Quickest way to check multiple bools and changing image depending on that bool - swift

I have multiple achievements that the user can achieve during the game. When the user goes to the achievement VC, he should see an image when the achievement is accomplished.
I am now using this code in the viewDidLoad function:
if unlockedAchievement1 == true
achievement1Text.textColor = UIColor.greenColor()
achievement1Image.image = UIImage(named: "achievement1Unlocked")
if unlockedAchievement2 == true
achievement2Text.textColor = UIColor.greenColor()
achievement2Image.image = UIImage(named: "achievement2Unlocked")
This would work, but it takes a lot of time to copy paste this overtime. How can I shorten this? Should I make a class? I read about for in loops, but I did not quite understood that. Any help is welcome!

I feel like I have seen this before. But anyway...
//use array of bools. First declare as empty array.
//Use Core data to achieve saving the Booleans if you need to.
let achievements:[Bool] = []
let achievementsImage:[UIImage] = []
let achievementsText:[UITextView] = []
func viewDidLoad() {
//Say you have 5 achievements.
for index in 0 ..< 5 {
achievementsImage.append(UIImage(named: "achievementLocked"))
//Then you can edit it, such as.
achievementText[index].frame = CGRect(0, 0, 100, 100)
achievementText[index].text = "AwesomeSauce"
achievementText[index].textColor = UIColor.blackColor()
//Call this function and it will run through your achievements and determine what needs to be changed
func someFunction() {
for index in 0 ..< achievements.count {
if(achievements[index]) {
achievements[index] = true
achievementsImage[index] = UIImage(named: String(format: "achievement%iUnlocked", index))
achievementsText[index].textColor = UIColor.greenColor

I'd recommend making your unlockedAchievement1, unlockedAchievement2, etc. objects tuples, with the first value being the original Bool, and the second value being the image name. You'd use this code:
// First create your data array
var achievements = [(Bool, String)]()
// Then you can make your achievements.
// Initially, they're all unearned, so the Bool is false.
let achievement1 = (false, "achievement1UnlockedImageName")
let achievement2 = (false, "achievement2UnlockedImageName")
// Now that you have your finished data array, you can use a simple for-loop to iterate.
// Create a new array to hold the images you'll want to show.
var imagesToShow = [String]()
for achievement in achievements {
if achievement.0 == true {


ios - Swift 4: How to remove UIImageViews when UIImageView.animationImages is finished?

I am using .animationImages for UIImageViews in my project (it's a game). When the user presses a hint button I programmatically create a variable number of UIImageViews that will appear on screen and play the same image sequence once. I need to remove the UIImageViews from the view when the animation has stopped but I can't figure out how to do this.
I've been through the swift documentation for both .animationImages and .startAnimating but it's literally one paragraph and one line, neither of which is in relation to a completion or finish notifications etc. Any help will be much appreciated.
private func hideAnswerButtonsHint() {
// Clear all of the answer boxes that aren't hint locked
var imageArray = [UIImage]()
var remainingLetters = [String]()
for imageCount in 1...8 {
let imageName = "green_smoke_puff_0\(imageCount)"
let image = UIImage(named: imageName)!
for answerBox in answerBoxArray where answerBox.hintLock == false {
if let letter = answerBoxDict[answerBox.tag] {
for answerButton in answerButtonArray where answerButton.hintLock == false {
if let index = remainingLetters.index(of: answerButton.titleText) {
remainingLetters.remove(at: index)
} else {
let frame = answerButton.superview?.convert(answerButton.frame.origin, to: nil)
let imageView = UIImageView()
imageView.animationImages = imageArray
imageView.animationDuration = 0.5
imageView.animationRepeatCount = 1
imageView.frame = CGRect(x: frame!.x, y: frame!.y, width: answerButton.frame.width, height: answerButton.frame.height)
answerButton.hintLock = true
UIImageView is an NSObject so you can always use KVO to watch its properties:
var observation: NSKeyValueObservation?
override func viewDidLoad() {
observation = imageView.observe(\.isAnimating) { [weak self] imageView, change in
if let value = change.newValue,
value == true {
self?.observation = nil

Why won't the viewport move to the last X value of my line chart?

I'm using version 3.1.1. of the Charts framework and I'm having trouble getting the viewport to move far enough to the right to show the last value. If I segue to my ChartViewControllerand the current selection has data to display, it moves to a point in the chart that leaves 7 datapoints out of view to the right. However, if I then select another item that doesn't have any data and then select the previous item that has data, it correctly moves the chart so the last datapoint is visible:
When a selection is made, I fetch the appropriate data:
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {
let selectedLift = lifts[row]
In fetchLiftEvents() I set the chartView.data to nil if there's no data and this appears to be the only difference between what happens when I first segue to the ChartViewController and when select an item with no data and reselect the previous item:
func fetchLiftEvents() {
let liftName = UserDefaults.selectedLiftForChart()
let liftEvents = dataManager.fetchLiftsEventsOfTypeByName(liftName)
guard liftEvents.count > 0 else {
chartView.noDataText = "There's no \(liftName) data to display"
chartView.data = nil
return }
// put them into a Dictionary grouped by each unique day
let groupedEvents = Dictionary(grouping: liftEvents, by: { floor($0.date.timeIntervalSince1970 / 86400) })
// grab the maximum 1RM from each day
let dailyMaximums = groupedEvents.map { $1.max(by: { $0.oneRepMax < $1.oneRepMax }) }
// MARK: - TODO: Fix the silly unwrapping
sortedLiftEvents = dailyMaximums.sorted(by: { $0?.date.compare(($1?.date)!) == .orderedAscending }) as! [LiftEvent]
generatexAxisDates(liftEvents: sortedLiftEvents)
generateLineData(liftEvents: sortedLiftEvents)
Both generatexAxisDates(liftEvents: sortedLiftEvents) and generateLineData(liftEvents: sortedLiftEvents) are called in viewDidLoad(), my point being that they're called when the view loads and when a new selection with data is chosen. I'm calling setVisibleXRange(minXRange:maxXRange:) in generateLineData(liftEvents:) so it's always getting called as well:
func generateLineData(liftEvents: [LiftEvent]) {
// generate the array of ChartDataEntry()...
// generate set = LineChartDataSet(values: values, label: "Line DataSet")
let data = LineChartData(dataSet: set)
chartView.data = data
chartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 7.0, maxXRange: 7.0)
chartView.animate(yAxisDuration: 0.8)
and resetxAxis() is only doing this:
func resetxAxis() {
let xAxis = chartView.xAxis
xAxis.labelPosition = .bottom
xAxis.axisMinimum = 0
xAxis.granularity = 1
xAxis.axisLineWidth = 5
xAxis.valueFormatter = self
I've searched through the documentation and Issues on Github and looked at many related questions on SO, but I'm not able to get this to work. This question seems to be addressing the very same problem I'm having but after trying to apply the solution to my problem, it still persists.
Is there anything else someone can suggest trying?
I found a possible clue to the problem. When I first segue to the chart view (screenshot 1), the bounds of chartView are different after I select an item with no data and then reselect Deadlift (screenshots 2 & 3):
It's the very same data set in each case but initially the height is 389 but then changes to 433. I'm guessing this must affect the scaling but I haven't been able to find where or how the bounds of chartView are set.
Any ideas why this is happening?
I finally figured it out. I was fetching the data that would be displayed on the charts before setting some of the chart properties that should be set prior to setting chartView.data = data. I now set these default properties before fetching and setting the data and it works:
extension BarLineChartViewBase {
func configureDefaults() {
backgroundColor = NSUIColor(red: 35/255.0, green: 43/255.0, blue: 53/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
chartDescription?.enabled = false
legend.enabled = false
xAxis.labelPosition = .bottom
xAxis.avoidFirstLastClippingEnabled = false
rightAxis.enabled = false // this fixed the extra xAxis grid lines
rightAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = false
for axis in [xAxis, leftAxis] as [AxisBase] {
axis.drawAxisLineEnabled = true
axis.labelTextColor = .white
noDataTextColor = .white
noDataFont = NSUIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: 16.0)

Why does Xcode show warning 'Will never be executed' on my 'if' clause?

I want to show a note/label on my tableview background when/if there is no data to load, or data is being fetched etc.
I can't see what am I doing wrong here. Xcode is showing a warning "Will never be executed" on this line of code: if mostUpTodateNewsItemsFromRealm?.count < 1 {
Here is the method.
override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
// create a lable ready to display
let statusLabel: UILabel = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, self.tableView.bounds.size.width, self.tableView.bounds.size.height))
statusLabel.textColor = globalTintColor
statusLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
self.tableView.backgroundView = statusLabel
self.tableView.backgroundView?.backgroundColor = colourOfAllPickerBackgrounds
// 1) Check if we have tried to fetch news
if NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("haveTriedToFetchNewsForThisChurch") as! Bool == false {
statusLabel.text = "Busy loading news..."
} else {
// If have tried to fetch news items = true
// 2) check church has channels
let numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs = 0
if let upToDateSubsInfo = upToDateChannelAndSubsInfo {
let numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs = 0
for subInfo in upToDateSubsInfo {
if subInfo.subscribed == true {
numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs + 1
if numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs < 1 {
// if no channels
// show messsage saying you aren't subscribed to any channels.
statusLabel.text = "Your church hasn't setup any news channels yet."
} else {
// 3) if we have tried to fetch news AND the church DOES have channels
// check if we have any news items to show
if mostUpTodateNewsItemsFromRealm?.count < 1 {
// If no news items
statusLabel.text = "Your church hasn't broadcast and news yet."
} else {
// if have tried to fetch AND church has channels AND there ARE news items
// remove the background image so doesn't show when items load.
self.tableView.backgroundView = nil
// in all circumstances there will be one section
return 1
Your code first created a constant:
let numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs = 0
And then you check whether it is less than 1:
if numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs < 1
Since it is a constant, it will never change. This means that the if clause will always be executed. Thus, the else clause will never be executed.
So first you need to make this constant variable:
var numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs = 0
Then just change this:
if subInfo.subscribed == true {
numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs + 1
to this:
if subInfo.subscribed == true {
numberOfChannelsSubscribedToIs += 1
This way, numberOFChannelSubscribedToIs can be some number other than 0. And the else clause can be executed.
var and let are very different!

An optimal way to Fade-In and Fade-Out SKLabelNodes

I am working on a small SpriteKit game.
I have a "Tips" section on the Home Screen that I want to pulse in and out, each time displaying different Tips.
I have a method that works, which I wrote myself, but it's messy and I'm sure there's an better way it could be done. I was hoping someone could show me a way that maybe I missed (or went a long way around doing).
This is how I currently do it:
func createTipsLabels(){
//create SKLabelNodes
//add properties to Labels
//tip1Label... etc
//tip2Label... etc
//tip3Label... etc
//now animate (or pulse) in tips label, one at a time...
let tSeq = SKAction.sequence([
runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(tSeq)) //...the repeat forever
//put in separate methods to allow to be called in runBlocks above
func fadeTip1In() { tip1Label.alpha = 0; tip1Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeInWithDuration(1)) ; print("1") }
func fadeTip1Out(){ tip1Label.alpha = 1; tip1Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeOutWithDuration(1)); print("2") }
func fadeTip2In() { tip2Label.alpha = 0; tip2Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeInWithDuration(1)) ; print("3") }
func fadeTip2Out(){ tip2Label.alpha = 1; tip2Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeOutWithDuration(1)); print("4") }
func fadeTip3In() { tip3Label.alpha = 0; tip3Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeInWithDuration(1)) ; print("5") }
func fadeTip3Out(){ tip3Label.alpha = 1; tip3Label.runAction(SKAction.fadeOutWithDuration(1)); print("6") }
How can I optimise this?
There is no need to create multiple labels nor do multiple actions, just create an array of what you want to do, and iterate through it.
func createTipsLabels()
let tips = ["1","2","3","4","5"];
var tipCounter = 0
if (tipCounter >= tips.count)
tipCounter = 0;
tipLabel.alpha = 0;
let tSeq = SKAction.sequence([
SKAction.runBlock({[unowned self] in self.tipLabel.text = tips[tipCounter]; print(tips[tipCounter]); tipCounter+=1;}),
tipLabel.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(tSeq)) //...the repeat forever

GKMinmaxStrategist doesn't return any moves

I have the following code in my main.swift:
let strategist = GKMinmaxStrategist()
strategist.gameModel = position
strategist.maxLookAheadDepth = 1
strategist.randomSource = nil
let move = strategist.bestMoveForActivePlayer()
...where position is an instance of my GKGameModel subclass Position. After this code is run, move is nil. bestMoveForPlayer(position.activePlayer!) also results in nil (but position.activePlayer! results in a Player object).
let moves = position.gameModelUpdatesForPlayer(position.activePlayer!)!
results in a non-empty array of possible moves. From Apple's documentation (about bestMoveForPlayer(_:)):
Returns nil if the player is invalid, the player is not a part of the game model, or the player has no valid moves available.
As far as I know, none of this is the case, but the function still returns nil. What could be going on here?
If it can be of any help, here's my implementation of the GKGameModel protocol:
var players: [GKGameModelPlayer]? = [Player.whitePlayer, Player.blackPlayer]
var activePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer? {
return playerToMove
func setGameModel(gameModel: GKGameModel) {
let position = gameModel as! Position
pieces = position.pieces
ply = position.ply
func gameModelUpdatesForPlayer(thePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer) -> [GKGameModelUpdate]? {
let player = thePlayer as! Player
let moves = legalMoves(ofPlayer: player)
return moves.count > 0 ? moves : nil
func applyGameModelUpdate(gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
let move = gameModelUpdate as! Move
func unapplyGameModelUpdate(gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
let move = gameModelUpdate as! Move
func scoreForPlayer(thePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer) -> Int {
let player = thePlayer as! Player
var score = 0
for (_, piece) in pieces {
score += piece.player == player ? 1 : -1
return score
func isLossForPlayer(thePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer) -> Bool {
let player = thePlayer as! Player
return legalMoves(ofPlayer: player).count == 0
func isWinForPlayer(thePlayer: GKGameModelPlayer) -> Bool {
let player = thePlayer as! Player
return isLossForPlayer(player.opponent)
func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject {
let copy = Position(withPieces: pieces.map({ $0.1 }), playerToMove: playerToMove)
return copy
If there's any other code I should show, let me know.
You need to change the activePlayer after apply or unapply a move.
In your case that would be playerToMove.
The player whose turn it is to perform an update to the game model. GKMinmaxStrategist assumes that the next call to the applyGameModelUpdate: method will perform a move on behalf of this player.
and, of course:
Function applyGameModelUpdate Applies a GKGameModelUpdate to the game model, potentially resulting in a new activePlayer. GKMinmaxStrategist will call this method on a copy of the primary game model to speculate about possible future moves and their effects. It is assumed that calling this method performs a move on behalf of the player identified by the activePlayer property.
func applyGameModelUpdate(gameModelUpdate: GKGameModelUpdate) {
let move = gameModelUpdate as! Move
//Here change the current Player
let player = playerToMove as! Player
playerToMove = player.opponent
The same goes for your unapplyGameModelUpdate implementation.
Also, keep special attention to your setGameModelimplementation as it should copy All data in your model. This includes activePlayer
Sets the data of another game model. All data should be copied over, and should not maintain any pointers to the copied game state. This is used by the GKMinmaxStrategist to process permutations of the game without needing to apply potentially destructive updates to the primary game model.
I had the same problem. Turns out, .activePlayer has to return one of the instances returned by .players. It's not enough to return a new instance with matching .playerId.
simple checklist:
GKMinmaxStrategist's .bestMove(for:) is called
GKMinmaxStrategist's .gameModel is set
GKGameModel's isWin(for:) does not return true before move
GKGameModel's isLoss(for:) does not return true before move
GKGameModel's gameModelUpdates(for:) does not return nil all the time
GKGameModel's score(for:) is implemented