Get-Help cannot find the Help files for ServiceFabric module - powershell

I installed the Azure Service Fabric SDK and I wanted to get some help information on some of the commands:
Get-Help Connect-ServiceFabricCluster
It returns the following output under remarks:
Get-Help cannot find the Help files for this cmdlet on this computer. It is displaying only partial help.
-- To download and install Help files for the module that includes this cmdlet, use Update-Help.
I ran Update-Help -Module ServiceFabric in an administrator window and I still get this error.
How can I get the help to work for the ServiceFabric powershell commands?

I just ran Update-Help successfully from an admin window, are you still seeing this problem? You could try running Update-Help -Module ServiceFabric -Force to force update.
Sounds like an issues with PowerShell Update-Help. This post provides a little more info and a workaround.

I had a similar issue with core commands, i.e. I couldn't get detailed help for Get-Command.
In my case it helped specifying the locale to en-US when running Update-Help as there seems to be a Problem with the fallback to en-US when no other help files can be found.
Command it worked with:
Update-Help -UICulture en-US
See also:


Powershell Search-UnifiedAuditLog

Our old script usic Basic authentication to read the O365 Logs doesn't work anymore as MS stopped Basic Authentication. Quite normal.
We would like to rewrite the script using the cmdlet Search-UnifiedAuditLog, that seems to be part of ExchangePowerShell.
But after installing tat module with Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement the search cmdlet is not yet available.
Also the Get-Command show far more less cmdlets then the documentation does.
I'm not a Powershell export, could somebody help me out what I'm doing wrong ?
Kr, Harry
As posted this surely was the solution, Thx Mathias

Is anybody having this Powershell "Update-Help" command, issue?

I am trying to download and install Help files for all the commands but it won't work. I am using Powershell 7.1.1 inside the Windows Terminal.
Update-Help: Failed to update Help for the module(s) 'ConfigDefender, PSReadline' with UI culture(s) {en-US} : One or more errors occurred. (Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (The specified blob does not exist.).).
English-US help content is available and can be installed using: Update-Help -UICulture en-US.
This is exactly what the out-put looks like
Solved, thanks to another post I've found on stackoverflow.
According to Microsoft, the below command should work in case of errors regarding the cmdlet: Update-Help.
Update-Help -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
The issue is the capitalization of PSReadline, which changed to PSReadLine with PowerShell 6.
Fix is easy:
Close all PowerShell windows
From TaskMgr make sure to kill any remaining PowerShell processes.
Open Admin Cmd prompt (not PowerShell) and run the following:
ren "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSReadline" PSReadLine
ren "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline" PSReadLine
That's it. Now you can close the Cmd prompt window, open a PowerShell window and do a normal Update-Help.
See this blog for some additional context:

Get-Command -Module MicrosoftTeams does not include Get-TeamChannelUser cmdlet

So, I'm looking to do some powershell automation now that my company is clamoring for Microsoft Teams. I installed the module version 1.0.5 (currently the latest) and I'm seeing documentation on how to add users to team channels.
I get cmdlet not found errors when using those commandlets
Get-TeamChannelUser : The term 'get-teamchanneluser' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file...
Low and behold, get-command -module MicrosoftTeams returns no cmdlets with TeamChannelUser (Get, Remove or Set).
I've tried older versions of the module but I'm still seeing the same symptom. Is anyone else able to reproduce this? Any workarounds?
I haven't tested this specifically, but have you looked into the new (pre-release) Microsoft Graph PowerShell module? It includes a lot of "Teams" functions, but also of course more broad "Graph" capabilities, which is important (recall that Teams relies on SharePoint, Groups, etc.).
I had to manually install a test version 1.0.21, but now when I run the Get-Command, I see the ChannelUser cmdlets.
Thanks to Hilton Giesenow, I'm going to try his suggestion as well and will mark it as the answer if it works better and post an update.
I struggled to get this working. I ended up installing 1.1.3.
This is what worked for me:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 1.1.3-preview -AllowPrerelease -force -AllowClobber
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Import-Module microsoftteams
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-command -Module microsoftteams

Not able to get New-F5Item cmdlet

I am creating a pool in F5.
i came across the below link which gives a function of creating a Pool.
All the things are fine. i have installed F5-LTM module for powershell also.
Install-Module -Name F5-LTM -RequiredVersion 1.4.280
I am not able to see the "New-F5Item" cmdlts.
Can you please let me know about this cmdlet.
Thank you
If you look at the file list in PSGallery, you'll notice that the package contains the script file Private\New-F5Item.ps1, indicating that New-F5Item is probably not exported by the module.
When a command is not exported, it can only be discovered/called from other functions in the same module - which is why you don't see it when doing Get-Command or similar.

SCCM Powershell Script Package

I have created a package in SCCM 2012 that should deploy and run a powershell script. I have looked at a previous post on here Other Post but there wasn't any information.
In the Program Command Line, I have the following command:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -force -WindowStyle Hidden .\PowershellUpdateScript.ps1
I am targeting a test group and setting it to deploy immediately however when I check the deployment status, it shows as status "In Progress" and Description "Received". It has been that way for over 2 hours. I am not sure where the issue is.
I know that the Scripts feature is there and super convenient but the client powershell version needs to be a minimum version 3. The irony is that this package will update client powershell versions.
Any suggestions or advise would be greatly appreciated.
Since you are updating the powershell version, instead of using a powershell script you should download the MS update package for the version of powershell.
You can then use the wusa.exe command to deploy the update. Then use this ps command as a detection method
Get-WmiObject Win32_QuickFixEngineering -filter "HotFixID='KB#######'"