PostgreSQL: what's wrong with first_value(unique_column) OVER ()? - postgresql

Pursuant to PostgreSQL: detecting the first/last rows of result set, I've been given reason to suspect that such a clause is dangerous or otherwise inappropriate, and want to understand that better. Take:
SELECT last_value(unique_column) OVER (), * FROM mytable;
unique_column is unique and not null. So what's wrong with using OVER () in this way? Is it dangerous/unreliable? Suboptimal? From what I can tell, this should return the value from the last row in the result set—at least, it has when I've tried it. I've been told that "last" doesn't make sense without sorting, but clearly there is a last row that is returned. I've also been told that OVER () means "anything goes", which suggests that the results are unreliable, but so far, every time I've run that kind of query, I've been consistently given the value from the end of the result set.
Now I have found a problem if I use ORDER BY:
SELECT last_value(unique_column) OVER (), * FROM mytable ORDER BY something_else;
But, my solution to that is to subquery:
SELECT last_value(unique_column) OVER (), * FROM (SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY something_else) sub;
It's as if OVER () means the analytic functions (like first_value() and last_value()) operate according to the order in which the engine happens the read the table/subquery. And, from what I can tell, you have enough control over the order in which the engine happens to read the table/subquery (without having to do unnecessary sorting).
I'm running PostgreSQL 9.6 in a Debian 9.5 environment.

You should provide ORDER BY inside OVER clause:
FROM mytable

I should point out that in the last few months, this solution has worked out rather well, and I've not been shown an alternative, so I'm going to continue using it. However, I should point out that it is finicky and can fail if you make certain changes and do not take the analytics into consideration. (No doubt, I'm misusing the feature and it was not developed for this purpose). So I'll use this space to record the gotchas as I find them.
If you order your results, you've got a problem, but I've already explained that in the question.
I tried to use it in an outer join. Since this caused fields in the result set to be null (even though they are taken from fields in a table that cannot be null) this caused OVER() to return NULL. I have a few ideas about how to get around this, but they would make the query very ugly and possibly very inefficient.


pg 9.4 vs 10 differences on order by random()

Following query is not randomizing array in postgres 10. Is this expected behaviour?
select array(select generate_series(1,10) order by random());
This is a consequence of commit 69f4b9c85f168ae006929eec44fc44d569e846b9 that changes how set-returning functions in the SELECT list are handled.
Tim's answer and your comment show how to deal with the problem.
I think the issue here is the newer version of Postgres has an optimizer which is getting smarter, and is caching away the value of random() after a single call to that function.
One workaround is to force a new random value to be calculated for each record. We can add a dummy WHERE clause to force this:
WITH cte AS (
select generate_series(1,10) AS col
FROM cte
ORDER BY random();
You may observe in the demo that the order is in fact random. However, in the same demo if you run your orignal query the order won't be random.
The reason why this tricks works is that the WHERE clause convinces the optimizer that you really care about the values being used in each record. Therefore, it calls the function in ORDER BY once for each record rather than caching it.

Will Postgres' DISTINCT function always return null as the first element?

I'm selecting distinct values from tables thru Java's JDBC connector and it seems that NULL value (if there's any) is always the first row in the ResultSet.
I need to remove this NULL from the List where I load this ResultSet. The logic looks only at the first element and if it's null then ignores it.
I'm not using any ORDER BY in the query, can I still trust that logic? I can't find any reference in Postgres' documentation about this.
You can add a check for NOT NULL. Simply like
select distinct columnName
from Tablename
where columnName IS NOT NULL
Also if you are not providing the ORDER BY clause then then order in which you are going to get the result is not guaranteed, hence you can not rely on it. So it is better and recommended to provide the ORDER BY clause if you want your result output in a particular output(i.e., ascending or descending)
If you are looking for a reference Postgresql document then it says:
If ORDER BY is not given, the rows are returned in whatever order the
system finds fastest to produce.
If it is not stated in the manual, I wouldn't trust it. However, just for fun and try to figure out what logic is being used, running the following query does bring the NULL (for no apparent reason) to the top, while all other values are in an apparent random order:
with t(n) as (values (1),(2),(1),(3),(null),(8),(0))
select distinct * from t
However, cross joining the table with a modified version of itself brings two NULLs to the top, but random NULLs dispersed througout the resultset. So it doesn't seem to have a clear-cut logic clumping all NULL values at the top.
with t(n) as (values (1),(2),(1),(3),(null),(8),(0))
select distinct * from t
cross join (select n+3 from t) t2

TSQL Keyword Previous or Last or something similar

This question is geared for those who have more SQL experience than me.
I am writing a query(that will eventually be a Stored Procedure but this should be irrelevant) where I want to select the count of rows if the most recent entry's is equivalent to the one that was just entered before. And i want to continue to do this until it hits an entry that has a different value. (Poorly explained so I will show the example)
In my table I have a column 'Product_Id' and when this query is run i want it take the product_id and compare it to the previously entered product Id, if its the same I want to add one, and I want it to keep checking the previously entered product_id until it runs into a different product_id
I'm hoping it sounds more complicated than it is, and the query would look something like
Select count(Product_ID)
FROM dbo.myTable
Where Product_Id = previous(Product_Id)
Now, i know that previous isn't a keyword in TSQL, and neither was Last, but I'm hoping of someone who knows a keyword that does what I am asking.
Edit for Sam
USE DbName;
WITH OrderedCount as
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by dbo.Line_Production.Run_Date DESC) as RowNumber,
From dbo.Line_Production
Select RowNumber, COUNT(OrderedCount.Product_ID) as PalletCount
From OrderedCount
WHERE OrderedCount.RowNumber + 1 = RowNumber
and Product_ID = Product_ID
Group by RowNumber
The OrderedCount portion works, and it returns the data back how I want it, I'm now having trouble comparing the Product_ID's for different RowNumbers
my Where Clause is wrong
There's no keyword. That would be a nice magic solution, but it doesn't exist, at least in part because there is no guaranteed ordering (okay, you could have the keyword only if there is an ORDER BY...). I can write you a query, but that'll take time, so for now I'll give you a few steps and I'll come back and see if you still need help in a bit.
Figure out an ORDER BY, otherwise no order is guaranteed. If there is a time entered field, that's a good choice, or an index, that works too.
Learn to use Row_Number.
Compare the table (with Row_Number) to itself where instance1.row - 1 = instance2.row.
If product_id is an identity column, couldn't you just do product_id - 1? In other words, if it's sequential, it's the same as using ROW_NUMBER mentioned in the previous comment.

Calling a function on distinct values from table

I've got a SQL Server 2005 database. I need to get distinct values in addition to calling a function on those distinct values. I'm not sure how the distinct works when there is a function call involved. For example, I have this query:
SELECT DISTINCT a, b, c, fcn_DoSomething(a, b, c) AS z FROM users
I'm guessing that the function (fcn_DoSomething) is being called for all of the values in the table, not the distinct values. Am I correct? If so, how can I write the query to call the function only on distinct values of a,b,c? I know one option is to use a temporary table, but if anyone has better ideas that would be great.
This got me curious, so I did a bit of basic testing. I created a small table with some distinct and some repeating values, a function that just does string concatenation, and then looked at the execution plans for:
select distinct cola, colb, dbo.sillyfunc(cola, colb)
from distincttest
--Clear the cache
select cola, colb, dbo.sillyfunc(cola, colb)
from (select distinct cola, colb from distincttest) as t
In this case, the execution plans showed clearly that the first one ran the concatenation function for every single row, but the second did the sort for distinct values first, then ran the function. But for a small number of rows, they had the same execution time, and when run together they showed each one using 50% of the total query resources.
So, I added a few hundred thousand repeating rows. and tried again. This changed the query plan so it was doing a hash match to get distinctness rather than the former sort, and now the second version which forced it to select for distinctness first executed more than ten times faster.
Finally, I thought there was a chance that this might just be because SQL Server had my sillyfunc marked as nondeterministic (select OBJECTPROPERTYEX(object_id('dbo.sillyfunc'), 'isdeterministic') returned 0), so I switched to patindex which was a builtin function and considered deterministic. This gave me the same results with the function being called for every row in the first version and just for the few distinct ones in the second version.
So, its possible that further testing would find situations that would coax the optimizer to do something more sophisticated, but it appears that if you want to apply the distinct before the function is called then you need to use something like a subquery, CTE, or temp table to limit what the function has access to.
This would ensure that the function only got called on distinct values.
select *, fcn_DoSomething(a, b, c)
(select distinct a,b,c FROM users) v
However, I believe that the function call will be optimised, so it may not make a difference. Give it a try.

sybase - fails to use index unless string is hard-coded

I'm using Sybase 12.5.3 (ASE); I'm new to Sybase though I've worked with MSSQL pretty extensively. I'm running into a scenario where a stored procedure is really very slow. I've traced the issue to a single SELECT stmt for a relatively large table. Modifying that statement dramatically improves the performance of the procedure (and reverting it drastically slows it down; i.e., the SELECT stmt is definitely the culprit).
-- Sybase optimizes and uses multi-column index... fast!<br>
SELECT ID,status,dateTime
FROM myTable
WHERE status in ('NEW','SENT')
-- Sybase does not use index and does very slow table scan<br>
SELECT ID,status,dateTime
FROM myTable
WHERE status in (select status from allowableStatusValues)
The code above is an adapted/simplified version of the actual code. Note that I've already tried recompiling the procedure, updating statistics, etc.
I have no idea why Sybase ASE would choose an index only when strings are hard-coded and choose a table scan when choosing from another table. Someone please give me a clue, and thank you in advance.
1.The issue here is poor coding. In your release, poor code and poor table design are the main reasons (98%) the optimiser makes incorrect decisions (the two go hand-in-hand, I have not figured out the proportion of each). Both:
WHERE status IN ('NEW','SENT')
WHERE status IN (SELECT status FROM allowableStatusValues)
are substandard, because in both cases they cause ASE to create a worktable for the contents between the brackets, which can easily be avoided (and all consequential issues avoided with it). There is no possibility of statistics on a worktable, since the statistics on either t.status or s.status is missing (AdamH is correct re that point), it correctly chooses a table scan.
Subqueries have their place, but never as a substitute for a pure (the tables are related) join. The corrections are:
WHERE status = "NEW" OR status = "SENT"
FROM myTable t,
allowableStatusValues s
WHERE t.status = s.status
2.The statement
|Now you don't have to add an index to get statistics on a column, but it's probably the best way.
is incorrect. Never create Indices that you will not use. If you want statistics updated on a column, simply
UPDATE STATISTICS myTable (status)
3.It is important to ensure that you have current statistics on (a) all indexed columns and (b) all join columns.
4.Yes, there is no substitute for SHOWPLAN on every code segment that is intended for release, doubly so for any code with questionable performance. You can also SET NOEXEC ON, to avoid execution, eg. for large result sets.
An index hint will work around it, but is probably not the solution.
Firstly I'd like to know if there is an index on allowableStatusValues.status, if there is then sybase will have stats on it and will have a good idea on the number of values in there.
If not then the optimiser probably won't have a good idea how many different values Status may take. It's then having to make the assumption that you're going to be extracting almost all of the rows from myTable, and the best way of doing this is a table scan (if no covering index).
Now you don't have to add an index to get statistics on a column, but it's probably the best way.
If you do have an index on allowableStatusValues.status, then i'd wonder how good your stats are. Get yourself a copy of sp__optdiag. You probably also need to tune the values of "histogram tuning factor" and "number of histogram steps", increasing these slightly from the defaults will give you more detailed statistics which always helps the optimiser.
Does it still do a table scan if you replace the subquery with a join:
SELECT m.ID,m.status,m.dateTime
FROM myTable m
JOIN allowableStatusValues a on m.status = a.status
Rather than relying on experimental observations of how long a query takes to run, I would highly recommend getting Sybase to show you the execution plans for each query, for example:
SET showplan ON
-- query/procedure call goes here
SELECT id, status, datetime
FROM myTable
WHERE status IN('NEW','SENT')
SET showplan OFF
With SET showplan ON, Sybase generates execution plans for every statement it executes. These can be invaluable in helping to identify where queries are not making use of appropriate indexes. For stored procedures in Sybase, the execution plan for the entire procedure is generated when the stored procedure is first executed after being compiled.
If you post the plans for each of your queries we might be able to shed more light on the problem.
Amazingly, using an index hint resolves the issue (see the (index myIndexName) line below - re-written/simplififed code below:
-- using INDEX HINT
SELECT ID,status,dateTime
FROM myTable (index myIndexName)
WHERE status in (select status from allowableStatusValues)
Weird that I have to use this technique to avoid a table scan, but there ya go.
Garrett, by showing only the simplified code, you have likely stripped out exactly the information that would illuminate the source of the problem.
My first guess would be a type mismatch between allowableStatusValues.status and myTable.status. However, that is not the only possibility. As ninesided stated, the complete query plans (using showplan and fmtonly flags), as well as the actual table definitions and stored procedure source, is much more likely to produce a useful answer.