I am copying a file with few records from S3 it is failing to load timestamp column.
Timestamp column value is '2000-00-00 00:00' and I mentioned as
COPY SampleLoad from 's3://folder/file.txt' delimiter '\t' IGNOREHEADER 1
CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
timeformat AS 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI';
the error I get is 'invalid timestamp format or value YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI
One thing I noticed it doesn't fail until about line 15. this is where the '2000-00-00 00:00' time starts showing up in the data. Am I doing something wrong or can AWS not handle this value?
oh, the time '2000-00-00 00:00' doesn't exist.
I am dealing with the table which has date information in CHar(20) type. This date is in dd.mm.yyyy HH.MM.SS format but my pgadmin has Month first format. I tried editing posgres config file to change the date format. I tried to use SET timezone and then tried to convert type to timestamp but nothing is working. How can I convert following column into timestamp format? I followed miost of the answers here on stackoverflow but getting out of range error even after using set function or editing config file.
Use to_timestamp:
to_timestamp(stringcol, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')
To change the data type of the column, which is highly commendable:
ALTER TABLE mytable ALTER date1 TYPE timestamp
USING CAST (to_timestamp(date1, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI') AS timestamp);
I'm Trying to insert the data from csv file which was exported from Oracle DB. when I try to import on PGadmin. its failing with below error.
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "29-APR-18 AM" CONTEXT: COPY consolidated_dtls_job_log, line 1, column start_time: "29-APR-18 AM"
Note: Column Start_time is created with timestamp datatype.
Use a different NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT when exporting the data from Oracle; something that is closer to the ISO format.
Here is an SQL statement provided by Belayer:
I'm trying to use the copy function to create a table in Redshift. I've setup this particular field that keeps failing in my schema as a standard timestamp because I don't know why it would be anything otherwise. But when I run this statement:
copy sample_table
from 's3://aws-bucket/data_push_2018-10-05.txt'
dateformat 'auto'
ignoreheader 1;
It keeps returning this error: Invalid timestamp format or value [YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS]
raw_field_value: "2018-08-29 15:04:52"
raw_line: 12039752|311525|"67daf211abbe11e8b0010a28385dd2bc"|98953|"2018-08-20"|"2018-11-30"|"active"|"risk"|||||||"sample"|15750|0|"2018-08-29 15:04:52"|"2018-08-29 16:05:01"
There is a very similar table in our database (that I did not make) which has the aforementioned error value as timestamp and values for that field identical to 2018-08-29 15:04:52 so what's happening when I run it that's causing the issue?
Your copy command seems OK, and seems like you are missing FORMAT as CSV QUOTE AS '"' AND DELIMITER AS '|' parameters and It should work.
I'm here using some sample data and command to prove my case, to make it simple, I did made the table simple and covered all your data points though.
create table sample_table(
salesid integer not null,
category varchar(100),
created_at timestamp,
update_at timestamp );
Here goes your sample data test_file.csv,
12039752|"67daf211abbe11e8b0010a28385dd2bc"|"2018-08-29 11:04:52"|"2018-08-29 14:05:01"
12039754|"67daf211abbe11e8b0010a2838cccddbc"|"2018-08-29 15:04:52"|"2018-08-29 16:05:01"
12039755|"67daf211abbe11e8b0010a28385ff2bc"|"2018-08-29 12:04:52"|"2018-08-29 13:05:01"
12039756|"67daf211abbe11e8b0010a28385bb2bc |"2018-08-29 10:04:52"|"2018-08-29 15:05:01"
Here goes your copy command,
COPY sample_table FROM 's3://path/to/csv/test_file.csv' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=XXXXXXXXXXX;aws_secret_access_key=XXXXXXXXX' FORMAT as CSV QUOTE AS '"' DELIMITER AS '|';
It will returns,
INFO: Load into table 'sample_table' completed, 4 record(s) loaded successfully.
Though this command works fine, but if there are more issues with your data you could try MAXERROR option as well.
Hope it answers your question.
I am using Postgres 9.5.3(On Ubuntu 16.04) and I have a table with some timestamptz fields
datetime_received timestamptz NULL,
datetime_manufactured timestamptz NULL,
I used the following SQL command to generate CSV file:
COPY (select * from tmp_table limit 100000) TO '/tmp/aa.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER;
and used:
COPY tmp_table FROM '/tmp/aa.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV ENCODING 'UTF-8';
to import into the table.
The example of rows in the CSV file:
CM0030;;INV_AVAILABLE;2016-07-30 14:50:42.141+07;;2016-08-06 00:00:000+07;FAHCM00001;;123;;;;;1.000000;1.000000;;;;;;;;80000.000000;;;2016-07-30 14:59:08.959+07;2016-07-30 14:59:08.959+07;2016-07-30 14:59:08.959+07;2016-07-30 14:59:08.959+07;
But I encounter the following error when running the second command:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "datetime_received"
CONTEXT: COPY inventory_item, line 1, column datetime_received: "datetime_received"
My database's timezone is:
show timezone;
(1 row)
Is there any missing step or wrong configuration?
Any suggestions are appreciated!
The error you're seeing means that Postgres is trying (and failing) to convert the string 'datetime_received' to a timestamp value.
This is happening because COPY is trying to insert the header row into your table. You need to include a HEADER clause on the COPY FROM command, just like you did for the COPY TO.
More generally, when using COPY to move data around, you should make sure that the TO and FROM commands are using exactly the same options. Specifying ENCODING for one command and not the other can lead to errors, or silently corrupt data, if your client encoding is not UTF8.
I'm trying to convert a column with data type varchar to time stamp in DB2.
Eg: column has a value '1.12.1999 00:00:00' which is a varchar
My code is date(to_date(column_name,'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS'))
I'm getting the following error:
"1.12.1999 00:00:00" cannot be interpreted using format string "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS" for the TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function
The reason for the error is that the time portion "00:00:00" is not valid. Try using date(to_date(column_name,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')). The HH24 allows "00" as hour.