EclipseLink Queries - jpa

Is there a way to create the equivalent behavior provided by EclipseLink’s AdditionalCriteria annotation in JPA? That is, can we create additional filtering that is added to every query for a particular entity type? We can use EclipseLink, but we don’t want to be dependent on it.


JPA Entity CRUD type Operations support in MyBatis

Due to some odd reason, I cannot go with JPA vendor like Hibernate, etc and I must use MyBatis.
Is there any implementation where we can enrich similar facility of CRUD operation in Mybatis?
(Like GenericDAO save, persist, merge, etc)
I have managed to come up with single interface implementation of CRUD type of operations (like Generic DAO) but still each table has to write it's own query in XML file (as table name, column names are different).
Will that make sense to come up with generic implementation?
Where I can give any table object for any CRUD operation through only 4 XML queries. (insert, update, read, delete) passing arguments of table name, column names, column values..etc.
Does it look like re-inventing the wheel in MyBatis or does MyBatis has some similar support?
you can try Mybatis Plus.This is for these cases.
MyBatis is not an ORM, instead it maps the result from SQL statements to objects.
You need to write SQL.
You will have a hard time if you try and apply the JPA model to working in MyBatis. You need to learn how MyBatis works instead.
You may be interested in the MyBatis Generator. Here is a screenshot of the introduction paragraph.
And here is the URL.
The generator looks at the Physical tables in an RDBMS and generates the CRUD mapping.That is half the job done. The other half is to utilize these mappings in your actual code.
Let this assumption also be cleared. The generator generates only the CRUD. For more complex operations like aggregations or joins et al, you may need to write the mappers on your own.

Can I utilise JPA 2.1 #Converter with DB entities?

Maybe, I'm a bit wrong, however, I'm trying to refactor my code right now via making use of #Converter annotation from JPA 2.1 to out-source the attribute-to-dbdata converting from the POJO class to a separate class. I'm mainly utilising a custom transformation for storing a kind of JSON blob into a database column. I have several cases, where I need to rely on the order of child entities, i.e., I store the set of utilised child entities in a many-to-many table to keep the relationship between the items and, furthermore, the order in a JSON array that just keeps the child entity identifiers (to keep the order). Then I have a resolving mechanism that keeps both sides always up-to-date, i.e., the db-data (string) will be converted to a (ordered) list of child entities (that are also stored in the DB and available via the set of child entities (many-to-many relationship).
So right now I'm wondering, whether I can handle this with a #Converter (AttributeConverter) implementation, since I'll require the set of child entities to resolve the db-data (string) to a (ordered) list of child entities (i.e. the "convertToEntityAttribute" method implementation)? Or whether I need to rely on my (a bit cumbersome) mechanism in the POJO class to convert between both sides?
AttributeConverter is for simple types only, not collections/maps, and as such provides a mapping between a java type and a database column. Some JPA implementations may allow mapping to multiple columns (I know the JPA implementation I use does, DataNucleus JPA, and some others may also allow it), but I doubt you'll get one that allows mapping to some other table entirely.
Better to look at your entity mappings and consider creating a dummy entity for this information somehow

JPA Lazy Fetch Custom Query

I am using JPA/JFreeChart to display data I collected with a microcontroller, however, I measure 14 sensors every 10 seconds. I have been measuring for over 2 months and I have over 7000000 sets of data.
Now to my actual problem, since I don't want to load 7000000 rows every time I start my program, I only want to use average values by minutes/hours. I have thought of using a NamedQuery however I don't know how to keep the relationship within it and make JPA use it since up until now the loading of the data has been done by JPA itself. Maybe I can just solve this by adding more annotations to this?
#OrderBy("timestamp ASC")
public List<Value> getValues() {
return this.values;
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards
Straight JPA does not allow filtering results, since this means that the entity's relationship no longer reflects exactly what is in the database, and it would have to standardize behavior on what is done when adding an entity to the relationship that isn't in the collection, but already exists in the database.
The easiest way for this mapping though would be to mark the attribute as #Transient. You can then use the get method to read the values from the database using when needed, and cache them in the entity if you want.
Many providers do allow adding filters to the queries used to bring in mappings, for instance EclipseLink allows setting #AdditionalCriteria on the mapping as described here: Or you can modify the mapping directly as shown here:

jpa criteriabuilder query disable eager fetching

I have a person object that has a list of addresses and in the mapping it is annotated to be fetched eagerly.
I have a criteriabuilder query where, say i want to fetch a person object but without fetching the address. how do i disable the eager feting in criteria query alone. is there a method?
The actual code is not this simple...this is just to give you an example.
Thanks in advance
It is normally better to use LAZY fetching in the mapping, and then fetch it eagerly when required using the JPQL "join fetch" option.
In JPA you could just select the data that you want from the entity, instead of the entire entity, then you could avoid the relationships. You could also use a constructor query to create shell instances (note these would not be managed).
A way to make an eager relationship lazy in a query is to use fetch groups. JPA does not support fetch groups, but some JPA providers such as EclipseLink do. In EclipseLink you can define a fetch group using the #FetchGroup annotation, or query hints.
I think it is possible. From OpenJPA documentation:
You can specify a default subclass fetch mode for an individual class with the metadata extension described in Section 9.1.1, “ Subclass Fetch Mode ”. Note, however, that you cannot "upgrade" the runtime fetch mode with your class setting. If the runtime fetch mode is none, no eager subclass data fetching will take place, regardless of your metadata setting.
This applies to the eager fetch mode metadata extension as well (see Section 9.2.1, “ Eager Fetch Mode”). You can use this extension to disable eager fetching on a field or to declare that a collection would rather use joins than parallel selects or vice versa
Section 9.2.1 here.

Entity to DTO conversion with JPA

I'm using DataNucleus as a JPA implementation to store my classes in my web application. I use a set of converters which all have toDTO() and fromDTO().
My issue is, that I want to avoid the whole DB being sent over the wire:
If I lazy load, the converter will try to access ALL the fields, and load then (resulting in very eager loading).
If I don't lazy load, I'll get a huge part of the DB, since user contains groups, and groups contains users, and so on.
Is there a way to explicitly load some fields and leave the others as NULL in my loaded class?
I've tried the DataNucleus docs with no luck.
Your DTOs are probably too fine-grained. i.e. dont plan to have a DTO per JPA entity. If you have to use DTOs then make them more coarse grained and construct them manually.
Recently we have had the whole "to DTO or not to DTO, that is the question" discussion AGAIN. The requirement for them (especially in the context of a JPA app) is often no longer there, but one of the arguments FOR DTOs tends to be that the view has coarser data requirements.
To only load the data you really require, you would need to use a custom select clause containing only these elements that you are about to use for your DTOs. I know how painful this is, especially when it involves joins, which is why I created Blaze-Persistence Entity Views which will take care of making the query efficient.
You define your DTO as an interface with mappings to the entity, using the attribute name as default mapping, this looks very simple and a lot like a subset of an entity, though it doesn't have to. You can use any JPQL expression as mapping for your DTO attributes.