Automatically Build GitHub Branch on Commit - github

I am new to working with Jenkins pipeline. I am able to use the GitHub Plugin in Jenkins and Webhooks from GitHub to successfully build a specific branch of a repository for a free style job. I can't find documentation that documents how to setup the "Source Code Management" so that only specific branches are build based on the github webhook.
For now I can chain the pipeline job to a free style job so that I can build only specific branches. I would rather have the pipeline job configured specifically for the branch we are trying to build.
Thanks in advance for your help!
SCM Configuration for the pipeline job.

In order to accomplish this within a Jenkins Pipeline job, you must mark the Pipeline Definition as "Pipeline script from SCM". This will instruct Jenkins to base the pipeline execution based on a Jenkinsfile within the repository. Here, you can also instruct Jenkins which branches to build.
From there, you simply need to make sure that your GitHub pushes are triggering builds within Jenkins correctly, and that's all there is to it!

The goal of the pipeline job was to build and deploy specific branch automatically. The approach was to create a pipeline job and define the branch in the SCM configuration and enable webhooks so that the branch would automatically build when a new commit is pushed. Unfortunately the webhook SCM build for pipeline is broken or is not supported for webhooks.
We have decided to change our approach and use the multibranch pipeline job. This by default build ALL branches that have a jenkinsFile. We are filtering in the job for the specific branches we want automatically build.


Azure DevOps - How to easily switch branches to use for multiple environments

I have four environments that I deploy to.
I also have four different code branches that we use to deploy code from.
We constantly switch the branches we use to deploy on these environments.
One time I want to build and deploy a daily branch on my test environment.
Later I want to build and deploy a enhancements branch on the same test environment.
Next I want to build and deploy the daily branch on my test2 environment.
I think you get the picture
We are currently using a manual process to pull from the branch we want deployed, then zip it up and push it to AWS code deploy.
Using Azure DevOps pipeline and release what is the easiest method to allow me to switch to use different branchs on different environments.
I currently have a successful setup in Azure DevOps that performs a gradle build, creates the artifact and then lets me push it over to AWS CodeDeploy on one of my environments. I just can't seem to figure out a way to eastily swtich the branch without creating tons of Azure pipelines and releases.
Thanks all!
Where you manually trigger a build pipeline by clicking Queue or Run Pipeline, A new windows shown as below will be prompted which allows you to switch the branches.
If you want to automatically deploy different branch to different environment. You can push the build artifacts over to AWS CodeDeploy in a release pipeline and set the branch filters. Please refer to below steps:
1, set branch filter in the build pipeline as shown in below screenshot which will build the selected branched. Check here for more information about triggers.
2, create a release pipline to push build artifacts over to AWS CodeDeploy.
And Set the Artifact filters which will only allow the artifacts built from the specified branch to be deployed to this tage.
You could use a queue time variable to specify the branch name you would like to use on your build pipeline. You would need to:
Edit your build pipeline and create the variable on the "variables" tab. Make sure to mark the "Settable at queue time" check
variable creation
Update the source of your build pipeline, to specify the new variable under the "Default branch" option. It would look something like this:
pipeline source
RUN your pipeline. Before finally clicking on RUN, you will be able to specify the desire branch:
set variable value
Hope this works

Cross-repo branch policy build validation - how to?

So, Azure DevOps UI now supports setting up cross-repo policies to protect the default (master) branch for all existing and future repositories - nice!
Up until now we have used the same policy for each repository, manually setting it up whenever a new repository is added (we're doing microservices with a repository for each service). One of the policies is build validation. This is the only policy that changes from repo to repo because each repo has its own build pipeline (currently classic since YAML are still missing some key features) with a Git-trigger for the given repository.
The question is; if I set up cross-repo policies and want to include build validation, how do I do that given that each repo has its own build pipeline? AFAIK build pipelines does not (yet) support multiple repositories as triggers (this should be coming soon for YAML pipelines) so I can't create a single build pipeline to use for all repositories.
Setting build validation in cross-repo policies does not apply to every repo . As you know, currently the build pipeline does not support multiple repositories as triggers.
So if you want to trigger the build when the specified branch in each repo creates the pr, you need to add the pipeline of each repository to build validation, but this will cause all the branch policies need to pass if you want the pr to complete , and your other build pipelines in build validation is for other repositories, which will prevent the pr from completing. As shown below:
Build validation set in cross-repo policies is required to be followed by each specified branch.
So, for now, if you want the build pipeline of each repository to be triggered , you need to set build validation separately in the branch policy of each repository.

Azure DevOps: how to trigger a release upon pull request being completed?

I have a repo which has two branches:
develop (repo's default branch)
Code within the develop branch is known to be releasable as an "alpha" version, while code within master is known to be production ready.
Currently, the develop branch's policies requires that a CI build must successfully complete for the PR to merge. That build will create NuGet package artifacts with a prerelease tag (alpha-####).
A release pipeline is responsible for taking these packages and publishing them to an internal NuGet feed.
What I'm trying to achieve is to have the release pipeline triggered automatically when the PR is completed, not whenever the CI build succeeds.
I expected the "pull request trigger" to do just that, but much to my surprise the trigger won't acknowledge the PR's status and have the release pipeline start as soon as the CI build is completed.
This means that if the PR gets rejected for whatever reason, a NuGet may still be deployed to my feed!
What am I doing wrong here? How come the pull request trigger doesn't work any differently than the continuous deployment trigger? What's it's purpose then? :/
The continuous deployment trigger means, if you specify certain types of artifacts in a release pipeline, you can enable continuous deployment. This instructs Azure Pipeline to create new releases automatically when it detects new artifacts are available.
The Pull request trigger means, once a pull request release is configured, anytime a pull request is raised for the protected branch, a release is triggered automatically, deployed to the specified environments.
So these two triggers are different and more detailed information you can refer to here.
And if you still want to deploy your Nuget after a PR completed, I recommend you to create a new build pipeline and enable the Continuous integration for it. Then set this build pipeline as the Release pipeline Artifact.
Because when a PR completed, it will create a new commit to the target branch and this new commit will trigger the build pipeline, and the build pipeline will trigger the release pipeline to deploy the Nuget as your expected.
Not sure if anyone's still looking for a solution to this over a year after the fact, but I was so I wrote an Azure Function app to receive pull request close webhooks from DevOps and translate those events into new releases.
You can find it here on my github:
Feel free to fork it to fit whatever your individual needs are.

Limit which branch is built by Jenkins pipeline?

I am currently configuring a Jenkins server hosted on a Docker container in AWS.
I am using BlueOcean to configure a repository.
Right now, the pipeline scans all branches on a repository to detect Jenkinsfiles and then will automatically build on that branch if it detects changes. I scan the repo every 5 minutes to detect changes.
However, I do not want to be running builds and jobs automatically if it is some random feature branch. I am trying to limit the automatically triggered builds to only changes in staging and master branches.
So my question is, how/where do you configure Jenkins GitHub pipeline to only build on certain branches rather than scanning all branches?
A Multibranch pipeline job is your friend.
Rather than trying to limit which branches Jenkins is polling firstly what I do in my Jenkinsfile is poll source control every minute:
triggers { pollSCM('* * * * *') }
This will poll every branch and create a job where it finds a Jenkinsfile in the location and name you specify in the Multibranch Pipeline job configuration.
Side Note
About the only configuration in a multibranch pipeline is:
Where's the SCM repo?
Workspace relative path and name of Jenkinsfile. (You can call it Bob if you want)
A multibranch pipeline job sets an additional environment variable: BRANCH_NAME which allows you to conditionally perform actions in pipeline like so:
script {
if( "${env.BRANCH_NAME}" == "integration" ) {
//Do something useful
Using this method you can also decide to do nothing in response to a poll event.
I assume you are using github plugin. I'd suggest configuring a webhook on your repository using Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin -
This plugin is awesome and lets you easily extract the values in the incoming webhook and use those in your pipeline. For ex. you can extract the branch from where the webhook came from and only build if the branch is staging or master
In our setup we use a simple job 'webhook trigger processor' which reads the incoming webhook from all repositories and triggers downstream pipelines using values extracted from webhook.
Pipeline accepts input parameters. So you can create a parameter called branch.
Inside your pipeline you could use regex to match only required branches.

How to trigger nightly Jenkins pipeline job using a GitHub repository

I have a GitHub repository which contains a Jenkinsfile (with job configuration steps). I want to trigger a Jenkins simple Pipeline (not multibranch) job every night to build a jar from this repo and deploy to Nexus.
The pipeline definition options says read Pipeline script from SCM but then I don't see any option to point to specific SCM i.e. GitHub in my case. I can write the pipeline script in the Job but that is not what I want.
How can I achieve this? Please help.
You can add a build trigger for Build periodically to the jenkins job.
This will build it on a schedule for you.
You will need to install the Git Client Plugin
Then you will get the following option:
Under it you will be able to put the location of the git repo and the credentials.