How to convert a github repository to local project component code? - github

There is a github repository that is no longer actively maintained. I want to use the code and move it into my project's components but that is tedious and not sure if that is the best approach.
I just want to bump the version of draftjs used by the repository.
Here is the repo and it uses draft js version 0.10.0
My local project uses draft js version 0.11.7
This causes errors and incompatibility issues.
What is the best approach when a repository uses an outdated version of a repository used by local project?

Before forking and publishing to npm your own version of that dependencies, you might consider using the package/patch-package
Patches created by patch-package are automatically and gracefully applied when you use npm(>=5) or yarn.
No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published. No more forking repos just to fix that one tiny thing preventing your app from working.
# fix a bug in one of your dependencies
vim node_modules/some-package/brokenFile.js
# run patch-package to create a .patch file
npx patch-package some-package
# commit the patch file to share the fix with your team
git add patches/some-package+3.14.15.patch
git commit -m "fix brokenFile.js in some-package"
In your case, you would be patching the brijeshb42/medium-draft/package.json file.


How to use git master of gst-omx (gstreamer1) for the buildroot package?

I'm testing the current buildroot 2016.02-rc2 release. It contains gstreamer1 packages for version 1.6.3, but I would like to build 1.7.2 instead. I successfully updated package definitions for gstreamer1 and the most important plugins to use 1.7.2. However gst-omx has only a 19 months old release archive for the version 1.2.0 for the direct download ( and it fails to compile. So I would like to use the latest version from git repo.
How can I do it? git repository contains a "common" submodule which buildroot's build system cannot handle as it seems. I thought about creating a new release tar.xz package, that would contain everything for building it like all other gstreamer packages, but couldn't find out how those tar.xz packages on the server are generated...
There is indeed no support for submodule in Buildroot, since most of the time, submodules should be packaged as separate packages.
So, for your own testing, you have two options:
1/ You can do a quick test by creating yourself a tarball that contains all the gst-omx source code (including the contents of the common/) subdirectory.
2/ You can package the gstreamer common stuff as a separate package, make your gst-omx package depend on it, and in a pre-configure hook, create a symlink $(#D)/common -> $(GSTREAMER_COMMON_DIR)

how to properly register a github fork with Bower

A while back I had to use a jQuery plugin in my project. I needed some different functionality,
so I rewrote the plugin and a few days back I published a fork on github. I wanted to add the
package to the bower repository.
The forked repository
I added a bower.json file to the repository and registered the package with the usual "bower register" command.
The problem is, when I try to install my package, bower installs the original script and not the fork.
What I already tried:
At first I thought it's because I didn't make a release, so I fixed that part. But It didn't help.
I also tried to change the version number to the version number of the original script with no luck.
So maybe the bower.json file I wrote was not well written, right? My next attempt was using Bower to
make a propper bower.json file for me using "bower init". No luck.
So what could I be doing wrong?
The GitHub help page defines a fork as a method to use someone else's project as a starting point for your own idea.
That was my intention since I rewrote the plugin to be oo oriented and added some functionality, but 80% of the code
used is still from the original plugin and it didn't feel right to just make a new repository. Should I instead make a new repository
and will registering my repo with Bower work then?
What is the usual approach if you did some medium to major changes to a repository? Do you fork it or publish a new repo?
Do you still make a pull request even if the changes are bigger?
This worked for me :
Fork the repository
Clone on your disk
Increment the version number in bower.json (ex. 2.0.1)
Commit and push
Create a new version tag higher than the forked repository. ex: git tag "2.0.1"
Push : git push --tag
bower install ""
You don't need to create a new repository. A fork will work fine.
But you can't overload on someone else's registered package name with bower. It does look like you've changed the name from onepage-scroll to onepage-scroll-extended though.
If you want to figure out what Bower knows about your package:
Do: bower info onepage-scroll-extended
name: 'onepage-scroll-extended',
homepage: '',
version: '1.1.1'
Available versions:
- 1.1.1
- 1.0.1
Here you can see that it does not have the full bower.json manifest information and the latest information that it has is for version 1.1.1 (not 1.1.3, your latest).
This is because you don't have a v1.1.3 tag in your repository's master branch. I can see a v1.1.1 and v1.2 tag, but no v1.1.3 tag. Create that tag and push it up to GitHub to enable you to bower install that new version.
You may also need to re-run the bower register command to tell it to pick up the latest manifest. This should be happening automatically (AFAIK). You don't include the bower register command that you ran, perhaps you used the wrong repo URL there. You should use something like:
bower register onepage-scroll-extended

I've configured Composer to download HTMLPurifier locally, but Git won't push all the files to my OpenShift master repo. Why not?

I've got Composer installed and I've used it to download HTMLPurifier locally. Now I'd like to push that download to my OpenShift Git repo. So, in a Git Bash window, I run the following...
git add -A :/
git commit -a -m "Uploading HTML Purifier"
git push origin master
At this point Git reports that the push was successful but when I ls the directory through SSH, it shows that the HTMLPurifier directory is empty. Why is that? How do I get Git to push those files?
Additional Info: I noticed that the HTMLPurifier directory is indeed a Git repo itself and contains a .gitignore file in its root directory. I tried deleting it and re-running the above commands but to no avail...
You should try to avoid pushing downloaded dependencies into a repository. It is recommended to add the vendor directory into the .gitignore file at top level. But what you must do instead is commit and push both composer.json and composer.lock.
Here's why: The vendor directory is managed by Composer. Running Composer will probably do minor things during an update, but may also be doing heavy stuff if the Composer team decides to optimize things.
Also, if you require a branch of a package, and Composer knows the repository of that package, it will default to cloning a Git repo or do a SVN checkout instead of trying to grab a ZIP package of that branch (often there is no way to get such a package for branches, and even tagged versions in a plain Git repository do not have such download ability. Composer knows that Github offers such downloads, and detects Github by looking at the repo URL.)
So you can assume that Composer will put a lot of repository meta data into the vendor file, and if you blindly commit these, things will get ugly. First of all, you are committing way too many files, increasing your repository by an unnecessary amount, which will slow down things. Then, if cloning Git repositories, these will be treated as submodules, and that has another bunch of nastiness I am told. If you are just learning Git, it probably isn't a good idea to start with these. And if you are sufficiently known to the tools (Git and Composer), you probably won't need them either.
There really is only one reason why you'd try to commit a modified version of the vendor directory: If your release process is completely depending on all files being present in your one repository, without any way to run a composer install during the release to make these files appear on the target server.
In such cases, you'd install or update the packages with Composer, and then go through all created directories and delete any .git and .svn (and probably also .hg for Mercurial) folders you encounter. Only then you'd be able to commit the files into your own repository.
But note that this step might be a tedious step to do manually - you probably want to create an update script that does all that work for you. You also might run into issues when updating dependencies because Composer expects files to simply go away when deleted, and not be in the way when being written. I cannot tell you exactly what you'd be experiencing because it depends on how you'd do stuff, but I expect you stumbling upon random puzzling issues.
Bottom line: Avoid committing the dependencies into your own repository if possible.
Try using the -force option, you will also most likely need to delete the .git directory inside the HTMLPurifier directory too.

Is it acceptable to push a clone of a Google Code project to Github?

I'm trying to use the gdata gem in a Rails project. The main development branch of the gem doesn't support Ruby 1.9 (it requires 'jcode', which isn't needed and doesn't exist for Ruby 1.9.x). There are forks which do, of course; it's a simple fix. However, to use the gem in a Rails project, I need a version which Bundler can find when I deploy, which means forks of a project using hg won't work (unless Bundler has Mercurial support to match its Git support now?).
The "obvious" solution to me is to clone the main Mercurial repository, make the fixes I need, and push this new branch to Github where my deploys can clone it. However, this seems somehow undiplomatic, because a side effect would be the establishment of an unofficial public Github repo of the gem. Is this kind of thing OK?
It's absolutely fine, as long as the license allows it. Don't forget to link back to the original repos, and clearly state what you are doing in the readme.

Version control on an external project

I am working on an enormous project ("the project") which is open-source, and I am changing the project but don't have a permission to commit. I'm looking for strategies for maintaining my own branch of the project. Some issues I am contemplating:
How to put my own work in a version control system, given that I'm altering the project's source code, adding new files and so on.
How to keep in sync with the project without having to manually merge my own changes over and over again.
I've never been in this situation - I've always maintained my complete project in some version control system. My plan right now is something like that:
Creating a directory tree in my SVN, similar to the one in the project.
Keeping all the changed files (and only them) in my svn.
Every time I decide to sync with the new baseline of the project, I'll do a checkout, merge my svn tree into the new version, test, then commit my changes to my svn and distribute them along with the latest project baseline.
The problems here are ENDLESS. Way too many manual steps, more and more work over time, and so on. The correct way to go would be, of course, to be a part of the original project, but this seems to be quite irrelevant right now for various reasons and is out of the question.
I'd use git or mercurial for this; simply import the project into git or mercurial, and merge the upstream changes into a branch in your project for easy merging into your trunk.
If the upstream project has a repository of their own, the import is even easier. Both git and mercurial have support for directly importing other version control systems. I did this recently to adapt an existing project that lives in SVN:
Note that that project has an 'upstream' branch. That particular project has now accepted my proposed changes after reviewing the changes in
There are a few questions here on SO on the subject:
Fork and synchronize Google Code Subversion repository into GitHub
Tracking upstream svn changes with git-svn and github?
Best way to fork SVN project with Git
It should be trivial to create a similar setup with mercurial.
You can use git to maintain your source control on your local system. In fact Git can be used to maintain just about any directory under version control. There is no need to sync to anything, git maintains all changes locally.
If you need to commit to SVN check out the documentation