Preload Images for Photoswipe Gallery - ejs

So I have an array of images I want to load into a gallery using Photoswipe, but I'm having trouble predefining the image width and height. Specifically, I think I need to preload the images
Here's my JS to render the page, here I'm defining slides and listing as a local variable for the ejs page to use:
var sizeOf = require('image-size');
var url = require('url');
var http = require('http');
var slideshow = [];
for(var i = 0; i < listing.listing_images.length; i++) {
var image = listing.listing_images[i];
var width, height = 0;
var imgUrl = image.url;
var options = url.parse(imgUrl);
http.get(options, function (response) {
var chunks = [];
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
}).on('end', function() {
var buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);
**height = sizeOf(buffer).height;
width = sizeOf(buffer).width;**
var item = {
src: image.url,
h: height,
w: width
res.render('example.ejs', {
listing: listing,
slides: slideshow
And here is the script in the ejs page :
<% var slides = locals.slides %>
$('document').ready(function() {
var pswpElement = document.querySelectorAll('.pswp')[0];
// build items array using slideshow variable
var items = <%- JSON.stringify(slides) %>;
// grab image
if (items.length > 0) {
// define options (if needed)
var options = {
// optionName: 'option value'
// for example:
index: 0 // start at first slide
// Initializes and opens PhotoSwipe
var gallery = new PhotoSwipe( pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options);
Basically what's happening is the array of photoswipe items is being passed in fine, but the width and height aren't set until photoswipe initializes and triggers the img to load. So the images don't show, because their height and width aren't set yet.
Is there a way to trigger the loading of the images in the slideshow array so that the width & height are set before passing to Photoswipe? I've also tried seeing if I could just set them initially to 0, and then try and update the height and width later and try to force photoswipe to reload, but photoswipe doesn't recognize the image's new height/width.
Sorry if any of this is unclear/muddled with ejs nonsense, feel free to ask anything and I'd love to clarify.

Ended up solving this leveraging the API:
gallery.listen('gettingData', function(index, item) {
// index - index of a slide that was loaded
// item - slide object
var img = new Image();
img.src = item.src;
item.h = img.height;
item.w = img.width;
// updates the content of slides
If anyone happens to be reading this and there's a better way to read image size without creating a new img, or optimize this I'd love suggestions. :)


marker with polyline while dragging the marker using leaflet

Hi I have connection between marker with polyline like this Image .
I am attaching a sample here.
How Can I make drag possible that when I drag the the marker with polyline.
example , If I drag the marker 3 it should also update the polyline point and where ever I put the marker 3 polyline should connect with marker 3.
I need this type of drag event that can update the polyline also when dragging the marker.
I am using leaflet for this purpose but still unable to solve the dragging logic of marker with polyline.
Here is the sample code I am using
$http.get("db/getConnectionData.php").then(function (response) {
$scope.links1 =;
// $scope.showArrow();
angular.forEach($scope.links1, function(value, i) {
var source_panoId = $scope.links1[i].s_panoId;
var dest_panoId = $scope.links1[i].d_panoId;
var sPanoID = $scope.links1[i].sourcePano_id;
var dPpanoID = $scope.links1[i].destPano_id;
angular.forEach($scope.panoramas, function(value, index) {
if($scope.panoramas[index].panoId == source_panoId){
if($scope.links.indexOf($scope.panoramas[index])== -1){
var SlatLang = $scope.panoramas[index].project_latLng ;
var SLatLngArr = SlatLang.split(",");
var Slat = parseFloat(SLatLngArr[0]);
var Slang = parseFloat(SLatLngArr[1]);
var polypoint1 = [Slat, Slang];
angular.forEach($scope.panoramas, function(value, index1) {
if($scope.panoramas[index1].panoId == dest_panoId){
if($scope.links.indexOf($scope.panoramas[index1])== -1){
var DlatLang = $scope.panoramas[index1].project_latLng ;
var DLatLngArr = DlatLang.split(",");
var Dlat = parseFloat(DLatLngArr[0]);
var Dlang = parseFloat(DLatLngArr[1]);
var polypoint2 = [Dlat, Dlang];
// Draw seperate polyline for each connection
polyline = L.polyline([[Slat, Slang],[Dlat, Dlang]],
color: 'blue',
weight: 5,
opacity: .7,
Here is the code that I am using to make drag of marker with polyline
angular.forEach($scope.panoramas, function(value, index4){
$scope.markers[index4].on('dragstart', function(e){
var latlngs = polyline.getLatLngs(),
latlng = $scope.markers[index4].getLatLng();
for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
if (latlng.equals(latlngs[i])) {
this.polylineLatlng = i;
$scope.markers[index4].on('drag', function(e){
var latlngs = polyline.getLatLngs(),
latlng = $scope.markers[index4].getLatLng();
latlngs.splice(this.polylineLatlng, 1, latlng);
$scope.markers[index4].on('dragend', function(e){
delete this.polylineLatlng;
First, when creating the marker, remember to pass the draggable option as true, like this:
var marker = L.marker(latLng, { draggable: true });
Now, check which drag event you want to attach a listener to and then call the redraw function of the polyline inside the callback, like this:
// var polyline defined somewhere
marker.on('drag', function (e) {
If this doesn't work, please provide sample code so we can work around with it.
You also need to change the coordinates of the polyline, otherwise redraw will do nothing. Check out this answer on SO and see if it fits your needs.
Edit 2
You're using an array of polylines while the answer just uses one polyline which has the array of coordinates, so in your case you need to use two loops to accomplish the same task. You can make this faster and maybe use an object as a lookup table to get the right polyline for each marker, for example, like this:
var table = {};
// ...
table[marker] = polyline;
Then later you can get the polyline used for each marker. But anyway, here's what I think would work in your case the way it is in the sample (it was a little hard to understand but I hope it works for you).
I don't know where you are putting the second part of your sample (the event handlers) but I assume it's not inside the double loop that is creating the polylines, right? So this is what I came up with:
marker.on('dragstart', function (e) {
var markerLatLng = marker.getLatLng();
this.polylineLatLngs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.polycoords.length; i++) {
var polyline = $scope.polycoords[i];
var latLngs = polyline.getLatLngs()
for (var j = 0; j < latLngs.length; j++) {
if (markerLatLng.equals(latLngs[j])) {
this.polylineLatLngs.push([i, j]);
marker.on('drag', function (e) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.polylineLatLngs.length; i++) {
var polyline = $scope.polycoords[this.polylineLatLngs[i][0]];
var latLngs = polyline.getLatLngs();
var markerLatLng = marker.getLatLng();
latLngs.splice(this.polylineLatLngs[i][1], 1, markerLatLng);
I am getting this type of behavior. Please let me know how I can solve this .
Thank you for your time.
This is the polyline created by getting data from db or by making the connection between panorama.
This Image when I start dragging the marker 2 I got the result like this
This image when I dragged the marker 3.
This type of result I am getting using the source code you provided above.

Bing maps - animated tile layer - opacity

In bing maps v8, How can i set opacity on AnimatedTileLayer? The opacity value I set below (0.2) is not working.
var tileSources = [];
for (var i = 0; i < timeStamps.length; i++) {
var path = '{fts}&ts={ts}&xyz={x}:{y}:{zoom}&apiKey={apiKey}';
path = path.replace('{apiKey}', weatherApiKey);
path = path.replace('{fts}', timeStamps[i]);
path = path.replace('{ts}', tsNow);
var tileSource = new Microsoft.Maps.TileSource({
uriConstructor: path
EmptyOverlay.prototype = new Microsoft.Maps.CustomOverlay();
function EmptyOverlay() {
EmptyOverlay.prototype.onAdd = function () {
var container = document.createElement('div');
var overlay = new EmptyOverlay();;
var animatedLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.AnimatedTileLayer({
mercator: tileSources,
frameRate: 500,
opacity: 0.2,
loadingScreen: overlay
The AnimatedTileLayer doesn't have an opacity option: I'll add this as a feature request.
If you need this right way there is a hack that can be used to do this:
var opacity = 0.2;
//Add an event handler that fires for each frame of the animation.
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(animatedLayer, 'onFrameLoaded', function (e) {
//Check the opacity of the root html element used by the animated tile layer if it is not set to the current opacity.
if (animatedLayer._htmlElement && !== opacity) { = opacity;
Note, this is a hack and is not officially supported, so it can break at anytime, and is not recommended for use in production apps.

html2canvas loading issue when saving the image

I am using the following code to save the content of div (image and text) as an image using html2canvas.
$(function() {
$("#save").click(function() {
var flag = true;
var imgpath = document.getElementById('file').value;
if(imgpath.length == 0)
alert('Please select image file to upload.');
flag = false;
html2canvas($('.body740'), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
theCanvas = canvas;
var url = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var br = document.createElement("br");
var center = document.createElement("center");
var newImg = document.createElement("img"); // create img tag
newImg.src = url;
$("#canvas").show(); //div where the final image is shown
This is my link :
But, when I click the save image button, it takes a lot of time to generate the image. Why is it taking so much time to load? What is the issue?
Solved : Change the version of html2cannvas. I was previously using html2canvas 0.5.0-alpha 2014 version
I Switched to html2canvas 0.5.0-alpha1. It generates the image properly and takes no time to do so. You can download the files from

Link 2 Jssor sliders together

I would like to use 2 different Jssor sliders on the same page where te second slider should react on the selected image on the first slider.
Dos anyone know how to get this working
var options = {};
var jssor_slider1 = new $JssorSlider$("slider1_container", options);
var options2 = {};
var jssor_slider2 = new $JssorSlider$("slider2_container", options2);
jssor_slider1.$On($JssorSlider$.$EVT_POSITION_CHANGE, function (position, fromPosition) {

Access innerHTML of an anchor tag

I'm having trouble accessing some innerHTML that I need to use as a title for a menu bar:
See the attached image for details...
The title "AMRIS" is what I need to store to a javascript variable as a string.
I will later be using the following code to fill a Bootstrap menu with the title I grab:
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
var subTitle = document.getElementById("mobMenuTitle2");
//This is currently filling the Sub Menu with a title//
subTitle.innerHTML = "Sub Test";
If you need the html of opend item, try like this
var openedList = document.getElementsByClassName('opened');
var menuLink = openedList[0].getElementsByClassName('menu-link');
var anchorText = menuLink[0].innerHTML;
Instead if you want to retrieve the html of list X (X is a numer 0 based)
var accordion = document.getElementsByClassName('accordion-menu');
var list = accordion[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
var menuLink = list[X].getElementsByClassName('menu-link');
var anchorText = menuLink[0].innerHTML;
var opn = $("").context.title;
var opnr = opn.replace("MagLab", "");
var subTitle = document.getElementById("mobMenuTitle2")
subTitle.innerHTML = opnr;