Modifying remote System ODBC DSNs on win7, both 32-bit and 64-bit? - powershell

I am trying to update DSNs on multiple different user boxes, which should be running Windows 7 x64. People have sometimes created their own DSNs (maybe System, maybe User), and other places where admins have. I want to replace the servername when it's a particular value, with a CNAME for that box.
I read this article, which seemed a good start:
However, when testing this on my box, I ran into a problem where I don't see the System DSNs I expect.
When I run the 64-bit "Data Sources (ODBC)" (C:\Windows\system32\odbcad32.exe), which is the default when you go to Start->Administrative Tools->Data Sources, then I see the data source I created. However, this doesn't work:
Instead, I get a System DSN that I created in the 32-bit version of Data Sources (ODBC), aka "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe"
Oddly, if I run this, I get the exact same 32-bit DSN, where I'd expect to get the 32-bit and the 64-bit, even though I see them in different nodes when I open my registry.
Get-ChildItem -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ODBC\ODBC.INI\"
So, any idea how I go about getting the other DSN? Thanks.

To see the 32-bit one, you need to run C:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. To see the 64-bit one, just run odbcad32.exe (from System32).
If you're running a 32-bit powershell session, you will only see the 32-bit one. If you're running a 64-bit session, you can see both.


Command line showing nothing no output

I have been studying privilege escalation on windows and came across some powershell script that look up vulnderabilties.
When i run these ( multiple scripts) I get no output while the documentation i find on them and video's all show output. Unless I specifically tell it to output it to a file,
This makes me think it has something to do with my system. I am running windows 7 64-bit on a local standard user.
For example i used:
Did you try to check if your current user has changed to Administrator ?Maybe there is a GPO or theses privileges esclations are not working for your version

SCCM PowerShell Get Configuration Baseline computers

I am working with Configuration Baselines. I would like to start from "Get-CMBaseline -Name MyBaselineName" and work my way to the name of the machines. I am try to figure out how to get the machines names that are "Compliant", "Error", and "Non-Compliant". I see the names of the machines in "Deployment Status" but I need them via PowerShell.
There are many things that are possible via the built in cmdlets but some just are not (yet?). However it is almost always possible to get the same behavior the console has with wmi (because the console uses wmi itself)
To find out how it is good to know that there is a log file "SMSProv.log" that tells you what the console does for every dialog you open. It is located on the site server wherever you installed the ConfigMgr in a sub-folder Logs (so default would be %Program Files%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs).
So if you use that when checking the deployment status of a baseline you will notice that it basically translates to 3 commands (All in the namespace
on your siteserver):
SELECT * FROM SMS_DCMDeploymentCompliantAssetDetails WHERE AssignmentID=<AssignmentID>
SELECT * FROM SMS_DCMDeploymentNonCompliantAssetDetails WHERE AssignmentID=<AssignmentID>
SELECT * FROM SMS_DCMDeploymentErrorAssetDetails WHERE AssignmentID=<AssignmentID>
where AssignemtID is the ID you would get e.g. from
(Get-CMBaselineDeployment -Name "<Your Baslines Name>").AssignmentID
A little exception would be that the console filters the error further by error type but to me it seems like this is maybe not even what you want and you could easily do it in Powershell later if you need to.
The SQL command is also available in most cases in the SMSProv.log, and in some cases it leads to a faster execution. However in this one probably not really and it is a lot more complex most of the time.

Get Different Results of Running Command on Jenkins Job and on Slave Itself [duplicate]

I'm pretty new to powershell integration in Jenkins and my scripts won't run because (I believe) I need powershell to be executed in 64 bit. Running:
in my execution sequence yields false an then a cmdlet that I use (Get-WindowsFeature) is shown as not recognized as a cmdlet, etc. Any way to execute 64 bit powershell scripts?
Jenkins on Windows (mine happens to run as a service)
plus Powershell plugin (for running Powershell scripts as "build steps")
Jenkins will typically call upon the correct version of powershell.exe. However, the executor/slave process must be running a 64-bit JRE so that PowerShell can also operate in 64-bit mode.
A simple tester project with the following Powershell script can show the above 32-bit vs 64-bit nature:
$env:Path # Path will have the right Powershell available
[intptr]::size # outputs: 4 = 32-bit, 8 = 64-bit
Stop-WebAppPool FOOBAR # fails when 32-bit, succeeds when 64-bit
Console output example (extra blank lines for clarity):
[Powershell Test] $ powershell.exe -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy ByPass "& 'C:\Windows\TEMP\hudson123456789.ps1'"
Stop-WebAppPool : Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
{688EEEE5-6A7E-422F-B2E1-6AF00DC944A6} failed due to the following error:
80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154
At C:\Windows\TEMP\hudson123456789.ps1:7 char:1
tl;dr... Install 64-bit JRE, and configure Jenkins to be 64-bit.
I used chocolatey to install a fairly recent JRE, via "Administrator" PowerShell:
First, install chocolatey:
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
Looked for the latest version available (chocolatey has multiple packages for the same thing, often not kept fully up to date).
Then, install JRE (using the one with the higher JRE number):
choco install -y javaruntime
choco install -y jre8
Finally, I edited my jenkins.xml configuration so that it would run using the 64-bit JRE instead of the built-in JRE.
To (set the path as appropriate for your instance):
<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin\java</executable>
This one should be an "always fresh" symlink (handled by system updates) that ought to allow your Jenkins instance to survive Restart and Update events:
Then I restarted Jenkins. Powershell execution woke up to the might of 64-bits. Note: I am using a single Jenkins instance that does double duty as the "server" and "execution slave" at the same time. For fully autonomous slaves, I would suppose doing whatever to get the slave-agents processes in 64-bit mode would result in a similar success.
Full automation? According to the chocolatey "jre8" package documentation, using command line switches, it's even be possible to force fixed destination paths for JRE, and exclude 32-bit and/or 64-bit editions, if fully automated non-interactive steps are needed.
I am not familiar with Jenkins, but it seems like it's a 32 bit process itself.
Can you specify the location of the PowerShell executable? If so, try to use this path:
If you can't do that, then you might be able to do it in code in your "execution sequence" with Invoke-Command:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName . -ScriptBlock { [Environment]::Is64BitProcess }
All the code in the scriptblock will be run in a separate 64 bit process and the results will be serialized and returned.
On a 32 bit Windows OS, the system folder is C:\Windows\System32.
On a 64 bit Windows OS, the 64 bit system folder is also C:\Windows\System32. But the system folder for 32 bit processes on a 64 bit Windows installation is in fact C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
For compatibility, a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS will have any calls to C:\Windows\System32 transparently redirected to C:\Windows\SysWOW64, unbeknownst to the process.
To enable a 32 bit process to reference the real System32 on a 64 bit OS, you can you use C:\Windows\SysNative.
Since PowerShell has a 32 bit and a 64 bit version, and it lives inside the system folders, you need to use the above rules to reference the correct executable depending on whether you're calling it from a 64 or 32 bit process.
The typical scenario (you want to call the version of the same bitness) is easiest (just call powershell.exe or reference it via System32), but it gets hairy if you want to reference the other version.
Invoke-Command Method
The Invoke-Command cmdlet lets you run code, typically on another computer, but you can run it on the same computer as well. This will spawn a completely separate process, and any output gets serialized and sent back to the calling process.
The caveat to this method is that you must enable PowerShell remoting on the machine, via Enable-PSRemoting or Group Policy (shameless self plug).
The default profile (Microsoft.PowerShell) that you connect to on a 64 bit machine will be a 64 bit version of PowerShell, regardless of the OS of the caller.
Incidentally, if you wanted to use Invoke-Command to connect to a 32 bit version, you could do so by explicitly specifying the profile Microsoft.PowerShell32.
OK, so the answer was pretty simple, yet maddening all at once. Basically, the module(s) didn't exist in both of the Powershell paths (x86 and x64), so copying the modules over to the 32-bit powershell environment fixed the issue.
further suggestions:
check path of 32bit-JRE, remove path or uninstall 32bit-JRE --
also swapping path-position with 64bit-JRE might work
check path(s) of PowerShell, remove path of 32bit PowerShell
(..\SysWOW64\..) and add the other one to the path (..\System32\..)
This worked for me!

Jenkins powershell plugin is running 32 bit Powershell and I need 64bit

I'm pretty new to powershell integration in Jenkins and my scripts won't run because (I believe) I need powershell to be executed in 64 bit. Running:
in my execution sequence yields false an then a cmdlet that I use (Get-WindowsFeature) is shown as not recognized as a cmdlet, etc. Any way to execute 64 bit powershell scripts?
Jenkins on Windows (mine happens to run as a service)
plus Powershell plugin (for running Powershell scripts as "build steps")
Jenkins will typically call upon the correct version of powershell.exe. However, the executor/slave process must be running a 64-bit JRE so that PowerShell can also operate in 64-bit mode.
A simple tester project with the following Powershell script can show the above 32-bit vs 64-bit nature:
$env:Path # Path will have the right Powershell available
[intptr]::size # outputs: 4 = 32-bit, 8 = 64-bit
Stop-WebAppPool FOOBAR # fails when 32-bit, succeeds when 64-bit
Console output example (extra blank lines for clarity):
[Powershell Test] $ powershell.exe -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy ByPass "& 'C:\Windows\TEMP\hudson123456789.ps1'"
Stop-WebAppPool : Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
{688EEEE5-6A7E-422F-B2E1-6AF00DC944A6} failed due to the following error:
80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154
At C:\Windows\TEMP\hudson123456789.ps1:7 char:1
tl;dr... Install 64-bit JRE, and configure Jenkins to be 64-bit.
I used chocolatey to install a fairly recent JRE, via "Administrator" PowerShell:
First, install chocolatey:
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
Looked for the latest version available (chocolatey has multiple packages for the same thing, often not kept fully up to date).
Then, install JRE (using the one with the higher JRE number):
choco install -y javaruntime
choco install -y jre8
Finally, I edited my jenkins.xml configuration so that it would run using the 64-bit JRE instead of the built-in JRE.
To (set the path as appropriate for your instance):
<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin\java</executable>
This one should be an "always fresh" symlink (handled by system updates) that ought to allow your Jenkins instance to survive Restart and Update events:
Then I restarted Jenkins. Powershell execution woke up to the might of 64-bits. Note: I am using a single Jenkins instance that does double duty as the "server" and "execution slave" at the same time. For fully autonomous slaves, I would suppose doing whatever to get the slave-agents processes in 64-bit mode would result in a similar success.
Full automation? According to the chocolatey "jre8" package documentation, using command line switches, it's even be possible to force fixed destination paths for JRE, and exclude 32-bit and/or 64-bit editions, if fully automated non-interactive steps are needed.
I am not familiar with Jenkins, but it seems like it's a 32 bit process itself.
Can you specify the location of the PowerShell executable? If so, try to use this path:
If you can't do that, then you might be able to do it in code in your "execution sequence" with Invoke-Command:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName . -ScriptBlock { [Environment]::Is64BitProcess }
All the code in the scriptblock will be run in a separate 64 bit process and the results will be serialized and returned.
On a 32 bit Windows OS, the system folder is C:\Windows\System32.
On a 64 bit Windows OS, the 64 bit system folder is also C:\Windows\System32. But the system folder for 32 bit processes on a 64 bit Windows installation is in fact C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
For compatibility, a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS will have any calls to C:\Windows\System32 transparently redirected to C:\Windows\SysWOW64, unbeknownst to the process.
To enable a 32 bit process to reference the real System32 on a 64 bit OS, you can you use C:\Windows\SysNative.
Since PowerShell has a 32 bit and a 64 bit version, and it lives inside the system folders, you need to use the above rules to reference the correct executable depending on whether you're calling it from a 64 or 32 bit process.
The typical scenario (you want to call the version of the same bitness) is easiest (just call powershell.exe or reference it via System32), but it gets hairy if you want to reference the other version.
Invoke-Command Method
The Invoke-Command cmdlet lets you run code, typically on another computer, but you can run it on the same computer as well. This will spawn a completely separate process, and any output gets serialized and sent back to the calling process.
The caveat to this method is that you must enable PowerShell remoting on the machine, via Enable-PSRemoting or Group Policy (shameless self plug).
The default profile (Microsoft.PowerShell) that you connect to on a 64 bit machine will be a 64 bit version of PowerShell, regardless of the OS of the caller.
Incidentally, if you wanted to use Invoke-Command to connect to a 32 bit version, you could do so by explicitly specifying the profile Microsoft.PowerShell32.
OK, so the answer was pretty simple, yet maddening all at once. Basically, the module(s) didn't exist in both of the Powershell paths (x86 and x64), so copying the modules over to the 32-bit powershell environment fixed the issue.
further suggestions:
check path of 32bit-JRE, remove path or uninstall 32bit-JRE --
also swapping path-position with 64bit-JRE might work
check path(s) of PowerShell, remove path of 32bit PowerShell
(..\SysWOW64\..) and add the other one to the path (..\System32\..)
This worked for me!

Disk usage in Perl Core

I’m looking for a way to check the remaining free space on a disk within Perl. I can’t use CPAN since I have to deploy the script on many servers with different versions of Perl, and I can’t change it because my team leader ordered me that way.
Any idea? I tried File::stat but I can’t use it on D:\ (the script runs on Windows versions).
fsutil volume diskfree C:
For Windows servers you can run this cmd command from system() method.