Selecting multiple column of Tableview - swift

There is a requirement, where user needs to select multiple column in the Tableview.
But only one column can be selected at a time. Multiple column can be selected by using Shift key but it select consecutive columns.
Suppose I have a requirement where I need to select Column 1 & Column 3 simultaneously to get highlighted. What needs to be done? Is there any XIB setting to do so or any delegate methods for the same?


Dynamically render multiple columns based on a drop-down list

I have a table in tableau with say 4 columns (Say Employee ID, Name, Address, Email).
I want to provide the users an option to select single/multiple columns from a drop down list (assume in the drop down list we have columns headers, Customfield1, Customfield2.....,Customfield10) which would be added to the table as a separate columns.
Say for Instance if the user selects CustomField1, CustomField2, CustomField3 from the drop-down list then the table should have in total of 7 columns (4 Emp fields + 3 Custom Fields)
Though I stated a simple requirement, my idea was to extrapolate that to something complex.
I think some version of this could be done, albeit in a hacky way. What you're looking for is 'Dynamic Parameters.' They don't technically officially exist in the product, but can be created with the combination of parameter and calculated field.
Here is a link to a method on such creation.
The idea here would be to re-order columns in a custom manner. Each calculated field would have to have its own logic for which dimension it was to display when a user selected a parameter. (ie: With parameter selection A Column 1 goes to [Name] and Column 2 goes to [Address], and with parameter selection B Column 1 goes to [Address] and Column 2 goes to [Name].) The caveat here is that each potential layout would need to have the same number of columns - there is not a way to add columns dynamically. Consider that each column is represented here with a calculated field.
Good luck on it.

Tableau - add row without making it a subset of previous row

I want to add rows to a Tableau text table without making the row a subset of the previous row. Using the example below, I want values for teams and status to display on separate rows rather than status appearing as a subset of team. I also want to add a team filter so that if I filter on team blue, values for green row are zero and status values update . Is this possible? I tried creating separate worksheets but keeping things aligned is problematic.
Example Data:
Desired text table:
What I don't want:
Select both the fields(team, status) simultaneously then right click and go to Transform > Pivot.
Then 2 Dimensions will be created. Drag the Pivot Field Values on to Rows section
and Year on to Columns section and keep Year in Discrete format.
Then drag Number of Records on to value field section.
Before Pivot:
After Pivot and final viz:

2 Table Rows per 1 Database Table Row

I'm working on a table in iReport designer where I pull in info from a database. As of right now, I have it so that one row of the table corresponds to one row in the database.
How can I make it so that one entry in the database can take up two rows. The first row would have 4 columns corresponding to a field in the database. The second row would have 1 column the same length as the 4 above columns combined and also correspond to one field. When editing an iReport designer table, there doesn't seem to be an option to add more rows, only columns.
I found a much easier workaround. I created a one column table, then dragged and dropped static text and fields in certain spots to make the report look like it had multiple columns.

db2: select from table without replacement

Hi I would just like to ask a simple question - is there a way in DB2, to select a row from a table (whether that be based on a join or selecting a random row), and then select from the same table again where choosing the last, or any previous rows cannot be selected.
I am thinking I have to loop my code through each row in the table and delete each row I select, but would be interested if anyone has an alternative solution. No code needed but rather describe another approach.
The simplest way of doing this is to declare a cursor to select all rows from the table then process the
cursor one row at a time. Each row will be selected exactly 1 time (this is pretty much what a cursor is all about).
I suspect that is not the answer you were looking for. You most likely have at least two other constrains on this
selection problem:
You do not want, or cannot, have a single cursor open until the entire table has been processed
You want to have some sort of "randomness" with respect to the order in which rows are selected
The problem of not being able to open and process the entire table under a single cursor can be solved by
maintaining some sort of "state" information between selections. The "state" can be used to determine whether a row
is still eligible for selection on subsequent inquiries. You might add another column to the table to hold the "selected"
state of that row. When a row is inserted its "selected" state is set to "no". On each select operation the state
of the selected row is updated to "yes". The predicate to select new rows then needs to have a WHEN SELECT_STATE = 'no'
added to it to disqualify previously selected rows. If you cannot change the structure of the table you are selecting
from, then add a second table having the same primary key as the selection table plus the "selected" indicator then join
these tables to obtain the required state information.
Another approach is to delete a row once it has been selected.
These or some similar type of state management can be used to solve the selection eligibility problem.
If you need to introduce randomness into the selection process (i.e. make it difficult go guess what
the next row to be selected will be), then you have a very different problem to solve. If this is the case
please ask a new question outlining the approximate size of you table (how many rows) and what the key structure
is (eg. a number between 1 and 100000, a 30 character name etc.)
You can use a cursor, and use the 'delete where current of' feature called positioned-delete. For more information: page 55

Is it possible to create a row that spans all columns of a Matrix in SSRS 2008?

Is it possible to have add a row to an SSRS 2008 Matrix that spans all of the matrix's columns?
This crude diagram shows roughly what I'm looking for:
The basic idea is that each line item is a person, and each column is a field in a form for that person. The fields themselves are dynamic (and implemented as column groups on the matrix). Additional column groups are included to append non-dynamic form fields, like the time the record was entered and who entered it. Under each person's record is a comments field, which should span all of the form fields above it.
At the moment I have the matrix embedded in another tablix, with the name and fields in the matrix and the comments in the parent tablix. This works for the data (each instance of the matrix ends up being one row), but the header repeats too often (once per person) because it's attached to the matrix. The only thought I have as to how to fix this is to create another matrix in the parent tablix with the same grouping and use it to display the headers... But this will require quite a lot of manual synchronization to keep the two matrices the same.
Edit: The key problem here is making the second row span multiple column groups.
Here's what you can do:
Select the column grouping you want to add above and right click and select
Add Group... Parent Group...
Group the column by something that will not aggregate the data. You'll have to select a field from your dataset to group by so that it creates an overlapping column grouping.
Check the Add group header box
You should now see something similar to this:
Now you just need to move the Value1 field and it's header over under the new column to the right beyond the matrix dividers. Once that's done, simply delete the ungrouped column where you just copied Value1 from and be sure to select Delete columns only checkbox.
Your finished product should look like this:
It is possible - And the above answers are partial answers leaving out one key step: Merging the cells of the child row.
First, right click on your grouped row, then select Insert Row -> Inside Group - Below and you will get two rows with the cells aligning on the columns
Second, ctrl click all the cells in your new row (ie row without the data) then right click on one of the highlighted cells, and then select Merge Cells.
Now you have the table you like. To add a value to the new row: first right click your new (multi column) cell,select Create Placeholder, and then add the dataset item you desire to the placeholder.
After several attempts, I'm going to say this isn't possible in SSRS. The best I could come up with is a group footer that spans columns 1,2, and 3, but not the User column.
[Original Response]
I recently did something similar to this.
First, what tool are you using to create SSRS reports? (I used SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio)
You'll want to create a row group (grouped on Person)
Append a row to your table in "Design" view (Right click, "Insert Row --> Inside Group - Below").
Add an expression to the row that pulls the value for your "Comment" column (=Fields!Comment.Value).
Let me know if that helps...
Try adding in you column group "header" with a grouping expression of (1=1). Then a detail field will need to be defined. If you define the other group with correct data then the "header" will stretch across all details columns. You may need to merger depending on other options.
The easiest way to do this is to create a Tablix with only one column, and your row grouping.
Then, you create two rows inside this group.
In the first row inside the group, you insert a Matrix, wich you can then subgroup as you prefer.
I just had a similar problem, and this was my solution.
I banged my head against the wall for a lot of time, until i realized the solution to my problem wasn't "making a cell span multiple column groups", but "making a cell split into multiple column groups".
You can accomplish the goal by using a subreport for each person. The subreport will receive the employee id and create the hierarchy for you. Make sure your subreport column widths match the widths of the parent report.