Akka Actor: Remote actor exception "Futures timed out after" - scala

i am new for Akka, i am using Akka 2.3.3 version for creating actors. I am going to create remote actor and trying to access with client. Whenever i am going to run test-case, the following exception will throw:
[INFO] [04/27/2016 07:51:23.727] [Localsystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] [akka://Localsystem/deadLetters] Message [com.harmeetsingh13.chapter2.messages.SetRequest] from Actor[akka://Localsystem/temp/$a] to Actor[akka://Localsystem/deadLetters] was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
[INFO] [04/27/2016 07:51:23.745] [Localsystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] [akka://Localsystem/deadLetters] Message [com.harmeetsingh13.chapter2.messages.GetRequest] from Actor[akka://Localsystem/temp/$b] to Actor[akka://Localsystem/deadLetters] was not delivered. [2] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
Futures timed out after [10 seconds]
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after [10 seconds]
at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.ready(Promise.scala:219)
at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.result(Promise.scala:223)
at scala.concurrent.Await$$anonfun$result$1.apply(package.scala:190)
at scala.concurrent.BlockContext$DefaultBlockContext$.blockOn(BlockContext.scala:53)
at scala.concurrent.Await$.result(package.scala:190)
at com.harmeetsingh13.chapter2.SClientIntegrationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply$mcV$sp(SClientIntegrationSpec.scala:18)
at com.harmeetsingh13.chapter2.SClientIntegrationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(SClientIntegrationSpec.scala:15)
at com.harmeetsingh13.chapter2.SClientIntegrationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(SClientIntegrationSpec.scala:15)
at org.scalatest.Transformer$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcV$sp(Transformer.scala:22)
at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf$class.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:85)
at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf$.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:104)
at org.scalatest.Transformer.apply(Transformer.scala:22)
at org.scalatest.Transformer.apply(Transformer.scala:20)
at org.scalatest.FunSpecLike$$anon$1.apply(FunSpecLike.scala:422)
at org.scalatest.Suite$class.withFixture(Suite.scala:1122)
at com.harmeetsingh13.chapter2.SClientIntegrationSpec.withFixture(SClientIntegrationSpec.scala:11)
at org.scalatest.FunSpecLike$class.invokeWithFixture$1(FunSpecLike.scala:419)
at org.scalatest.FunSpecLike$$anonfun$runTest$1.apply(FunSpecLike.scala:431)
at org.scalatest.FunSpecLike$$anonfun$runTest$1.apply(FunSpecLike.scala:431)
at org.scalatest.SuperEngine.runTestImpl(Engine.scala:306)
at org.scalatest.FunSpecLike$class.runTest(FunSpecLike.scala:431)
at com.harmeetsingh13.chapter2.SClientIntegrationSpec.runTest(SClientIntegrationSpec.scala:11)
at org.scalatest.FunSpecLike$$anonfun$runTests$1.apply(FunSpecLike.scala:464)
at org.scalatest.FunSpecLike$$anonfun$runTests$1.apply(FunSpecLike.scala:464)
at org.scalatest.SuperEngine$$anonfun$traverseSubNodes$1$1.apply(Engine.scala:413)
at org.scalatest.SuperEngine$$anonfun$traverseSubNodes$1$1.apply(Engine.scala:401)
My Server code as below:
object Main extends App{
private val configFile = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("application.conf").getFile;
private val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(configFile ))
val system = ActorSystem("SimpleClientServer", config)
system.actorOf(Props[AkkadmeyDB], name = "akkademy-db")
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 2552
log-sent-messages = on
log-received-messages = on
AkkadmeyDB.scala Actor class:
class AkkadmeyDB extends Actor{
val map = new HashMap[String, Object]
val log = Logging(context.system, this)
override def receive: Receive = {
case SetRequest(key, value) =>
log.info("received SetRequest - key: {} value: {}", key, value)
map.put(key, value)
sender() ! Status.Success
case GetRequest(key) =>
log.info("received GetRequest - key: {}", key)
val response = map.get(key)
response match{
case Some(x) => sender() ! x
case None => Status.Failure(new KeyNotFoundException(key))
case o => Status.Failure(new ClassNotFoundException())
Client Code as below:
class SClient(remoteIp: String) {
private implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 seconds)
private implicit val system = ActorSystem("Localsystem")
private val remoteAddress = s"akka.tcp://SimpleClientServer#$remoteIp/user/akkademy-db";
private val remoteDb = system.actorSelection(remoteAddress)
def set(key: String, value: Object) = {
remoteDb ? SetRequest(key, value)
def get(key: String) = {
remoteDb ? GetRequest(key)
SClientIntegrationSpec.scala Test case:
class SClientIntegrationSpec extends FunSpecLike with Matchers {
val client = new SClient("")
it("should set a value"){
client.set("jame", new Integer(1313))
val futureResult = client.get("james")
val result = Await.result(futureResult, 10 seconds)
result should equal (1313)
When i see the logs of my remote application, this seems like, the request hit doesn't go to the server. what is the problem in my sample code running?

For solving above problem, we need to follow two steps that are metnion below:
When i am creating a server code, i am excluding application.conf from my server application, that's why, client application not able to connect with server. The code are using in built.sbt is as below:
mappings in (Compile, packageBin) ~= { _.filterNot { case (_, name) =>
After commenting above code, the client see the server successfully.
In Learning Scala chapter 2 jasongoodwin explain the code of client and server actor system. But there are some Errata in book and missing application.conf configuration for client. Because when we run both code in same PC, we are facing already port bind exception because by default actors are using 2552 port for accessing and we already define this port for our server application. So, application.conf also need for client as below:
akka {
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 0
log-sent-messages = on
log-received-messages = on
Here Port 0 means any free port.
After that, above code are running successfully.

There is an application.conf file in the client project as well which is not mentioned in the book.
Make sure you create that file under the resources folder with the following content:
akka {
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
See the official github repo


Hi, I'm new to akka actors, actually I want to implement an application in which a remote actor send message to a local actor, on same machine

I write a simple code, but the problem with my code is that, whenever I run the remote actor the remoting starts and listening at host "" and at "2552" port which are the default one, although I mentioned the port "5150" in config file of remote actor, Moreover the local actor also bind at the default host and port same as remote actor, so it throughs an exception of "java.net.BindException: [/] Address already in use". Where is the issue in my code, can anyone help me to resolve the issue?
The code is given below.
Here is my RemoteActor code.
class RemoteActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg: String => {
println("remote received " + msg + " from " + sender)
sender ! "hi"
case _ => println("Received unknown msg ")
object RemoteActor extends App {
val configFile = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("remote_application.conf").getFile
val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(configFile))
val system = ActorSystem("RemoteSystem" , config)
val remote = system.actorOf(Props[RemoteActor], name="remote")
println("remote is ready")
here is its config file(remote_application.conf).
akka {
loglevel = "INFO"
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 5150
log-sent-messages = on
log-received-messages = on
here is the LocalActor code who is going to send message to remote actor at 5150 port.
class LocalActor extends Actor {
override def preStart(): Unit = {
val remoteActor = context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://RemoteSystem#")
println("That 's remote:" + remoteActor)
remoteActor ! "hi"
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg: String =>
println("got message from remote" + msg)
object LocalActor extends App {
val configFile = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("local_application.conf").getFile
val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(configFile))
val system = ActorSystem("ClientSystem",config)
val localActor = system.actorOf(Props[LocalActor], name="local")
here is the config file of local actor(local_application.conf).
akka {
loglevel = "INFO"
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 0
log-sent-messages = on
log-received-messages = on

Akka-http: connect to websocket on localhost

I am trying to connect to some server through websocket on localhost. When I try to do it in JS by
ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8137');
it succeeds. However, when I use akka-http and akka-streams I get "connection failed" error.
object Transmitter {
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
import system.dispatcher
object Rec extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case TextMessage.Strict(msg) =>
Log.info("Recevied signal " + msg)
// val host = "ws://echo.websocket.org"
val host = "ws://localhost:8137"
val sink: Sink[Message, NotUsed] = Sink.actorRef[Message](system.actorOf(Props(Rec)), PoisonPill)
val source: Source[Message, NotUsed] = Source(List("test1", "test2") map (TextMessage(_)))
val flow: Flow[Message, Message, Future[WebSocketUpgradeResponse]] =
val (upgradeResponse, closed) =
.viaMat(flow)(Keep.right) // keep the materialized Future[WebSocketUpgradeResponse]
.toMat(sink)(Keep.both) // also keep the Future[Done]
val connected: Future[Done.type] = upgradeResponse.flatMap { upgrade =>
if (upgrade.response.status == StatusCodes.SwitchingProtocols) {
} else {
Future.failed(new Exception(s"Connection failed: ${upgrade.response.status}")
def test(): Unit = {
It works completely OK with ws://echo.websocket.org.
I think attaching code of my server is reasonless, because it works with JavaScript client and problem is only with connection, however if you would like to look at it I may show it.
What am I doing wrong?
I have tested your client implementation with a websocket server from akka documentation,
and I did not get any connection error. Your websocket client connects successfully. That is why I am guessing the problem is with your server implementation.
object WebSocketServer extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
import Directives._
val greeterWebSocketService = Flow[Message].collect {
case tm: TextMessage => TextMessage(Source.single("Hello ") ++ tm.textStream)
val route =
get {
val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(route, "localhost", 8137)
println(s"Server online at http://localhost:8137/\nPress RETURN to stop...")
import system.dispatcher // for the future transformations
.flatMap(_.unbind()) // trigger unbinding from the port
.onComplete(_ => system.terminate()) // and shutdown when done
By the way, I noticed that your actor's receive method does not cover all possible messages. According to that akka issue,
every message, even very small, can end up as Streamed. If you want to print all text messages a better implementation of the actor would be:
object Rec extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case TextMessage.Strict(text) ⇒ println(s"Received signal $text")
case TextMessage.Streamed(textStream) ⇒ textStream.runFold("")(_ + _).foreach(msg => println(s"Received streamed signal: $msg"))
Please find a working project on my github.
I found the solution: the server I used was running on IPv6 (as ::1), but akka-http treats localhost as and ignores ::1. I had to rewrite server to force it to use IPv4 and it worked.

TestProbe missing akka message

I'm trying to test a simple actor which is connecting to another remote on tcp. Here is my actor
* Created by chris on 6/6/16.
class Client(listener : ActorRef, actorSystem: ActorSystem) extends Actor with BitcoinSLogger {
* The manager is an actor that handles the underlying low level I/O resources (selectors, channels)
* and instantiates workers for specific tasks, such as listening to incoming connections.
def manager = IO(Tcp)(actorSystem)
def receive = {
case Tcp.Connect(remote,_,_,_,_) => manager ! Tcp.Connect(remote)
case Tcp.CommandFailed(_: Tcp.Connect) =>
logger.debug("Connection failed")
listener ! "connect failed"
context stop self
case c # Tcp.Connected(remote, local) =>
logger.debug("Tcp connection to: " + remote)
logger.debug("Local: " + local)
listener ! c
val connection = sender()
connection ! Tcp.Register(self)
context become {
case data: ByteString =>
connection ! Tcp.Write(data)
case Tcp.CommandFailed(w: Tcp.Write) =>
// O/S buffer was full
listener ! "write failed"
case Tcp.Received(data) =>
listener ! data
case "close" =>
connection ! Tcp.Close
case _: Tcp.ConnectionClosed =>
listener ! "connection closed"
context stop self
def sendMessage(msg : NetworkRequest, peer : NetworkIpAddress) : Future[NetworkResponse] = ???
object Client {
//private case class ClientImpl(remote: InetSocketAddress, listener: ActorRef, actorSystem : ActorSystem) extends Client
def apply(listener : ActorRef, actorSystem : ActorSystem) : Props = {
Props(classOf[Client], listener, actorSystem)
here is my test case
class ClientTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("ClientTest")) with FlatSpecLike with MustMatchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
"Client" must "connect to a node on the bitcoin network" in {
val probe = TestProbe()
val hostName = "testnet-seed.bitcoin.schildbach.de"
val socket = new InetSocketAddress(hostName, TestNet3.port)
val peerMessageHandler = PeerMessageHandler(system)
val client = system.actorOf(Client(peerMessageHandler, system))
probe.send(client, Tcp.Connect(socket))
override def afterAll: Unit = {
finally, I can tell the connection is successful because my log messages are being hit:
2016-06-08 09:58:21,548 - [DEBUG] - from class
org.bitcoins.spvnode.networking.Client in
ClientTest-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4 Tcp connection to:
2016-06-08 09:58:21,550 - [DEBUG] - from class
org.bitcoins.spvnode.networking.Client in
ClientTest-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4 Local:
however my test case is failing with this error
[info] ClientTest:
[info] Client
[info] - must connect to a node on the bitcoin network *** FAILED ***
[info] java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: timeout (10 seconds) during expectMsgClass waiting for class akka.io.Tcp$Connected
[info] at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:170)
[info] at akka.testkit.TestKitBase$class.expectMsgClass_internal(TestKit.scala:435)
[info] at akka.testkit.TestKitBase$class.expectMsgType(TestKit.scala:417)
[info] at akka.testkit.TestKit.expectMsgType(TestKit.scala:737)
[info] at org.bitcoins.spvnode.networking.ClientTest$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(ClientTest.scala:25)
[info] at org.bitcoins.spvnode.networking.ClientTest$$anonfun$1.apply(ClientTest.scala:17)
[info] at org.bitcoins.spvnode.networking.ClientTest$$anonfun$1.apply(ClientTest.scala:17)
[info] at org.scalatest.Transformer$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcV$sp(Transformer.scala:22)
[info] at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf$class.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:85)
[info] at org.scalatest.OutcomeOf$.outcomeOf(OutcomeOf.scala:104)
[info] ...
Seems like I am missing something simple, but I can't figure out exactly what it is.
To answer my own question, I just made probe the listener isntead of trying to listen on the Client actor itself.
"Client" must "connect to a node on the bitcoin network" in {
val probe = TestProbe()
val hostName = "testnet-seed.bitcoin.schildbach.de"
val socket = new InetSocketAddress(hostName, TestNet3.port)
val peerMessageHandler = PeerMessageHandler(system)
val client = TestActorRef(Client(probe.ref,system))
//probe.send(client, Tcp.Connect(socket))
client ! Tcp.Connect(socket)

Where is wrong in my remote actor demo?

I'm trying to send messages to a remote actor, but failed.
My main code is:
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
object RemoteActorDemo extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("RemoteActorSystem")
val actor = system.actorOf(Props[RemoteActor], name = "RemoteActor")
actor ! "Remote Actor is alive"
class RemoteActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg =>
println("### RemoteActor received message: " + msg)
sender ! "Hello from RemoteActor"
With application.conf:
akka {
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 5150
And LocalActorDemo.scala:
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
object LocalActorDemo extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("ActorDemo")
val localActor = system.actorOf(Props[LocalActor])
localActor ! "Start"
class LocalActor extends Actor {
val remote = context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://RemoteActorSystem#")
override def receive: Receive = {
case "Start" =>
println("### LocalActor started")
remote ! "Hello from LocalActor"
case msg => println("*** LocalActor receives msg: " + msg)
The problem is the local actor can't connect the remote one. It prints in console:
### LocalActor started
[INFO] [10/05/2015 20:57:57.334] [ActorDemo-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] [akka://ActorDemo/deadLetters]
Message [java.lang.String] from Actor[akka://ActorDemo/user/$a#-11944341] to Actor[akka://ActorDemo/deadLetters]
was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration
settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
I'm new to akka, not sure where is wrong.
You can see the demo project here: https://github.com/freewind/remote-actors-demo, you can just clone and run it as "README" describes.
Add an application.conf in your local subproject with content like this:
akka {
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 0
As the official document says:
To enable remote capabilities in your Akka project you should, at a minimum, add the following changes to your application.conf file
This applied to the client side of a remoting system as well.

Akka Can't Create Remote Actor Dynamically: Scala

I have a server-client architecture where there are many clients and one server. I'd like to create an actor in each client and put them on the server actor system.
I tried to do this dynamically. After creating the actor remotely (which I'm not sure is successful) I can't select it. Here is my server:
class TestActorSystem {
val system = ActorSystem("testSystem", ConfigFactory.load("server.conf"))
def shutdown = system.shutdown()
Server Config:
akka {
#loglevel = "DEBUG"
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 2552
log-sent-messages = on
log-received-messages = on
Here is my client:
class Client(id: String, remoteAddress: Address) {
def this(id: String) = {
this(id, Address("akka.tcp", "testSystem", "", 2552))
implicit val timeout = Timeout(600.seconds)
val conf = ConfigFactory.load()
val system = ActorSystem("client", ConfigFactory.load("client.conf"))
val remote = remoteAddress.toString
private val broadcaster = system.actorSelection(Props[MyActor].withDeploy(Deploy(scope = RemoteScope(remoteAddress))), name = "joe")
def shutdown() = system.shutdown
def send = {
val c = system.actorSelection("akka.tcp://testSystem#")
c ! "simple message"
Client Config:
akka {
#log-config-on-start = on
stdout-loglevel = "DEBUG"
loglevel = "DEBUG"
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
log-sent-messages = on
log-received-messages = on
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 0
I start the server and then run the client, here is what I think is the relevant error message:
[INFO] [04/04/2014 09:32:09.631] [testSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-17] [akka://testSystem/user/joe] Message [java.lang.String] from Actor[akka://testSystem/deadLetters] to Actor[akka://testSystem/user/joe] was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
I've also tried to create remote actors through my configuration file with similar results. Any idea appreciated! I'm not sure if this matters but I'm running this code through my IDE.
You should use actorOf to create actors instead of actorSelection.
val ref = system.actorOf(
Deploy(scope = RemoteScope(address))))
See Programmatic Remote Deployment