send mail on update task in odoo project management tool? - email

Send mail when updates task in a project management tool or update the description of task that time I need to send email.

You can achieved this one functionality:
Put the One button in this task Form view "Send Mail Info Of Pad" and when user update the paid then after click this button then after send the mail the followers of this task or any other user send the mail.


How can we send email notification under single thread from jenkins?

I have project where every build sends notification mail.
Current: Recipients recieve notification as a new mail.
Requirement: Recipients recieve notification under single mail thread.
Is there any possible way to do this from jenkins?
Used many plugins from jenkins for email notifications, but no way I was able to complete the requirement.

How can I trigger runs for actual Emails which arived before enabling Logic App?

I have a Logical App which uses the when a new email arrives (V3) - trigger
the problem is that e-mails which are new and unread will not proccessed by the LogicApp if they arrived before I enabled the Logic App.
What could I do to trigger or retrigger runs for this emails.
or is that the problem the webhook trigger when a new email arrives (V3) nad I should use the polling Trigger (V2).
So all advices for retriggering on V3-trigger or change app to v2 or other proposals are very welcome.
According to some test and summarize from the comments, it seems we didn't understand the "when a new email arrives (V3)" trigger correctly. I do some more test for the trigger and find the feature with two situations:
1. If we create the trigger(or create the Office365 connection) first but disable the logic app, then receive an email, then enable the logic app. It can be triggered by the received email.
2. If receive the email first, then create the trigger(or create new Office365 connection in logic app). The logic app can't be triggered by the received email.
In a word, only the emails received after the creation time of Office365 connection, the logic app can be triggered.
If you think it is not guaranteed, you can do it by "Get emails" action to get all of the unread emails.

Jenkins Email policy setup

Jenkins newbie here.
I am using editable email plugin for emails being sent out of jenkins jobs.
The policy is:
Always send an email to admin irrespective of job status
Send email to anyone who breaks the build (can be someone outside the team)
Send email to whole team when build breaks or gets fixed
Is there a way to achieve this?
Install Email Extension Plugin.
On the Job configuration page
Add post-build action "Editable Email Notification"
Add Trigger "Always" and in advanced section set you email address in Recipient List - this will send you an email all always
Add Trigger "Failure - Any", "Fixed", "Success", "Unstable" - this will send email to people in the default Recipient list
Hope this helps!

Emails to clients from Jira

I'm looking to send out emails to clients when employees make progress on Jira tickets. Is that possible?
To give an example: A client sends a question through the company website. They then receive an email with their ticket number and can check back to see the status the ticket and/or receive emails to know when progress has been made on that ticket.
If it is possible, how would I go about doing this?
If You have mail server connected with Jira enter Notification schemes in main administration. Create new scheme and choose for which event who should be notified. Then enter right project administration and in section Notifications connect created Notification scheme to this project. :)

Mailing campaign (Newsletter) emails are in queue but not sent

I'm using Odoo to send emails/Newsletters to my clients (contacts). But on my Odoo installation, it doesn't send emails.
I go to -> Marketing -> Mass Mailing. On the top, there are two buttons "Test Mailing" and "send to all". When I do "Test Mailing", I successfully receive emails right in my inbox. But when I do "Send to All", Odoo doesn't send emails. Any idea why?
Could you first check the parameters of your "Email Queue Manager"?
Menu : Settings > Technical > Automation > Scheduled actions > Email Queue Manager
You can then see the interval settings and the next execution date.
Hope it helps
In most instances, emails are not sent immediately. Instead, Odoo uses a scheduled action to send email.
There are a number of places you can check for your email:
1. Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Emails
Here you will find all emails scheduled to be sent on the next execution of the Email Queue Manager. If your emails are there in "outgoing" state, you can click the "play" icon to send it immediately. Or go to the scheduled action mentioned by #ZKH.
If it's not there, and hasn't been sent...
2. Check your log file
When Odoo sends an email, an info level output is recorded to the screen and looks like:
2016-04-07 00:44:28,788 24385 INFO [database name] openerp.addons.mail.mail_mail: Mail with ID 23 and Message-Id u'<1459989867.832495927810669.702880028926187-openerp-86-res.users#Name>' successfully sent
If this can't be found, you might find an error message instead.
The problem seems to be with the domain alias.
Use your tld and not the default localhost