Will Postgres' DISTINCT function always return null as the first element? - postgresql

I'm selecting distinct values from tables thru Java's JDBC connector and it seems that NULL value (if there's any) is always the first row in the ResultSet.
I need to remove this NULL from the List where I load this ResultSet. The logic looks only at the first element and if it's null then ignores it.
I'm not using any ORDER BY in the query, can I still trust that logic? I can't find any reference in Postgres' documentation about this.

You can add a check for NOT NULL. Simply like
select distinct columnName
from Tablename
where columnName IS NOT NULL
Also if you are not providing the ORDER BY clause then then order in which you are going to get the result is not guaranteed, hence you can not rely on it. So it is better and recommended to provide the ORDER BY clause if you want your result output in a particular output(i.e., ascending or descending)
If you are looking for a reference Postgresql document then it says:
If ORDER BY is not given, the rows are returned in whatever order the
system finds fastest to produce.

If it is not stated in the manual, I wouldn't trust it. However, just for fun and try to figure out what logic is being used, running the following query does bring the NULL (for no apparent reason) to the top, while all other values are in an apparent random order:
with t(n) as (values (1),(2),(1),(3),(null),(8),(0))
select distinct * from t
However, cross joining the table with a modified version of itself brings two NULLs to the top, but random NULLs dispersed througout the resultset. So it doesn't seem to have a clear-cut logic clumping all NULL values at the top.
with t(n) as (values (1),(2),(1),(3),(null),(8),(0))
select distinct * from t
cross join (select n+3 from t) t2


PostgreSQL: what's wrong with first_value(unique_column) OVER ()?

Pursuant to PostgreSQL: detecting the first/last rows of result set, I've been given reason to suspect that such a clause is dangerous or otherwise inappropriate, and want to understand that better. Take:
SELECT last_value(unique_column) OVER (), * FROM mytable;
unique_column is unique and not null. So what's wrong with using OVER () in this way? Is it dangerous/unreliable? Suboptimal? From what I can tell, this should return the value from the last row in the result set—at least, it has when I've tried it. I've been told that "last" doesn't make sense without sorting, but clearly there is a last row that is returned. I've also been told that OVER () means "anything goes", which suggests that the results are unreliable, but so far, every time I've run that kind of query, I've been consistently given the value from the end of the result set.
Now I have found a problem if I use ORDER BY:
SELECT last_value(unique_column) OVER (), * FROM mytable ORDER BY something_else;
But, my solution to that is to subquery:
SELECT last_value(unique_column) OVER (), * FROM (SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY something_else) sub;
It's as if OVER () means the analytic functions (like first_value() and last_value()) operate according to the order in which the engine happens the read the table/subquery. And, from what I can tell, you have enough control over the order in which the engine happens to read the table/subquery (without having to do unnecessary sorting).
I'm running PostgreSQL 9.6 in a Debian 9.5 environment.
You should provide ORDER BY inside OVER clause:
FROM mytable
I should point out that in the last few months, this solution has worked out rather well, and I've not been shown an alternative, so I'm going to continue using it. However, I should point out that it is finicky and can fail if you make certain changes and do not take the analytics into consideration. (No doubt, I'm misusing the feature and it was not developed for this purpose). So I'll use this space to record the gotchas as I find them.
If you order your results, you've got a problem, but I've already explained that in the question.
I tried to use it in an outer join. Since this caused fields in the result set to be null (even though they are taken from fields in a table that cannot be null) this caused OVER() to return NULL. I have a few ideas about how to get around this, but they would make the query very ugly and possibly very inefficient.

PostgreSQL use function result in ORDER BY

Is there a way to use the results of a function call in the order by clause?
My current attempt (I've also tried some slight variations).
SELECT it.item_type_id, it.asset_tag, split_part(it.asset_tag, 'ASSET', 2)::INT as tag_num
FROM serials.item_types it
WHERE it.asset_tag LIKE 'ASSET%'
ORDER BY split_part(it.asset_tag, 'ASSET', 2)::INT;
While my general assumption is that this can't be done, I wanted to know if there was a way to accomplish this that I wasn't thinking of.
EDIT: The query above gives the following error [22P02] ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "******"
Your query is generally OK, the problem is that for some row the result of split_part(it.asset_tag, 'ASSET', 2) is the string ******. And that string cannot be cast to an integer.
You may want to remove the order by and the cast in the select list and add a where split_part(it.asset_tag, 'ASSET', 2) = '******', for instance, to narrow down that data issue.
Once that is resolved, having such a function in the order by list is perfectly fine. The quoted section of the documentation in the comments on the question is referring to applying an order by clause to the results of UNION, INTERSECTION, etc. queries. In other words, the order by found in this query:
(select column1 as result_column1 from table1
select column2 from table 2)
order by result_column1
can only refer to the accumulated result columns, not to expressions on individual rows.

Improve query oracle

How can I modify this query to improve it?
I think that doing a join It'd be better.
Best regards.
According to this article by Quassnoi:
Oracle's optimizer is able to see that NOT EXISTS, NOT IN and LEFT JOIN / IS NULL are semantically equivalent as long as the list values are declared as NOT NULL.
It uses same execution plan for all three methods, and they yield same results in same time.
In Oracle, it is safe to use any method of the three described above to select values from a table that are missing in another table.
However, if the values are not guaranteed to be NOT NULL, LEFT JOIN / IS NULL or NOT EXISTS should be used rather than NOT IN, since the latter will produce different results depending on whether or not there are NULL values in the subquery resultset.
So what you have is already fine. A JOIN would be as good, but not better.
If performance is a problem, there are several guidelines for re-writing a where not exists into a more efficient form:
When given the choice between not exists and not in, most DBAs prefer to use the not exists clause.
When SQL includes a not in clause, a subquery is generally used, while with not exists, a correlated subquery is used.
In many case a NOT IN will produce the same execution plan as a NOT EXISTS query or a not equal query (!=).
In some case a correlated NOT EXISTS subquery can be re-written with a standard outer join with a NOT NULL test.
Some NOT EXISTS subqueries can be tuned using the MINUS operator.
See Burleson for more information.

How to specify two expressions in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS

I have a query that uses a subquery and I am having a problem returning the expected results. The error I receive is..."Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS." How can I rewrite this to work?
dbo.Parts a
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Vendor b ON b.Part = a.Part
b.Location IN ('A','B','C')
Date IN (SELECT Location, MAX(Date) FROM dbo.Vendor GROUP BY Location)
I think something like this may be what you're looking for. You didn't say what version of SQL Server--this works in SQL 2005 and up:
p.Location, -- from *p*, otherwise if no match we'll get a NULL
dbo.Parts p
SELECT TOP (1) * -- * here is okay because we specify columns outside
FROM dbo.Vendor v
WHERE p.Location = v.Location -- the correlation part
) v
p.Location IN ('A','B','C')
Now, your query can be repaired as is by adding the "correlation" part to change your query into a correlated subquery as demonstrated in Kory's answer (you'd also remove the GROUP BY clause). However, that method still requires an additional and unnecessary join, hurting performance, plus it can only pull one column at a time. This method allows you to pull all the columns from the other table, and has no extra join.
Note: this gives logically the same results as Lamak's answer, however I prefer it for a few reasons:
When there is an index on the correlation columns (Location, here) this can be satisfied with seeks, but the Row_Number solution has to scan (I believe).
I prefer the way this expresses the intent of the query more directly and succinctly. In the Row_Number method, one must get out to the outer condition to see that we are only grabbing the rn = 1 values, then bop back into the CTE to see what that is.
Using CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY, all the other tables not involved in the single-inner-row-per-outer-row selection are outside where (to me) they belong. We aren't squishing concerns together. Using Row_Number feels a bit like throwing a DISTINCT on a query to fix duplication rather than dealing with the underlying issue. I guess this is basically the same issue as the previous point worded in a different way.
The moment you have TWO tables from which you wish to pull the most recent value, the Row_Number() solution blows up completely. With this syntax, you just easily add another APPLY clause, and it's crystal clear what you're doing. There is a way to use Row_Number for the multiple tables scenario by moving the other tables outside, but I still don't prefer that syntax.
Using this syntax allows you to perform additional joins based on whether the selected row exists or not (in the case that no matching row was found). In the Row_Number solution, you can only reasonably do that NOT NULL checking in the outer query--so you are forced to split up the query into multiple, separated parts (you don't want to be joining to values you will be discarding!).
P.S. I strongly encourage you to use aliases that hint at the table they represent. Please don't use a and b. I used p for Parts and v for Vendor--this helps you and others make sense of the query more quickly in the future.
If I understood you corrrectly, you want the rows with the max date for locations A, B and C. Now, assuming SQL Server 2005+, you can do this:
dbo.Parts a
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Vendor b ON b.Part = a.Part
b.Location IN ('A','B','C')
In your subquery you need to correlate the Location and Part to the outer query.
Date = (SELECT MAX(Date)
FROM dbo.Vender v
WHERE v.Location = b.Location
AND v.Part = b.Part
So this will bring back one date for each location and part

Cannot sort a row of size 8130, which is greater than the allowable maximum of 8094

, tblJobReq.JobStatusId
, tblJobClass.JobClassId
, tblJobClass.Title
, tblJobReq.JobClassSubTitle
, tblJobAnnouncement.JobClassDesc
, tblJobAnnouncement.EndDate
, blJobAnnouncement.AgencyMktgVerbage
, tblJobAnnouncement.SpecInfo
, tblJobAnnouncement.Benefits
, tblSalary.MinRateSal
, tblSalary.MaxRateSal
, tblSalary.MinRateHour
, tblSalary.MaxRateHour
, tblJobClass.StatementEval
, tblJobReq.ApprovalDate
, tblJobReq.RecruiterId
, tblJobReq.AgencyId
FROM ((tblJobReq
LEFT JOIN tblJobAnnouncement ON tblJobReq.JobReqId = tblJobAnnouncement.JobReqId)
INNER JOIN tblJobClass ON tblJobReq.JobClassId = tblJobClass.JobClassId)
LEFT JOIN tblSalary ON tblJobClass.SalaryCode = tblSalary.SalaryCode
WHERE (tblJobReq.JobClassId in (SELECT JobClassId
from tblJobClass
WHERE tblJobClass.Title like '%Family Therapist%'))
When i try to execute the query it results in the following error.
Cannot sort a row of size 8130, which is greater than the allowable maximum of 8094
I checked and didn't find any solution. The only way is to truncate (substring())the "tblJobAnnouncement.JobClassDesc" in the query which has column size of around 8000.
Do we have any work around so that i need not truncate the values. Or Can this query be optimised? Any setting in SQL Server 2000?
The [non obvious] reason why SQL needs to SORT is the DISTINCT keyword.
Depending on the data and underlying table structures, you may be able to do away with this DISTINCT, and hence not trigger this error.
You readily found the alternative solution which is to truncate some of the fields in the SELECT list.
Edit: Answering "Can you please explain how DISTINCT would be the reason here?"
Generally, the fashion in which the DISTINCT requirement is satisfied varies with
the data context (expected number of rows, presence/absence of index, size of row...)
the version/make of the SQL implementation (the query optimizer in particular receives new or modified heuristics with each new version, sometimes resulting in alternate query plans for various constructs in various contexts)
Yet, all the possible plans associated with a "DISTINCT query" involve *some form* of sorting of the qualifying records. In its simplest form, the plan "fist" produces the list of qualifying rows (records) (the list of records which satisfy the WHERE/JOINs/etc. parts of the query) and then sorts this list (which possibly includes some duplicates), only retaining the very first occurrence of each distinct row. In other cases, for example when only a few columns are selected and when some index(es) covering these columns is(are) available, no explicit sorting step is used in the query plan but the reliance on an index implicitly implies the "sortability" of the underlying columns. In other cases yet, steps involving various forms of merging or hashing are selected by the query optimizer, and these too, eventually, imply the ability of comparing two rows.
Bottom line: DISTINCT implies some sorting.
In the specific case of the question, the error reported by SQL Server and preventing the completion of the query is that "Sorting is not possible on rows bigger than..." AND, the DISTINCT keyword is the only apparent reason for the query to require any sorting (BTW many other SQL constructs imply sorting: for example UNION) hence the idea of removing the DISTINCT (if it is logically possible).
In fact you should remove it, for test purposes, to assert that, without DISTINCT, the query completes OK (if only including some duplicates). Once this fact is confirmed, and if effectively the query could produce duplicate rows, look into ways of producing a duplicate-free query without the DISTINCT keyword; constructs involving subqueries can sometimes be used for this purpose.
An unrelated hint, is to use table aliases, using a short string to avoid repeating these long table names. For example (only did a few tables, but you get the idea...)
tblJobClass.JobClassId, tblJobClass.Title,
JR.JobClassSubTitle, JA.JobClassDesc, JA.EndDate, JA.AgencyMktgVerbage,
JA.SpecInfo, JA.Benefits,
S.MinRateSal, S.MaxRateSal, S.MinRateHour, S.MaxRateHour,
JR.ApprovalDate, JR.RecruiterId, JR.AgencyId
(tblJobReq AS JR
LEFT JOIN tblJobAnnouncement AS JA ON JR.JobReqId = JA.JobReqId)
INNER JOIN tblJobClass ON tblJobReq.JobClassId = tblJobClass.JobClassId)
LEFT JOIN tblSalary AS S ON tblJobClass.SalaryCode = S.SalaryCode
WHERE (JR.JobClassId in
(SELECT JobClassId from tblJobClass
WHERE tblJobClass.Title like '%Family Therapist%'))
FYI, running this SQL command on your DB can fix the problem if it is caused by space that needs to be reclaimed after dropping variable length columns:
DBCC CLEANTABLE (0,[dbo.TableName])
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174418.aspx
This is a limitation of SQL Server 2000. You can:
Split it into two queries and combine elsewhere
SELECT ID, ColumnA, ColumnB FROM TableA JOIN TableB
SELECT ID, ColumnC, ColumnD FROM TableA JOIN TableB
Truncate the columns appropriately
SELECT LEFT(LongColumn,2000)...
Remove any redundant columns from the SELECT
SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB, --IDColumnNotUsedInOutput
Migrate off of SQL Server 2000