An optimal way to Fade-In and Fade-Out SKLabelNodes - swift

I am working on a small SpriteKit game.
I have a "Tips" section on the Home Screen that I want to pulse in and out, each time displaying different Tips.
I have a method that works, which I wrote myself, but it's messy and I'm sure there's an better way it could be done. I was hoping someone could show me a way that maybe I missed (or went a long way around doing).
This is how I currently do it:
func createTipsLabels(){
//create SKLabelNodes
//add properties to Labels
//tip1Label... etc
//tip2Label... etc
//tip3Label... etc
//now animate (or pulse) in tips label, one at a time...
let tSeq = SKAction.sequence([
runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(tSeq)) //...the repeat forever
//put in separate methods to allow to be called in runBlocks above
func fadeTip1In() { tip1Label.alpha = 0; tip1Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeInWithDuration(1)) ; print("1") }
func fadeTip1Out(){ tip1Label.alpha = 1; tip1Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeOutWithDuration(1)); print("2") }
func fadeTip2In() { tip2Label.alpha = 0; tip2Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeInWithDuration(1)) ; print("3") }
func fadeTip2Out(){ tip2Label.alpha = 1; tip2Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeOutWithDuration(1)); print("4") }
func fadeTip3In() { tip3Label.alpha = 0; tip3Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeInWithDuration(1)) ; print("5") }
func fadeTip3Out(){ tip3Label.alpha = 1; tip3Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeOutWithDuration(1)); print("6") }
How can I optimise this?

There is no need to create multiple labels nor do multiple actions, just create an array of what you want to do, and iterate through it.
func createTipsLabels()
let tips = ["1","2","3","4","5"];
var tipCounter = 0
if (tipCounter >= tips.count)
tipCounter = 0;
tipLabel.alpha = 0;
let tSeq = SKAction.sequence([
SKAction.runBlock({[unowned self] in self.tipLabel.text = tips[tipCounter]; print(tips[tipCounter]); tipCounter+=1;}),
tipLabel.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(tSeq)) //...the repeat forever


Swift+UIImageView: switch between two animation frame sequences?

Example of code for animation:
func startAnimation(index: Int) {
var jumpImages = ["Jump_1","Jump_2","Jump_3","Jump_4","Jump_5","Jump_6","Jump_7","Jump_8","Jump_9","Jump_10"]
if index == 1 {
jumpImages = ["Jump_11","Jump_21","Jump_31","Jump_41","Jump_51","Jump_61","Jump_71","Jump_81","Jump_91","Jump_101"]
var images = [UIImage]()
for image in jumpImages{
images.append(UIImage(named: image)!)
self.imageView.frame.origin.y = self.imageView.frame.origin.y + 100.0
self.imageView.animationImages = images
self.imageView.animationDuration = 2.0
self.imageView.animationRepeatCount = 1
startAnimation(index: 0)
startAnimation(index: 1)
NOTE: Both startAnimation calls are in the main thread but not in the same run loop.
In my case I want to change jumpImages to another set of images. I should cancel the previous animation and start the new one but it looks like I set the last image in jumpImages sequence instead.
How to solve this issue?
Okay, I think I'm understanding your problem now -- from your statement, "[...] but it looks like I set the last image in jumpImages sequence instead," I think you mean that when you call startAnimation(index: 1), you are seeing just the last frame of the index 0 animations, and none of the index 1 animations.
Assuming that is right, your problem here going to be a race condition.
When you call startAnimation() then second time with index 1, the first animation may or may not still be in progress.
The solution will be to call self.imageView.stopAnimating() before you change all the images and start the new animation. The best practice would be to check the imageView.isAnimating flag before you call it. Something like this:
func startAnimation(index: Int) {
var jumpImages = ["Jump_1","Jump_2","Jump_3","Jump_4","Jump_5","Jump_6","Jump_7","Jump_8","Jump_9","Jump_10"]
if index == 1 {
jumpImages = ["Jump_11","Jump_21","Jump_31","Jump_41","Jump_51","Jump_61","Jump_71","Jump_81","Jump_91","Jump_101"]
var images = [UIImage]()
for image in jumpImages{
images.append(UIImage(named: image)!)
if self.imageView.isAnimating {
self.imageView.frame.origin.y = self.imageView.frame.origin.y + 100.0
self.imageView.animationImages = images
self.imageView.animationDuration = 2.0
self.imageView.animationRepeatCount = 1
startAnimation(index: 0)
startAnimation(index: 1)
Also, since you're in a function and not within a closure, you can remove all those references to self., which makes things a bit shorter:
func startAnimation(index: Int) {
var jumpImages = ["Jump_1","Jump_2","Jump_3","Jump_4","Jump_5","Jump_6","Jump_7","Jump_8","Jump_9","Jump_10"]
if index == 1 {
jumpImages = ["Jump_11","Jump_21","Jump_31","Jump_41","Jump_51","Jump_61","Jump_71","Jump_81","Jump_91","Jump_101"]
var images = [UIImage]()
for image in jumpImages{
images.append(UIImage(named: image)!)
if imageView.isAnimating {
imageView.frame.origin.y = imageView.frame.origin.y + 100.0
imageView.animationImages = images
imageView.animationDuration = 2.0
imageView.animationRepeatCount = 1
startAnimation(index: 0)
startAnimation(index: 1)

How to get current texture from current frame of animation in SKAction?

I'm trying to animate something that spins / left to right, but whenever I call
spinLeft() or spinRight() then the animation always starts from frame 0.
In other words, I want to be able to say spin something 4 out of 10 frames, stop, then
spin in the opposite direction, FROM frame 4. Right now, it resets to frame 0.
var textures = [SKTexture]() // Loaded with 10 images later on.
var sprite = SKSpriteNode()
func spinLeft() {
let action = SKAction.repeatForever(.animate(with: textures, timePerFrame: 0.1))
func spinRight() {
let action = SKAction.repeatForever(.animate(with: textures, timePerFrame: 0.1)).reversed()
You could do this (Syntax may be a little off, but you get the point):
The key here is the .index(of: ... ) which will get you the index.
func spinUp() {
let index = textures.index(of: sprite.texture)
if index == textures.count - 1 {
sprite.texture = textures[0]
else {
sprite.texture = textures[index + 1]
func spinDown() {
let index = textures.index(of: sprite.texture)
if index == 0 {
sprite.texture = textures[textures.count - 1]
else {
sprite.texture = textures[index - 1]
func changeImage(_ isUp: Bool, _ amountOfTime: CGFloat) {
let wait = SKAction.wait(duration: amountOfTime)
if isUp {
run(wait) {
else {
run(wait) {
If you use something like a swipe gesture recognizer, you can use it's direction to set the isUp Bool value and the velocity of that swipe for the amountOfTime for the changeImage function.
The changeImage will only change the image once, so you will need to handle this somewhere else, or create another function if you want it to continuously spin or die off eventually.
Hope this helps!

Attempting to create a customisable background button in XCode with Swift 3?

I apologise but I am relatively new to coding and venturing into typing up my own customisations of a flappy bird game. I have made two customisable buttons, for the bird and for the background. The bird button is fully functional but when the game runs and if I have clicked the background button on the main menu it has changed in the game but the button itself does not change on the main menu? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
import Foundation
class GameManager {
static let instance = GameManager();
private init() {}
var birdIndex = Int(0);
var birds = ["Blue", "Green", "Red"];
func incrementIndex() {
birdIndex += 1;
if birdIndex == birds.count {
birdIndex = 0
func getBird() -> String {
return birds[birdIndex];
var backIndex = Int(0);
var backs = ["Day", "Night", "Preme"];
func otherincrementIndex() {
backIndex += 1;
if backIndex == backs.count {
backIndex = 0;
func getBack() -> String {
return backs[backIndex];
func setHighscore(highscore: Int) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(highscore, forKey: "Highscore");
func getHighscore() -> Int {
return UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: "Highscore");
The customisable bird button does work but the background one doesn't. Is this problem going to be caused by this section or the Gameplay scene? Thank you again in advance.

Quickest way to check multiple bools and changing image depending on that bool

I have multiple achievements that the user can achieve during the game. When the user goes to the achievement VC, he should see an image when the achievement is accomplished.
I am now using this code in the viewDidLoad function:
if unlockedAchievement1 == true
achievement1Text.textColor = UIColor.greenColor()
achievement1Image.image = UIImage(named: "achievement1Unlocked")
if unlockedAchievement2 == true
achievement2Text.textColor = UIColor.greenColor()
achievement2Image.image = UIImage(named: "achievement2Unlocked")
This would work, but it takes a lot of time to copy paste this overtime. How can I shorten this? Should I make a class? I read about for in loops, but I did not quite understood that. Any help is welcome!
I feel like I have seen this before. But anyway...
//use array of bools. First declare as empty array.
//Use Core data to achieve saving the Booleans if you need to.
let achievements:[Bool] = []
let achievementsImage:[UIImage] = []
let achievementsText:[UITextView] = []
func viewDidLoad() {
//Say you have 5 achievements.
for index in 0 ..< 5 {
achievementsImage.append(UIImage(named: "achievementLocked"))
//Then you can edit it, such as.
achievementText[index].frame = CGRect(0, 0, 100, 100)
achievementText[index].text = "AwesomeSauce"
achievementText[index].textColor = UIColor.blackColor()
//Call this function and it will run through your achievements and determine what needs to be changed
func someFunction() {
for index in 0 ..< achievements.count {
if(achievements[index]) {
achievements[index] = true
achievementsImage[index] = UIImage(named: String(format: "achievement%iUnlocked", index))
achievementsText[index].textColor = UIColor.greenColor
I'd recommend making your unlockedAchievement1, unlockedAchievement2, etc. objects tuples, with the first value being the original Bool, and the second value being the image name. You'd use this code:
// First create your data array
var achievements = [(Bool, String)]()
// Then you can make your achievements.
// Initially, they're all unearned, so the Bool is false.
let achievement1 = (false, "achievement1UnlockedImageName")
let achievement2 = (false, "achievement2UnlockedImageName")
// Now that you have your finished data array, you can use a simple for-loop to iterate.
// Create a new array to hold the images you'll want to show.
var imagesToShow = [String]()
for achievement in achievements {
if achievement.0 == true {

Images don't update when loaded until end

I am trying to write a routine to roll a die. I want the face to change several times before landing on the final number. The code below does not show the die changing faces. I added the sleep statement in hopes that it would give it time to update but it just stays with the initial face until the end and then shows the final face. Is there a statement to add after changing the texture to force the view to update?
func rollDice() {
var x: Int
for var i = 0; i < 50; i++
x = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextIntWithUpperBound(6)
let texture = dice[0].faces[x]
let action:SKAction = SKAction.setTexture(texture)
pieces[3].texture = dice[0].faces[x]
As has been pointed out in the comments, the screen only redraws on the main thread. Therefore, you could let the dice rolls take place on a background thread, and redraw the screen on the main thread:
func rollDice() {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
for i in 0..<50 {
let x = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextIntWithUpperBound(6)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue) {
let texture = dice[0].faces[x]
let action:SKAction = SKAction.setTexture(texture)
pieces[3].texture = dice[0].faces[x]
Thank you for the help. After reading some about Timers, I came up with the following code:
func rollDice() {
rollCount = 0
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.05, target:self, selector: "changeDie", userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func changeDie () {
x = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextIntWithUpperBound(6)
let texture = dice[0].faces[x]
let action:SKAction = SKAction.setTexture(texture)
if rollCount == 20 {