Customize babel configuration in project created using create-react-app - babeljs

I want to use a babel plugin (babel-plugin-module-resolver) in a project created using create-react-app.
I know how to change babel configuration using npm run eject, but I would like to avoid it.
I was going to use react-app-rewired but I heard that there is the possibility to configure babel without ejecting and without additional libraries.
(if possible), how can I do it?


Does a babel dependency have to be in your babel config file in order to be applied?

This might be obvious but I can't find a definitive answer and want to be sure. I inherited a project which has the following babel dependencies in its package.json:
None of them are referenced anywhere except for package-lock.json. Does this mean they aren't being used? I have a babelrc config file with module:metro-react-native-babel-preset and #babel/preset-typescript as presets for a React Native project, and I know I am using babel.
Do the former dependencies need to be in babelrc in order to be applied and so in the current state are useless? Or are they doing things in the background, like as a dependency of another package? But then why would I need to include them in my package.json? Thank you!

How to create a babel plugin for internal use

How do we use a babel plugin that is not already accepted in a babel repository? I had trouble finding this answer reading through the babel plugin documentation.
We are interested in writing a babel plugin for loops to address a bug in ios9 (ios9 Safari miscalculating sum). Although we would be happy to contribute it to the babel community, I was also wondering if it doesn't get accepted or isn't ready for general consumption, how to start using and testing it locally.
It's possible to make use of custom babel plugins that you can host on git.
You can refer to for learning how you can develop and test your babel plugin locally.
Once you have developed the plugin, you can add a dependency for it in your project's package.json file.
Note that if you plan to make the plugin repository private, you'd have to create a personal access token (for Github) to allow npm to fetch repository contents. In that case, the example entry in your package.json file would be as follows:
"babel-plugin-transform-for-of-loop": "git+https://{token}"
Whatever package name that you pick for your plugin, you will need to add a reference for it in the .babelrc file. For this example, it would be as follows:
"plugins": [
With that done, you should simply run npm install and your plugin would become active for your project.

How to extend angular-cli via a custom plugin

I want to extend angular-cli via a custom plugin. I want to write this plugin by myself. How can i do this? If i write an ember-cli plugin, can i use this one in angular-cli? I read that not all ember-cli plugins are working in angular-cli. I would like to have an example, or some information about the architecture of angular-cli.

How to bundle a js plugin without global namespace clashes

I'm in the process of building a javascript plugin that people will be able to install by simply pasting a script tag into their HTML. At times I may wish to include a third-party library in my plugin, but I want to make sure that my plugin will still work if used on a web site that relies on a different version of this same library. Is there a tool I can use to somehow modify the namespace of my required dependencies so that they don't interfere with any other existing scripts or libraries? I have been researching browserify but it's not immediately clear to me from the docs that it can be used to avoid this problem.

How to integrate GruntJS with Netbeans 7.3?

How do I integrate Grunt into Netbeans 7.3, or alternatively allow Netbeans define some external script/program to exec as part of a build.
This is so I can setup Netbeans to compile Less into CSS automatically.
You don't have to change anything in Netbeans.
You should only use the Grunt to compile LESS into CSS, minify your scripts, etc.
Grunt will run in the background and will compile your LESS files into CSS files whenever you make any changes in this files.
Install Node.js (Grunt is running on node.js)
Install Grunt
On grunt webpage go to plugins subpage and install:
On each plugins subpage you have exact instructions how to set them up.
You can use java to convert from less to css.Or why do you need configuration in NetBeans?You can create a grunt task,call it with terminal,and task will convert what you need.