401 when calling WLAuthorizationManager.login("scope") - ionic-framework

I have implemented the new MFP 8 Beta security concept. The positive case, with valid credentials is working fine and the processSuccess method that I have defined is executed.
Unfortunately, the negative case doesn’t work.
After calling the WLAuthorizationManager.login("scope"), I am getting a 401 in the console:
2016-05-20 13:48:41.965 Inspector[98311:1660747] [DEBUG] [WL_AFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper_PACKAGE] -[WLAFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper start] in WLAFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper.m:376 :: Starting the request with URL
2016-05-20 13:48:41.983 Inspector[98311:1655477] [DEBUG] [WL_AFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper_PACKAGE] -[WLAFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper requestFailed:responseObject:error:] in WLAFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper.m:419 :: Request Failed
2016-05-20 13:48:41.984 Inspector[98311:1655477] [DEBUG] [WL_AFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper_PACKAGE] -[WLAFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper requestFailed:responseObject:error:] in WLAFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper.m:422 :: Response Status Code : 401
2016-05-20 13:48:41.984 Inspector[98311:1655477] [DEBUG] [WL_AFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper_PACKAGE] -[WLAFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper requestFailed:responseObject:error:] in WLAFHTTPSessionManagerWrapper.m:424 :: Response Error : Request failed: unauthorized (401)
Here is my implementation:
}).then( function () {
console.log(">> WLAuthorizationManager.login - onSuccess");
$scope.loginInProgress = false;
function (response) {
console.log(">> WLAuthorizationManager.login - onFailure: " + JSON.stringify(response));
$scope.loginInProgress = false;
if (!$scope.loginError){
$scope.loginError = "Could not connect to server. Please try again later.";
And the Challenge handler:
$scope.registerChallengeHandler = function(){
console.log(">> in $scope.registerChllangeHandler ... ");
$scope.userLoginChallengeHandler = WL.Client.createWLChallengeHandler($scope.securityCheckName);
$scope.userLoginChallengeHandler.securityCheckName = $scope.securityCheckName;
$scope.userLoginChallengeHandler.handleChallenge = function(challenge) {
console.log(">> in UserLoginChallengeHandler - userLoginChallengeHandler.handleChallenge ...");
// When a session has expired, this will be our entry point into automatically logging back in
// (since the next server call the user tries to make will end up being flagged as a 'custom response'
// which will trigger the challenge hander. Thus, we need to turn on the progress spinner...
$scope.loginInProgress = true;
//show the login ...
$scope.user = { username: "", password: ""};
$scope.currentPath = $location.path();
console.log(">> $location.path(): " + $location.path());
if (!$state.is("login")){
$scope.isChallenged = true;
var statusMsg = "Remaining Attempts: " + challenge.remainingAttempts;
if (challenge.errorMsg !== null){
statusMsg = statusMsg + "<br/>" + challenge.errorMsg;
//want to show only when submit user/pass not when token expired ...
if($scope.currentPath == "/"){
$scope.loginError = statusMsg;
}, 300);
console.log(">>> statusMsg : " + statusMsg);
$scope.userLoginChallengeHandler.processSuccess = function(data) {
console.log(">> in UserLoginChallengeHandler - userLoginChallengeHandler.processSuccess ...");
$scope.isChallenged = false;
$scope.user = { username: "", password: ""};
}, 200);
$scope.userLoginChallengeHandler.handleFailure = function(error) {
console.log(">> in UserLoginChallengeHandler - userLoginChallengeHandler.handleFailure ...");
console.log(">> handleFailure: " + error.failure);
$scope.isChallenged = false;
if (error.failure !== null){
} else {
alert("Failed to login.");
I would have expected that the handleFailure Method is called, but in the debugger I saw that it is not being executed. After the call of WLAuthorizationManager it just stops, so even the WLAuthorizationManager.login – onFailure is not called.
Captured the traffic with Wireshark: https://ibm.box.com/s/7mtwsgea06i4bpdbdz0wvyhy3wpma58r

When using WLAuthorizationManager.login() with wrong credentials, the normal flow is that the challenge handler's handleChallenge will be called, to allow the user to try again.
In some cases, the security check might send a failure, such as "maximum attempt reached". In this case, the challenge handler's handleFailure is called.
WLAuthorizationManager.login() has its own failure scenarios. For example, let's say your server is down, there is no network, the security check does not exist, etc. In those cases, since there is no challenge involved, the login's failure will be called. That's when your then promise will come in handy.


How we do Exception handling in protractor-cucumber and do a email notification

I am using Protractor-Cucumber framework with protractor 5.2.2 and cucumber 3.2. I have a requirement of posting in no.of locations. So I have written a script in a loop for it. But it randomly fails before completing the loop. So when the script ends abnormally, is there like an exception handling section that gets control before exiting.The script can be fail due to any of the reasons like web driver issue,NoSuchElementError,ElementIsNotIntractable,ElementIsNotVisible etc.So whatever be the issue I have to handle that, and if it fails, I have to do an email notification. I have tried try catch, as given below, but it does not work for me.
When(/^I login$/, function () {
var count=post_details.length ;
for (var i=0; i<count; i++){
How we can do this in protractor-cucumber.Thanks in advance
For the exception problem you can try this. ignoreUncaughtException
For the email part create a hooks.js file. Here you can setup the After() function, to check your scenario fails or not. Cucumber Docs.
After(function (scenario) {
if (scenario.result.status === Status.FAILED)
failed = true;
const attach = this.attach;
//creates a screenshot for the report
return browser.takeScreenshot().then(function(png) {
return attach(new Buffer(png, "base64"), "image/png");
Then you can use nodemailer to send messages. Nodemailer
In your AfterAll() function you can handle the send part.
if (failed)
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(
host: 'host.com',
port: xx,
secure: false,
//proxy: '',
auth: {
user: userMail,
pass: pw
var mailOptions = {
from: 'xx', // sender address (who sends)
to: xxxxxx#mail.com',
subject: 'your subject', // Subject line
text: 'Your test failed....', // plaintext body
/*attachments: [
filename: 'report.html',
path: htmlReport,
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info)
return console.log(error);
console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response);
} else {
//do your stuff
setTimeout(callback, 2000);

protractor promises - querying an API using "request"

I am trying to use protractor to call an api - it will return some JSON to me and I want to assert against it. I thought I had this working, until I tried to take it further and realised I hadn't got it right, but having a bit of a time trying to work out why.
I have placed some console.logs in and expected the sequence to be 1,2,3 however it appears to be 3 (test finished) then 2 and 1. So I suspect a promise issue.
code below:
'use strict';
var request = require('request');
var path = require('path');
var info;
//var fname = null;
var fname = 'joe';
describe("Sample test", function() {
var request = require('request');
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'URL here',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: '{ "pay_load": [] }'
function callback(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
info = JSON.parse(body);
console.log('in the callback now');
//console.log('body :' + body);
//var count = Object.keys(info).length;
//console.log('body len:' + count);
//console.log('info :' + info);
fname = info.firstname;
console.log('firstname1 : ' + info.firstname);
console.log('firstname2 : ' + fname);
} else {
console.log('there was some error');
it("proves the API is alive - firstname is null", function() {
request(options, callback);
console.log('firstname3 : ' + fname);
//var common = new Common();
So in my head I thought I would see "in the callback", then "firstname1", "firstname2" and finally "firstname3"
No, firstname3 will always get printed first, the way you have it. The reason for it as that all http requests in nodejs are async, so while your request is processing (or in flight), firstname3 will be printed. Then console.logs in your request callback.
Edit1 - Addressing the comment
Simple example which would print firstname1,2,3 in sequence (tested)
var request = function(cb) {
//basically call your request stuff and then when you are done call cb
console.log('firstname 1');
console.log('firstname 2');
request(function() {
console.log('firstname 3');
This prints
firstname 1
firstname 2
firstname 3
Or you can use a third party library called async and use async.tryEach to run tasks in series.
function getDataFromFirstWebsite(callback) {
// Try getting the data from the first website
callback(err, data);
function getDataFromSecondWebsite(callback) {
// First website failed,
// Try getting the data from the backup website
callback(err, data);
// optional callback
function(err, results) {
Now do something with the data.

Getting Facebook user info after success login in Ionic Cordova Facebook 4

I'm trying to get user informations after a success login using IOnic 2 and cordova-plugin-facebook4. The first part showing the access Token is correctly showing up, while after that neither success nor fail are showing anything. I'm trying to simply show an alert with user name gathered from Facebook.
let params = ["public_profile", "email"];
function(response) {
alert("Login Response :" + JSON.stringify(response.status));
let authId = response.authResponse.userID;
if (response.status == "connected") {
this.facebook.api( authId + "/?fields=id,email,first_name,last_name,gender,age_range",
['public_profile', 'email'],
function onSuccess (response) {
function onError (error) {
alert("Failed: " + error);
} else {
alert("Not connected: " + response.status);
function(response) {
alert("Other Response : " + JSON.stringify(response))
All I'm getting is an alert saying 'connected', no alert for success neither for fail ..

How to wait for Rest API to respond in Protractor

I am using following function to call API in my Protractor test, and sometimes API takes time to respond.
var request = require( "superagent" );
var PostUrl = browser.baseUrl + 'rest/1.0/dev/users';
var CreateTenantUrl = browser.baseUrl + 'rest/1.0/tenant';
exports.CreateTenant = function(body){
var data = '{' + body + '}';
request.post(CreateTenantUrl).set('Content-Type', 'application/json').set('serviceSharedSecret', 'sharedsecret').send(data).end(function(err,res){
console.log("CreateTenant post error= ", err )
} else{
console.log("CreateTenant post response = ", res.status)
exports.CreateUsers = function(body){
var data = '{' +body + '}';
request.post( PostUrl ).set('Content-Type', 'application/json').send(data).end(function(err,res){
console.log("CreateUsers post error= ", err )
} else{
console.log("CreateUsers post response = ", res.status)
Call these functions in test script:
Common.CreateTenant('"tid": "1","long_name": "test tenant"');
Common.CreateUsers('"userName": "test1", "tenantKey": "1", "password": "Test1", "userID": "1"');
is there any way to put wait for each API call to complete and then execute the next one?
If you need your second API call to only fire after the first one completes, send the second API call in the callback method of the first API call.
'Waiting' for an API call to complete is tpyically bad practice. An example of what not to do is the following: send one API call wait 10 seconds, check if first call completed, if it has, send second api call, otherwise wait another 10 seconds and repeat the process.
Its almost always a better approach is to use callbacks where you are alerted when the API call completes.
For your example, you should do the following:
var request = require( "superagent" );
var PostUrl = browser.baseUrl + 'rest/1.0/dev/users';
var CreateTenantUrl = browser.baseUrl + 'rest/1.0/tenant';
exports.CreateTenant = function(body){
var data = '{' + body + '}';
request.post(CreateTenantUrl).set('Content-Type', 'application/json').set('serviceSharedSecret', 'sharedsecret').send(data).end(function(err,res){
console.log("CreateTenant post error= ", err )
} else{
console.log("CreateTenant post response = ", res.status)
//Create user once tenant has been successfully created
Commons.CreateUsers('"userName": "test1", "tenantKey": "1", "password": "Test1", "userID": "1"');
exports.CreateUsers = function(body){
var data = '{' +body + '}';
request.post( PostUrl ).set('Content-Type', 'application/json').send(data).end(function(err,res){
console.log("CreateUsers post error= ", err )
} else{
console.log("CreateUsers post response = ", res.status)
In order to wait for the request to complete you need to wrap it in a promise. See How to make superagent return a promise for more information

Log in to Facebook with phantomjs - 302 issues?

I'm trying to write a phantomjs script to log in to my facebook account and take a screenshot.
Here's my code:
var page = require('webpage').create();
var system = require('system');
var stepIndex = 0;
var loadInProgress = false;
email = system.args[1];
password = system.args[2];
page.onLoadStarted = function() {
loadInProgress = true;
console.log("load started");
page.onLoadFinished = function() {
loadInProgress = false;
console.log("load finished");
var steps = [
function() {
page.open("http://www.facebook.com/login.php", function(status) {
page.evaluate(function(email, password) {
document.querySelector("input[name='email']").value = email;
document.querySelector("input[name='pass']").value = password;
console.log("Login submitted!");
}, email, password);
function() {
function() {
setInterval(function() {
if (!loadInProgress && typeof steps[stepIndex] == "function") {
console.log("step " + (stepIndex + 1));
if (typeof steps[stepIndex] != "function") {
console.log("test complete!");
}, 10000);
(Inspired by this answer, but note that I've upped the interval to 10s)
Called like so:
./phantomjs test.js <email> <password>
With output (filtering out the selfxss warnings from Facebook):
step 1
load started
load finished
Login submitted!
load started
load finished
step 2
step 3
(Note that the html output in step two is empty)
This answer suggests that there are problems with phantomjs' SSL options, but running with --ssl-protocol=any has no effect.
This appears to be a similar problem, but for caspar, not phantomjs (and on Windows, not Mac) - I've tried using --ignore-ssl-errors=yes, but that also had no effect.
I guessed that this might be a redirection problem (and, indeed, when I replicate this on Chrome, the response from clicking "Submit" was a 302 Found with location https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next), but according to this documentation I can set a page.onNavigationRequested handler - when I do so in my script, it doesn't get called.
I think this issue is related, but it looks as if there's no fix there.