How to convert varchar to time stamp in DB2 - date

I'm trying to convert a column with data type varchar to time stamp in DB2.
Eg: column has a value '1.12.1999 00:00:00' which is a varchar
My code is date(to_date(column_name,'DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS'))
I'm getting the following error:
"1.12.1999 00:00:00" cannot be interpreted using format string "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS" for the TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function

The reason for the error is that the time portion "00:00:00" is not valid. Try using date(to_date(column_name,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')). The HH24 allows "00" as hour.


Postgres error when parsing date with timezone

I have a table with a bunch of records, with different values for a date and I need them all parsed as a date value, so I'm trying to parse a date in postgres and I'm receiving an error which doesn't tell me much
select to_Date(:original_date, 'YYYYmmDD');
When I pass this value to original_date is when I get the error: '2022-11-18T11:02:08-03:00'
Here's the error I'm getting:
SQL Error [22008]: ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2022-11-18T11:02:08-03:00"
Where: SQL statement "select to_Date(original_date, 'YYYYmmDD')"
PL/pgSQL function parse_date(character varying) line 5 at SQL statement
As mentioned by Hambone in the comment below the question, changing my date format to 'YYYY-mm-DD' works like a charm.
Thanks for that Hambone!

How to convert char type to timestamp?

I am dealing with the table which has date information in CHar(20) type. This date is in HH.MM.SS format but my pgadmin has Month first format. I tried editing posgres config file to change the date format. I tried to use SET timezone and then tried to convert type to timestamp but nothing is working. How can I convert following column into timestamp format? I followed miost of the answers here on stackoverflow but getting out of range error even after using set function or editing config file.
Use to_timestamp:
to_timestamp(stringcol, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')
To change the data type of the column, which is highly commendable:
ALTER TABLE mytable ALTER date1 TYPE timestamp
USING CAST (to_timestamp(date1, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI') AS timestamp);

Postgres: SQL Error [42846]: ERROR: cannot cast type bigint to date [duplicate]

I am new to postgresql bot not to sql in general. I have a table that I need to read values from, on of the columns is a unix timestamp that I want to convert in to a more human readable format thus I found this:
SELECT lt,dw,up,to_char(uxts, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
from products;
But that produces an error:
ERROR: multiple decimal points
I am lost here. I am sure someone can show me how to do it. The documentation isn't that clear to me. Postgresql 9.5 is the database.
to_char() converts a number, date or timestamp to a string, not the other way round.
You want to_timestamp()
Convert Unix epoch (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00) to timestamp
So just apply that function on your column
SELECT lt,dw,up,to_timestamp(uxts) as uxts
from products;
This assumes that uxts is some kind of number data type (integer, bigint or double precision)

Casting String type to Unix Date Amazon Athena

I'm looking to get a result in Amazon Athena were I can count the quantity of users created by day (or maybe by month)
But previous that I have to convert the unix timestamp to another date format. And this is where i fail.
My last goal is to convert this type of timestamp:
In something like:
According to Epoch Converter
But when I try to apply the solution i saw in this quiestion: Casting unix time to date in Presto
I got the error:
[Simba]AthenaJDBC An error has been thrown from the AWS Athena client. SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:13: Unexpected parameters (varchar) for function from_unixtime. Expected: from_unixtime(double) , from_unixtime(double, bigint, bigint) , from_unixtime(double, varchar(x)) [SQL State=HY000, DB Errorcode=100071]
This is my query:
select cast(from_unixtime(created)as date) as date_creation,
from datalake.test
group by date_creation
Maybe I've to cast over the sctring because the data type of the field is not a date.
My table description: Link to the table description
line 1:13: Unexpected parameters (varchar) for function from_unixtime. Expected: from_unixtime(double)
This means that your timestamps -- even though they appear numeric -- are varchars.
You need to add a CAST to cast(from_unixtime(created)as date), like:
CAST(from_unixtime(CAST(created AS bigint)) AS date)
Note: When dealing with time-related data, please have in mind that is not resolved yet in Presto.

Truncate time from datetime in PRESTO

I've a requirement to truncate time from datetime in Presto.
I noticed that I cannot use Trunc() function which is used in Redshift to achieve the same.
date_trunc() returns a timestamp again resetting to the start.
Cast the datetime to date
date(x) -- This is an alias for CAST(x AS DATE).
IF the date/time values to be converted are held as strings then such a conversion might fail; in which using TRY_CAST() is recommended as this returns NULL if the conversion fails.