Can I submit app which contains zip package in bundle? - app-store

Can I submit app which contains zip package in bundle? Will I get rejected by AppStore for any reason?


How Do I Mimic The Linking Of An "Example App" As A Bundle Loader of Match-O type "Bundle" to the Testing Target In Swift Package Manager

I am working on migrating a Carthage library into a Swift Package Manager library. In the current testing target, under build settings, we have an Example App linked as a Bundle Loader of Match-O type "Bundle" as shown below in the screenshot. How can I mimic the same behavior in Swift Package Manager? (I need this because the test cases are testing against the Example app.)
I have tried to add the "Example App" as a dependency under the .testDependency in the Package.swift file.

Unity3d LoadFromCacheOrDownload downloads existing bundle

For downloading bundles I'm using LoadFromCacheOrDownload. It's works fine, but when I'm trying load bundle from cache, it start downloads bundle with same version again.
I'm look at Unity cache folder and found cached bundle(by resources name), but it still want to downlaod bundle.

iOS framework resource files

I have created a framework with bundle files. Bundle files are under resource folder inside the framework. So my problem was whenever someone need to integrate the framework in their project then they have to drag and drop the bundle file from framework resource folder to project. Is possible to programmatically link the framework resource file and read it inside the project?
To include the resource bundle, select the target of your framework, and in the Build Phases > Copy bundle resources, click on the + button and add any resource bundle which you wish to have packaged into your framework.
When you build the framework, the resource will be copied. Make sure that this file exists though or you'll get a build error.
If you go in "Edit Schemes" for your framework project, in the "Build" section, you can add the resource file, so that when you will build the framework, it will also rebuild the resource bundle.

Adding SoundTouch to Xcode/iPhone

I've downloaded the SoundTouch folder from their website and now I don't know what to do with it. I'm trying to integrate the pitch-manipulation feature into an iOS app that allows the user to select a song from their library and change the pitch.
What do I need to include in the Xcode project from the SoundTouch folder, and where do I go from there? Any help is appreciated.
If you still need it to use SoundTouch in your iOS project, I have share a GitHub repository with that libraries compiled for armv7, armv7s, arm64, i386 and x86_64
To implement that compiled library in your project, you have to add SoundTouch directory (which includes libSoundTouch.a and the directory with headers) in your Xcode project and then include
#include "SoundTouch.h"
in your controller file.
I found this question googling "building soundtouch in Xcode"
It seems there is a project on github that has completed this successfully,
I was able to clone the repository, build the project, and include the libSoundTouch.a file in my project.
So you will need to include the soundtouch.h in the objective c file you want to access it from. From there create an instance of soundtouch, i.e. SoundTouch audioEngine = SoundTouch.createInstance();, and go from there.

Is it a good practice to have more than one *.xcodeproj file in an xCode project?

I want to know what's the best practice to use when integrating external SDK to my project, specifically how to handle the *.a file and the *.xcodeproj file.
Examples of external SDK packages: PhoneGap, Facebook, Google-Analytic.
Is there a reason to copy the *.xcodeproj to my existing project or is it enough to just use the *.a file?
Are there pros and cons for having more than one *.xcodeproj file in a single project?
You would never copy the .xcodeproj into your app.
Typically you would add the library (./a) or any headers and implementation files required (.h & .m).
Often you would compile the 3rd party SDK xcode project to a library file and include that compiled library file.