Lokijs: Inserting document with unique key violation - lokijs

I am running the latest, as of 5.3.2016, minified Lokijs from Lokijs.org and NW.js v0.12.3-win-x64. I have a document already saved in Lokijs:
I am trying to generate an error when I attempt to insert a duplicate key value. I have added a unique constraint on the 'username' key in this collection and have verified the collection.uniqueNames array contains 'username'.
When I run the code below, as expected, no additional documents are inserted into the collection.data array and the database is saved. However, no errors are generated. Also, when I console.log the document object after the insert method has run, it changes to:
Object {username: "erik", meta: Object, $loki: 2}.
When I change the key value to something else, the unique document is then inserted and saved properly.
How do I go about generating an error when attempting to insert a document containing key(s) that violate unique constraints? Thank you.
insertDocument: function(objParameters) {
var collection = objParameters.insert.collection;
var document = {username: ''};
document.username = 'erik';
collection.on('error', function(err) {
return console.log(err);
return thisModule.$body.triggerHandler('app.database.save');
EDIT: loki.db to test clone
Code to test clone:
var loki = require('lokijs-1.3.min.js');
var db = new loki();
var collection = db.addCollection('test', {
clone: true,
unique: 'name'
collection.on('error', function(error) {
return console.log(error);
collection.insert({ name: 'erik'});
collection.insert({ name: 'erik'});

If you don't use clone: true then you need to call coll.update(document) to force index recomputation, which will trigger the error.


How can I check that a mongo update command succeeded in node

I'm trying to check that an update command accomplished but when I check for the nModified I'm getting 0 although I do see that the field value changes from one value to another (not kept the same value).
static async updateProfile(username, profileData) {
const usersCollection = db.dbConnection.collection(dbConfig.collectionNames.users);
const updateRes = await usersCollection.update({email: username},
{"$set": {
firstName: profileData.firstName,
lastName: profileData.lastName,
payment: profileData.payment,
return updateRes.result.nModified > 0;
Is there another way to verify the update?
One of the way by findAndModify method:
You can easily compare whole new object and verify each key.
query: {"email":"xxx#xxx.com"},
update: {name: "HHH", "email":"xxx#xxx.com"},
new: true
new: true is responsible to return whole updated document. If fail to update it will return null.
Take care here to pass the whole document while update.
update() only return a number of the documents that were successfully updated. So, your logic to check if updated successfully or not is also valid.

Mongoose: Delete Item - First One always gets deleted

I am completely new to the fields of Mongoose and MongoDB.
I am currently trying trying to remove one element from my database.
This is my code so far:
My issueModel:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'); // loading module for mongoose
var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/issuedb');
var issueSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
description: String,
priority: String,
status: String
// Constructor Function:
var issueModel = mongoose.model('issues', issueSchema); // have to give the
name of the collection where the element should be stored + Schema
// Export this Construction Function for this Module:
module.exports = issueModel; // careful: module != model !
My post method for using the delete method:
// creating the router for deleting one item:
router.post('/delete/:id', (req, res) => {
issueModel.remove({id: req.params.ObjectId})
.setOptions({ single: true }).exec(function (err, deleted) {})
.then(issues => res.render('issue', {issues: issues}));
The thing i would like to do here is using the object id - which is correctly stored in req.params.ObjectID according to my console.log, and deleting the corresponding object.
But currently , when i have got a table with about 3-4 entries, always the first one gets deleted. Why is that? I am really TOTALLY new and really tried searching a lot, but i could not find any solution until now. I am happy about any tips that would help me.
What am i doing wrong?
The ID in the URL and the Object.ID are the same! Why is the first object deleted then, not the second or the third?
I am hopeless right now.
I also read about the remove() option not being really used in todays time. But we were told at university to use this method right now.
I also tried findOneByID and delete methods i found in the mongoose database.
If you need any more code please let me know!
You can use one of the convenience methods for this: findByIdAndRemove:
issueModel.findByIdAndRemove(req.params.ObjectId, function(err) {
if (err) { ... failed }
This will remove a whole document matching the ID which I think its what you want, if you want to a remove property from a document that's a different query.
If you don't use one of the convenience methods which just take IDs (have ById in them), then you have to convert your ID from a string to an ObjectId:
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb');
issueModel.remove({ id: ObjectId(req.params.ObjectId) }).setOptions({ single: true })

Got duplicate key error dup key: { : undefined }

I have an array field called udids in Meteor.users schema, which should contains unique elements. This is how I defined the index using SimpleSchema and Collection2:
new SimpleSchema({
udids: {
type: Array,
index: true,
unique: true,
optional: true,
sparse: true,
'udids.$': {
type: String,
However, when I start the app, I got this error: E11000 duplicate key error collection: meteor.users index: c2_udids dup key: { : undefined }.
I tried searching for the documents with udids = undefined in the database: db.users.find({ udids: { $type: 6 } }) ($type: 6 for undefined value) but it returns nothing.
The error message is a bit unclear so I had to guess the reason why. I found out that the current database already has some users with udids = []. I'm writing a migration script to unset this field from those users. Hopefully this will help others who have the same problem as me.
I've not tested this, but it should ideally work.
Used Meteor.users as a collection name. You may want to replace it with whichever collection you want to run the validation against.
Made use of custom function to find at least one doc which contains the field's value in udids.
If you don't have access to the collection on the client side, then you can edit the custom function and have it handled asynchronously.
new SimpleSchema({
'udids': {
optional: true,
type: [String], // an array of string eg. ['A','B']
custom: function() {
// this.value = current field's value
// Below mongo query will check to see if there is at least one
// mongo doc whose udids contains the currently entered field's value.
// if found, then return the error message.
if (Meteor.users.findOne({
udids: {
$in: [this.value]
})) {
return "duplicateMsg";
SimpleSchema.messages({ duplicateMsg:"Udid already exists"});

Data not being delete from elasticsearch index via mongoosastic?

I have mongoosastic setup within a MEAN stack program. Everything works correctly except when I delete a document from mongodb it is not deleted in the elasticsearch index. So every time I do a search that includes delete items, the deleted item is returned but is null when it is hydrated. Does mongoosastic handle deleting from the ES index? Do I have to program an index refresh?
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongoosastic = require("mongoosastic");
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var quantumSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
note: {
type: String,
require: true,
es_indexed: true
var Quantum = mongoose.model('Quantum', quantumSchema);
Quantum.createMapping(function(err, mapping){
console.log('error creating mapping (you can safely ignore this)');
console.log('mapping created!');
I had the same error. If you look in the Documentation it states that you have to explicit remove the document after deleting it.
This is the way i am doing a deletion now.
const deleteOne = Model => async (id)=> {
const document = await Model.findByIdAndDelete(id);
if (!document) {
return new Result()
.setError('Unable to delete Entity with ID: ' + id + '.')
//this ensures the deletion from the elasticsearch index
return new Result()
I dont know what version of mongoosastic you're using but i use mongoosastic#3.6.0 and my indexed doc get deleted whenever i remove it either using Model.findByIdAndRemove or Model.remove. Therefore try to cross check the way you delete you're docs.
I solved the problem by changing the way I delete the data.
I was using:
I switched it to:
Quantum.findById(quantumid, function(err, quantum) {
quantum.remove(function(err, quantum) {
if (err) {
I did not research the reason for this working, but it solved the problem and I moved on.

Mongoose/MongoDB throwing duplicate key error on save?

According to MongoDB's documentation a call to save will create a new document, or update an existing document if _id is provided. Mongoose's documentation is less detailed and does not go into whether it will insert or update.
I am attempting to use Mongoose's save function to update a document, but I keep getting the error:
{"error":{"name":"MongoError","code":11000,"err":"insertDocument ::
caused by :: 11000 E11000 duplicate key error index:
staging.participants.$_id _ dup key: { :
ObjectId('5515a34ed65073ec234b5c5f') }"}}
Does Mongoose's save function perform an upsert like MongoDB's save function or is it just performing an insert?
What defines whether the save will be an insert or an update is the isNew flag, as you can see here.
This flag is set automatically to false when the document instance is returned from a find query (or any of its variations). If you are instantiating the document manually, try setting this flag to false before saving it:
var instance = new Model({ '_id': '...', field: '...' });
instance.isNew = false;
instance.save(function(err) { /* ... */ });
There is also an init function, that will initialize the document and automatically set isNew to false:
var data = { '_id': '...', field: '...' };
var instance = new Model();
instance.init(data, {}, function(err) {
instance.save(function(err) { /* ... */ })