Server Pool VM Missing Xenserver - citrix

I have been looking around the web for an answer.
I have setup three XenServer's each with running VM's. I added the first two to a new pool without an problems by first detaching a shared SR which only contains the ISO images for the OS, then assigning the server to a pool and finally re-attaching the SR.
When it came to the third one, when I moved it into the server pool the VM's were gone. I have been trying to search the web high and low for an answer.
I know I havn't given a lot of information but I am new to the Cirtix scene and would greatly appreciate any help or at least a direction to head in.


Setting up Azerothcore. Where do I find and how do I edit the realmlist table in Heidi to allow computers on my LAN to join the server?

Edit: so we never obtained the answer, instead we tried it with the server and client on the same PC. This morning I tried logging into the client and it would hang on "authenticating". So I shut everything down and went back to my life for a bit. This evenng I tried again, and now it says account or password incorrect. We tried recreating the accunt and password, same thing. We made a new account and password, same thing. Any help would be appreciated. Both on this new issue and the first one below (because eventually I want us both to be able to play on our own computers). TIA
My son and I have been following the guide. We did fine until we got to the part that says: "Open the acore_auth database and find the realmlist table. You need to edit the address field according to your needs". We have searched through everything in acore_auth in Heidi and we have not been able to find where the realmlist table is, let alone how to edit it. We are using one dedicated computer for the server, and we will join the server via our laptops. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The guide has been very detailed thus far, thank you. My son is almost done with his AS in Computer Programming, with an emphasis on game design, not networking.
Upon further inspection... we discovered our acore_auth database is exmpty. All the Acore_? databases are empty. What did we miss? Any ideas?
You have to edit the table realmlist of the acore_auth database and change the address field with the LAN address of the PC where the server is running:
Reading your question it sounds much that you are trying to run AC on Windows, so I recommend reading the installation guide here
Which also includes installation for macOS and Linux if you happen to use them.
In short to populate your database for the first time you need to run your Authserver and Worldserver applications which will automatically import the base and update files into your database. Then you go to acore_auth.realmlist and specify the address field to LAN IP (192.168.x.x) for the host PC to allow other PCs in your network to connect to it.

Error: root.rackStore.detach: The agent is not in a network

There's a really weird issue happening in a model. I even noticed two unanswered questions about it on Stackoverflow. I tried to simplify the model as much as possible to understand the source of the problem with no luck.
The model is as simple as follows:
Source --> Rack Store --> Sink
Resource Pool assigned to Rack Store
In addition to a pallet rack and a home node for the resource.
The error I get after the agent is picked and stored in the rack is:
root.rackStore.detach: The agent is not in a network
That's how simple the model is:
I appreciate any support. Thank you.
After experimenting, I found the answer. My scenario was a bit more complex than the attached image. It had a combine element before the rack pick and Agent Location (combined) was specified as a node within the network. However, that was not enough apparently for AnyLogic to understand that the combined agent is inside the network, so on exit, I added agent.moveTo(node) which is the same node specified as the agent location and it worked.
The whole rack system in Process modelling Library needs to be properly connected by paths, It can't be in free space. I was also facing a similar issue, connecting everything meticulously by paths is the only thing that worked for me.
Its better to use transporters in such cases.

BIRT sessions stay open in Vertica

I'm having enormous problems managing connections in Vertica when developing BIRT reports. The basic idea is that sessions never die, so I always hit the connection cap. This is, of course, a problem, because then you can't use the database at all unless you do a close_all_sessions() to nuke everyone.
This happens at just about every level of development there is. First, in Esproc, when you develop the underlying logic... if there's a bug in your program before the connection.close(), the connection stays open and Esproc opens up a new one next execution. This adds up REALLY quickly when you have a couple of users developing stuff on the network.
Next, in Eclipse it's the same thing. You open a report and Eclipse creates a dozen connections that'll stay as long as you keep Eclipse open. Then, when you run the report, it'll create another bunch of connection, totally ignoring the ones it already has... and if you have bugs in your report, the dozen extras won't close.
Then on our website, same thing... problem running the report, boom, connections won't close EVER. I've had sessions stay open for two weeks with absolutely no activity. They only disappeared when I restarted Tomcat.
I'm at my whit's end here. There doesn't seem to be ANY way to set a session timeout in Vertica and I don't even know where to even begin looking to solve these problems. Everywhere I could find, the connection timeout was set to 20 seconds... so I would expect a connection to disappear after reaching that time, but of course that's not the case.
I really have no idea what to do here... and I'm desperate for some help here. Can anyone give me a clue? I've been at this for two days now and my brain just can't take anymore.
You want to use a connection pool instead of a direct JDBC access, it will blow away connection issues on Tomcat and improve performances.
Visit this article for more informations.
Define the connection pool (CP) in [Tomcat home]/conf/server.xml
Link the CP to web applications in [Tomcat home]/conf/context.xml
Install Apache Probe or something similar on Tomcat, this will help to test if the CP is correctly defined.
in BIRT reports, use JNDI URL property to link a datasource to the CP
This will solve the problem for the website, but not for Eclipse designer though. Try to upgrade to the most recent birt & jdbc versions.

How do I connect this chat program to two computers?

So I have been modifying the chat program found here: and I am at the point where I am ready to use it between twp pc's.
The problem is, I do not know enough about server-client relationships to set it up. Is there anything missing in the code for this to work? I just want to link two laptops to chat with one another. Is there any server softare I need to run or something?
I tried openfire but couldn't figure out how to link it, every port number I tried (listed in the admin page) didn't work. This is my first attempt at anything like this and probably beyond my current level of understanding which is why I would greatly appreciate a straightforward solution.
I chose this becaue I needed to do a lot of customization to the code so please use the ones on the page above as a reference. I would post the code here but there are 5 classes and they are neatly displayed on that page already with a explanation of each.
Thanks in advance!
Before you start trying to incorporate external libraries or functions, understand the code. Play around with it a little. See what does what and if you change this setting or that what will happen. Bare in mind that the code is separated into 2 applications:
Client - [ClientUI + Client + ChatMessage]
Server - [ServerUI + Server + ChatMessage]
Check that the application works on a single machine. So keep the server class the same and simply edit the client class so that it points to the current machine.
Run both the server and the client (from the example) on the same machine and when the client asks for the server location input then put the port number you gave for the ServerSocket in Server. This should point to your machine and if this works but not when using 2 separate machines check your firewall settings.

Continuation of a process after a system crash/restart - Drools Flow

I've been playing with examples I downloaded with the book Drools JBoss Rules 5.0. To my relief they work :) Drools Flow has been my point of interest as a possible workflow engine replacement.
As I'm trying to wrap my head around things, I've been wondering how a premature death of a rulesflow process gets restarted? What I'm mean is say a process is bouncing from one node to another like expected, then the containing process dies due to a crash, restart or whatever. Is the current node/place of the ruleflow process retained, and can it just continue from that point on system restart? If so how?
The group I work for is very Java EE centric with JBoss being our favorite application server. I see examples of Drools leveraging Spring's persistence and bean lookup support.
Are there examples of doing the same with JBoss?
If you persist the state of the process instances and tasks in the database. Even if the VM was down and restart again, you can retrieve the process instances.
Use the
To create the session
ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase,null,env)
To load the session with the session id.
ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession( sessionId, kbase,
You only need to know the session id. Session information will be store in SessionInfo table. Download the example project below.
The example is using Btm with H2 database, it also work well with mysql-connector-java-5.1.13 with Btm. Note that the process that are complete will be automatically deleted from the database.
You are looking at the basic concept of Process Migration. During what is known as strong migration, a process can be stopped on one machine and the entire state of the process migrated to another machine (including the program counter and all existing stacks). Before you go thinking that this is completely insane, think about this from a JVM perspective. Since you're application is already being run in virtual hardware; it isn't hard to stop the application and pick it back up where it left off since it is completely virtualized.
If you would like another example, look at VMWare; an entire machine can be paused and migrated to another machine and started again. It's very interesting stuff and usually relates mainly to Distributed Computing where you might have hundreds of agents that need to migrate from machine to machine as some go down for maintenance.
I realize that I didn't give an example of this through JBoss; but giving a background on what exactly you're looking for can give you a much better insight into what to look for going forward.