What does this line of Matlab code mean? [duplicate] - matlab

This question already has answers here:
The meaning of colon operator in MATLAB
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm new to Matlab, and I'm trying to unscrabble the code here. In particular, I'm wondering what this line does:
ti = (Series{1}(2, i) - L*Dt):Dt:(Series{1}(2, i)-Dt);
In particular, what does the colon do? I found this explanation:
But to me this doesn't tell me what it's doing here. Similarly, I'm not even clear on what Series{1}(2, i) - L*Dt produces. I get that normally the answer would be 'try it out', but I don't have access to Matlab and so would appreciate any comments or advice.
Thank you.

Curly braces are used for cell arrays, a data-structure that can hold any type. In this case, I think it's a safe guess that Series{1} contains a matrix, so Series{1}(2,i) is just a specific entry. Writing this out step-by-step might be the easiest to understand:
A = Series{1} % get the matrix
t0 = A(2,i) - L*Dt;
tN = A(2, i) - Dt;
ti = t0:Dt:tN; % create a time-series from time t0 to tN, with step-size Dt

in the linked code it says Each cell is a 2xT matrix. First row contains the values and the second row contains SORTED time stamps. The first time series is the target time series which is predicted.
Series{1}(2, i) fetches the i-th time stamp ((2,i) means), in the first time series ({1} means) (which i guess is used as a reference frame), and let's think that it is a certain given number T0.
The second step of the code is to establish a time array, starting from T0 - L*Dt and stops at T0 - *Dt. The length of each increment is Dt.
It's same as The meaning of colon operator in MATLAB as pointed out by #TroyHaskin . But i think it's the cell array that makes it less easy to understand.


Using mean function in MATLAB yielding different results [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals, generic solution
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have just recently started using MATLAB as it's pretty good for machine learning and the like.
Currently, I am working on some type of classification which is pretty long-winded and complicated if I tried to explain everything I am trying to accomplish therefore I will just state the exact code giving me problems.
So, I am given a 1010 x 1764 single type matrix by some function. say the matrix is called train_examples_2_2 as you can see on the right-hand side of the screenshot below.
As you can also see from the screenshot above (on the right-hand side), the calls to mean and std:
mean = mean(train_examples_2_2)
std = std(train_examples_2_2)
Yield the correct results.
However, when I run the same code several times sometimes I get an error on the line mean = mean(train_examples_2_2) stating:
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
The exact code I am concerned with is:
mean = mean(train_examples_2_2) % <----- error appears here
std = std(train_examples_2_2)
for i=1:size(train_examples_2_2,1)
train_examples_2_2(i,:) = train_examples_2_2(i,:) - mean;
train_examples_2_2(i,:) = train_examples_2_2(i,:) ./ std;
% end of standardisation process
where train_examples_2_2 is provided by some function that I did not create nor can modify.
According to the MATLAB documentation:
If A is a matrix, then mean(A) returns a row vector containing the
mean of each column.
which is what I get the first time I run the code upon opening Matlab but after that, it yields the aforementioned error.
I am using MATLAB R2018b.
I'm I making a simple mistake or could this possibly be a bug?
Thanks for taking the time to help out.
unlike let's say python you shouldn't/can't/mussn't re-define function names or default variables.
mean = mean(train_examples_2_2) % <----- error appears here
matlab doesn't distinguish between the callable mean() function and the variable ```mean``. especially confusing since indexing and calling sth is done by using round brackets.
call your variable sth. other than mean. mean_ will already do the trick.

How to index a temporary matrix? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I index a MATLAB array returned by a function without first assigning it to a local variable?
(9 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
When I want to access a specific element of a matrix, I use indexing with parentheses:
m = calc_stuff(...);
x = m(index1, index2);
However, I often want to do that in one line of code, like this:
x = calc_stuff(...)(index1, index2);
How can I express it?
A specific example:
m = cumsum(rand(10,4));
x = m(10, 1);
The above script calculates some sums of random variables, and then I take one example value out of the result matrix.
How could I write it as one line? The following doesn't work:
x = cumsum(rand(10,4))(10, 1);
Error: ()-indexing must appear last in an index expression.
Here, I want a general syntax, which is applicable for any calculation, not necessarily involving random variables.
You may want to check out the "Functional Programming Constructs" on the FileExchange).
Especially the file paren.m does what you need. So you would write
x = paren( cumsum(rand(10,4)), 10, 1 );
Perhaps not as elegant as the direct "()"notation, but that is not supported in MATLAB in the way you would like to use it.

Creating functions in Matlab

Hi, I am trying to write a function as per the question. I have tried to create four sub-matrices which are the reverse of each other and then multiply to give the products demanded by the question. My attempt:
function T = custom_blocksT(n,m)
What I'm unsure of is
(i) What do the the indivual sub-matrices(T(1:end,end-1:1);)need to be equal to? I was thinking of(1:3)?
(ii) I tried to create a generic sub-matrix which can take any size matrix input using end was this correct or can't you do that? I keep getting this error
Undefined function or variable 'T'.
Error in custom_blocksT (line 2)
I have searched the Matlab documentation and stacked overflow, but the problem is I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be looking for in terms of solving this question.
If someone could help me I would be very thankfull.
There are many problems with your function:
function T = custom_blocksT(n,m)
This is an extremely basic question, I highly recommend you find and work through some very basic MATLAB tutorials before continuing, even before reading this answer to be honest.
That said here is what you should have done and a bit of what you did wrong:
First, you are getting the error that T dos not exist because it doesn't. The only variables that exist in your function are those that you create in the function or those that are passed in as parameters. You should have passed in T as a parameter, but instead you passed in n and m which you don't use.
In the question, they call the function using the example:
So you can see that they are only passing in one variable, your function takes two and that's already a problem. The one variable is the matrix, not it's dimensions. And the matrix they are passing in is [1:3;3:-1:1] which if you type in the command line you will see gives you
[1 2 3
3 2 1]
So for your first line to take in one argument which is that matrix it should rather read
function TOut = custom_blocks(TIn)
Now what they are asking you to do is create a matrix, TOut, which is just different multiples of TIn concatenated.
What you've done with say TIn(1:end,end-1:1)*2; is just ask MATLAB to multiple TIn by 2 (that's the only correct bit) but then do nothing with it. Furthermore, indexing the rows by 1:end will do what you want (i.e. request all the rows) but in MATLAB you can actually just use : for that. Indexing the columns by end-1:1 will also call all the columns, but in reverse order. So in effect you are flipping your matrix left-to-right which I'm sure is not what you wanted. So you could have just written TIn(:,:) but since that's just requesting the entire matrix unchanged you could actually just write TIn.
So now to multiply and concatenate (i.e. stick together) you do this
TOut = [TIn, TIn*2; TIn*3, TIn*4]
The [] is like a concatenate operation where , is for horizontal and ; is for vertical concatenation.
Putting it all together:
function TOut = custom_blocks(TIn)
TOut = [TIn, TIn*2; TIn*3, TIn*4];

MATLAB find the point of a value obtained using min [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I get the index of the smallest element in an array in matlab?
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to match a time to the minimum value of TEMP found in an array that I'm reading into a struct from a netcdf file in a loop (that's doing a lot more stuff - no I don't want to get rid of the loop). I have the snctools so that's what I'm using for netcdfs.
Here's my current relevant lines of code:
%Get the netcdf file with file_string loading into MATLAB
%Work out the number of files I need to loop through
for d1=1:max1
%extract the TEMP 1-D array
%assign to value
dat.TEMP_min(d1)= min(B1);
Now there is another variable of the same length called 'TIMES'. If min(B1)=10.5 and is the nth element of B1 then I want to locate the nth element of TIMES and save it as dat.TEMP_min_TIME. How would I go about this?
Please provide enough notes on any code so that a novice can understand it.
You can just use inside your loop (sorry for pseudocode, not sure about your definitions of n and TIMES)
[M,I] = min(B1);
dat.TEMP_min(d1)= M;
if (I == n)
dat.TEMP_min_TIME = nc1{'TIMES'}(I); %

How do I calculate result for every value in a matrix in MATLAB

Keeping simple, take a matrix of ones i.e.
U_iso = ones(72,37)
and some parameters
ThDeg = 0:5:180;
dtheta = 5*pi/180;
dphi = 5*pi/180;
Th = ThDeg*pi/180;
Now the code is
omega_iso = 0;
for i = 1:72
for j=1:37
omega_iso = omega_iso + U_iso(i,j)*sin(Th(j))*dphi*dtheta;
D_iso = (4 * pi)/omega_iso
This code is fine. It take a matrix with dimension 72*37. The loop is an approximation of the integral which is further divided by 4pi to get ONE value of directivity of antenna.
Now this code gives one value which will be around 1.002.
My problem is I dont need 1 value. I need a 72*37 matrix as my answer where the above integral approximation is implemented on each cell of the 72 * 37 matrix. and thus the Directviity 'D' also results in a matrix of same size with each cell giving the same value.
So all we have to do is instead of getting 1 value, we need value at each cell.
Can anyone please help.
You talk about creating a result that is a function essentially of the elements of U. However, in no place is that code dependent on the elements of U. Look carefully at what you have written. While you do use the variable U_iso, never is any element of U employed anywhere in that code as you have written it.
So while you talk about defining this for a matrix U, that definition is meaningless. So far, it appears that a call to repmat at the very end would create a matrix of the desired size, and clearly that is not what you are looking for.
Perhaps you tried to make the problem simple for ease of explanation. But what you did was to over-simplify, not leaving us with something that even made any sense. Please explain your problem more clearly and show code that is consistent with your explanation, for a better answer than I can provide so far.
(Note: One option MIGHT be to use arrayfun. Or the answer to this question might be more trivial, using simple vectorized operations. I cannot know at this point.)
Your question is still unanswerable. This loop creates a single scalar result, essentially summing over the entire array. You don't say what you mean for the integral to be computed for each element of U_iso, since you are already summing over the entire array. Please learn to be accurate in your questions, otherwise we are just guessing as to what you mean.
My best guess at the moment is that you might wish to compute a cumulative integral, in two dimensions. cumtrapz can help you there, IF that is your goal. But I'm not sure it is your goal, since your explanation is so incomplete.
You say that you wish to get the same value in each cell of the result. If that is what you wish, then a call to repmat at the end will do what you wish.