Convert Latex to Word using Rmarkdown - ms-word

I have a latex file called mylatex.tex, and I am trying to convert it to a word document.
Does anyone know the step by step process to do this using Rmarkdonw?
thanks in advance for your help


Uploaded .DAT File into Vim and now trying to interpret the data

I uploaded about a 3GB .DAT file into vim. The file contains .DAT file in binary and others in the following language:
"0000030801549200000308015492 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000109500010957REG0001095REGIPY 1989010100010101Y99991231N YYQ REG R"
I am trying to decipher that raw data into a format that I can use and understand using VIM. Does anyone know how I would do this? Or could point me in the direction to solve this problem? This concept is totally new to me and I am just trying to figure out how to get it done.

Generate .hhk file From Word Document

I am trying to convert MS Word file to chm file. I have a well organized word document. But,I could not figure out how to word saved as a html file to chm file. I know I can add html file to created project but there are some issue such that I could not solve how to convert ms word table of content file to index file in html help workshop program. I would be very happy If someone provide some example about conversion of word documents.(I am trying to achieve this thorough HTML Help Workshop program)
Best regards,
Converting a Word document to CHM format is difficult without special (often expensive) tools and has a learning curve.
You should think about whether the PDF format is not sufficient. But the CHM format - integrated in the Windows operating system - has of course some popular functions.
I recommend to read through Search and Index not working after converting from Word 2016 to CHM.
As I mentioned in my answer I never used chmProcessor before (because using other tools) but surprisingly seems to be a good one for converting Word documents in a simple way.
Please try chmProcessor for your needs. You may want to ask a new question here on SO later.
Maybe you have additional interest in the following CodeProject article:
How to Easily Write a User's Guide for Your Application using Different File Extensions

Failed to convert excel to pdf using documents4j

i'm trying to convert an excel file to pdf using documents4j.
when trying to do so i'm getting the following error:
this is the code i'm running:
can anyone please tell me why do i get the VB exception and how to overcome it?
Your file is in a folder C:\pdf\newPDF.pdf but you are not escaping the second backslash properly. You are instead adding a newline character: \n. You can already tell by the formatting.
Ideally - when I find the time - I will better validate the input at some point.

Copy the style of a word document into another one using Matlab

I need to copy the style of word document into another using Matlab.
Until now I opened my word document and a word template using actxserver:
wrd = actxserver('word.application');
wrdDoc = wrd.Documents;
wrdFile = invoke(wrdDoc,'Open','D:\myDoc.doc');
wrdFile2= invoke(wrdDoc,'Open','D:\myTemplate.dotx');
I would like to copy the style of the template into my document.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance
I'm not familiar with automating Office from Matlab, but usually styles can be copied from a template using the Document.CopyStylesFromTemplate function.
In Matlab, this probably looks as follows:

How to convert word to word using perl?

I am new to perl script.... I need to convert doc to doc because i will text changes in original doc so how to start this conversion using perl script, I tried to convert to html and change that text and html file convert to doc... But I don't know how can i start this and how can i convert using perl?
input :
sample bold text
sample italic text
how to convert this situations? ....using perl script..
I think other idea: doc to html and html to doc
I don't have clear answer for you...
But It may be usefull for you...
Visit this Cpan page...
Just edit directly using Win32::OLE.
The following is a useful example of loading an existing word doc and saving it to a new file after changes: A Solution to the edit Word documents with Perl problem. Btw, one could find this by simply googling: editing a word doc using perl