AWS Cognito credentialsProvider.login always shows NIL (SWIFT) - swift

I'm trying to implement Facebook Login with AWS Cognito.
After receiving the access token from Facebook, I'm not able to update the credentials provider.
let token = FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken().tokenString
credentialsProvider.logins = [AWSCognitoLoginProviderKey.Facebook.rawValue: token]
After this, if I print [AWSCognitoLoginProviderKey.Facebook.rawValue: token] I get the long string but if I print credentialsProvider.logins I get NIL.
As a result, my identity pool always shows the user as unauthenticated even after logging in with Facebook.
Any help would be appreciated.

Are you using the latest AWS iOS SDK? If yes, then credentialProvider.logins will always be NIL and will cause your app to create unauthenticated identities.
We are in process of updating our documentation for this but essentially this is what you need to do.
Use this constructor to create the credentials provider. The identityProviderManager here should be an implementation of AWSIdentityProviderManager Protocol and the logins method should return the dictionary mapping for your provider name to the token. The credentials provider will call this method every time it needs the identity provider token.


Firebase functions is caching non-existing Auth0 user access token

I'm currently using Firebase cloud functions as my mobile app's backend and I'm using Auth0 as my authentication provider.
My problem is that I've used Postman to send test login requests to my API and I'm able to get a valid JWT. I then deleted the user account through Auth0's user management panel and used Postman to test the login function again to see the type of response I would receive. Instead of receiving any errors, I receive a new valid JWT which allows me to access protected routes even though the user does not exist.
I've tried setting the response cache control to "no-store" and yet I'm able to receive a valid JWT. What could the reason be?

Firebase authentication error with custom token

I am trying to authenticate user in firebase with KakaoTalk credentials. For that, I've got accesstoken from KakaoTalk. And then trying to authenticate user with that token. Here is my code :
String token = await kakaoService.getAccessToken();
await firebaseAuth.signInWithCustomToken(
token: token,
Got acceess token like this : nmAzFpOF9XrijP-ZoFpQbVluGZ4lLDbZxOCXIAo9c-sAAAFxrID6xA
But getting this error :
The custom token format is incorrect. Please check the documentation. [ Invalid assertion format. 3 dot separated segments required. ]
Whats wrong here? Am I missing something?
Check out the Firebase documentation regarding the use of custom token:
Firebase needs to successfully decode the auth token your client submits then use its claims to validate access to your Firebase resources. As such, Firebase requires that custom tokens be formatted according to the rules spelled out in their docs. (They describe a very typical JSON Web Token.)
The access token you're getting from KakaoTalk does not follow Firebase's token rules so Firebase doesn't know what to do with it. I suggest you revisit the KakaoTalk docs to see if it can generate a standard RS256 JWT token with which Firebase can work.
It seems that the token returns by kakaoService.getAccessToken() is not a valid custom token for Firebase Authentication. In fact, given the error message, it doesn't even seem to be a JWT.
Custom tokens for Firebase Authentication must have a specific format, that is documented in creating custom tokens. You'll typically want to follow this process to get a valid token for Firebase Authentication:
Sign the user in to the identity provider (KakaoTalk in your case).
Decode the token from the provider, to get the verified information about the user.
Create a custom token for the user with the Firebase Authentication Admin SDK.
Use that token to sign in to Firebase on the client.
Steps 2 and 3 must happen in a trusted environment, such as your development machine, a server you control, or Cloud Functions.

AWS Cognito, Lambda, User credentials in DynamoDB

I established a authentication flow with Facebook Login and AWS Cognito on the client site. Works fine. But now I need a reference of the user with its facebook id in a dynambodb table. Of course I could just call a AWS lambda function exposed via AWS API gateway, but how can I verify that the API call actually has a valid facebook id and that this facebook id matches the AWS Cognito Id. Maybe I am missing something here, I hope you guys can point me in the right direction ;) thanks!
If you can key your ddb table by cognito id instead of facebook id, you can invoke api gateway with cognito credentials. If you use callee credentials when calling lambda you can access the cognito id via the token $context.identity.cognitoIdentityId. This ensures the call was made by the owner of this id. You can further check that $context.identity.cognitoAuthenticationProvider is to ensure they authed via Facebook. Unfortunately, the facebook id is not passed in the credentials, so if you need it you will need a lookup table mapping cognito id to facebook id. For more details on the available tokens see here.
I would suggest to do the following (I'm new to AWS as well, Let me know if you have any suggestions):
Create a API Gateway /fblogin endpoint where you will POST the Facebook Access Token (You will authenticate with Facebook on the client side to get this token). That endpoint is linked to a Lambda function say fb_login.
In fb_login function you will authenticate with Amazon Cognito to get its credentials. You should have created a Federated Identity user pool in Cognito and assign appropriate roles to assume for this user pool. This helps if you want to restrict your API only to those who are authenticated and authorized. So, the result from Cognito will have IdentityId and Credentials. You can return them as a result of your request to /fblogin.
Using the above result you can sign the requests you send to your API on API Gateway (Or you can use AWS custom generated SDK for your API to handle the signing). On the API Gateway endpoints, enable CORS and authentication as AWS_IAM. This way, API Gateway verifies the user automatically by checking the signature in the request. You can get the User Id from $context.identity.cognitoIdentityId as others suggested. This way, you can be sure that the user is authorized and authenticated.
Note: Make sure you implement /fblogin endpoint on HTTPS, then the FB Access token will be secure. If not, it will be visible as plain text over HTTP.
Also, use a Dynamo DB table as a log for CognitoID - FacebookID. You can incorporate this in the Step 2 Lambda function ifself or anything you think is appropriate.

Fiware get access token seems to get wrong

We are having troubles with getting the access token from fiware since 4th August.
We are using this URL to ask for the token: but it seems like it does not work.
Before using that URL we used to ask for this one:
Could anyone, please, help us?
Thank you in advance.
It depends on how you want to get the token. The current OAuth2 URL to get the tokens is This is the central authority for authentication, if you are accessing any common GE, but you will need to register your application in FIWARE Account and use your application credentials and some OAuth2 grant to get it.
If you want to get the token for the global instance without using a registered application, the URL you have mentioned contains a token service that can give you a valid token for your user and that purpose. You can test it (and see an example) with the following script:

access a dropbox file without having to login using appkey and secret key

I need to implement the following functionality:
*send name and e-mail address of an user to an excel sheet in Dropbox.As soon as the user submits details,the data needs to get appended to the file.
i have made an app account in my dropbox, and got its key and secret, which is hardcoded in the app.Want to get rid of the login screen.How is it to be done?
Kindly provide some code examples as Im a newbie.
This is not possible now but may be in future.
Just refer this
In DropBoxSDK, Because the application doesn't call /oauth/authorize directly, there is no direct return value. After the user authorizes the application, use its request token to retrieve an access token via the /oauth/access_token API call.