How to manage app updates for multiple clients? [closed] - deployment

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I have an app that will be sold to multiple clients.
My main concern is:
If a bug is found in my app, and I have fixed the bug in one of my clients' app, how can I automatically apply the same fix to all clients, let say 1000 client?
Let say my app is a restaurant app, I sell it to multiple restaurants each has their own backend, app store account. Just the colors, logo are different. The code is the same.

You describe a very challenging requirement.
Here are some suggestions:
Componentise your application
Try and build your application as components. Some components will be custom for each client, but hopefully the majority of components will be generic.
This should make it easier to do an update as you only need to release the components that have been impacted by the bug.
Build an automated update mechanism
Build an automated update mechanism. Build this in to all your applications so that updates can be pushed out to all your clients.
You may also be able to find a proprietary automated update mechanism available off-the-shelf.
Run continuous integration for all the versions of your application
A major challenge will be to ensure that each bug fix does not introduce other bugs into the many versions of the application. The best way to do this is to have a suite of automated regression tests that cover the most important functionality in your application. Configure continuous integration so that each and every version of your application is built and then tested.
This should give you the confidence to roll out an update across all your client's applications.

There are several possible approaches, each with pros and cons, depending on your preferences, experience, actual development process, app structure, etc.
Using multiple branches in a single VCS repository.
The shared code would go in a master branch. Each customer-specific artifacts and customisations (possibly including code deltas as well) would go in a customN branch pulled off the master branch. The fix could be initially committed into one of these customN branches (for example in order for the customer to validate the fix or multiple iterations of a fix before they're propagated to all customers). If so then the fix would have to be double-committed to the master branch. Or it could go directly in the master branch. From there the fix would be propagated to all the other customN branches via syncs, most of which should be trivial. Followed by a re-build of the respective customer package in a workspace which contains the respective customN repo branch.
Building a customer package would be done in a workspace containing 2 repositories:
a shared repository containing the shared code
a customN repository containing the customer-specific artifacts
The fix would only be committed once, in the shared code repo, distributing the update to a customer would simply mean pulling the respective customer workspace (which automatically gets the updated shared repo) and building the package.
It might be possible to just symlink the shared repo inside a workspace instead of instantiating a copy of it, potentially speeding up the package builds.
This approach doesn't work (well) if you need per-customer code deltas as well.
Use a "nested repository" approach, if your VCS system supports it. For git see Nested git repositories?. I didn't actually use this approach, IMHO it's unnecessarily complicated.


GitHub Multiple Repositories vs. Branching for multiple environments

This might be a very beginner question, but I'm working on a large production website in a startup environment. I just recently started using Heroku, Github, and Ruby on Rails because I'm looking for much more flexibility and version control as compared to just locally making changes and uploading to a server.
My question, which might be very obvious, is if I should use a different repository for each environment (development, testing, staging, production, etc.) or just a main repository and branches to handle new features.
My initial thought is to create multiple repositories. For instance, if I add a new feature, like an image uploader, I would use the code from the development repository. Make the changes, and upload it with commits along the way to keep track of the small changes. Once I had tested it locally I would want to upload it to the test repository with a single commit that lists the feature added (e.g. "Added Image Uploader to account page").
My thought is this would allow micro-managing of commits within the development environment, while the testing environment commits would be more focused on bug fixes, etc.
This makes sense in my mind because as you move up in environments you remove the extraneous commits and focus on what is needed for each environment. I could also see how this could be achieved with branches though, so I was looking for some advice on how this is handled. Pros and cons, personal examples, etc.
I have seen a couple other related questions, but none of them seemed to touch on the same concerns I had.
Thanks in advance!
Using different repos makes sense with a Distributed VCS, and I mention that publication aspect (push/pull) in:
"How do you keep changes separate and isolated across multiple deployment environments in git?"
"Reasons for not working on the master branch in Git"
The one difficult aspect of managing different environments is the configuration files which can contain different values per environment.
For that, I recommend content fiter driver:
That helps generating the actual config files with the current values in them, depending on the current deployment environment.

Best practice to maintain source code under version control with multiple companies?

I'm wondering if there is any best practice for maintaining your source code under version control among different companies. In Open Source there is a maintainer, who receives patches, decides on them and applies them. But what about closed sourced projects where different companies get different workloads and just commit them to the trunk and branches? Is this maintainer concept applicable to a project on which multiple companies work on?
You can choose from a wide range of version control systems. (Not only subversion)
With the "versioning" concept you are safe that no one damages the project permanently.
So there is no need for a manual approval process, especially when there are contracts for example between the participating companies.
I'd also set up a commit mailinglist so you have some kind of peer review of changes. So no changes can be done without anyone noticing them.
If applicable set up some kind of continous integration environment to keep the quality up.
I don't understand the question about the branches. The decision whether to use them or not is IMHO not depending on the fact that the commiters are employed in the same company or not.
Its really up to you to decide which workflow works best for the companies involved. Subversion has the ability to add permissions to your trunk and branches allowing you to lock down certain parts of your repository to people who are "trusted" with merge access to trunk. You'll need good communication amongst the companies. Using the open source Trac provides a wiki, integrated RSS feeds of the commits to the project and code browser.
Usually, each site works on its dedicated branch and can import the other remote site branch, to decide what to integrate in its own work.
But if a site need to work directly on the other site branch, one possible practice is the concept of branch membership which allows only one site at a time to work on a given branch.
(not sure it is possible with SVN though)
That allows for two remote site (with a large time shift) to work on the same task in a tightly integrated manner.
My recommendation : subversion, with that configured you give away a url and then checkout, update, get things done and when you guess that the project is ready, snapshot and deliver.

Merging and branching shared code between projects in TFS

I'm currently in charge of migrating our applications from source safe to TFS. We have three or four very similar apps (let us say e-commerce) that currently share a core library (services, business logic, entities, data access etc).
The applications are similar but not identical so one app might get a feature set the others won't get etc.
I want to stop the sharing of code and instead set up branches (if that fits) so if I change something in Application A:s core library I will need to merge the changes with the other branches instead of them getting the changes automatically. This to avoid surprises when you update from your trunk and suddenly the core has changed for another project and this project breaks in some way.
Any suggestions on how I should set this up in TFS? Should I have a "main" Core that is not directly used in any project that is the parent of all the other cores so I can push changes up to that one from one core and then distribute it to the other cores? Does that make sense and would it be easy to set up in TFS?
In response to your comment, I'd suggest you to read up on Feature branches on the CodePlex website.
Scenario 4 – Branch for Feature
In this scenario, you create a
development branch, perform work in
that branch, and then merge your work
back into your main source tree. You
organize your development branches
based on product features. The
following is a physical view showing
branching for feature development:
My Team Project
Development -> Isolated development branch container
Feature A -> Feature branch
Feature B -> Feature branch
Feature C -> Feature branch
Main -> Main Integration branch
We are alos moving from SS to TFS in the near future.
As I perceive it, we are going to keep our SS repository online and start fresh over in TFS. Our framework probably will get its own project in TFS. Project specific shared units will need to get merged from time to time.
The way you structure your repository depends on your specific situation. Every branch scenario has its specific advantages and drawbacks.
How many projects
How many developers
Are the developers dedicated
Do you need concurrent hot fixes
Do you need service packs
Take a look at the CodePlex branching guide for all the information you need to make an informed decision about your TFS structure. Print out the cheat sheets and pin them to your wall for quick reference.
Before executing on your branch plan,
pay attention to this cautionary
message - every branch you create does
have a cost so make sure you get some
value from it. The mechanics of
branching in TFS are simplified to a
single right click branch command.
However, the total cost of branching
is paid by reduced code velocity to
main, merge conflicts and additional
testing can be expensive.
I am assuming you have already investigated whether you truly need to make your "copies" seperate team projects. Remember the TFS concept of a "Team Project" is a VERY LARGE high level container. It is not the same thing as what most IT shops consider a "Project". Think of "Microsoft Vista" or "Office 2007" as a project, not, say "A new release of Company XYZ's Accounts Receivable System" as a project in the Team Project sense.
I have a client that decided on one single Team Project for TFS. There is nothing wrong with this - and it is truly the best scenario in many circumstances.
If you truly need a very strong isolation between your copies of the application (perhaps they are seperate clients and you need very strong security seperation) and must have seperate team projects.
That said - you still - as you've stated need to share code between instances of your application. The first thing I would strongly recommend is to get away from "Cut and Paste" sharing. I would truly try to isolate the shared code into a seperate Solution and generate binaries for that (perhaps you've already done this!)
This is covered in the Codeplex TFS:
Another approach I've done for several clients - is to have a Team Project that contains the shared code. The "Build" creates the binaries for the shared code - and the "Deploy" simply copies those to a "known location" (ie UNC share on the build machine)
For the applications that are "Consumers" of the "Framework" we simply used the "AdditionalReferencesPath" Item group to include the location of that known location.
Furthermore - this tool: can be helpful. This would allow you to have builds automatically triggered for your "Consumer" Projects whenever the "Framework" solution is built.
My brief answer is that you should only setup one 'TFS project' and simply organize your different projects, i.e. your individual applications, and each shared library, as separate folders under that one TFS project. The alternative is to include specific (binary) builds of the shared libraries in each individual application – if you do that then you can organize each application into it's own TFS project, tho you can't merge changes or branch those projects without using the TFS command line (and some non-obvious commands to boot).
I was trying to determine the same information, this guide on codeplex is perfect
Includes terminology and different branching workflow approaches as well as cheat sheets.

What are some good strategies to allow deployed applications to be hotfixable? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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In an ideal world, our development processes would be perfect, resulting in regular releases that were so thoroughly tested that it would never be necessary to "hotfix" a running application.
But, unfortunately, we live in the real world, and sometimes bugs slip past us and don't rear their ugly heads until we're already busy coding away at the next release. And the bug needs to be fixed Now. Not as a part of the next scheduled release. Not tonight when the traffic dies down. Now.
How do you deal with this need? It really can run counter to good design practices, like refactoring your code into nice, discrete class libraries.
Hand-editing markup and stored procedures on a production server can be a recipe for disaster, but it can also avert disaster.
What are some good strategies for application design and deployment techniques to find a balance between maintenance needs and good coding practices?
[Even though we test a lot before we release, ] What we do is this:
Our SVN looks like this:
Now whenever we release, we create a tag which we eventually check out in production. Before we do production, we do staging which is [less servers but] pretty much the same as production.
Reasons to create a "tag" include that some of the settings of our app in production code are slightly different (e.g. no errors are emailed, but logged) from "trunk" anyway, so it makes sense to create the tag and commit those changes. And then checkout on the production cluster.
Now whenever we need to hotfix an issue, we fix it in tags/x first and then we svn update from the tag and are good. Sometimes we go through staging, with some issues (e.g. minor/trivial fixes like spelling) we by-pass staging.
The only thing to remember is to apply all patches from tags/x to trunk.
If you have more than one server, Capistrano (link to doesn't go to the intended anymore) is extremely helpful to run all those operations.
One strategy is to heavily use declarative-style external configuration files for the different components.
Examples of this:
Database access/object-relational mapping via a tool like IBatis/IBatis.NET
Logging via a tool like JLog/NLog
Dependency injection via a tool like Spring/Spring.NET
In this way, you can often keep key components separated into discrete parts, hotfix a running application without recompile, and seamlessly use source control (particularly in comparison to stored procedures, which usually require manual effort to source control).
We divide our code in framework code and business customizations. Business customization classes are loaded using a separate classloader and we have tool to submit changes to a running instance of production. whenever we need a change in any class we change it and submit it to a running instance. the running instance will reject the old classloader and use a new classloader insance to load the classes again. This is similar to Jboss hot deploy of EJBs.

How do you manage database revisions on a medium sized project with branches? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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At work we have 4 people working together on a few different projects. For each project we each have a local copy we work on and then there is a development, staging, and live deployment, along with any branches we have (we use subversion). Our database is MySQL.
So my question is, what is a good way to manage which revisions to the database have been made to each deployment (and for the developers their local copies). Right now each change goes into a text file that is timestamped in the name and put into a folder under the project. This isn't working very well to be honest.. I need a solution that will help keep track of what has been applied where.
The above blog brought us to our current database version control system. Simply put, no DB changes are made without an update script and all update scripts are in our source control repository.
We only manage schema changes but you may also be able/willing to consider keeping dumps of your data available in version control as well; creating such files is a pretty trivial exercise using mysqldump.
Our solution differs from the solution presented in the blog in one key manner: it's not automated. We have to hand apply database updates, etc. Though this can be slightly time consuming, it postponed some of the effort a fully automated system would have required. One thing we did automate however, was the db version tracking in the software: this was pretty simple and it ensures that our software is aware of the database it's running against and will ONLY run if it knows the schema it's working with.
The hardest part of our solution was how to merge updates from our branches into our trunk. We spent some time to develop a workflow to address the possibility of two developers trying to merge branches with DB updates at the same time and how to handle it. We eventually settled on locking a file in version control (the file in question for us is actually a table mapping software version to db version which assists in our manual management strategy), much like you would a thread's critical section, and the developer who gets the lock goes about their update of the trunk. When completed, the other developer would be able to lock and it is their responsibility to make any changes necessary to their scripts to ensure that expected version collisions and other bad juju are avoided.
We keep all of our database scripts (data and schema/ddl) in version control. We also keep a central catalog of the changes. When a developer makes a change to a schema/DDL file or adds a script that changes the data in some way, those files are added to the catalog, along with the SVN commit number.
We have put together a small utility in-house that reads the catalog changes and builds a large update script based on the contents of the catalog by grabbing the contents from each revision in the catalog and applying them. The concept is pretty similar to the DBDeploy tool, which I believe originally came from Thoughtworks, so you may be able to utilize it. It will at least give you a good place to start, from which point you can customize a solution more directly suited to your needs.
Best of luck!
If your database maps nicely to a set of data access objects, consider using 'migrations'. The idea is to store your data model as application code with steps for moving forward and backward through each database version.
I believe Rails did it first.
Java has at least one project.
And here's a .NET migration library.
To change versions, you run a simple script that steps through all of the up or down versions to get you to the version you want. The beauty of it is, you check your migrations into the same source repository as your app code - it's all in one place.
Maybe others can suggest other migration libraries.
Edit: See also and .NET database migration tool roundup (from above post).