How to post a status message to facebook with TO target using facebook4j? - facebook

I am using facebook4j to add fb page feed posting capabilities to an existing system. Initially I thought it would just be for posting to pages, which is done, but many pages don't allow posting. In such a case I need to fall back to targeting the individual in a status message. In facebook such a post shows up with heading like "{User's Name}‎ > {Target's Name}".
The problem I'm running into is that even though the facebook graph api has a "to" attribute for a message, I can not find a way to accomplish this with facebook4j. The postStatusMessage() method appears to only accept the id of the feed to post to and the PostUpdate class does not have a "to" property. I could of course be misunderstanding what the arguments represent or how this should be accomplished.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Facebook: posting a fitness.bikes OpenGraph action

I'm trying to submit a fitness.bikes story from a Windows Phone app. Ideally I'd like it to look the same way it does in the documentation -- a table of stats, and a course map. I'm trying to figure out how to make that happen. Specifically, whether it's possible to make it happen without a 3rd party server hosting the ride data.
When I am submitting a course object to Facebook, can I specify all needed ActivityDataPoints to make the map show up, or is something else needed?
In the sample post I've been trying, all I get is the Title, the Image, and the Description. Can I get the table of stats to show up, without needing an external server?
The posts I'm sending are not appearing on the Timeline, even for a test user. They do appear in the Activity Log, and are marked with "Allowed on Timeline", not "Showing on Timeline." I'm using fb:explicitly_shared... shouldn't the post show up?
Ok, after further experimentation, I believe I can answer my own questions:
The activity post data should contain only fb:explicitly_shared, privacy, and course links, and nothing else. For some reason adding created_time makes the post appear in standard layout.
Same answer as above. Table of stats is part of the Map layout Facebook provides.
Same answer as above. Removing the created_time attribute magically makes the post appear correctly on the timeline.
P.S. As far as an external server -- it is necessary only if you want to redirect the user to your own page. Even then, the server can grab the object_id from the URL, grab an access token from Facebook using AppID and AppSecret, then lookup that object (course), extract data out of it, and show on the page.
Hope this helps someone else.

"unsupported get request" for a post that exists and is publicly visible

The following public post which is visible on the page it was posted (it is not "hidden") is a mystery to me:
i.e., it is not available in the page's /feed edge, and the graph API can't retrieve it either. The following command returns an "unsupported get request":
I tried also the following without much success:
In both cases, I tried the access_token of the page as well a random access_token generated from the graph explorer.
So, the question is: how can I retrieve this post through the FB API ?
You can't retrieve that post via the API - it was made by a user whose data cannot be accessed via the API by any app due to their privacy settings
You can see this by trying to load the poster's details (<username>- it fails with the same exception)
Such posts will never be accessible via the API, because the person who made the post has explicitly disabled all apps from interacting with them or their posted content
If you want to prevent such users from posting on the page, there's an API-settable option called which will stop this - documentation for how to apply settings to the pages your app manages is here:
The specific option you need to enable to prevent platform-opt-out users from posting is called PLATFORM_OPTOUTS_CAN_POST
The main reason is not because of page, but it's because of the author turn the platform off.
You can't query the author basic info via Graph API.
The author can turn the platform off, so any Graph API query including comments wouldn't include him.

"Top Posts" depending on facebook likes

I have an idea to create a "top posts" feature to my website, which creates the "top" list depending on how many likes and shares that a post have on facebook.
Users may see how many likes an post has received so far since they only have to ask for a single, defined url. However, the website itself has to be able to query all the links that are tied to itself (which have a predefined url template like[post-id]) to create the "top" list. Is it possible to do something similar (or achieve the same result in a different way)?
Any ideas on a real workflow about something like this will be appreciated!
this seems like a little but interesting project. I don't know if there is a feature that could get that directly in the way you want, but i did something similar.
First you have the Graph API, with that you can get the Posts of a user using feed, with that every post is telling you how many likes does it have which you can get with POST_ID/likes.
Then you'll have to check for changes in the post periodically comparing its created_time and updated_time.
This could seem very hard, because you have a lot of posts and you have to check them all for updates, but you can use batch_requests so you can check them all at once.
I have made a bookmarklet which shows top posts in the Facebook News Feed as well as Google+, Twitter and Instagram Profiles.
Just add a new bookmark in your bookmarks bar and replace its URL with the following code and save it, then go to the social network website and run it:
javascript:(function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='';document.body.appendChild(s);})()
The source code is available on GitHub.

wall posts and fb:multi-friend-selector

Firstly i know that the documentation provided by Facebook says that fb:multi-friend-selector can be used in pair with fb:request-form and that it could only sends inviations or requests.
I have more specific need and that is not only to make invitations/requests but also along with the previous to post something on selected friends walls.
I've tried everything but i cant take the id's selected from the fb:multi-friend-selector, so i'm unable to make this posts.
The doucmentation for fb:multi-friend-selector says: This interface includes a series of which are included for selected users in the form that gets submitted to your action URL.
Is it somehow possible to catch this id's?
I'm working on my app in C# .net.
I read in some of the previous posts that is treating problematics similar to mine that is impossible to do this, but i found application that works perfectly in way that i want to make my application.
Thanks in advance,
You can access the selected friend's id in the page that you are providing in "action" of fb:request-form.I am working with PHP so i am able to get those selected friend's id as $_REQUEST['ids'].So try some equivalent methods in c# for this.And if you get the friend's id you can publish to their wall.

Facebook graph API: feeds missing in json response

I try to fetch user's feeds via graph api from my Android application. It generally works but some feeds that I can see on the wall are missing in the json response.
I call the url, by using the Android Facebook SDK methods, so the access token should be provided automatically, but it's not really relevant I think in my case. Nevertheless fyi, the user of my app is authenticated via OAuth.
I already checked the following:
all the user's feeds are visible to everyone / public (set in privacy settings)
the json response is not cached by my browser
I am aware of paging, but this is not an issue. The problem is not that I am not getting the very oldest feeds but that some feeds are just missing in between.
I registered a new facebook user which is not connected to the user I want to retrieve the wall feeds from, and when I open the respective wall I see all the feeds there, as expected, since they're all public to everyone. Yet, when I open the same related json url unter, some feeds are missing.
This is an example of the problem - since all my posts are public, I can just call the json url directly in a browser to do a test.
I want to get wall feeds from user:
Screenshot1: note the 3 marked postings, all posted by myself
and here the json response, as you can see, the 1st and 3rd wall posts are included in the json, but the 2nd post is not. Why?
The related json url is:
I am getting the 'missing' feed when I add an access_token to the url - but why? The posted feed has a privacy setting for 'everyone'?!
This is the missing feed that I get when using the access_token:
{"id":"504063796_485195138796","from":{"name":"Mathias Lin","id":"504063796"},"message":"Photo test upload from Android","picture":"http:\/\/\/hphotos-ak-snc6\/hs021.snc6\/165194_485195123796_504063796_6062399_1841907_s.jpg","link":"http:\/\/\/photo.php?fbid=485195123796&set=a.485195118796.256450.504063796","name":"Torres Photos","icon":"http:\/\/\/rsrc.php\/yz\/r\/StEh3RhPvjk.gif","actions":[{"name":"Comment","link":"http:\/\/\/504063796\/posts\/485195138796"},{"name":"Like","link":"http:\/\/\/504063796\/posts\/485195138796"}],"privacy":{"description":"Everyone","value":"EVERYONE"},"type":"photo","created_time":"2011-01-06T05:10:43+0000","updated_time":"2011-01-06T09:00:23+0000","likes":6,"comments":{"data":[{"id":"504063796_485195138796_3607414","from":{"name":"Mathias Lin","id":"504063796"},"message":"Awesome, photo upload now works as well. Not so much fun working with the Facebook SDK for Android, would have expected more functionality beyond that just very very simple graph api wrapper. But need to be considered that the android sdk development was part of an internship - but since it's it's open source, it can luckily be modified. Which has to be done due to some bugs (mixing up the bundle parameters for a post, getString, getByteArray). Api documentation could be improved.","created_time":"2011-01-06T05:26:04+0000"},{"id":"504063796_485195138796_3608020","from":{"name":"Renate Hermanns","id":"628810487"},"message":"Wow
, how fast time passes by. Your daughter is nearly grown up ;-).","created_time":"2011-01-06T09:00:23+0000"}],"count":2},"attribution":"Torres"}
I've already posted the question to the FB dev forum, awaiting response.
Related threads:
Facebook Graph API "/userid/feed" returning Blank
Your approach is correct, I've seen the JSON and yes it's missing the second one, I think it's upload app form adroid, try checking the application settings for this app. Or If your trying to retrieve the wall FQL is a much better way
SELECT post_id, actor_id, target_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id in (SELECT target_id FROM connection WHERE source_id=<uid> AND is_following=1) AND is_hidden = 0
I've been through this, the way Facebook is categorizing their permissions is somehow misleading, for example Publicly available may sounds like Available to everyone on Facebook but apperantly it's not.
Now in your case, if you already authenticated the user, then try using:
I guess this is the only case where access_token is not needed in the URL.
I had a similar problem. But for me, the problem was related to not setting the scope properly on first login (to authorize the app). I posted a similar question and got an answer that worked for me here:
Facebook API how to get all wall items