JCL expected continuation not received - jcl

When starting a job it fails with JCL not run
The code
174 // SYSPARM=''''2016040120160430'''''

// WORK='100,25',
// OPTIONS='MACRO SORTDEV=SYSDU FS SYSPARM=''''2016040120160430'''''
This is just freehand, I haven't tested it.
As #BillWoodger indicates, continuation can be quite tricky.

So first, there's missing a coma after you "WORK='100,25'" parameter. Second, make sure your continuity of statement never starts after position(cols) 16. It may also be over or under 16 though, depending on your emulator (look were a wrote here below). Third, the issue could be into your SASDUP application. Fourth, clean up your OPTION and SORTDEV parameters? I don't think it can work like that.
Take a look at SASDUP, it may help you found which parameters it needs. And so, parameters for SASDUP must be separated with comas and, if on the next line, must begin at a specific position.
Try something like that.
//*here* SYSPARM='2016040120160430'
I'm far from a expert, but I hope it'll help you.


FBD for TwinCat Beckhoff... Function Block Input Output How is this working

Seems IW_PR_Schrittnummer is only referenced in 3 spots... where it's declared and where its read in the fbd routine... I guess what I'm asking is something writing a number to this variable... or what? If so how would I find it... also what is the action being performed by this first function block? looks like there are 4 inputs, Auto, is Auto Active, does tasknumber = 0, and is Press Free. if all 4 of these are true... then End Auto. Does that sound right??? someone else programmed this for a job that does work. The tags are in German.
1st FBD
Variable Reference
Variable Declaration
2nd fbd just for reference
The IW_PR_Schrittnummer is linked to input I/O using AT %ID716 command. So it gets its value from I/O memory. That basically means that "take this value from input memory at address 716 and the size is D (double word, 32 bits).
I'm not sure how you can check what is in that address when it's defined with direct addressing like this. Hopefully someone else knows a good tip for this!
More info about addresses: https://infosys.beckhoff.com/english.php?content=../content/1033/tc3_plc_intro/18014401038842507.html&id=6547931155168793261
More info about addresses: https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_at_declaration;product=codesys;version=
That logic from your 1st image works as you said. So AutoFinde will be TRUE, if Auto, AutoAktiv, IstFrei are all TRUE and the input IW_PR_Schrittnummer is 0. Otherwise the AutoFinde will always be FALSE.

Spark::KMeans calls takeSample() twice?

I have many data and I have experimented with partitions of cardinality [20k, 200k+].
I call it like that:
from pyspark.mllib.clustering import KMeans, KMeansModel
C0 = KMeans.train(first, 8192, initializationMode='random', maxIterations=10, seed=None)
C0 = KMeans.train(second, 8192, initializationMode='random', maxIterations=10, seed=None)
and I see that initRandom() calls takeSample() once.
Then the takeSample() implementation doesn't seem to call itself or something like that, so I would expect KMeans() to call takeSample() once. So why the monitor shows two takeSample()s per KMeans()?
Note: I execute more KMeans() and they all invoke two takeSample()s, regardless of the data being .cache()'d or not.
Moreover, the number of partitions doesn't affect the number takeSample() is called, it's constant to 2.
I am using Spark 1.6.2 (and I cannot upgrade) and my application is in Python, if that matters!
I brought this to the mailing list of the Spark devs, so I am updating:
Details of 1st takeSample():
Details of 2nd takeSample():
where one can see that the same code is executed.
As suggested by Shivaram Venkataraman in Spark's mailing list:
I think takeSample itself runs multiple jobs if the amount of samples
collected in the first pass is not enough. The comment and code path
at GitHub
should explain when this happens. Also you can confirm this by
checking if the logWarning shows up in your logs.
// If the first sample didn't turn out large enough, keep trying to take samples;
// this shouldn't happen often because we use a big multiplier for the initial size
var numIters = 0
while (samples.length < num) {
logWarning(s"Needed to re-sample due to insufficient sample size. Repeat #$numIters")
samples = this.sample(withReplacement, fraction, rand.nextInt()).collect()
numIters += 1
However, as one can see, the 2nd comment said it shouldn't happen often, and it does happen always to me, so if anyone has another idea, please let me know.
It was also suggested that this was a problem of the UI and takeSample() was actually called only once, but that was just hot air.

gem5 cache statistics - reset and dump

I am trying to get familiar with gem5 simulator.
To start, I wrote a simple program with
int main()
m5_reset_stats(0, 0);
m5_dump_stats(0, 0);
return 0;
I compiled it with util/m5/m5op_x86.S and ran it using...
./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py --caches -c ~/tmp/hello
The m5out/stats.txt shows (among other things)...
system.cpu.dcache.ReadReq_hits::total 881
system.cpu.dcache.WriteReq_hits::total 917
system.cpu.dcache.ReadReq_misses::total 54
system.cpu.dcache.WriteReq_misses::total 42
Why is an empty function showing so much hits and misses? Are the hits and misses caused by libc? If so, then what is the purpose of m5_reset_stats() and m5_dump_stats()?
I would check in the stats.txt file if there are two chunks of
because as you explained it, the simulator is supposed to dump the stats at dump_stats(0,0) and at the end of the run. So, it seems like you either are looking at one of those intervals (and I would expect the other interval to have 0 for all stats); or there was a bug in the simulation and the dump_stats() (or reset_stats())didn't actually do anything. That actually happened to me plenty of times, but I am not really sure as to the source of this bug.
If you want to troubleshoot further, you could do the following:
Look at the disassembly of your code and find the reset_stats.w and dump_stats.w
Dump a trace from gem5 and see if it ends up executing the dump and reset instructions and also what instructions (and how many) are executed before/after.
Hope this helps!

Editing Timeline from CCB file in cocos

I did some research into this and couldn't really find anything, so if this is a repetitive question I apologize. but anyway I have made a CCB file in CocosBuilder and I would like to start the timeline, for example, at one second instead of playing from the beginning. Is there a way to do this? Thanks for the help guys.
Edit: i would like this to be done in the code.
I am using 2.2.1 Cocos2DX version. I think there is no option to play it from given interval. But you can tweak yourself to get it done. (Not simple one)
You have to go to CCBAnimationManager and there you get "mNodeSequences".
It is dictionary and you get difference properties there like "rotation position etc..."
values there.
Internally AnimationManager reads this value (These values are specified in your CCB)
and puts in runAction queue.
So you have to break it as you want.(Ex. 5 min timeline you have. But you want to start
from 1 min then you have run first 1 min Actions without delay and for remaining you
have properly calculate tween intervals.
It's long procedure and needs calculation. If you don't know any other simpler way try this. If you know pls let us know (Post it).

Calling a method from ABL code not working

When I create a new quote from Epicor I would like to add an item from the parts form automatically.
I am trying to do this using the following ABL code which runs when 'GetNewQuoteHed' is called:
run Update.
run GetNewQuoteDtl.
run ChangePartNumMaster("Rod Tube").
ttQuoteDtl.OrderQty = 5.
run Update.
I am getting the error:
Index -1 is either negative or above rows count.
This error occurs for each line in my ABL code.
What am I doing wrong?
That's not the proper format for a 4GL error message (nor is it at all familiar) so I'd say it is an Epicor application message. Epicor support is probably your best bet. However... Just guessing but it sounds like you might need to somehow initialize the thing that you're updating.
Agree with #Tom, but i would also say try and isolate the error and see where the error is raised as soon as you find the point the error is actually raised it is normally much easier to figure out exactly what is going wrong and how to solve it.
Working between a 0 based and a 1 based system there can be issues with the 1st or last entry depending on which way you moving. As the index for 0 based systems starts at 0 and ends at n-1 where 1 based systems start at 1 and end at n.