Favicon is not visible - favicon

I can not see the favicon in any browser at https://www.example.com
I tried the following implementations:
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
The favicon is in root-folder.
I also checked the Chrome Debugger and it gives me a "200 status ok" for favicon.ico
I tried checking it from multiple places (Work, Home, Smartphone...) - can't see it anywhere.
I also used one of these SEO-Checking sites to check if there is a favicon.
They tell me, that there is one but when they try to show me the favicon they found, it is simply not visible - there is a browser "image not found" symbol instead.
I started implementation more than 24h ago, not sure if it's a a caching problem.
The favicon is in root-folder.
Any ideas?

If you look well, you are getting a 200 status ok on the favicon, but the type is set to html, and not img.
also if you visit https://www.appfelsine.com/favicon.ico, you get an html page and not the icon image.
Might have something to do with your .htaccess perhaps? Try storing the favicon in your images folder and change the path, see if it works

Your 404 page returns a 200 (instead of a 404), so all those SEO sites see the 200 success and assume the favicon is loaded. Your favicon is not in the correct directory. To confirm this you can open up the page source and click the link to the favicon url and see that it's returning a 404 page. I would recommending putting the favicon in the same folder as other images and linking to it there.

Might be that the image is corrupted. My suggestio is to convert it to PNG. Really likely you would have a performance gain that makes this solution worth it.
To convert it:
Use then:
<link rel="icon"


Image and CSS URL paths not resolving to correct locations in browser

When I recorded the network activity of my project on https://zeddrix.github.io/bible-query/, and looked at the path of my style.css, the path should be like this: https://zeddrix.github.io/bible-query/styles/style.css to access my CSS.
But instead of having that, I keep on having https://zeddrix.github.io/styles/style.css without the /bible-query/ that's why it can't be found.
The same happened with my images. For example, instead of having https://zeddrix.github.io/bible-query/img/play-btn.jpg, I keep on having https://zeddrix.github.io/img/play-btn.jpg without the /bible-query/ on the URL again.
I was expecting to have this (on Live Server):
But instead, I keep on having this (on GitHub Page):
Please help me. Here's my repository: https://github.com/zeddrix/bible-query
Try removing the first forward slash from all of the URL references. So, <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/style.css" /> would become <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/style.css" />. This will turn it into a "relative" link, instead of an absolute link.

Google Search Console: How to remove url which is under the AMP

We have added rel="amphtml" in some of the pages mistakenly so that URL is going into AMP section in google search console. But I don't want to used that url as a AMP so I have removed that rel="amphtml" from all that URL but now that all URL still showing into AMP page list.
So how can I remove from this AMP list?
Any idea please share.
Please remove this meta tag in pages and google will take time to remove search listing :
<link rel="amphtml" href="https://www.example.com/url/to/amp/document.html">
<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.example.com/url/to/full/document.html">

\Favicon.ico error in Jboss 7.1.1

I want to access my application without context root in JBoss 7.1.1
I have renamed application as ROOT.war and deployed it and
updated stadalone.xml
Am able to access the login page of my application, but moment I enter credentials and login I get "HTTP Status 404 - /favicon.ico".
I don't know where am going wrong. once i remove /favicon from URL and reload it, everything works normal. Please help me to resolve this problem.
Favicon stands for "Favorites Icon". It's the little icon beside your site's name in the favorites list, before the URL in the address bar and bookmarks folder and as a bookmarked website on the desktop in some operating systems.
The Favicon.ico shows as 404 means is that people with browsers that use favicon (Internet Explorer 5.0 +, Firefox, Opera and a most others) are visiting your site.
While seeing a 404 in your log files usually means that a visitor got the dreaded "404 Page Not Found" error, in this case it doesn't. All it means is that the default icon was shown instead of a custom one.
To get your Favicon to show there are 2 different ways to do this:
This is the easiest to do and it will show your icon no matter what page your visitor adds to their favorites. Simply upload your new icon to the main directory of your site, ie. www.example.com/favicon.ico
If you don't have access to your root directory (if your on a free server for example) or it you want a different favicon for certain pages, add this to the <head> of your html. (You can name your favicon whatever you'd like with this method)
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/folder-name/logo.ico">
Or if you prefer to use the full URL:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://example.com/favicon.ico">
If you upload a new Favicon, be sure to clear your cache for the new icon to show up.

Facebook Page Tab external URL

What should contain a HTML file to display it on a Facebook Page's Tab. I have added the tab, but I get blank page, I have tried everything, searched hours, my URL is HTTPS, so I really don't know...
Could you paste anybody a full HTML code that works, appears in a Page's Tab with an app? Thanks!
That would be the minimum, it definitely works:
<!DOCTYPE html>
hello there
As you can see, nothing fancy there. Without any test URL, we can only tell you to open the browser console and search for errors.
We found the answer, the server doesn't enable the iframing, so what I tried was good, but
Console's JavaScript error: Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://www.... does not permit cross-origin framing.
So we contacted to our hosting company to solve this.
UPDATE: Hosting support added the following code to my .htaccess file: Header always unset X-Frame-Options, what solved my problem.

How to prevent favicon.ico requests?

I don't have a favicon.ico, but my browser always makes a request for it.
Is it possible to prevent the browser from making a request for the favicon from my site? Maybe some META-TAG in the HTML header?
I will first say that having a favicon in a Web page is a good thing (normally).
However it is not always desired and sometime developers need a way to avoid the extra payload. For example an IFRAME would request a favicon without showing it.
Worst yet, in Chrome and Android an IFRAME will generate 3 requests for favicons:
"GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 183
"GET /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png HTTP/1.1" 404 197
"GET /apple-touch-icon.png HTTP/1.1" 404 189
The following uses data URI and can be used to avoid fake favicon requests:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:image/x-icon;," type="image/x-icon">
For references see here:
From the comments (jpic) it looks like Firefox >= 25 doesn't like the above syntax anymore. I tested on Firefox 27 and it doesn't work while it still work on Webkit/Chrome.
So here is the new one that should cover all recent browsers. I tested Safari, Chrome and Firefox:
<link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,=">
I left out the "shortcut" name from the "rel" attribute value since that's only for older IE and versions of IE < 8 doesn't like dataURIs either. Not tested on IE8.
If you need your document to validate against HTML5 use this instead:
<link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=">
Just add the following line to the <head> section of your HTML file:
<link rel="icon" href="data:,">
Features of this solution:
100% valid HTML5
very short
does not incur any quirks from IE 8 and older
does not make the browser interpret the current HTML code as favicon (which would be the case with href="#")
You can use the following HTML in your <head> element:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#" />
I tested this on a forced full refresh, and no favicon requests were seen in Fiddler. (tested against IE8 in compat mode as IE7 standards, and FF 3.6)
Note: this may download the html file twice, so while it works in hiding the error, it comes with a cost.
You can't. All you can do is to make that image as small as possible and set some cache invalidation headers (Expires, Cache-Control) far in the future. Here's what Yahoo! has to say about favicon.ico requests.
if you use nginx
# skip favicon.ico
location = /favicon.ico {
access_log off;
return 204;
Put this into your HTML head:
<link rel="icon" href="">
This is a bit larger than the other answers, but does contain an actually valid PNG image (1x1 pixel white).
The easiest way to block these temporarily for testing purposes is to open up the inspect page in chrome by right-clicking anywhere on the page and clicking inspect or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+j and then going to the networking tab and then reloading the page which will send all the requests your page is supposed to make including that annoying favicon.ico. You can now simply right click the favicon.ico request and click "Block request URL".
All of the above answers are for devs who control the app source code. If you are a sysadmin, who's figuring out load-balancer or proxying configuration and is annoyed by this favicon.ico shenanigans, this simple trick does a better job. This answer is for Chrome, but I think there should be a similar alternative which you would figure out for Firefox/Opera/Tor/any other browser :)
You can use .htaccess or server directives to deny access to favicon.ico, but the server will send an access denied reply to the browser and this still slows page access.
You can stop the browser requesting favicon.ico when a user returns to your site, by getting it to stay in the browser cache.
First, provide a small favicon.ico image, could be blank, but as small as possible. I made a black and white one under 200 bytes. Then, using .htaccess or server directives, set the file Expires header a month or two in the future. When the same user comes back to your site it will be loaded from the browser cache and no request will go to your site. No more 404's in the server logs too.
If you have control over a complete Apache server or maybe a virtual server you can do this:-
If the server document root is say /var/www/html then add this to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:-
Alias /favicon.ico "/var/www/html/favicon.ico"
<Directory "/var/www/html">
<Files favicon.ico>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
Then a single favicon.ico will work for all the virtual hosted sites since you are aliasing it. It will be drawn from the browser cache for a month after the users visit.
For .htaccess this is reported to work (not checked by me):-
AddType image/x-icon .ico
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 month"
A very simple solution is put the below code in your .htaccess. I had the same issue and it solve my problem.
<IfModule mod_alias.c>
RedirectMatch 403 favicon.ico
Reference: http://perishablepress.com/block-favicon-url-404-requests/
Elaborating on previous answers, this might be the shortest solution from the HTML file itself:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:" />
Tested working, no error messages or failed requests on Chrome Version 94.0.4606.81
Just make it simple with :
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#" type="image/x-icon">
It displays nothing!!!!
In Node.js,
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Link': 'rel="shortcut icon" href="#"'} );
Personally I used this in my HTML head tag:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#" />
I need prevent request AND have icon displayed i.e. in Chrome.
Quick code to try in <head>:
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="data:image/png;base64,
In our experience, with Apache falling over on request of favicon.ico, we commented out extra headers in the .htaccess file.
For example we had
Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
... but we had forgotten to sudo a2enmod headers beforehand. Commenting out extra headers being sent resolved our favicon.ico issue.
We also had several virtual hosts set up for development, and only failed out with 500 Internal Server Error when using http://localhost and fetching /favicon.ico. If you run "curl -v http://localhost/favicon.ico" and get a warning about the host name not being in the resolver cache or something to that effect, you might experience problems.
It could be as simple as not fetching (we tried that and it didn't work, because our root cause was different) or look around for directives in apache2.conf or .htaccess which might be causing strange 500 Internal Server Error messages.
We found it failed so quickly there was nothing useful in Apache's error logs whatsoever and spent an entire morning changing small things here and there until we resolved the problem of setting extra headers when we had forgotten to have mod_headers loaded!
Sometimes this error comes, when HTML has some commented code and browser is trying to look for something. Like in my case I had commented code for a web form in flask and I was getting this.
After spending 2 hours I fixed it in the following ways:
1) I created a new python environment and then it threw an error on the commented HTML line, before this I was only thrown error 'GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404'
2) Sometimes, when I had a duplicate code, like python file existing with the same name, then also I saw this error, try removing those too
If you are not using HTML and it's auto-generated by Flask or some frameworks you can always add a dummy route in the app to just return dummy text to fix this issue.
you can just add the favicon :)
Eg for Python Flask Application.
def favicon():
return 'dummy', 200
I solved this problem by using the Content-Security-Policy HTTP response header. By using this, is possible to block the browser from making further media queries like images (other types are also possible). I added the following header to the response:
Content-Security-Policy: img-src 'none'
The problem is it will block ALL image queries. If your HTML has any image, they won't be loaded. In my case it was very likely a bug in Firefox because the browser was requesting the favicon.ico for a response whose Content-type is text/xml!
It also depends on the browser implementing this feature as is enforced on the client side.
Check https://content-security-policy.com for a complete guide on CSP.
You could use
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://localhost/" />
That way it won't actually be requested from the server.