Google Search Console: How to remove url which is under the AMP - google-search-console

We have added rel="amphtml" in some of the pages mistakenly so that URL is going into AMP section in google search console. But I don't want to used that url as a AMP so I have removed that rel="amphtml" from all that URL but now that all URL still showing into AMP page list.
So how can I remove from this AMP list?
Any idea please share.

Please remove this meta tag in pages and google will take time to remove search listing :
<link rel="amphtml" href="">
<link rel="canonical" href="">


GitHub Pages: Image From Link Not Showing

I used to have my website hosted through Shopify, and when I linked to it in my LinkedIn job description the logo showed up. I've since moved my website to GitHub Pages, and now the logo is blank when I link to it in LinkedIn (or anywhere else for that matter). Is there something I can do to fix this, or is it just a con of GH Pages?
It always helps to include a link to the codebase for reference, but it looks like you're likely working with this repo on your GitHub profile.
It's possible that Shopify or a theme you were using before included these by default, but typically you have to specify the preview image in your site's metadata. The preview images for formatted links are pulled from an Open Graph image property, which you define in a meta tag in your HTML's <head> section (see the OG documentation here). So, in your head include file, you'd add a meta tag like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
Then, ideally, you'll include this head file in each layout file so that it's included in each page's HTML.
A couple of things that worked for me:
Put your image in your 'public' directory near index.html, and in your meta tag retrieve it with content="". (https didn't work for me but http did)
Also, is a good tool to check your og image appears.

Favicon is not visible

I can not see the favicon in any browser at
I tried the following implementations:
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
The favicon is in root-folder.
I also checked the Chrome Debugger and it gives me a "200 status ok" for favicon.ico
I tried checking it from multiple places (Work, Home, Smartphone...) - can't see it anywhere.
I also used one of these SEO-Checking sites to check if there is a favicon.
They tell me, that there is one but when they try to show me the favicon they found, it is simply not visible - there is a browser "image not found" symbol instead.
I started implementation more than 24h ago, not sure if it's a a caching problem.
The favicon is in root-folder.
Any ideas?
If you look well, you are getting a 200 status ok on the favicon, but the type is set to html, and not img.
also if you visit, you get an html page and not the icon image.
Might have something to do with your .htaccess perhaps? Try storing the favicon in your images folder and change the path, see if it works
Your 404 page returns a 200 (instead of a 404), so all those SEO sites see the 200 success and assume the favicon is loaded. Your favicon is not in the correct directory. To confirm this you can open up the page source and click the link to the favicon url and see that it's returning a 404 page. I would recommending putting the favicon in the same folder as other images and linking to it there.
Might be that the image is corrupted. My suggestio is to convert it to PNG. Really likely you would have a performance gain that makes this solution worth it.
To convert it:
Use then:
<link rel="icon"

Website meta tag, special characters

Our website meta tag contains special characters such as "í and é" and when I share the website on Facebook the special characters show in a weird way, image attached. How can this be fixed?
Include the Open Graph XML namespace extension to your HTML declaration
< html xmlns="" xmlns:fb="">
Inside your use the following meta tag to define the image you want to use
< meta property="og:image" content="your_image_here" />
3.Visit and follow the instructions to change the final image for the preview.

Can a rel=canonical meta tag point to a 301 redirect URL?

I'm working on a project which has versioned URLs. I want the rel=canonical meta tag to always point to the latest version, and this can always be reached via a 301 redirect.
Here are the URLs:
/example 301 redirect to /example/3
/example/1 <link rel="canonical" href="/example" />
/example/2 <link rel="canonical" href="/example" />
/example/3 <link rel="canonical" href="/example" />
Will this setup work? Which URL will a service like Google choose to index, or will it get caught in a "redirect loop" going between /example and /example/3?
So this website is now being indexed by Google. Here's how Google reacts to this scenario:
Results are shown for both /example and /example/{latestVersion} where {latestVersion} is the result of the 301 redirect (most recent version)
The /example link appears first in the results
Often the links to /example/{latestVersion} are only revealed if the user clicks on the following text:
In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 13 already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.
I am changing the code so that the canonical URL is always /example/{latestVersion}, to ensure duplicate content is not indexed.

Facebook Share Link not posting the right URL

I am using code found in
It says to replace with the URL I want to share.
The page where the share icon is placed is NOT the URL I want to share. The URL I want to share I enter as
However, first it worked, but now it is pulling the meta value AND the URL from the actual page!
My concern is that it is grabbing the URL from the page, not what I input because of:
On the page (both the one with the share icon AND the actual shared page) I tried to define the preview image with:
<link rel="image_src"
This is located between the tags...doesn't seem to do anything.
You can only change the title
everything else is fetched directly from the shared url.
i dont 100% understand what you want to do
<script>function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document.title;''+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');return false;}</script>
replace the u=location.href with u= and t=document.title with the given title. additionally replace in the href="" of the link with the correct url
any other info is fetched by the meta tags of the target url
<link rel="image_src" href="" />
the href="" links to the correct image
the tag needs to be within those meta tags (in the area)