What's the maximum mouse buttons a mouse can have? [closed] - mouse

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Closed 3 years ago.
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hey there guys i need your help i'm making a game engine and i don't know what to put as the maximum amount of mouse buttons you can use. Meaning how many mouse buttons can have?
Mouse button:
For example the right or left mouse button or the middle mouse button

The USB HID standard (page 61) allocates bits for three buttons. But there is also a four-bit value that is device-specific. If treated as a four-bit number instead of four discrete flags, then you can have up to fifteen additional buttons.

An Asus gaming mouse had 31 keys !
I am not sure if this is the maximum, but 31 does sound like a lot!


Is it bad practice to put sprites under a canvas? [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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Whenever I make 2D games, I always attach the sprites under a canvas so that I can set the canvas scaling to be "Scale With Screen Size" so that the sprites scale with the users aspect ratio. Is this bad practice and is there a better way of doing this?
Unity shouldn't render objects off-screen, so in realtime there shouldn't be any problems with graphics performance.
From personal experience, making a game responsive for different resolutions is complicated and many techniques can be used to get good results.
I also use the "Scale with screen size" setting, and over the years I haven't found anything that works better.
The only detail I can give you for general performance: if you have many elements, perhaps animated, and they are not seen at all by the camera, I recommend that you disable them from scripts, because graphically they should not give problems, but they are always things that the engine calculates frame by frame and therefore if they are not essential it is better to disable them.

how to add text to the cube in unity [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How can i add this text to the cube :
The cube is
What exactly you're looking for? If it's the text being a part of the cube, without it following the camera when you move like the other UI components, then you just need to set the render mode of the canvas on which your text is to World Space and place it where you want in the world.

Diagonal resizing mouse pointer [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am looking for the (hidden) mouse shapes which had been available with ObjC (see SO question). The Swift NSCursor offers none of those cursors you find for resizing standard windows?!
For now I'm just looking for the diagonal resizing mouse shapes. If the others were available it would be nice to know too.
The cursor you describe is not supported by OS X. If you want a
cursor like that, you'll have to create an image of it yourself and
use the documentation already provided to create a cursor with that
WebKit contains images that look exactly the same as the cursors used by the system, in the following directory:

JSSOR - Transition when bullets or arrows clicked [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like to know if there is a way to use the transition I have chosen when I click the bullets or the arrays? Because the effect only applies when I let it automatically slide (slideshow mode)
The key feature of Jssor Slider is TOUCH SWIPE by Finger/Mouse on mobile/desktop.
So it should move when touched instead of play transition.
If you are interested, please wait for Jssor Slideo, which is under development.

Drawing style presentations [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What tools do you use to create drawing style presentations, (something like kid's drawings)
Ofcourse we can do things like draw it on paper/some ipad application
or do you use flash ?
for eg.
I can see that these type of presentation can be done with camera and shooting on a white board.kind of like stop motion..
any other tips?
I would use a stack of A3 paper instead of a board for the stop motion. That way you can start by making the story board of your story and then you can create the in between frames.