How do I change gnome icon per application? - gtk

I want to change icons to something different per application. I want to change only nm-applet (gnomes network manager applet) and my volume applet to something different than the icon set. How can I do this?

You can make your own icon theme with just those two icons in it. The other icons will be taken from the default 'hicolor' theme.


How to change the keyboard color to dark?

My app uses dark theme as
ThemeData.dark().copyWith( ... ),
that defined for theme property of MaterialApp.
As far as the keyboardAppearance property does work only in ios there is no way how to make the same on android. Is there?
in terms of docs, this functionality doesn't exist for android, unfortunately. This only works for ios:
And also there is an issue opened on GitHub about that:
This explains that we can't make a decision in terms of the keyboard's theme from an app. The keyboard is a standalone application, and it's up to the keyboard to decide which theme it would take. It could have been implemented to follow the device's dark mode settings (e.g. Samsung Galaxy's default keyboard), or it could just provide its own settings to change themes dynamically.

How can I adjust Flutter such that Fleksy recognizes colors and changes accordingly?

I'm making an app and I can't figure out what I need to change in order to make Fleksy recognize colors and change accordingly.
Fleksy is a keyboard app on devices that has a chameleon theme which changes according to the apps' color.
For instance, my app's main colors are white and red. Thus, in order to match general theme, I want Fleksy to change it's color to red whenever keyboard appears on the screen.
Is there something that I have to do within Flutter or there's a specific way to make this work?

Changing the icon "type" to "rounded" in Flutter

I would like to know if there is a way to change the icon "type" in Flutter, not quite sure whats it called but i noticed that Flutter's material icon have different types, for examples:
Icons.done, Icons.done_rounded, Icons.done_sharp
So in this case the type is "rounded" and "sharp", and if i'm not mistaken using Icons.done will have a default type of "sharp".
So i was wondering if we can change the default icon type to "rounded", like changing the default icon size using theme data.
Well currently one of the ways is adding the additional _rounded to every icon in my Flutter project, but i'm a very lazy person you see. :) Anyone can help?
No, there is no default option to set your icons to 'rounded' they are different svg images and have a different name. It is not a setting like icon size.
Check out for the full Icons list.
There are also a lot of 3rd party icon libs on I use a lot.

How to change the background color of the Settings page and not the Editor?

How do I change the background color of the Settings page, not the Editor, but the Settings page? I know it probably involves changing a workbench.colorCustomization token, but I don't know which one it is or if it even exists. Also, is there some sort of extension that allows you to inspect the UI elements/icons of VS Code?
I have already tried changing the editor.background token, which applied to not just the Editor, but also the Welcome and Settings pages. I was able to change the background color for the Welcome page using the welcomePage.background token, but I don't know how to change it for Settings.
I want the Settings background color to change so I can see it better.
It doesn't look like you can. If under workbench.colorCustomizations you type settings you will get the list of available settings page items of which you can change the color.
Perhaps one or more of the foreground colors to change the text color will help you.
The Custom CSS and JS Loader may allow you to change the color of the settings page. You can inspect vscode's elements by Help/Toggle Developer Tools to find out what element you need to target with that extension.
<div class="settings-editor " or a child of that. Set its background-color to what you want using that extension.

GTK: how to get width and height of GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON etc?

I need to add my own images into GTK Icon Theme, so i need to somehow figure the size in pixels GTK uses to display icons of different predefined sizes: GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU, GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG etc. GTK manual states that sizes are available as value of gtk-icon-sizes property of GtkSettings object. I have executed following code on latest ubuntu:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gtk; print(gtk.settings_get_default().get_property('gtk-icon-sizes'))
But the output is very short:
Where can i find rest of the sizes, for example for GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG or GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR?
GTK resizes the icons to whatever size they need to be. According to the Icon Theme Specification, you should make at least one 48x48 icon, and optionally a scalable SVG icon. That is enough to be able to display any of those sizes.
The Tango Icon Theme Guidelines recommend some supplementary sizes that you can make, in order to minimize how often the icon has to be resized internally by GTK.
Just add your images to the icon list with gtk_icon_theme_add_builtin_icon, and then use them as named icons.
An example in Vala:
Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_size(Path.build_filename(AutovalaPluginConstants.DATADIR,"valaplugin","application.svg"),-1,-1);