedule for you.
You will need to install the Git Client Plugin
Then you will get the following option:
Under it you will be able to put the location of the git repo and the credentials.