Qlik Sense Extension (sense-export) - qliksense

Has anyone used this extension (https://github.com/stefanwalther/sense-export)? It is an export button from GitHub.
It's pretty good, but I have not been able to have a specific filename. The default name is a unique identifier and I need to generate the excel file with a specific name to use it within another tool automatically.

A better place to ask these questions is on the github repository itself, Stefan who created the extension is very active in the Qlik community and I'm sure would be able to provide more detail - unfortunately the extensions by nature are not mainstream and you will not be able to get as much support for them as standard products.

Since it is an extension, you can change / customize the JavaScript to do whatever you want. In your case, in swr-sense-export.js, lines 48 through 53 are:
var exportOpts = {
format: $scope.layout.props.exportFormat,
state: $scope.layout.props.exportState,
filename: $scope.layout.props.exportFileName,
download: true
So you could change the filename to whatever you want.


Generate starter code based on new file VSCode

Is there a way to configure some code based on a file extension when created in VS Code? I'm currently working with psioniq file header which has been pretty helpful in generating good header files, but I'm looking to take this a step farther.
When I create a new file, based on a specific file extension, I would like it to generate some starting code that I can configure. For example, I work with Verilog a lot. It would be really cool if Code could generate based on the file name.
Create new file
Code generates some code (like below) or something else that could be configured based on the filetype:
module <filename> (
input ,
output ,
Anyone have any extensions they know about or resources they can point me to to implement this?
This would be a pretty easy extension to write but an alternative is snippets.
You can create keywords, based on the extensions, that when you type it it'll create all that code for you.

Eclipse Plugin Development: Adding items to a working set with the path of the item?

I'm an eclipse plugin development newbie looking for pointers to get me started on a particular project.
I am trying to build an eclipse plugin that will automatically construct a working set from a text file that simply consists of a list of file path names. The files/items need not share any parent directories. The rough idea is represented in the following diagram:
I am not asking for the solution to this task. That's the over-arching goal. To achieve that goal, I want to conquer some smaller goals first.
With that in mind, here's the smaller goal I'm currently trying to tackle:
In Eclipse, how can I prompt the user for a single file's path, and then add that file to an existing working set?
I'm not sure where to start. Should I work directly off of the existing org.eclipse.ui.workingSets extension point? Or should I use a collection of other extension points? How do I convert strings into something that can be added to a working set? Do I write code that directly modifies the workingsets.xml file?
Even with a much simpler goal, I still feel quite overwhelmed with the vastness of eclipse extension options. There are probably many ways to go about implementing something like this, but I just need one to get started.
Thanks a bunch!
To manipulate working sets you use the working set manager interface IWorkingSetManager. Get this with:
IWorkingSetManager manager = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager();
From this you can get a particular working by name with:
IWorkingSet workingSet = manager.getWorkingSet("name");
The contents of a working set is an array of IAdaptable objects:
IAdaptable [] contents = workingSet.getElements();
You add to the contents by adding to this array and setting the contents:
IAdaptable [] newContents
.... get new array with old contents + new contents
A lot of Eclipse objects implement IAdaptable, for a file in the workspace you would use IFile. You can use dialogs such as ResourceSelectionDialog to select resources from the workspace.

typo3: issue with changing file:ext_tables_static+adt.sql

In file: ext/quick/ext_tables_static+adt.sql
INSERT INTO `tx_quick_string` (`name`, `vlaue`) VALUES
('catalog', 'this is group one');
I want to change the value to 'this is group 1'. This is what I did:
a.changed it in this file:ext/quick/ext_tables_static+adt.sql
b.changed it in typo3/phpmyadmin->table tx_quick_string
It seems work. But I have some questions:
1.Does this file ext_tables_static+adt.sql only take effect when install/uninstall extension?
2.Is there anything else I need to do after I changed the value in ext_tables_static+adt.sql and typo3/phpmyadmin->table tx_quick_string? Do I need to update the extension in EM?
Yes, only when you install the extension.
No, if you already did the db update manually, there is nothing more to do.
If the extension you mentioned is not maintained by you, the files may get reverted during the next update of this extension, keep that in mind!
Apart from the things you asked I strongly advise you to NOT use the phpmyadmin extension of TYPO3. It has security problems on a kind of regular basis. So the better and more secure solution is to either use the db management tool your hosting company provides (they will keep it running and updated) or to put a separate tool somewhere else and secure it with a password (like htaccess restriction or something).

Updating value on a xml located on the web

I have a file on the web, that looks like this. I would like to update the value a 1 tag
Let's say "tempset" and change 150 for another number. How can i do this? NSURLConnection? NSMutableURLRequest? NSURLRequest? If possible keep it to iOs 4! Thanks!
<unittemp>0</unittemp><te_fin_c>220,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700</te_fin_c> <vm_fin_c>50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50</vm_fin_c>
You have several options:
create a "service" for this , a kind of API so you can call this service from your client in different languages include ObjectiveC
like http://myserver.com/myobject/set?tempset=1
(in real world, use post and not get for this)
of course, to do this you need to write some server part in your favorite language
provide a way to upload the file and replace it completely, a kind of "upload.php"
Which solution is the best depends on your problem: how this file is generated and maintened

Query with toLocalizedTime in Plone

I'm using toLocalizedTime to output a date, as below
<span tal:content="python:here.toLocalisedTime(date.get('start_date'))"/>
This outputs eg. 2007/08/02, I'm just curious as to how one would alter the output so that it reads 02/08/2007
I'm not having much luck finding much info on toLocalizedTime, would someone point me in the right direction?
This depends on whether you have English selected as the site language (Site Setup >> Language). If so, then the default settings are used. You can change the defaults by dropping down into the ZMI, then into 'portal_properties', then 'site_properties'. The fields to change are either 'localTimeFormat' or 'localLongTimeFormat' depending on whether you pass in 'long_format=1' to the toLocalisedTime function.
If on the other hand, you have translations set up, the format may instead be pulled from the translation file for the locale selected. I'm not sure what is the easy way to change the format in this case (other than switching the site back to English). I guess you can register your own translation file but I've never needed to do that so you're going to have to look up the details.
Date string formatting follows the Python rules (http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime).
Perhaps even more detail than you need:
is defined in the plone browser view at...
which looks up the 'translation_service' utility, to call its 'ulocalized_time' function, defined at...
which itself calls the 'ulocalized_time' function defined at...
As always, you can learn interesting things by grepping the source code ;-)
For an up to date answer for Plone 4.3 (after going through the source code)
These fields are now in the registry found at:
Then filter on "i18nl10n", which should give you the 4 fields you need to change.