Is it possible to set a single component in a page to a certain platform.
For example, I have an iOS screen and I want the bottom toolbar just for this one page to use the Android Style (material design).
Yes, this is possible every component in Ionic can be configured on 3 levels Global, Platform and Component level. To make that particular Toolbar component use Android Material Design Style no matter what platform it is, you can use the "mode" attribute and set it to md.
<ion-toolbar mode="md">
<ion-title>Scrolls with the content</ion-title>
You can also configure to Windows with wp and IOS with ios values for the mode attribute.
See for more details.
Is it possible to add icons to the left or right side for Content Elements? I would like to move some of the functionality from the contextMenu to the icon bar, is that possible? Perhaps by TSConfig ? See attachment.
Several options exist for multiple TYPO3 versions and depending on where you would prefer to add the copy/cut icon, or indeed, any other icon you might wish:
Before 10.3 and without fluid-based page layout module:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/class.tx_cms_layout.php']['tt_content_drawItem'] through $outHeader variable.
After 10.3 with fluid-based page layout module:
All of the above, plus
Overlay of template EXT:backend/Resources/Private/Partials/PageLayout/Record/Header.html, or
Overlay of template EXT:backend/Resources/Private/Partials/PageLayout/Record/Footer.html, or
Overlay of template EXT:backend/Resources/Private/Partials/PageLayout/Record.html depending on where you want the icon to be placed
These should provide you with every conceivable option for adding the icon precisely where you wish it to be added. TYPO3 10.3 with fluid based page module enabled provides you with the createst flexibility. Earlier versions or with fluid based page module disabled should probably use $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['GLOBAL']['recStatInfoHooks'].
I personaly wouldn't add too many button visible by default on the top right of each content, because it will unnecessarily overloads the amount of information on the page module with action buttons that are not the most often used.
In particular, the "paste" button should only appears when there is something in the clipboard, and it now appears everywhere you can paste (you can see one above the content in your screenshot).
I am building a multi tenant platform and want to have different logos and styling of the navbar depending on logged in user or some other business rule. How do I do that?
If I want to add widgets on the navbar, for example notification indicator, how do I do that?
An interesting possiblity is to make a component, and that component includes a /style tag that is data-bound. You can also include base64 coded images that is used by the css in your component.
For inserting stuff in the navbar maybe you can use pseudo elements from CSS.
Otherwise I would install a local Turnkey development like this Then you can change any part of the site.
How would one change the styling of a single component? For example force md styling of searchbar on iOS.
You can set mode attribute to force the Android style regardless of the platform it’s running on.
<ion-searchbar mode="md"></ion-searchbar>
Does anyone know how to place an icon in a toggle?
Is this even possible with the new shadow dom rules?
I have tried placing a icon element in the toggle but no succes.
It's not possible to add attributes to ion components.
Confirmed by admin from the ionic slack.
Going to make my own slider then.
I want to change icons to something different per application. I want to change only nm-applet (gnomes network manager applet) and my volume applet to something different than the icon set. How can I do this?
You can make your own icon theme with just those two icons in it. The other icons will be taken from the default 'hicolor' theme.