GitHub Multiple Repositories vs. Branching for multiple environments - version-control

This might be a very beginner question, but I'm working on a large production website in a startup environment. I just recently started using Heroku, Github, and Ruby on Rails because I'm looking for much more flexibility and version control as compared to just locally making changes and uploading to a server.
My question, which might be very obvious, is if I should use a different repository for each environment (development, testing, staging, production, etc.) or just a main repository and branches to handle new features.
My initial thought is to create multiple repositories. For instance, if I add a new feature, like an image uploader, I would use the code from the development repository. Make the changes, and upload it with commits along the way to keep track of the small changes. Once I had tested it locally I would want to upload it to the test repository with a single commit that lists the feature added (e.g. "Added Image Uploader to account page").
My thought is this would allow micro-managing of commits within the development environment, while the testing environment commits would be more focused on bug fixes, etc.
This makes sense in my mind because as you move up in environments you remove the extraneous commits and focus on what is needed for each environment. I could also see how this could be achieved with branches though, so I was looking for some advice on how this is handled. Pros and cons, personal examples, etc.
I have seen a couple other related questions, but none of them seemed to touch on the same concerns I had.
Thanks in advance!

Using different repos makes sense with a Distributed VCS, and I mention that publication aspect (push/pull) in:
"How do you keep changes separate and isolated across multiple deployment environments in git?"
"Reasons for not working on the master branch in Git"
The one difficult aspect of managing different environments is the configuration files which can contain different values per environment.
For that, I recommend content fiter driver:
That helps generating the actual config files with the current values in them, depending on the current deployment environment.


Are there best-practice guidelines for maintaining a repository?

Are there best-practice guidelines for maintaining a GitHub repository? I've contributed to many open source projects and used GitHub for projects that I work on solo, but now I'm working with a team of six developers, including myself, to build a system, and I've been placed in charge of maintaining the repository. Nothing is to get merged into our main branch without my approval. As little as I know about maintaining a GitHub repository, of those within the organization (two team members are consultants) I've the most experience with the process.
But I've never maintained a GitHub repository, and while I'm doing OK, I know that there must be a body of knowledge out there of how to handle this correctly. I just haven't been able to find it.
One hurdle I've been jumping over repeatedly, for example, is merge conflicts. Usually they're minor, but not always. Is there some known system available that allows me to enforce who has the ability to edit which files at any given time, for example?
And yes, I realize this may not be the best Stack Exchange forum, but none of the others seemed more suited to the topic.
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) serves as the vendor-neutral home for many of the fastest-growing open source projects, including Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy.
As such, it can be used as a starting point for your own project: see, which offers:
template, to be usre you have your README, LICENSE and other important files.
labels, to better classify your issues
Add also a clear "release and maintenance policy", and you should be in good shape.

What is the correct/best/most efficient way to use centralised version control?

I work as part of a small development team (4 people).
None of us are incredibly experienced with version control, but we are required to use Perforce under our company's policies. For the most part it has been great, but we have have kept to a simple process agreed between ourselves that is starting to become less ideal. I was wondering if people could share their experiences of version control working smoothly and efficiently.
Our original setup is this:
We have a trunk, which holds production code as it is now.
Each user creates a development branch for their work, as we have
always worked on separate areas that don't really affect each other.
We develop on Redhat Linux boxes and the code is run from /var/www/html. So we sync to a workspace and copy those files to this path, change the permissions and then perform our changes there. When we want to check in, we check out the files in the workspace, overwrite them with what we have changed and submit (I think this might be our weakest part)
Any changes to trunk will be incorporated if they affect the functionality in question. The code is then deployed for testing.
When testing is complete, we merge the branch into trunk, and then create a release branch from the current trunk this is tested again and then released into production.
This worked fine previously because our projects were small and very separated. Now, however, we are all working on the same big dev branch. Changes have been released since the creation of the dev branch, and more will be made before it is finished.
We are also required to deploy the code for testing in various stages of it's development, and this code needs to be up to date with both the development changes, and any changes that have been made to production.
We have decided at this stage that we will create the release branch at the same time as the dev branch, into which we will merge current Trunk(production) and the current dev branch each time we need a testing version so that it is completely up to date. However, this merge takes a lot of time from the whole team and isn't really working out too well.
I've been told that different teams have different ways of going about things so I'm not looking for a fix for my process, but I would love to hear what setup you use of your willing to share
If you are not particularly familiar with version control and best practices I would suggest utilizing Streams in Perforce. Functionally Streams and Branches are very similar. The difference with Streams is that Perforce utilizes pre-built relationships based on the stream type and gives basic governance (i.e. you can't copy those files to the other stream until you merge).
All the commands CAN be overridden by an admin.
Once you are utilizing streams you can do things a few different ways. You have three types of streams, Release (most stable), Main (stable), and Development (least stable). You can create any hierarchy you like.
I suppose in your case I would have a Mainline, an integration development stream, and then a development stream for each developer to utilize. That way you each have your own playground and can move your changes to the integration stream once they are complete. Those completed changes can then be merged down to the other developer streams.

Distributed Version Control. - Git & Mercurial... multiple sites

I'm looking for a best practice scenario on managing multiple "sites" in mercurial. Since I'm likely to have multiple sites in a web root, all of which are different - but somewhat similar (as they are 'customizations' of a root app)
Should I
A) make a single repository of the wwwroot folder (catching all changes across all sites)
B) make EACH sits folder a different repository
this issue is that each site needs a distinct physical directory, due to vhost pointing for development, and a current need to have "some" physical file difference cross site.
What's the best practice here? I'm leaning towards separate repositories for each directory. which will make tracking any branching and merging for that ONE site cleaner....
It depends on how your software is structured, and how independent the different sites are. The best situation is when you can use your core code like a library, which lives in its own directory, and there is no need in the different sites to change even a single file of core. Then you have the free choice if you want to develop the core along with the different sites in a single repo, or to seperate core from sites. When core and the different sites are dependent on each other, you very probably have to deal with all of them in a sigle repo.
Since in my experience development work better when the different parts are independend of each other I strongly recommend to bring the core stuff into something which can be included into the sites by a directory inclusion.
The next point is how are the different sites developed. If they share lots of code, they can be developed as different branches. But there are two disadvantages of this scheme:
the different sites are normally not visible to the developer, since there is typically only one checked out
The developer has to take great care where to create changes, so that only the wanted changes are going into other branches, not something which is special to a single branch only
You might consider to move common parts of different sites into core if they share lots of common code.
Another situation is if they all have nothing in common, since then things are much better. Then you need to decide if you want them to reside in different repos, or as different directories in a single repos. When these different sites are somehow related to each other (say that they are all of the same company), then it might be better to put them into a common repo, as different subdirectories. When they are unrelated to each other (every site belongs to a different customer, and changes on these sites are not created in synch to each other), than one repo per site is better.
When you have the one repo per site approach, it might also be good if you first create a template site, which includes the core component and basic configuration, and derive your site-repos as clones from this template. Then when you change something in the core which also affects the sites, you do these changes in the template, and merge these changes afterwards into the sites repos (you only need to take care to NOT do this change in one of the site-repos, since when you merge from sites to template you might get stuff from the specific site into the template, which you don't want to be in the template).
So I suggest
develop core as a single independent product
choose the correct development model for your sites
all in one repo, with branches, when there is much code-exchange is goin on between different sites
but better refactor the sites to not share code, since the branches approach has drawbacks
all in one repo, no branches but different folders, if there is no code exchange between different sites
one repo for each site if they are completely independent.
I think, you have to try Mercurial Queues with one repo. I.e
you store "base" site in repository
all site-specific changes separated into the set of MQ-patches (one? patch per site)
you can create "push-only" repos in sites, add they to [paths] section of "working" repo and push changes or use export-copy technique
and after applying the site-patch to codebase you'll get ready to use code for each and every site

new to mercurial and VCS: shared code multi-server setup

In our small office we're setting up mercurial - our first time using a "real" version control system. We've got three servers - a live server, a staging server and a development server.
We've also got three relatively large web sites - one for visitors, one for users and an intranet site, for the office staff.
The three web sites share some code. (for instance - a php class library, some commonly used code snippets, etc.)
Before version control, we just used symbolic links to link to the shared libraries. For example: each site had a symbolic link to an "ObjectClasses" directory - any changes made to a file in ObjectClasses would be instantly available to all the sites. You'd just upload the changed file to staging and to live, and you were done.
But... Mercurial doesn't follow symbolic links. So I've set up a subrepository for the shared libraries in the three sites on the three servers (actually 'four' servers if you count the fact that there are two programmers with two separate clones of the repository on the development server).
So there are 12 working copies of the shared object library.
So here's the question:
Is there any way to simplify the above set up?
Here's an example of what our workflow will be and it seems too complicated - but maybe this is what it's like using version control and we just need to get used to it:
Programmer A makes a change to Object Foo in the subrepo in Site 1. He wants to make this available everywhere, so he commits it, then pushes it to the staging server. I set up hooks on the staging server to automatically propogate the changes to the three sites, on the staging server, and again to the three sites on the live server. That takes care of the 6 working copies on the staging and live servers. So far, so good.
but what about the development server, where there may be work-in-progress on these files?
Programmer A now needs to manually pull the shared subrepo to Sites 2 and 3 on the development server. He also needs to tell Programmer B to manually pull the shared subrepo on Sites 1, 2 and 3 on his copy of the site on the development server. What if he's editing Object Foo on Site 1 and making different edits to Object Foo on Site 2. He's going to have to resolve two separate conflicts.
We make changes to the objects relatively frequently. This is going to drive us nuts. I really love the idea of version control - but after two weeks of wrestling with trying to find the best setup, the old sloppy way of having one copy of the shared files and calling out "hey - ya working on that file, I wanna make a change" is looking pretty good right now.
Is there really no simpler way to set this up?
Without more information about the specific web platform and technologies you're using (e.g., .NET, LAMP, ColdFusion, etc.), this answer may be inadequate, but let me take a stab nevertheless. First, if I understand you correctly, it's your working paradigm that's the problem. You're having developers make changes to files and then push them to three different sites. I suggest separating the development concerns altogether from the build/deploy concerns.
It sounds like you're using subrepositories in Mercurial to handle shared code--which is smart, by the way--so that's good. That takes care of sharing code across multiple projects. But rather than have each programmer pushing stuff to a given server after he updates it, have the programmers instead be pushing to some other "staging" repository. You could have one for each of your servers if you wish, though I think it probably makes more sense to keep all development in a single staging or "master" repository which is then used to build/deploy to your staging and/or live server.
If you wish to automate this process, there are a number of tools that can do this. I usually prefer NAnt with CruiseControl for build integration, but then my work is mostly .NET which makes it a great fit. If you can provide more specifics I can provide more details if you like, but I think the main problem for you to overcome is the way you're handling the workflow. Use Mercurial to keep multiple developers happy pulling/pushing from a single repository and then worry about deploying to your servers for testing as a separate step.

Good github structure when dealing with many small projects that have a common code base?

I'm working for a web development company and we're thinking about using GitHub for version control. We work with several different .NET-based CMS-platforms and of course with a lot of different customers.
We have a standard code base for each CMS which we start from when building a new site. We of course would like to maintain that and make it possible to merge some changes from a developed site (when the standard code base has been improved in some way).
We often need to make small changes to a published site at a later date and would like to be able to do this with minimal effort (i.e. the customer gladly pays for us to fix his problem in 2 hours, but doesn't want to pay for a 2 hour set up first).
How should we set this up to be able to work in an efficient fashion? I'm not very used to distributed version control (I've worked with CVS, Subversion and Clear Case before), but from my imagination we could:
Set up one repository for each customer, start with a copy of the standard code base and go from there. Lots of repositories of course.
Set up one repository for each CMS and then branch off one branch for each customer. This is probably (?) the best way, but what happens when we have 100 customers (=branches) in the same repository? It also doesn't feel entirely nice that we create a lot of branches that we don't really have any intention of ever merging back to the main branch.
I don't know, perhaps lots of branches is only a problem in my imagination or perhaps there are better ways to do this that I haven't thought about. I would be interested in any experince in similar problems.
Thank you for your time and help.
With Git, several repos make sense for submodules purpose (sharing common component, see nature of Git submodules, in the third part of the answer)
But in your case, one repo with a branch per customer can work, provided you are using the branches to:
isolate some client-specific changes (and long-lived branch with no merging back to master are ok),
while rebasing those same branches on top of master (which contains the common code, with common evolutions needed by all the branches).