sap.m.Input allow only positive integer values - sapui5

I need reject for sap.m.Input control any input except integer values. So in input may be inputted only 0-9, without any sign symbol(+-) or any decimal separators. I Can't find good solution. View declared in XML format, and preferable way is just change this XML with additional parameters, if it possible.
Possible solutions:
The first one - write custom formatter.
The second one - try to find some standard solution with types. I found internal data types and they settings, but it seems that they not working well.

A custom formatter won't help you in this case as its only used oneway (model->view).
But data types are your friend here. I would suggest sap.ui.model.type.Integer with a minimum constraint of 0.
<Input value="{path: '/value', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Integer', constraints:{minimum:0}}" />
However this does have two prerequisites:
You need to enable complex databinding. This can be done in the bootstrap tag in index.html with the data-sap-ui-compatVersion attribute. Version 1.26 is needed at least. You can use the value edge to specify the newest version:
<script src=""
Alternatively you can use data-sap-ui-bindingSyntax="complex".
If the user enters invalid data the datatype throws a ValidationException. The error will be silently ignored but the model won't be updated. To get some feedback for the user you can register the control or the whole view at the MessageManager:
sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().registerObject(this.getView(), true);
You can also enable handleValidation in the Component or when instantiating the component.
Example on JSBin.

Regex is your friend here.
Here is a pretty simple jsbin I re-used from someone validating text only and modified the regex to accept numbers only.
You could wire the validation into the change event so it would fire and set the state to error if text entered.
Let us know how this works out.


Mask input for sap.m.Date(Time)Picker

With the sap.m.DateTimePicker, it's possible for a user to either select a value from the drop-down list or enter it manually. I'm wondering if there's a way to add a mask to the manual input box that matches the valueFormat of the DateTimePicker.
I know there's a sap.m.MaskInput as well, so maybe there's a way to combine the two elements.
There is a new private module named sap.m.MaskEnabler which the sap.m.InputBase (i.e. DateTimePicker) is supposed to make use of.
(MaskEnabler) should be applied to the prototype of a sap.m.InputBase.
The mask feature is currently enabled only in sap.m.TimePicker (v1.54). According to this commit message, however, the same feature will arrive to the Date(Time)Picker as well:
This change prepares for refactoring of DatePicker and TimePicker so the
common code of both pickers can be moved to a new common control that
they may extend.
Therefore, if it's not urgent, and depending on your project, I'd not create a new custom control and then throw it away once the mask feature has arrived.
I'll update my answer when it's available.
Until then (and even afterwards), you can still guide the user to enter the data in the correct format via OData binding type sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTime:
path: 'myODataModel>myDateTime',
type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTime',
constraints: {
isDateOnly: true,
displayFormat: 'Date'
In contrast to formatter, type allows us to keep two-way data binding.
The entered value is automatically intercepted from updating the model data when...
It could not be parsed due to an invalid format (fires parseError)
It could be parsed but the constraints were violated (fires validationError)
If you enable handling UI messages
additionally, the framework will then take care of creating the appropriate
message for the user:
I think the only way to combine the two sap.m.DateTimePicker and sap.m.MaskInput is to develop your own control . Documentation :
Another way is to just use the Placeholder of the DateTimePicker Input field. This does not provide the same functionality as a MaskInput, but helps the user which valueFormat is expected in the input when entering it manually.
If you have a binding in your input box, you could set the type in the binding to eg. sap.ui.model.type.Date. This way you get some automatic formatting when field validation is triggered. There are other types available and you could inherit from sap.ui.model.SimpleType to code your own.

Pre-populating form fields with model data in Sightly/HTL

I've tried all the HTL context parameters (even 'unsafe'). When I inspect the input, I can see the value intact, but you can't see the value pre-populated in the field. I tried different types of values, different contexts, and different types of input fields. [AEM 6.2]
<input type="email" name="senderEmail" value="${ # context='text'}"/>
If the value is rendered in page source and also visible in browser inspector, could it be that it's hidden by some weird CSS? Something like color:transparent
There are many possible causes. I'll pitch in one, to help get you thinking. Is userProfile available via the use api?
I've made this mistake before:
<div data-sly-use.bean="com.beans.Bean">
// ... other code
The "Bean" isn't available later, outside it's host element.
If I understand your question correctly this isn't actually about HTL, but rather about the HTML input element itself. You have an input element with a value attribute set, yet that value is not displaying in the box. If that's correct, then I'd recommend doing some investigation around HTML input value not displaying when set, rather than sightly context issues.
Some possible answer would include css styles hiding the input text or javascript clearing out the values after page load. There are certainly more potential causes, but we'd need to know more about your page to provide a better answer.
To do some of your investigation you can try loading a component with only that input in it and see if that works, that would eliminate any css or js executing elsewhere on the page.

cfinsert is picking up my search input field in a different form

When I submit my form I am getting an error from my cfinsert function because there is not a database column name "SEARCHFIELD". The problem is "SEARCHFIELD" is not an input in the form I am submitting.
Both forms have close and open tags so I am not sure why my search form input is being referenced in my main forms submission?
Any thoughts?
Two ways I can think of to avoid this, without seeing your actual code it is hard to guess where SEARCHFIELD is coming from. As some of the comments pointed out it would most likely be from a CFPARAM or the name of your submit button in the form.
The first way you could tackle this is the CFINSERT tag has an attribute named formfields where you can list off the columns you wish to insert with. You can see that here in this doc link:
Another way you could do this is you could add code to remove SEARCHFIELD from the FORM scope prior to running the CFINSERT. Which would be as simple as:
<cfset StructDelete(FORM, "SEARCHFIELD") />
You could check to see if it exists and if so then delete it but the StructDelete() will run without issues even if the field does not exist.
I personally do not use CFINSERT/CFUPDATE and I know the default opinion in the community is not to. They do have some benefits though that often are overlooked in that they do parameterise the SQL and offer at least some safety from malicious people. Without knowing anything about what you are doing it is hard to say if using them is actually a shot in your foot in the long run or something just fine to be doing.

KnockoutJS and Property-Dependent Create/Edit-View (Master/Detail Scenario)

I am having trouble creating a property-dependent create/edit-view in KnockoutJS.
Here's the thing: everything I create are "People" of sorts - it could be a Healthcare Professional, Plumber, Mechanic or Engineer. Depending on what kind/type of person it is, I need to enter different data.
Here an example:
Healthcare Professional: Name, Telephone, Hospital, etc.
Plumber: Name, Telephone, Crafts, etc.
Engineer: Name, Telephone, Specialities, etc.
What I can do is create properties on my ViewModels such as "showCity", "showHospital" and so on to hide individual form-fields.
However, for the sake of separation, I would like to use entirely different forms: again, I could set the respective form to only show if the condition is met.
However, I would like KnockoutJS to only render the respective form that should be used (the Person's type is always determined when it is first created - it cannot be changed).
What I don't end-up doing is have one form that is shown and ten that are there (and data-bound) but hidden.
I tried using the "if" binding like so: <div data-bind="with: $root.selectedPerson"><form data-bind="if: $data.type='mathematician'"></form></div>, but to no avail.
Would anybody know what the best-practice is in this case?
Your if binding is setting the $data.type value, not comparing it. Try:
<div data-bind="with: $root.selectedPerson"><form data-bind="if: $data.type() === 'mathematician'"></form></div>
Although this is fine, I always try to avoid code in my data-binding markup. I would try and create a computed that would return the resulting true/false of the comparison, but in your situation, you would need one for each person type, and that would get tricky. For that, I would turn to templates. You could do:
<div data-bind="template: { name: $root.selectedPerson().type, data: $root.selectedPerson }"></div>
<script type="text/html" id="mathematician">...</script>
<script type="text/html" id="plumber">...</script>
*Note: As of KO version 2.3.0, the name property of the template binding can accept observables. If you're using a previous version, be sure to call the observable in the binding: name: $root.selectedPerson().type()

How can I semantically define within the <time> tag 'the present'

I am using time tag to define a time—seemed like the right approach ;-)
My problem however is the value I want to place within the time tag is NOW: the present. I get this validation error:
The text content of element time was not in the required format:
The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format."
Looking at the spec, it doesn't seem possible to define 'NOW'. That's a nuisance. Any ideas on how to approach this?
You cannot. The time element in HTML5 is defined as markup for specific moments or periods or durations of time or for time offsets, not for all concepts related to time.
You can write e.g. <time datetime="2013-04-06T13:53">now</time>, thereby associating a fixed moment of time with the text content “now”. I don’t see how this could be useful, and the usefulness of the time element in general is questionable (it looks like markup for markup’s sake), but things like this are all you can do to “define ‘NOW’” with time.
I'm using this markup for now:
<time datetime="2013">Present</time>
No more errors, and it's symatic. It's just a shame there is no accepted variable for NOW.