Spring boot REST API Returning a List/Array Formatting issue - rest

I am developing spring boot based web services API. I need to return a list of things (ProductData) for the GET response.
This is what the response looks like
But I don't need the extra <ProductData> tag.
I need the response as below.
Any idea why an extra tag is generated?
I have below in my WebMvcConfig file.
public MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter xmlConverter() {
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder = new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder();
MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter xmlConverter =
new MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter(builder.createXmlMapper(true).build());
return xmlConverter;
In my controller I have
#RequestMapping(value = "/productdata")
public ProductDataList getProductData(#RequestParam final String[] ids) {
ArrayList<ProductData> products = productDataService.getProductData(ids);
ProductData[] pdArray = new ProductData[products.size()];
ProductDataList productDataList = new ProductDataList();
return productDataList;
This is my ProductDataList class.
public class ProductDataList{
ProductData[] productData;
public ProductData[] getProductData() {
return productData;
public void setProductData(ProductData[] productData) {
this.productData = productData;
Edit 1.
When I return ArrayList<ProductData> the response was like this.
Edit 2.
After adding annotation JsonTypeInfo I made some progress, but not quite there to what I wanted.
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY)
public class ProductData {}
<item _type="ProductData">...</item>
<item _type="ProductData">...</item>
<item _type="ProductData">...</item>

Objects aren't built that way. It's doing exactly as you're asking:
<ProductDataList> <!-- the ProductDataList object -->
<ProductData> <!-- the property containing the array -->
<ProductData>...</ProductData> <!-- each ProductData object -->
This is to ensure that other properties on the ProductDataList object would also have a spot inside the tags, e.g.
To get around this, you might as well try to cut out the Object middle-man.
#RequestMapping(value = "/productdata")
public ArrayList<ProductData> getProductDataList(#RequestParam final String[] ids) {
return productDataService.getProductData(ids);
If it works at all (I seem to remember JAXB not being able to parse ArrayLists), your ObjectMapper will give you...
...instead of the root tag that you're hoping for. But if it DOES work, then just create a class that extends ArrayList and doesn't do anything, then return it instead.
public class ProductDataList<E> extends ArrayList<E>{ ... }
And then...
#RequestMapping(value = "/productdata")
public ProductDataList<ProductData> getProductDataList(#RequestParam final String[] ids) {
return (ProductDataList) productDataService.getProductData(ids);
Happy hunting.

After some effort I was able to get this resolved. Key thing is to have #JacksonXmlElementWrapper(useWrapping = false) in the Object as mentioned in this answer
#JacksonXmlRootElement(localName = "ProductDataList")
public class ProductDataList {
#JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "ProductData")
#JacksonXmlElementWrapper(useWrapping = false)
ProductData[] productDataArray = null;
public ProductData[] getProductDataArray() {
return productDataArray;
public void setProductDataArray(ProductData[] productDataArray) {
this.productDataArray = productDataArray;
Now the response looks like just as I wanted to be.


Vert.x Service Proxies: Just after I change service methods from returning Future<T> to Uni<T> of Smallrye Mutiny, the code generation failed

I've sucessfully generated service proxies for service having methods returning Future<T>,
but just after I changed those methods to return Uni<T> according to API Translation - Smallrye Mutiny Vert.x bindings,
when I try to execute mvn clean compile it always tells me this error message :
Could not generate model for com.example.beers.BarmanService#giveMeAStaticBeer(java.lang.String): Proxy methods must have void or Fluent returns
I would need your help to enlighten me how to fix it.
I put those codes on GitHub, and these are some critical ones:
public interface BarmanService {
Uni<Beer> giveMeAStaticBeer(String customerName);
Uni<Integer> getMyBill(String customerName);
Uni<Void> payMyBill(String customerName);
static BarmanService createProxy(Vertx vertx, String address) {
return new BarmanServiceVertxEBProxy(vertx, address);
public class BarmanServiceImpl implements BarmanService {
Map<String, Integer> bills;
public BarmanServiceImpl() {
this.bills = new HashMap<>();
public Uni<Beer> giveMeAStaticBeer(String customerName) {
Beer beer = new Beer("Workshop River Stout", "English Stout", 5);
return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> beer);
public Uni<Integer> getMyBill(String customerName) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> bills.get(customerName));
public Uni<Void> payMyBill(String customerName) {
System.out.println("Removed debt of " + customerName);
return Uni.createFrom().voidItem();
#ModuleGen(groupPackage = "com.example", name = "beers")
package com.example.beers;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.ModuleGen;
<!-- //pom.xml -->
<!-- // ... -->
<!-- // ... -->
<!-- // ... -->
PS In the beginning, when I generated service proxies for service having methods returning Future<T>, there is a generated class returning Uni<T>, but I have no idea how to use it:
package com.example.mutiny.beers;
public class BarmanService {
public static final io.smallrye.mutiny.vertx.TypeArg<BarmanService> __TYPE_ARG = new io.smallrye.mutiny.vertx.TypeArg<>( obj -> new BarmanService((com.example.beers.BarmanService) obj),
private final com.example.beers.BarmanService delegate;
public BarmanService(com.example.beers.BarmanService delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public BarmanService(Object delegate) {
this.delegate = (com.example.beers.BarmanService)delegate;
* Empty constructor used by CDI, do not use this constructor directly.
BarmanService() {
this.delegate = null;
public com.example.beers.BarmanService getDelegate() {
return delegate;
public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<com.example.beers.Beer> giveMeAStaticBeer(String customerName) {
return io.smallrye.mutiny.vertx.UniHelper.toUni(delegate.giveMeAStaticBeer(customerName));}
public com.example.beers.Beer giveMeAStaticBeerAndAwait(String customerName) {
return giveMeAStaticBeer(customerName).await().indefinitely();
public void giveMeAStaticBeerAndForget(String customerName) {
// ...
public static com.example.mutiny.beers.BarmanService createProxy(io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx vertx, String address) {
com.example.mutiny.beers.BarmanService ret = com.example.mutiny.beers.BarmanService.newInstance((com.example.beers.BarmanService)com.example.beers.BarmanService.createProxy(vertx.getDelegate(), address));
return ret;
public static BarmanService newInstance(com.example.beers.BarmanService arg) {
return arg != null ? new BarmanService(arg) : null;
I just figured it out by myself. About to change service methods from returning Future<T> to Uni<T>,
The wrong apporach I did:
Edit package-info to remove useFutures = true
Edit service interfaces and change returning types
Edit service implimentations and change returning types, also change logic
Edit verticles to handle Uni<T> returned from service
And it turned out that the first three steps I did is unnecessary,
the suitable approach is:
Wrap vertx:
io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx mutinyVertx = new io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx(vertx);
Change the use of service interface to the generated one
import com.example.mutiny.beers.BarmanService;
Use the wrapped vertx:
BarmanService barmanService = BarmanService.createProxy(mutinyVertx, "beers.services.myapplication");
Edit verticles to handle Uni<T> returned from service
My problem has been solved, but I am not sure is it a good apporach to manually wrap the vertx on the MainVerticle launched by io.vertx.core.Launcher: io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx mutinyVertx = new io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx(vertx);, any suggestions guys?

SOAP path resolution for dependent XSD-file not understood

I have two XSD-files, one is imported to the other. When retrieving the WSDL (via SoapUI) the imported xsd-file is not found.
Error loading [http://localhost:8294/authentication/shared-environment.xsd]:
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: error:
Unexpected end of file after null
The two of the xsd-files reside in the same folder:
- auth-attributes.xsd
- shared-environment.xsd
The "auth-attributes.xsd" looks like this:
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
xmlns:Q3="http://dto.common.appl.com" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:import namespace="http://dto.common.appl.com"
schemaLocation="shared-environment.xsd" />
The WS-Adapter is defined this way:
public class BackendServerConfig extends WsConfigurerAdapter {
ServletWebServerFactory servletWebServerFactory(){
return new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();
public ServletRegistrationBean<MessageDispatcherServlet> messageDispatcherServlet(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
MessageDispatcherServlet servlet = new MessageDispatcherServlet();
return new ServletRegistrationBean<MessageDispatcherServlet>(servlet, "/authentication/*");
#Bean(name = "authentication")
public DefaultWsdl11Definition defaultWsdl11Definition(XsdSchema authenticationSchema) {
DefaultWsdl11Definition wsdl11Definition = new DefaultWsdl11Definition();
return wsdl11Definition;
public XsdSchema authenticationSchema() {
return new SimpleXsdSchema(new ClassPathResource("auth-attributes.xsd"));
I'm not really familiar with WSDL. The JAXB source generation from the XSDs is fine but the WSDL resolution fails. I't seems I need a method to tell the WSDL-building mechanism where to retrieve the imported XSDs.
The "DefaultWsdl11Definition" has got the method setSchemaCollection() to register multiple XSD-definitions. I used this method instead of setSchema - this helped - at least a bit. The error message has gone and the Soap-requests are answered correctly.
Only, when "adding" a new project to SoapUI, the client does not create automatically requests - for whatever reason - this only works with "import" from webserver.
The WS-Configuration now looks like this:
public class BackendServerConfig extends WsConfigurerAdapter {
ServletWebServerFactory servletWebServerFactory(){
return new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();
public ServletRegistrationBean<MessageDispatcherServlet> messageDispatcherServlet(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
MessageDispatcherServlet servlet = new MessageDispatcherServlet();
return new ServletRegistrationBean<MessageDispatcherServlet>(servlet, "/authentication/*");
#Bean(name = "authentication")
public DefaultWsdl11Definition defaultWsdl11Definition(XsdSchema authenticationSchema) {
DefaultWsdl11Definition wsdl11Definition = new DefaultWsdl11Definition();
return wsdl11Definition;
private XsdSchemaCollection schemaCollection() {
CommonsXsdSchemaCollection commonsXsdSchemaCollection = new CommonsXsdSchemaCollection(
new ClassPathResource("auth-attributes.xsd"),
new ClassPathResource("shared-environment.xsd"));
return commonsXsdSchemaCollection;

AEM 6.1 Sightly basic form submit and redirect to same page

I am trying to do the following on AEM 6.1:
Develop a simple form (3 input fields)
Process the submitted values,
And redirect to the same page with processed values/result
I am able to submit the values to a servlet, and process them (business logic), and the result to a requestparamter so i can retrieve them on the UI. But i am stuck at these:
Redirecting to the same page
And retrieving the request parameters and display them using Sightly.
Code Snippets:
methods = { "POST","GET" },
paths = { "/services/processFormData" }
public class TTICommonServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet{
protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest request,SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,IOException {
String result;
try {
Enumeration<String> parameterNames = request.getParameterNames();
Map<String, String> formParametersMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
paramName = parameterNames.nextElement();
paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
Can anyone please help on ho to retireve the above "result" in posttest.html using sightly.
After lot of research and several trials, i finally had the code working. I had to pick up related info from several answers in stackoverflow. Thanks to all the authors. Posting my solution here so beneficial for others.
Result Form with response from webservice:
Process flow
Submit form data to Servlet's POST method
In Servlet, get the values entered by the user from the request
Make the necessary webservice calls. Get the response(json)
I added the response-json as a parameter to the request
Using Wrapper, forward to the necessary page
Define a WCMUse class for use with Sightly.
Assign the 'request' to the Use-class and process it there
Use the assigned values from the Use-class to the UI using sightly
Code snippets - HTML
<form name="userRegistrationForm" method="post" action="/services/processFormData">
<input type="hidden" name=":redirect" value="posttest.html" />
<input type="submit" title="Submit" class="btn submit btn-success" value="Submit" tabindex="25" name="bttnAction">
<div data-sly-use.model="${'com.abccommons.service.helpers.PostServiceHelper' # slingreq=request }">
Code snippets - Servlet
label = "ABC - Common Servlet",
metatype = true,
methods = { "POST" },
paths = { "/services/processFormData" }
public class ABCPostServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet{
protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest request,SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,IOException {
log.info("\n\n----- ABCPostServlet POST: ");
String paramName;
String paramValue;
String osgiService="";
try {
Enumeration<String> parameterNames = request.getParameterNames();
Map<String, String> formParametersMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
paramName = parameterNames.nextElement();
paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
if (paramName.equals("osgiService")) {
osgiService = paramValue;
} else if (paramName.equals(":cq_csrf_token")) {
//TODO: don't add to the map
} else if (paramName.equals("bttnAction")) {
//TODO: dont' add to the map
} else {
//log.info("\n---ParamName="+paramName+", value="+paramValue);
formParametersMap.put(paramName, paramValue);
String parametersInJSON = JSONHelper.toJson(formParametersMap);
log.info("\n\n----------- POST paramters in json="+parametersInJSON);
String json = webServiceHelper.getJSON(osgiService, parametersInJSON, request, response);
log.info("\n\n----------- POST json from web service="+json);
//String redirectPage = request.getParameter(":redirect");
//RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/content/en/"+redirectPage);
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/content/en/postformtest.html");
GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest(request);
dispatcher.forward(getRequest, response);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("SlingServlet Failed while retrieving resources");
} finally {
/** Wrapper class to always return GET for AEM to process the request/response as GET.
private static class GetRequest extends SlingHttpServletRequestWrapper {
public GetRequest(SlingHttpServletRequest wrappedRequest) {
public String getMethod() {
return "GET";
Code snippets - PostServiceHelper - WCMUSe class
public class PostServiceHelper extends WCMUse {
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostServiceHelper.class);
private SlingHttpServletRequest httpRequest;
private String rawJson;
public void activate() throws Exception {
log.info("\n\n========= PostServiceHelper.activate():"+get("slingreq", SlingHttpServletRequest.class));
this.httpRequest = get("slingreq", SlingHttpServletRequest.class);
//this.resourceResolver = getResourceResolver();
//log.info("\n\n========= getRequest()="+getRequest());
SlingHttpServletRequest tRequest;
Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>();
Enumeration<?> attrNames = this.httpRequest.getAttributeNames();
while (attrNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String attr = (String) attrNames.nextElement();
//log.info("\n--- Key="+attr);
if (attr.equals("jsonResponse")) {
//log.info("\n---rawJson is SET with : "+this.rawJson);
public void setRawJson(String json) {
this.rawJson = json;
public String getRawJson() {
return this.rawJson;
This is actually a rather tricky pattern to achieve in Sling. You may be better served by submitting the form asynchronously and updating your HTML dynamically via JavaScript.
If you do need to submit your form in the manner you specify, then your servlet needs to produce the HTML response. To produce a response made up of a rendering of the page identified by the requested path your servlet will need to dispatch the request to the appropriate rendering mechanism. You can reference Get JSP output within Servlet in AEM for information concerning how that can be accomplished. Upon dispatch your page and its components should have access to the submitted form values as well as the attributes set on the request.

Get and Set attribute values of a class using aspectJ

I am using aspectj to add some field to a existing class and annotate it also.
I am using load time weaving .
Example :- I have a Class customer in which i am adding 3 string attributes. But my issues is that I have to set some values and get it also before my business call.
I am trying the below approach.
In my aj file i have added the below, my problem is in the Around pointcut , how do i get the attribute and set the attribute.
public String net.customers.PersonCustomer.getOfflineRiskCategory() {
return OfflineRiskCategory;
public void net.customers.PersonCustomer.setOfflineRiskCategory(String offlineRiskCategory) {
OfflineRiskCategory = offlineRiskCategory;
public String net.customers.PersonCustomer.getOnlineRiskCategory() {
return OnlineRiskCategory;
public void net.customers.PersonCustomer.setOnlineRiskCategory(String onlineRiskCategory) {
OnlineRiskCategory = onlineRiskCategory;
public String net.customers.PersonCustomer.getPersonCommercialStatus() {
return PersonCommercialStatus;
public void net.customers.PersonCustomer.setPersonCommercialStatus(String personCommercialStatus) {
PersonCommercialStatus = personCommercialStatus;
#Around("execution(* net.xxx.xxx.xxx.DataMigration.populateMap(..))")
public Object invoke(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
Object arguments[] = joinPoint.getArgs();
if (arguments != null) {
HashMap<String, String> hMap = (HashMap) arguments[0];
PersonCustomer cus = (PersonCustomer) arguments[1];
return joinPoint.proceed();
If anyone has ideas please let me know.
First suggestion, I would avoid mixing code-style aspectj with annotation-style. Ie- instead of #Around, use around.
Second, instead of getting the arguments from the joinPoint, you should bind them in the pointcut:
Object around(Map map, PersonCustomer cust) :
execution(* net.xxx.xxx.xxx.DataMigration.populateMap(Map, PersonCustomer) && args(map, cust) {
return proceed(map, cust);
Now, to answer your question: you also need to use intertype declarations to add new fields to your class, so do something like this:
private String net.customers.PersonCustomer.OfflineRiskCategory;
private String net.customers.PersonCustomer.OnlineRiskCategory;
private String net.customers.PersonCustomer.PersonCommercialStatus;
Note that the private keyword here means private to the aspect, not to the class that you declare it on.

empty ui:repeat, is the component created?

I am trying to debug an issue with the following code:
<h:panelGroup id="items">
<ui:repeat value="#{itemController.items}" var="item">
<h:inputText id="title" value="#{item.fields['Title']}"/>
<a4j:commandButton action="#{dao.storeItem(item)}" value="Save" render="#form"/>
The above works if a collection is displayed in the view directly. However, if the ui:repeat starts empty, and items are added through an AJAX request, and the ui:repeat rerendered, the forms break. Specifically the model is not updated, nor actions triggered. I want to understand why.
Right now my guess is that if the ui:repeat starts empty, the form component is not created at all. Can anyone verify this, or provide the correct explanation?
Here are relevant parts of the controller, I have also tried ViewScoped, and long-running conversations:
public class ItemController implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private HibernateDAO dao;
public List<Item> getItems()
return dao.getItems();
public void uploadListener(final FileUploadEvent event)
final UploadedFile item = event.getUploadedFile();
final FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
final Application application = context.getApplication();
final String messageBundleName = application.getMessageBundle();
final Locale locale = context.getViewRoot().getLocale();
final ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(messageBundleName, locale);
final String msg = resourceBundle.getString("upload.failed");
final String detailMsgPattern = resourceBundle.getString("upload.failed_detail");
CSVImporter.doImport(item.getInputStream(), dao, item.getName());
catch (ParseException e)
final Object[] params = {item.getName(), e.getMessage()};
final String detailMsg = MessageFormat.format(detailMsgPattern, params);
final FacesMessage facesMsg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, msg, detailMsg);
context.addMessage("uploadForm:uploader", facesMsg);
catch (TokenMgrError e)
final Object[] params = {item.getName(), e.getMessage()};
final String detailMsg = MessageFormat.format(detailMsgPattern, params);
final FacesMessage facesMsg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, msg, detailMsg);
context.addMessage("uploadForm:uploader", facesMsg);
The dao simple fetches the items from a database. Here is the relevant fileupload code:
<h:form id="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h:message id="message" showDetail="true" for="uploader" errorClass="error" warnClass="warning" infoClass="info" fatalClass="fatal"/>
<rich:fileUpload id="uploader"
render="items message" />
Okay posting it here because it will be longer than comments .
It works for me which is probably not what you wanted to hear :( but I had to teak few minor things . Firstly in controller add
public void storeItems(Item item)
then change this
<a4j:commandButton action="#{dao.storeItem(item)}" value="Save" render="#form"/>
<a4j:commandButton action="#{itemController.storeItem(item)}" value="Save" render="#form"/>
That however is probably not the real issue and I think that is around here
CSVImporter.doImport(item.getInputStream(), dao, item.getName());
basically I am expecting that the method above would have uploaded data from where dao.getItems(); can fetch it. So put a breakpoint at public List<Item> getItems() and once file has been upload and render="items message" renders the items panel group again it should will hit this method and at that time see if dao.storeItems() is bringing any data back which it should. Reply back then and we will take it from there.
Update below to avoid running dao fetch twice.
You can not avoid two calls to your get thats part of JSF lifeCycle and is normal.
How ever you can avoid hitting the database twice as you should too but refactoring your code along the lines of
private List<Item> items;
public List<Item> getItems()
return items;
public void init()
this.items = dao.getItems();
public void uploadListener(FileUploadEvent event) throws Exception{
CSVImporter.doImport(item.getInputStream(), dao, item.getName());
this.items = dao.getItems();