Framework to manage custom tables - frameworks

In several occasions I have seen people developing a distributed system which allows them to manage customized tables in a similar fashion to excel (spreadsheets).
What I am interested to find is the name of the discipline or the generic tool name for doing this. Additionally, I would like to know any development library (c++, java...) or any framework.
We have a relational database. This system would allow to the user to compose tables (display) including columns from: any attribute from one entity from the db; foreign attributes; and computed columns.
PS: I am not sure where to place the question. I appreciate any help to move the question to the correct community.

I have been investigating a little bit more.
Jasper Reports is a software that can generate this kind of tables as reports.
Hence I assume that the name of the discipline name should be something similar to "SQL reporting manager".
Nevertheless, I still interested on libraries to do this at development level (Java, C++, PHP,...)


OWL to relational transformation tools

I am starting to work with OWL using Protégé. It is all very intuitive for someone with a background on ontologies. With the onotology specified I would need to implement it as a relational schema in a DBMS. I have so far found references to two tools, none of which are usable in my case:
An old plug-in for Protégé exists, but can only deal with mySQL.
A article from the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications refers to a tool named OWLMap, but it is nowhere to be found (I wonder how this article was reviewed).
It is not difficult to use a OWL library to load a model into an OO language and then derive a relational schema from it. But if a tool or method already exists I would rather avoid developing something new.

what criteria should I use to evaluate an ORM?

There are plenty of questions on here that ask 'what ORM should I use with x and y' but I didn't see any that specifically asked how to pick one. Related: Why should you use an ORM?, What ORM should I use for a ASP.Net MVC project?, Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? and more.
There are a lot of ORMs out there in the world. I'd like to get an idea of how to compare them. I've heard about things like active record model and domain model among others and I'm not sure what those mean. So what are a good set of criteria I can use to compare one ORM to another?
Our environment, in case you're wondering, is C#, MVC, SQL Server.
(I tried to answer in a non-.NET specific way when possible.)
The most important criteria for choosing an ORM are your business requirements.
I would say another important criteria is your belief in the future sustainability of the ORM. Microsoft has a tendency to change their data access technology every two years or so, so I would say Entity Framework's future is unclear. NHibernate may follow the same path as NUnit - when Microsoft released MSTest, NUnit languished for a while, but now NUnit has momentum again since Microsoft is mostly neglecting MSTest. You have to reach your own conclusion here, right now Microsoft appears to be giving Entity Framework some love, yet as far as I know it still doesn't handle enums very well and I haven't heard when that may change.
Another criteria is whether you have a preference between open source technologies or technologies from Microsoft or commercial third party technologies.
At some point, the features of the ORM will matter. You may need to prototype your scenario with multiple ORMs to determine if the features (and/or performance) of the ORM match your requirements. NHibernate is the most feature rich ORM in the .NET space.
Do you need to support a certain database vendor? Pick an ORM that supports the one you care about. SQL Server is the most widely supported database vendor in the .NET world.
Do you have a preference between code first or database first design? Pick an ORM that supports the one you care about.
Do you have a preference between active record vs. repository vs. something else? Pick an ORM that supports the one you care about.
I answered the question linked below about choosing a .NET ORM partially by providing links to all the times people asked which .NET ORM they should use on StackOverflow. There is a lot of value that can be gained from reading those other answers.
NHibernate, Entity Framework, active records or linq2sql
There is no one right answer nor one correct set of criteria for choosing. Your business requirements are the most important ingredient to consider.

How to model multilingual database with Zend, l18n mysql?

I know this topic was discusses a couple of times, but none of them represents the ultimate solution for me.
I'm designing a relational mysql database which later should hold multilingual content. You know this from the Wikipedia or Microsoft Tech Support Pages. The contents should be the same for every language. e.g If translations are missing the site offers you the same content automatically translated or in the languages which the information is available in. If some values are not set, it should fallback to the second or default browser language or translate it e.g. through google. Development environment is Zend.
My ideas so far are for Solving the Problem:
Two Primary Keys: (ID, Language)
Advantage: Easy Database Access through database abstraction layers.
Problem: Foreign Keys, Relations ships, Fallbacks
Columns with language suffix:
Advantage: DB Performance, No relational Problems.
Problem: Database abstraction layers cannot handle this?
Has any concept proven itself or is preferable over the other? Has anyone already created something like this and can share his experience with me? Does a modified Zend DB Controller exist for this situation? How do you link this information to a form?
Thank you for your help, hints and suggestions!
Kind regards,
The second option would be not maintainable (this should be added on the minuses side). To actually add another language you'll need to modify table and abstraction layers. Sounds like a nightmare.
The first option seems much more promising but unfortunately there is a lot to do to make it work. However, from my experience this is rather typical solution, so I would not reinvent the wheel.
What I have to add is, language fallback should be done on the Zend side, database would miss some information. You may think of some kind of index table to hold information such as unique id of the contents and available languages. If you need to serve something, you would read such record, compare it against of Accept Languages and ask database again for valid contents (using the most suitable language). The only problem is, you would need to create such an index table somehow (the best way I see would be trigger on inserting contents to your content table).
A lot of work but the problem is not too easy.
I am working on the exact same problem right now.
Somehow it does not make sense to me to add everything into the same database. Lets say I want to go to the extreme and support some 50 languages this would just bloat my DB. So, I tend to keep my main DB in my main language and then introduce some Zend_Translate concept into it. Zend_Translate should give you the fallback solution you are looking for. While the main navigation and core design is not much of a problem for my web site my biggest concern right now is how to store all the main content and how to translate because these elements contain HTML among other things. For the main content I will probably use some alternate approach and use a separate DB with tables for each language.
My plattform will be a community driven database. So I actually gonna rely on humans translating it. You have to store the information anyways, so my first concern is not the database size or performance, but easy usability. So far my idea is to implement some structure as described above, not yet sure if i'll do it in doctrine or not.
Language decision:
Start, application gets users preset language, secondary language, english mother-tong of the article. Fetching the article from the database I will check the following for every column: 1. is the primary language available? 2. Is the secondary language available? 3. If neither of them, display article in mother-tong or english and offer the user to translate it with suggestions from the google translate api. I guess it's gonna be quite a bit of coating and manipulating controllers or building a business model doing this.
#tawfekov is something like this or similar easily realizable with doctrine?

Common Libraries at a Company

I've noticed in pretty much every company I've worked that they have a common library that is generally shared across a number of projects. More often than not this has been a single companyx-commons project that ends up as a dumping ground for common programs including:
Command Line Parsers
File Utilities
Framework Helpers
Some of these are well thought out and some duplicate functionality found in Apache commons-lang, commons-io etc..
What are the things you have in your common library and more importantly how do you structure the common libraries to make them easy to improve and incorporate across other projects?
In my experience, the single biggest factor in the success of a common library is user buy-in; users in this case being other developers; and culture of your workplace/team(s) will be a big factor.
Separate libraries (projects/assemblies if you're in .Net) for different application tiers is essential (e.g: there's obviously no point putting UI and data access code together).
Keep things as simple as possible; what you don't put in a common library is often at least as important as what you do. Users of the library won't want to have to think, so usage needs to be super easy.
The golden rule we stuck to was keeping individual functions focused on a single task - do one thing and do it well (or very very well); don't try and provide something that tries to take every possibility into account, the more reusable you think you're making it - the less likely it is to be used. Code Complete (the book) has some excellent content on common libraries.
A good approach to setting/improving a library up is to do regular code reviews and retrospectives; find good candidates that you've already come up with and consider re-factoring them into a library for future projects; a good candidate will be something that more than one developer has had to do on more that one project (for example).
Set-up some sort of simple and clear governance of the libraries - someone who can 'own' a specific library and ensure it's overal quality (such as a senior dev or team lead).
I have so far written most of the common libraries we use at our office.
We have certain button classes that are just slightly more useful to us than the standard buttons
A database management class that does some internal caching and can connect to ODBC, OLEDB, SQL, and Access databases without even the flip of a parameter
Some grid and list controls that are multi threaded so we can add large amounts of data to them without the program slowing and without having to write all the multithreading code every time there is a performance issue with a list box/combo box.
These classes make it easier for all of us to work on each other's code and know how exactly they work since we all use the exact same interfaces throughout our products.
As far as organization goes, all of the DLL's are stored along with their source code on a shared development drive in the office that we all have access to. (We're a pretty small shop)
We split our libraries by function.
Commmon.Ui.dll has base classes for ui elements.
Common.Data.Dll is sort of a wrapper around Enterprise library Data access classes.
Common.Business is a dumping ground for other common classes that don't fit into one of those.
We create other specialized dlls as needs arise.

What is scaffolding? Is it a term for a particular platform?

Scaffolding, what is it? Is it a Rails-only thing?
Scaffolding generally refers to a quickly set up skeleton for an app. It's not rails-only since other platforms have it as well. It's also not generally meant to be a "final" system; merely the first, smallest way to do it.
From Wikipedia:
Scaffolding is a meta-programming
method of building database-backed
software applications. It is a
technique supported by some
model-view-controller frameworks, in
which the programmer may write a
specification that describes how the
application database may be used. The
compiler uses this specification to
generate code that the application can
use to create, read, update and delete
database entries, effectively treating
the template as a "scaffold" on which
to build a more powerful application.
Just like a real scaffolding in a building construction site, scaffolding gives you some kind of a (fast, simplified, temporary) structure for your project, on which you can rely to build the real project.
It can be (and is today) used to describe many things - from abstracting DB layers, to web apps folder structures, and to generating and managing project dependencies .
It is not something that is specific to any language / technology, just like the term skeleton or boilerplate is platform agnostic.
It is just a term borrowed from real scaffolding (like mentioned above).
You build some fast, simplified, (sometimes external, sometimes temporary) structure that will help you to build the real, more complex, finalized structure under, above, inside or outside of that temporary structure .
.. And just like the real scaffolding, the scaffolding structure is meant to support the building process of the project, rather than the project itself (with some exceptions).
Scafolding is usually some type of code generation where you point it at a database, and the technology creates basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) screens.
I believe that Wikipedia and some answers here provides a narrow and restricted view. Scaffolding is not just for CRUD operations on top of a database. Scaffolding has a broader objective to give you a skeleton app for any kind of technology.
Yeoman is a modern and useful tool for scaffolding. Using their own words:
The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps
What's Yeoman?
Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices
and tools to help you stay productive.
To do so, we provide a generator ecosystem. A generator is basically a
plugin that can be run with the yo command to scaffold complete
projects or useful parts.
Through our official Generators, we promote the "Yeoman workflow".
This workflow is a robust and opinionated client-side stack,
comprising tools and frameworks that can help developers quickly build
beautiful web applications. We take care of providing everything
needed to get started without any of the normal headaches associated
with a manual setup.
With a modular architecture that can scale out of the box, we leverage
the success and lessons learned from several open-source communities
to ensure the stack developers use is as intelligent as possible.
As firm believers in good documentation and well thought out build
processes, Yeoman includes support for linting, testing, minification
and much more, so developers can focus on solutions rather than
worrying about the little things.
That's it. Use scaffolding to create a quick-start application to work as an example or the foundation of your solution. It makes you productive faster them building things from scratch.
It is not a rails only term although I think it originated there (at least that is where I first heard it.)
Scaffolding is a framework that allows you to do basic CRUD operations against your database with little or no code. Generally, you then go through and add the code to manage the data the way you want replacing the scaffolding. It is generally only intended to get you up and running quickly.
No it is used in other technologies also such as ASP.NET MVC
it creates a basic layout from some predefined code which programmers uses in almost every project , Eg: for database data access it can make a crud method for create, read, update, delete operations
OR you might use it to create layout for your View/Html Code
Scaffolding is writing any piece of code that would not be part of the business logic but would help in unit testing and integration testing.
This is a software engineering term and not bound to any framework or programming language.
No, scaffolding is not the term for the specific platform, however many know this term in the context of Ruby on Rails or .NET
There are also plenty of tools that perform javascript scaffolding:
Those tools are also known as code-generators
Scaffolding is the term used when you don't want to create all parts of the structure such as models, views, etc. and want to generate them all in one go. A lot of frameworks use this technique, I studied about it while doing odoo but most of the references given were to ruby on rails :)