AEM 6.1 Sightly basic form submit and redirect to same page - aem

I am trying to do the following on AEM 6.1:
Develop a simple form (3 input fields)
Process the submitted values,
And redirect to the same page with processed values/result
I am able to submit the values to a servlet, and process them (business logic), and the result to a requestparamter so i can retrieve them on the UI. But i am stuck at these:
Redirecting to the same page
And retrieving the request parameters and display them using Sightly.
Code Snippets:
methods = { "POST","GET" },
paths = { "/services/processFormData" }
public class TTICommonServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet{
protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest request,SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,IOException {
String result;
try {
Enumeration<String> parameterNames = request.getParameterNames();
Map<String, String> formParametersMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
paramName = parameterNames.nextElement();
paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
Can anyone please help on ho to retireve the above "result" in posttest.html using sightly.

After lot of research and several trials, i finally had the code working. I had to pick up related info from several answers in stackoverflow. Thanks to all the authors. Posting my solution here so beneficial for others.
Result Form with response from webservice:
Process flow
Submit form data to Servlet's POST method
In Servlet, get the values entered by the user from the request
Make the necessary webservice calls. Get the response(json)
I added the response-json as a parameter to the request
Using Wrapper, forward to the necessary page
Define a WCMUse class for use with Sightly.
Assign the 'request' to the Use-class and process it there
Use the assigned values from the Use-class to the UI using sightly
Code snippets - HTML
<form name="userRegistrationForm" method="post" action="/services/processFormData">
<input type="hidden" name=":redirect" value="posttest.html" />
<input type="submit" title="Submit" class="btn submit btn-success" value="Submit" tabindex="25" name="bttnAction">
<div data-sly-use.model="${'com.abccommons.service.helpers.PostServiceHelper' # slingreq=request }">
Code snippets - Servlet
label = "ABC - Common Servlet",
metatype = true,
methods = { "POST" },
paths = { "/services/processFormData" }
public class ABCPostServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet{
protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest request,SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,IOException {"\n\n----- ABCPostServlet POST: ");
String paramName;
String paramValue;
String osgiService="";
try {
Enumeration<String> parameterNames = request.getParameterNames();
Map<String, String> formParametersMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
paramName = parameterNames.nextElement();
paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
if (paramName.equals("osgiService")) {
osgiService = paramValue;
} else if (paramName.equals(":cq_csrf_token")) {
//TODO: don't add to the map
} else if (paramName.equals("bttnAction")) {
//TODO: dont' add to the map
} else {
//"\n---ParamName="+paramName+", value="+paramValue);
formParametersMap.put(paramName, paramValue);
String parametersInJSON = JSONHelper.toJson(formParametersMap);"\n\n----------- POST paramters in json="+parametersInJSON);
String json = webServiceHelper.getJSON(osgiService, parametersInJSON, request, response);"\n\n----------- POST json from web service="+json);
//String redirectPage = request.getParameter(":redirect");
//RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/content/en/"+redirectPage);
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/content/en/postformtest.html");
GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest(request);
dispatcher.forward(getRequest, response);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("SlingServlet Failed while retrieving resources");
} finally {
/** Wrapper class to always return GET for AEM to process the request/response as GET.
private static class GetRequest extends SlingHttpServletRequestWrapper {
public GetRequest(SlingHttpServletRequest wrappedRequest) {
public String getMethod() {
return "GET";
Code snippets - PostServiceHelper - WCMUSe class
public class PostServiceHelper extends WCMUse {
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostServiceHelper.class);
private SlingHttpServletRequest httpRequest;
private String rawJson;
public void activate() throws Exception {"\n\n========= PostServiceHelper.activate():"+get("slingreq", SlingHttpServletRequest.class));
this.httpRequest = get("slingreq", SlingHttpServletRequest.class);
//this.resourceResolver = getResourceResolver();
//"\n\n========= getRequest()="+getRequest());
SlingHttpServletRequest tRequest;
Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>();
Enumeration<?> attrNames = this.httpRequest.getAttributeNames();
while (attrNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String attr = (String) attrNames.nextElement();
//"\n--- Key="+attr);
if (attr.equals("jsonResponse")) {
//"\n---rawJson is SET with : "+this.rawJson);
public void setRawJson(String json) {
this.rawJson = json;
public String getRawJson() {
return this.rawJson;

This is actually a rather tricky pattern to achieve in Sling. You may be better served by submitting the form asynchronously and updating your HTML dynamically via JavaScript.
If you do need to submit your form in the manner you specify, then your servlet needs to produce the HTML response. To produce a response made up of a rendering of the page identified by the requested path your servlet will need to dispatch the request to the appropriate rendering mechanism. You can reference Get JSP output within Servlet in AEM for information concerning how that can be accomplished. Upon dispatch your page and its components should have access to the submitted form values as well as the attributes set on the request.


Micronaut: Test POST request

In my Micronaut app I have a simple REST controller:
public class Response {
private String code;
public Response(String code) {
this.code = code;
public class TestController {
public Response index() {
return new Response("OK");
How can I tests this edpoint? I tried using
public class TestControllerTest {
EmbeddedServer server;
HttpClient client;
void testResponse() {
String response = client.toBlocking()
.retrieve(HttpRequest.POST("/api/test/")); // FIXME `HttpRequest.POST` requires body
assertEquals("{\"code\": \"OK\"}", response);
but HttpRequest.POST requires an additional body argument to be specified. In my case there is no body to be sent. (In the real code it is a request to initialize a new object and thus it has to be POST).
Usually, when you implement a POST action, you expect that there is a body sent with the request. In your example, you don't accept any POST body, but you still need to pass anything in the unit test.
You can instantiate the HttpRequest object in the following way:
HttpRequest.POST("/api/test/", "");
You can't pass null, it has to be some non-null value (like an empty string.)

How can I get link for REST resource in JSF2

Say, I have a simple REST service, that get content of PDF file:
public class GroupSheetEJB {
. . .
#Path("examsheet/{groupId: \\d+}/{course: \\d+}/{semester: \\d+}/{subjectId: \\d+}")
public Response examSheet(#PathParam("groupId") int groupCode, #PathParam("course") int course,
#PathParam("semester") int semester, #PathParam("subjectId") int subjectCode) {
try {
StudyGroup grp = groups.get(groupCode);
Subject sub = subjects.get(subjectCode);
ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(getExamSheet(grp, sub, course, semester));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NotFoundException(e.getMessage());
Is any way to easily get link for this REST service from <h:link> component?
Now I use plain HTML tag:
<a target="examsheet" href="#{request.contextPath}/webresources/#{semesterSubjectMarksMB.examSheetLink}">REST link</a>
outcome parameter of with value /webresources/#{semesterSubjectMarksMB.examSheetLink} gets a disabled link.
Best regards.

Rewrite Adobe CQ Image src attribute

In AEM, content such as pages and images contains the '/content/' prefix in them. We are able to rewrite these url via Link Checker Transformer configuration and method. URLs are being rewritten for HTML elements <a> and <form>.
But I want it to work for <img> elements as well.
I tried including the <img> elements to the Link Checker Transformer configuration by adding it to the 'Rewrite Elements' list as img:src:
I also checked the answers from What am I missing for this CQ5/AEM URL rewriting scenario? but both attempts didn't work for this issue.
Is there any way to do this?
Even if the rewriter and Link Checker Transformer didn't work. I used a custom LinkRewriter by using the Transformer and TransformerFactory interfaces. I based on the sample from Adobe for my code. I worked out something like this:
metatype = true,
label = "Image Link Rewriter",
description = "Maps the <img> elements src attributes"
#Service(value = TransformerFactory.class)
#Property(value = "global", propertyPrivate = true)
public class ImageLinkRewriter implements Transformer, TransformerFactory {
// some variables
public CustomLinkTransformer() { }
public void init(ProcessingContext context,
ProcessingComponentConfiguration config) throws IOException {
// initializations here
public final Transformer createTransformer() {
return new CustomLinkTransformer();
public void startElement(String uri, String localName,
String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
if ("img".equalsIgnoreCase(localName)) {
contentHandler.startElement(uri, localName, qName, rewriteImageLink(atts));
private Attributes rewriteImageLink(Attributes attrs) {
String attrName = "src";
AttributesImpl result = new AttributesImpl(attrs);
String link = attrs.getValue(attrName);
String mappedLink = resource.getResourceResolver().map(request, link);
result.setValue(result.getIndex(attrName), mappedLink);
return result;
Hope this helps others. Here are a few references:
TransformerFactory interface
Transformer interface

Preserving model state with Post/Redirect/Get pattern

At the moment I am trying to implement the Post/Redirect/Get pattern with Spring MVC 3.1. What is the correct way to preserve and recover the model data + validation errors? I know that I can preserve the model and BindingResult with the RedirectAttributes in my POST method. But what is the correct way of recovering them in the GET method from the flash scope?
I have done the following to POST:
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/create", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String doCreate(#ModelAttribute("user") #Valid User user, BindingResult result, RedirectAttributes rA){
rA.addFlashAttribute("result", result);
rA.addFlashAttribute("user", user);
return "redirect:/user";
return "redirect:/user/success";
And the following to GET the user creation form:
#RequestMapping(value = "/user", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView showUserForm(#ModelAttribute("user") User user, ModelAndView model){
model.addObject("user", user);
return model;
This allows me to preserve the given user data in the case of an error. But what is the correct way of recovering the errors?(BindingResult) I'd like to show them in the form with the spring form tags:
<form:errors path="*" />
In addition it would be interesting how to access the flash scope from the get method?
public class BindingHandlerInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
public static final String BINDING_RESULT_FLUSH_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = BindingHandlerInterceptor.class.getName() + ".flashBindingResult";
private static final String METHOD_GET = "GET";
private static final String METHOD_POST = "POST";
public void postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception {
if(METHOD_POST.equals(request.getMethod())) {
BindingResult bindingResult = getBindingResult(modelAndView);
FlashMap outFlash = RequestContextUtils.getOutputFlashMap(request);
if(bindingResult == null || ! bindingResult.hasErrors() || outFlash == null ) {
outFlash.put(BINDING_RESULT_FLUSH_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, bindingResult);
Map<String, ?> inFlash = RequestContextUtils.getInputFlashMap(request);
if(METHOD_GET.equals(request.getMethod()) && inFlash != null && inFlash.containsKey(BINDING_RESULT_FLUSH_ATTRIBUTE_KEY)) {
BindingResult flashBindingResult = (BindingResult)inFlash.get(BINDING_RESULT_FLUSH_ATTRIBUTE_KEY);
if(flashBindingResult != null) {
BindingResult bindingResult = getBindingResult(modelAndView);
if(bindingResult == null) {
public static BindingResult getBindingResult(ModelAndView modelAndView) {
if(modelAndView == null) {
return null;
for (Entry<String,?> key : modelAndView.getModel().entrySet()) {
if(key.getKey().startsWith(BindingResult.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX)) {
return (BindingResult)key.getValue();
return null;
Why don't you show the update form after the binding fails, so the user can try to resubmit the form?
The standard approach for this seems to be to return the update form view from the POST handler method.
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
uiModel.addAttribute("user", user);
return "user/create";
You can then display errors with the form:errors tag.
what is the correct way of recovering them in the GET method from the
flash scope
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by recovering them. What you add as flash attributes before the redirect will be in the model after the redirect. There is nothing special that needs to be done for that. I gather you're trying to ask something else but I'm not sure what that is.
As phahn pointed out why do you redirect on error? The common way to handle this is to redirect on success.

Pass a parameter to REST web service via URL

I'm creating a small REST web service using Netbeans. This is my code:
private UriInfo context;
private String name;
public GenericResource() {
public String getHtml() {
//TODO return proper representation object
return "Hello "+ name;
public void putHtml(String name) { = name;
I'm calling the get method ok since when I call http://localhost:8080/RestWebApp/resources/greeting I get "Hello null" but I'm trying to pass a parameter using http://localhost:8080/RestWebApp/resources/greeting?name=Krt_Malta but the PUT method is not being called... Is this the correct way to pass a parameter or am I missing something?
I'm a newbie to Rest bdw, so sry if it's a simple question.
Thanks! :)
The second URL is a plain GET request. To pass data to a PUT request you have to pass it using a form. The URL is reserved for GET as far as I know.
If you build the HTTP-header yourself, you must use POST instead of GET:
GET /RestWebApp/resources/greeting?name=Krt_Malta HTTP/1.0
POST /RestWebApp/resources/greeting?name=Krt_Malta HTTP/1.0
If you use a HTML-form, you must set the method-attribute to "PUT":
<form action="/RestWebApp/resources/greeting" method="PUT">
For JAX-RS to mactch a method annotated with #PUT, you need to submit a PUT request. Normal browsers don't do this but cURL or a HTTP client library can be used.
To map a query parameter to a method argument, JAX-RS provides the #QueryParam annotation.
public void putWithQueryParam(#QueryParam("name") String name) {
// do something
You can set:
public void putHtml(String name) { = name;
and if you use something like google`s Volley library you can do.
GsonRequest<String> asdf = new GsonRequest<String>(ConnectionProperties.happyhourURL + "/putHtm", String.class, yourString!!, true,
new Response.Listener<Chain>() {
public void onResponse(Chain response) {
}, new CustomErrorListener(this));
and GsonRequest will look like:
public GsonRequest(String url, Class<T> _clazz, T object, boolean needLogin, Listener<T> successListener, Response.ErrorListener errorlistener) {
super(Method.PUT, url, errorlistener);
_headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
this._clazz = _clazz;
this.successListener = successListener;
this.needsLogin = needLogin;
_object = object;