Command line showing nothing no output - powershell

I have been studying privilege escalation on windows and came across some powershell script that look up vulnderabilties.
When i run these ( multiple scripts) I get no output while the documentation i find on them and video's all show output. Unless I specifically tell it to output it to a file,
This makes me think it has something to do with my system. I am running windows 7 64-bit on a local standard user.
For example i used:

Did you try to check if your current user has changed to Administrator ?Maybe there is a GPO or theses privileges esclations are not working for your version


Powershell command to run for everyone

I am running into a problem with a PowerShell script. I want to add a Microsoft store app with a PowerShell command:
Add-Appxpackage -path C:\Temp\whiteboard.appx
The command is working fine, but only for 1 user not for everyone. It must be installed for everyone. How can that be done?
As #WafflesAndCustard already mentioned, the issue for executing the script is the ExecutionPolicy.
The PowerShell-Script Execution takes another road as you probably might think of ... PS-User-Policy takes precedence over PS-Computer-Policy, but Local- (gpedit) and Domain-Policies (gpmc) overrides anything and takes the final precedence (Domain policies have highest priority)
By default -> no PowerShell Script execution is allowed.
When you want to use your script for all users, without predefining the PS-executionpolicy, you should use the native command like
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Script ....
BUT, and that's really IMPORTANT when it comes to security:
Please don't use the temp folder as this is usual something everybody can write to!
E.g. a user/program can place a malicious executable file into that folder with same name and your task (or whatever) will execute it with high privileges.

SCCM PowerShell Get Configuration Baseline computers

I am working with Configuration Baselines. I would like to start from "Get-CMBaseline -Name MyBaselineName" and work my way to the name of the machines. I am try to figure out how to get the machines names that are "Compliant", "Error", and "Non-Compliant". I see the names of the machines in "Deployment Status" but I need them via PowerShell.
There are many things that are possible via the built in cmdlets but some just are not (yet?). However it is almost always possible to get the same behavior the console has with wmi (because the console uses wmi itself)
To find out how it is good to know that there is a log file "SMSProv.log" that tells you what the console does for every dialog you open. It is located on the site server wherever you installed the ConfigMgr in a sub-folder Logs (so default would be %Program Files%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs).
So if you use that when checking the deployment status of a baseline you will notice that it basically translates to 3 commands (All in the namespace
on your siteserver):
SELECT * FROM SMS_DCMDeploymentCompliantAssetDetails WHERE AssignmentID=<AssignmentID>
SELECT * FROM SMS_DCMDeploymentNonCompliantAssetDetails WHERE AssignmentID=<AssignmentID>
SELECT * FROM SMS_DCMDeploymentErrorAssetDetails WHERE AssignmentID=<AssignmentID>
where AssignemtID is the ID you would get e.g. from
(Get-CMBaselineDeployment -Name "<Your Baslines Name>").AssignmentID
A little exception would be that the console filters the error further by error type but to me it seems like this is maybe not even what you want and you could easily do it in Powershell later if you need to.
The SQL command is also available in most cases in the SMSProv.log, and in some cases it leads to a faster execution. However in this one probably not really and it is a lot more complex most of the time.

PostgreSQL COPY FROM PROGRAM using ImageMagick

I have 1000 images, and thanks to ImageMagick I can retrieve a lot of information regarding an image by writing "identify -verbose [PATH OF IMAGE]" in the cmd.
I installed ImageMagick with 'legacy on' , to access individual tools rather than the monolithic version of the library.
If I write "identify -verbose C:\\temp\\cbirCorel10k\\1.jpg" in the command prompt it works perfectly, outputting data I need.
My problem is when I insert this code into PROGRAM of PostgreSQL like so :
copy manyline(txt)
from program 'identify -verbose C:\\temp\\cbirCorel10k\\1.jpg'
It gives me this error, and please note that I do have permissions on the image and parent folders to be accessed:
ERROR: program "identify -verbose C:\temp\cbirCorel10k\1.jpg"
failed SQL state: 38000 Detail: child process exited with exit code
I want that the output from that command line, is inputted into the table 'manyline' under column 'txt'.
Please note that the following code works well, but I want to make use of the PROGRAM function.
copy manyline(txt)
from 'C:\\temp\\something.txt'
The postgresql server needs permissions to run that program and read that file. it usually runs under username postgres (unless they've changed that recently). this is a "service user" and can be hard to find in the windows GUI; especially on "home" editions of windows. I can't say for sure if granting NETWORK SERVICE access is enough.
easiest solution is to use the psql command-line interface and do
\copy manyline(txt) from program 'identify -verbose C:\\temp\\cbirCorel10k\\1.jpg'
\copy is a psql built-in which runs the command (opens the file etc) as the current user, instead of asking the server to run it. this also works well where the server is not local.

run powershell script from anywhere

I am currently working on a powershell script. The objective of this script is to import data from a .csv file from which new users are created if that username does not already exist in the Active Directory.
My question is how can I make this script run from any location so all I have to do is type the name of the script and it will run. I have been able to do this in BASH but can't figure out how to do this in power shell. So far google has been little help.
If it makes any difference i'm using Windows Server 2008 R2
The basic idea is to create Powershell Function which will do the work (or will call other script placed in other location) and put this method to Profile.ps1 script (the script which is loaded everytime you start powershell) - Look at Windows PowerShell Profiles for further details.
The link above for Powershell Function from Tomas Panik is not there anymore so I want to add to the answer here.
Short version:
You can create your function by using Powershell Function. However, this will only last for that session only.
In order for you to use your function regularly, you need to generate/add your function to your own PowerShell profile. Quick tutorials are here and here. Tomas Panik's link to Windows PowerShell Profiles also has very good info.
Update: thanks Hussein Al-Mosawi for reporting the old broken link!

how do I switch to admin user in emacs on windows?

Perhaps I should be asking this on Superuser, but there are many other Emacs questions here so I thought I would try my luck.
I use GNU Emacs 23.2.1 on Windows 7 with User Access Control enabled.
In Emacs, I would like to make changes to some admin files (eg. hosts file). However, on attempting to save the file I get a warning that I do not have permission to write to the file.
Is there a way to get Emacs to escalate to the admin user for editing these files ?
You could always just admit defeat and run the emacs session with elevated privileges.
There's a bunch of ways to do this, and this page lists them, including automatically running stuff as administrator.
This is probably not quite what you want. Otherwise you might create a script that gets a filename as it's first argument, and then just bind that program to a shortcut or something, like admin-save.
If you give that administrator rights, and then call the file with the buffer name as it's first argument and it's destination as it's second, you should be good.
The script could be a simple BATfile, something ala (I'm not on a Windows box so I can't test it for myself)
:: Administrator-copy.bat copies a file with adminstrator privileges.
:: Remember to give it administrator privileges!
COPY %1 %2
But that's a rather clunky solution though.
How to elevate an already running application I do not know.