Is there a good way to express a dependency on an unpublished NPM version? - github

We frequently run into this problem where our two main modules need to be kept in sync with each other. Features get developed in branches, reviewed, merged into master, and then the branch gets deleted.
Let's say module A, version 1.3.1 requires B version 2.4.0. Neither has been merged to master, and neither has been published to NPM. We don't synchronise code review, so we don't really know which will get published first.
Currently we have two choices for the dependency we express in A:
Option 1
"moduleB": "2.4.0"
Problem: you can't actually install this until module B gets published to NPM. npm link works for the main developers, but it's still bad having something that can't be installed in master.
Option 2
"moduleB": "ourOrg/moduleB#newFeature"
Problem: you can install this now, but as soon as newFeature gets merged, that branch will be deleted, and this will break.
What to do?
Is there a standard solution to this problem? I guess we could create extra branches that don't get deleted?


How to convert a github repository to local project component code?

There is a github repository that is no longer actively maintained. I want to use the code and move it into my project's components but that is tedious and not sure if that is the best approach.
I just want to bump the version of draftjs used by the repository.
Here is the repo and it uses draft js version 0.10.0
My local project uses draft js version 0.11.7
This causes errors and incompatibility issues.
What is the best approach when a repository uses an outdated version of a repository used by local project?
Before forking and publishing to npm your own version of that dependencies, you might consider using the package/patch-package
Patches created by patch-package are automatically and gracefully applied when you use npm(>=5) or yarn.
No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published. No more forking repos just to fix that one tiny thing preventing your app from working.
# fix a bug in one of your dependencies
vim node_modules/some-package/brokenFile.js
# run patch-package to create a .patch file
npx patch-package some-package
# commit the patch file to share the fix with your team
git add patches/some-package+3.14.15.patch
git commit -m "fix brokenFile.js in some-package"
In your case, you would be patching the brijeshb42/medium-draft/package.json file.

ReadTheDocs refresh tags and versions

Because we've done some rearranging of our documentation setup, I have two separate read the docs projects which I need to build from the same GitHub repo. One of them is brand new, and the other used to be pointed to the old repo.
I have set up a webhook on each project, and added both these webhooks to the repo.
The problem is that in the project that used to be pointed to the old repo, the stable build is still associated with the SHA of the latest release on the old repo, which does not exist in the new repo. This causes the stable build to fail.
One other thing I hope to solve, when activating some of the new versions (which used to exist in the old repo) an "_a" is added to then of the published version name, even though there are not multiple publishable versions with the same name.
I'm wondering: is it possible to completely refresh all of the RTD-detected versions and tags? I think doing so would solve both these issues.
I've tried "wiping" the builds but that doesn't help, I have read the RTD docs on versions many times, and I've triggered new push events from github (which are sent and received successfully) but still can't make any progress.
The best way to solve this turned out to be just recreating the RTD projects. If anyone else comes across this issue, you could check out the ticket I made on the RTD repo
Trigger a Build on any of the existing versions that RTD knows about. After that build job starts the Versions list will be updated from the git repo.

Generating My Angular Project Release Notes with Standard Version

I created an Angular project using angular-cli and pushed it to GitHub. I then created a new branch and updated packages, installed standard-version and ran npm run release -- --first-release as instructed. I then pushed the whole into a new branch on GitHub, created a pull request, squashed and merged onto master, pulled back into local master, and ran standard-version again finally followed by git push --follow-tags origin master. Here's the state on GitHub:
All notes that I wrote in the pull request body are not visible in the changelog file, and they are obviously not in the chore(release) generated by standard-version. Why?
They are also not written within the Releases tabs at all, even though I can see the released tags there.
Should I have made the version 1.0.0 in packages.json before starting in order to adhere to semantic versioning?
What am I doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong. chore doesn't show up in (see:
To have release notes uploaded, you will to use something like
It's up to you where to start. Generally, when labeled 0.x, the project is still unstable and will go through vast API changes. When the project becomes stable, bump the major to 1.x and adhere to semver.

Proper Handling of Version Numbers Between Git Branches

We have an assembly that we push to myget as a nuget package. We then reference the assembly in another project. At this point, everything works great.
Now, suppose we swap to our master branch in git and need to fix a bug. When we do a publish to myget, the package version is later.
When doing merges between branches, it's not obvious which version is the right one since we can't rely on newer versions being the proper one for that branch.
Is there a standardized way of versioning that takes care of this situation? I'm sure this is very common but I'm not sure the proper approach to take?
You could look into using GitVersion.exe for that -

TFS /Source Control: How to manage hotfixes

I try to understand the right approach for managing hotfixes with TFS /source-control.
Say I have a small project to contains only two file (app.js and util.js). Both files are under source control (Team Foundation Server).
Assuming I applied two weeks ago a label that indicates the "milestone-1" that was deployed to the server. Since then I applied several other modifications (extended app.js and added another files).
Today I found a bug so I get the version with the label "milestone-1" from the server, modify the util.js and deploy this version to the server. The goal is that on the server only the version "milestone-1" including the hotfix-1 is deployed but not the modification I applied the last two weeks.
The question is: How /where do I check-in the hotfix to the TFS? Because I might find another bug tomorrow so I have to get the version "milestone-1" and the hotfix-1 base base for appling the second hotfix.
Is there a way to check-in a version of my code into the TFS that "sits" between label "milestone-1" and my latest version?
With branching and merging!
We have the following development cycle:
The initial project is created, permissions assigned, and imported in to TFS under branch name of "Main".
Because this is the initial iteration of development, we branch "Dev" from main, and that's where the developers work. Note at this point there is no official release.
When development is complete, it is merged back in to Main. No Dev work happens on the Main branch.
We branch "Release" from main, and that is the point at which the code is actually deployed, and version numbers are updated.
Ok, so, further down the line, we have to make some amendments. Once again, "Main" is branched out again and the development work continues down the Dev Branch. All is well. Then a user reports a bug that needs fixing, and it needs fixing fast. But we're half-way through our other development!! What to do?
At this point, we branch from main again. We'll call it "HotFix". The bug is fixed, and then HotFix is merged back in to main. We can then merge it in to our release branch, and the update is sent out. Our current dev work is not interrupted, and none of the work we have been doing up to this point exists on Main).
We finally finish our dev work, and we merge that back in to the main branch, and then in to release. Because our Hotfix branch got merged in to main, our new development work also contains the hotfix we did on the fly earlier.
You should use branching. Check out the "Rangers'" guidance.
I have successfully used the Advanced Branch Plan in the past, but you can customize it to your needs. You need to be disciplined with branching, merging, checking in, etc. Also consider shelvesets for code changes that aren't ready to be committed even to the DEV branch.
Let me know if you want more information.