referencing a knitr figure in text from lyx - knitr

I am using lyx to write an rnwfile. In my lyx text, I would like to reference a figure generated by a knitr code chunk that has label "chunk1".
If I write the rnw in Rstudio, I would reference the figure by \ref{fig:chunk1} in my text. However in lyx, the label "chunk1" or "fig:chunk1" does not appear in the cross-Reference window.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks a lot!


Error using text2image Font Exocet Light failed with 223518 hits = 99.94% when trying to build image file using Diablo 2 font

I am running tesseract on windows 11 using the command prompt.
The text file is my training data. Words that I want to turn into images.
The output is the next step in the Tesseract process for training my font.
I am saying find fonts but I only have one font in the folder.
text2image --text="C:\PythonProjects\DiabloTesseractTrainFont\text.txt" --outputbase="C:\PythonProjects\DiabloTesseractTrainFont\Output\Dia.font.exp0" --fontconfig_tmpdir="C:\PythonProjects\DiabloTesseractTrainFont" --find_fonts --fonts_dir="C:\PythonProjects\DiabloTesseractTrainFont\Diablo Fonts"
The result:
Total chars = 223645
Font Exocet Light failed with 223518 hits = 99.94%
Not sure why it fails. I have built something similar to this before. I have tried with a font file that I know has worked and it does the exact same thing.
Any help would be appreciated.
I solved it. In the text file, there were some characters that had been changed when I read them into python. I believe they used to be bullet points but when I read the file I had implemented in python ASCII encoding and ignore errors. I figured that those characters would be removed. I was wrong. Those bullet points were replaced with text that said PAD. I found it in notepad++ and highlighted one of them and then replaced them with a space. Note in Notepad++ when I did the replace it did not have anything in the find field but it still replaced all of them. Now it compiles just fine. I was stuck for many hours I hope this helps someone.

Convert Latex to Word using Rmarkdown

I have a latex file called mylatex.tex, and I am trying to convert it to a word document.
Does anyone know the step by step process to do this using Rmarkdonw?
thanks in advance for your help

Doxygen only reading comments from begining of file in MATLAB

I am trying to document some MATLAB code using Doxygen, but it is only reading comments from the top of the file. I am using this github repo for converting the MATLAB to be readable by doxygen:
I would like to create sections of documentation mixed in with sections of code to explain how the code works and the equations it is based off of. Does anyone know how to do this? It appears that Doxygen is normally able to do this, so I am not sure if I have done something wrong setting up Doxygen in my project or if the matlab parser I am using prevents this.
%>#file file_name.m
%>#brief file description
%>Doxygen picks up this comment
*Some MATLAB code*
%>Doxygen does not read this comment
Thanks for the help.

PDF output from MATLAB and inclusion in LaTeX

I'm printing some figures in MATLAB in PDF form, and can view them fine with the Evince PDF viewer on Fedora 16.
When I try to include them in LaTeX (TeXLive 2011), however, I get an error
!pdfTeX error: /usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/x86_64-linux/pdflatex (file ./caroti
d_amp_mod_log.pdf): xpdf: reading PDF image failed
However, I can take an example PDF image generated in Mathematica and include it just fine, which tells me that the problem is with the PDF's generated by MATLAB and not with PDF's in general.
Might it have something to do with the set(0,'defaultfigurepaperpositionmode','auto')I put in my startup.m file so that pages would auto-fit the images?
EDIT: I just tried using saveas(figure(1), 'filename.pdf') instead of print(figure(1), 'filename.pdf') and it worked fine, but the PaperPositionMode property is ignored. Any way around this?
Finally found the problem. The correct way to print images is to use the print(handle, '-dformat', 'filename') syntax.
So, for PDF's, we need print(figure(1), '-dpdf', 'myfigure'). See MATLAB documentation on graphics file formats for more information.
Using print(figure(1), 'filename.pdf') still produces a valid PDF for viewing, but it can't be included in LaTeX.
You can try using
to include pdf files. However, you need to use pdflatex only, as you are doing right now.

Highlight pdf line

Please can any one help me. I am really stuck I don't know how to highlight particular line of pdf. It would be better if any one can provide me sample code or pseudo code
This is not trivial.
To do this, I'd render the PDF contents into one layer, and somehow get the position of the said line/object using the CoreGraphics PDF parser (or some other way). After that, you highlight the said object using your own drawing code.
Just highlighting a particular line is quite difficult.
If you need search and highlight, please try FastPDFKit. I played with it for a while and it's quite good as a pdf reader.
I'm working on the same thing at the moment and it's not trivial indeed.
From what I can figure out you need to load the text and arrange it in lines first. If you are using Poppler, the Poppler.Page.textList() will provide you with a list of TextBoxes and a TextBox.hasSpaceAfter() will tell you the end of line when returning False.
I am using the Qt4 frontend, so the each TextBox has a QRect from which I can figure out where to highlight a word. Highlighting a line is more or less lirstWordOfLine.geometry().united(lastWordOfLine.geometry()) which will provide the geometry of the line to highlight.
Now what I can't figure out is how to save the coordinates of the highlights in the document.