How can I check that a mongo update command succeeded in node - mongodb

I'm trying to check that an update command accomplished but when I check for the nModified I'm getting 0 although I do see that the field value changes from one value to another (not kept the same value).
static async updateProfile(username, profileData) {
const usersCollection = db.dbConnection.collection(dbConfig.collectionNames.users);
const updateRes = await usersCollection.update({email: username},
{"$set": {
firstName: profileData.firstName,
lastName: profileData.lastName,
payment: profileData.payment,
return updateRes.result.nModified > 0;
Is there another way to verify the update?

One of the way by findAndModify method:
You can easily compare whole new object and verify each key.
query: {"email":""},
update: {name: "HHH", "email":""},
new: true
new: true is responsible to return whole updated document. If fail to update it will return null.
Take care here to pass the whole document while update.
update() only return a number of the documents that were successfully updated. So, your logic to check if updated successfully or not is also valid.


How to update one field from a passed object in mongoose

Incase I have an object that looks like the one below
const auth = {
geohash: args.input.geohash,
offenses: args.input.offenses,
paid: args.input.paid,
profilePic: args.input.profilePic,
username: args.input.username,
and I pass it inorder to update a document
const update = { _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(args._id) }
const value = await DiscoverUsers.findOneAndUpdate(update, auth, { useFindAndModify: false, new: true })
so incase I only want to update the username and I don't want to keep creating a mutation for updating each field in the document.
lets say my mutation looks like this
but this only updates the username but it makes the rest of the fields null but I only want to find a way to only update the fields I have passed in the mutation and the rest remain the same. so I can update the username and profilePic only and the rest remain unchanged.
I would be grateful for the help and thanks in advance
You should use the atomic operator $set to update only where you want, and you should pass only the fields you want to update, not all of them otherwise all the fields are going to be updated by the new value.
const value = await DiscoverUsers.findOneAndUpdate(update, {$set:{username:"pedro"}}, { useFindAndModify: false, new: true })

Mongoose: atomic FindOne-Or-Insert(), do not update existing instance if found

In Mongoose, I am seeking to perform atomically a way to Model.FindOne-Or-Insert(), similar functionality and signature as currently available Model.FindOneAndUpdate() except if an instance exists (i.e. matches filter) then do not update using provided object but return instance found as is, and if not exists (i.e. no match with filter) then insert object and return new instance.
I could not find a way using Model.FindOneAndUpdate() not to perform an update to an existing instance by trying out variances to its options and not providing fields to object that preferred not to update if instance exists.
So, my current non-atomic workaround is Model.FindOne() and if not found then perform
const Foo = DB.model('foo', FooSchema)
async function findOneAndUpdateFoo(jsonFoo, next) {
const filter = {
deletedAt: null
if (jsonFoo.dsAccountId) {
filter.dsAccountId = jsonFoo.dsAccountId
if (jsonIntegration.dsUserId) {
filter.dsUserId = jsonIntegration.dsUserId
if (jsonFoo.providerId) {
filter.providerId = jsonFoo.providerId
const fooDoc = {
dsAccountId: jsonFoo.dsAccountId,
dsUserId: jsonFoo.dsUserId,
providerId: jsonFoo.providerId,
providerName: jsonFoo.providerName,
// Most of these fields could be empty
accessToken: jsonFoo.accessToken,
refreshToken: jsonFoo.refreshToken,
scope: jsonFoo.scope,
tokenType: jsonFoo.tokenType,
expiresAt: jsonFoo.expiresAt
return await Foo.findOneAndUpdate(
filter, // find a document with that filter
fooDoc, // document to insert when nothing was found
{ upsert: true, new: true, runValidators: true } // options
Suggestions? Thank you
You can use $setOnInsert in your update parameter so that it will only apply in the insert case; with the update becoming a no-op in the case where the document already exists:
return await Foo.findOneAndUpdate(
filter, // find a document with that filter
{$setOnInsert: fooDoc}, // document to insert when nothing was found
{ upsert: true, new: true, runValidators: true }
Note that you should also create a unique index over the fields included in your filter and then handle the possibility of a duplicate error. See this post for the details why.

FindAndModify: get newDocument along with info whether doc was inserted or updated

Using findAndModify:
I need to get the new resulting document
I need to know if an insert or update was done
var newUpdate = {
$set : newData,
$setOnInsert: {created_at: new Date()}
var options = {
upsert :true,
new: true,
collectionDriver.findAndModify(colName, query, newUpdate, options, function(err,resultDoc)
if (err) {
} else {
I get the new document, how can I know if an insert/update was happened?
One possible, though not the most efficient way, can be to check for presence of record before issuing the modify command because if you need the new record, then you cannot check if it previously existed.

Mongoose No matching document found using id() method. Error caused by asynchronous delete requests

Making asynchronous requests in a loop to delete documents from an embedded collection:
_.each deletedItem, (item) ->
Erratically throws this error:
{ message: 'No matching document found.', name: 'VersionError' }
When executing:
var resume =;
resume.remove(); (err, acct) {
if(err) return next(err);
After logging account.resumes and looking through the _id's of all of the resumes, the document I am attempting to find by id, exists in the collection.
{ title: 'gggff', _id: 530e57a7503d421eb8daca65 }
[{ title: 'asddas', _id: 530e57a7503d421eb8daca61 }
{ title: 'gggff', _id: 530e57a7503d421eb8daca65 }
{ title: 'ewrs', _id: 530e57a7503d421eb8daca64 }]
I assume this has to do with the fact that I am performing these requests asynchronously, or that there is a versioning issue, but I have no idea how to resolve it.
It doesn't make any sense to me how when I log the resumes, I can see the resume I attempt to find, yet if I log:
I get undefined.
I've discovered that my issue is with versioning.
But I am still unsure how to resolve it without disabling versioning, which I don't want to do.
In mongodb version 3, documents now have an increment() method which manually forces incrementation of the document version. This is also used internally whenever an operation on an array potentially alters array element position. These operations are:
$pull $pullAll $pop $set of an entire array
changing the version key
The version key is customizable by passing the versionKey option to the Schema constructor:
new Schema({ .. }, { versionKey: 'myVersionKey' });
Or by setting the option directly:
schema.set('versionKey', 'myVersionKey');
If you don’t want to use versioning in your schema you can disable it by passing false for the versionKey option.
schema.set('versionKey', false);
MongooseJs API docs explicitly warn on disabling versioning, and recommend against it. Your issue is due to workflow. If you're updating your collection from the UI, sending the API request and not refreshing your object with the object from the backend -- then attempt to update it again, you'll encounter the error you are reporting. I suggest either consuming/updating the object scope from the API response, then __v is correctly incremented. Or don't send the __v field on the PUT API request, this way it won't conflict with version on the collection in the database.
Another option is -- when requesting the object from the backend, have the API response not send the __v field, this way you don't have to code logic to NOT send it from the frontend. On all your gets for that collection, do either one of the following (depends how you write your queries):
var model = require('model');
var qry = model.find();'-__v');
if(err) res.status(500).send(err);
if(results) res.status(200).json(results);
var model = require('model');
model.find({}, '-__v', function(err,results){
if(err) res.status(500).send(err);
if(results) res.status(200).json(results);

SafeModeResult is null after update

Using MongoDB and the latest 10gen C# driver (CSharpDriver-, I am trying to do an "in place" update and get back the # of documents effected in the result.
public static long SaveListings(string state, bool isActive, DateTime updateDate)
var result = Collection().Update(
Query.EQ("State", state),
Query.EQ("IsActive", isActive),
Query.LT("UpdateDate", updateDate))),
Update.Set("IsActive", false), UpdateFlags.Multi);
return result != null ? result.DocumentsAffected : -1;
The result is null for some reason. If I were doing this from the console, I could get the number of rows effected by doing this:
db.Listing.update( { State: state.Abbreviation, IsActive: true, UpdateDate: { $lt: expiredDate } }, { $set: { IsActive: false } }, false, true);
var numRows = db.getLastErrorObj().n;
Any idea what I'm doing wrong or is this a bug in the C# driver?
Update contains overloaded method that take SafeMode. Just add it to your code as fourth parameter to your update and should be not null:
That's not driver bug, it work as expected. Mongodb does not wait for document if get inserted without safe mode (therefore driver return null), but if you saying SafeMode = true -- you force mongodb wait until document get inserted.
Doing inserts and updates without specifying safe mode yields null because they're asynchronous operations - there's simply no way to know how the insert or update went.
Therefore, add e.g. SafeMode.True as the last argument in inserts and updates in cases where you care about the result. This will make the driver issue a getLastError command, which blocks until the insert/updated has completed:
var result = collection.Update(query, update, SafeMode.True);
You can read some more about getLastError and different safe modes here (general) and here (SafeMode with the C# driver).
Try getLastError here: