Is there any advantage to using body ID instead of body index in Kinect SDK 2.0 - kinect-sdk

The Body interface of the Microsoft Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 includes both an ID (64 bit unsigned int) and a user index (8 bit unsigned int).
The user index describes which element in the array of six body indexes are returned in a single frame, and the pixel value in the body index image.
From what I can see the index seems to be as stable as the ID with regards to users entering or leaving the scene (in the sense that they are randomly assigned when an individual is tracked after a period of absence).
Is there any reason I should use the ID to keep track of users instead of the index?

There's not really going to be an 'advantage' to either if you can capture the same results. However, the ID is more intended for the referencing of a person over the user index which is more for tracking who a body part belongs to.
So if your goal is to see if person 1 is left or right of person 2 use ID, if you are trying to figure out if the arm overlapping in front belongs to person 1 or 2 use the user index.


Double countring the number of tracks

An album Z has missing tracks if the Tracks table contains less rows for A than the number of tracks for A reported in the Albums table. For each album without missing tracks, find its total running seconds.
Since this is an exercise, I don't want to spoil the learning effect totally by just giving you the final solution. I'll try to guide you there.
Your problem is the WHERE clause
WHERE albums.tracks >= tracks.number
I guess you intend it to implement the requirement “for each album without missing tracks, …”.
However, that's not what the condition does; rather, it excludes tracks whose number exceeds the track count of the album.
You need something like: “where the count of tracks that are related to the album is (greater than or) equal to the album track count”.
In other words: WHERE count(tracks.*) >= albums.tracks. (The “related to the album” part is implemented by the join condition — it excludes tracks not related to the album.)
See? The secret is often just to translate a natural language sentence into SQL.
Now we are facing a problem, because we cannot have an aggregate function like count in the WHERE clause. This is because WHERE is processed before GROUP BY where the groups are formed.
Fortunately for us there is a kind of “WHERE clause” that is processed after grouping, and that is HAVING.
I leave the rest to you :^)

Demandware: Find Product's Category Position?

I'm updating a data feed export, which links a Product to a given Category. I want to also include that product's merchandising position within that category, which currently exists in Business Manger, and is used to control sorting on Product listing pages:
I'm digging through the API docs, and the logical place for this information to be exposed in in dw.catalog.CategoryAssignment, but it's not there. I'm currently inferring the position by essentially doing this:
// assume var product, category
var position = category.products.firstIndex(p => p.ID == product.ID);
However, this tells me where the Product got sorted to, not what the actual Position value is within Demandware. It works for now as an expedient hack, but I really want to replace it with something that pulls the actual value from DW.
Where in the Commerce Cloud API can I find the merchandising position for a given Product in a given Category?
I think you would'nt get the actual position of the product index as you may have multiple sorting rules to display different outputs on the category listing pages. These sorting rules can be created as and when required based on certain rules. I don't think this can be reflected on the product feed.
It took some digging, but I managed to find that the "Position" field for Products in the BM is stored as Product.searchPlacement. To find it, you have to look in Category.products, find the Product you want, and grab the searchPlacement property of that product.
In effect, I used:
// assume var product, category
var position = category.products.find(p => p.ID == product.ID).searchPlacement;
For Products that don't have a Position assigned in the Business Manager, searchPlacement is 0. Otherwise, it reflects the value entered in the BM.

Parse Data Model for users tagging items

im trying to figure out a good data model approach when using parse (underlying mongodb) for users that are allowed to select a tag and provide a value to them, lets call it just a rating since thats the easiest to understand.
Im working on a class that is called user tags that has the following structure currently in its collection.
User (pointer to user class)
Object (pointer to object to tag)
Tags (array of tags with values)
The tags can be up to maybe 30 tags and each one of them can have a rating of 1-5 in this case...
I was wondering if I could do a PFRelationship in an array that has the objectId of the tag as the key and value as the 1 - 5 rating.. here is an example json object mocked up to what im saying.
"3q24afadfadf": 3.5 //parse relation object id : value,
"234rrdfadfk": 2.4 //parse relation object id : value,
"as4q2w34lsdf": 2.3 //parse relation object id : value
This way I can store one row for the item that the user tagged and all the tags with its rating value along with that.
I'm not sure this is the right way or if its scalable when doing queries for get me all users items he or she tagged, along with the tag (name) and the values).
I also on top of that need to figure out a way to when many users tag the same item with different values that I build up some analytics or maybe counter class that gets incremented or averaged in to then be displayed along with the item. I might try cloudcode to do saveafter to update the analytic data class for that item.
Anyhow Any thoughts on this model would be appreciated and most importantly need to be able to get at the data inside the tag array, with hopefully the key being a pointer, if not a pointer i'm up to suggestions because the result should return
Item A
Tag name 1 with value 4.5
Tag Name 2 with value 3.5
and so on..
Also if you have any pointers to how to build aggregated data of the item and its over all value that many users have tagged over time.. My thought as above is to have a analytic class that the cloud code increments or that the app then increments, the challenge is to load all the user tags of item x, and get the tag and value out of the array and then add them to the analytic class. I could run this at night since it doesn't have to be real time.

Most efficient database schema for counting keywords

I'm working on an iPhone app with a GAE backend. I currently have a database of ~8000 products and each product has 5 keywords, mined from reviews, that are the words used most often to describe the product. Once I deploy the app, I'd like to allow users to add new products, and add their 5 keywords to existing products. So, when "reviewing" an existing product, they would add their 5 words, and these would be reflected in the Top 5 words if they push a word over into the Top 5. These keywords will be selected via a large whitelist with indirect selection so I can control the user input. I'd like the application to scale to thousands of users without hitting my backend too hard.
My question is:
What's the most efficient database schema for keeping track of all the words for a product and calculating the top 5 for each product once it's updated?
My two ideas (which may be terrible):
Have a "words" column which contains a 2d array, one dimension is the word, the other is the count for that word. They would then be incremented/decremented as needed.
Have a database with each word as a column and each product as a row and the corresponding row/column would contain the count.
The easiest way to do this would be to have a 'tags' kind, defined something like this (you haven't specified a backend language, so I'm assuming Python):
class Tag(db.Model):
# Tags should be child entities of Products and have key name based on the tag
# eg, created with Tag(parent=a_product, key_name='awesome', ...)
count = db.IntegerProperty(required=True, default=0)
def increment_tags(cls, product, tag_names):
def _tx():
tags = cls.get_by_key_name(tag_names, parent=product)
for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
if tag is None:
# New tag
tags[i] = tag = cls(key_name=tag_names[i], parent=product)
tag.count += 1
return db.run_in_transaction(_tx)
def get_top_product_tags(cls, product, num=5):
return [x.key().name() for x
in cls.all().ancestor(product).order('-count').fetch(num)]
The increment_tags method increments the count property on all the relevant tags. Since they all have the same parent entity, they're in the same entity group, and it can do this transactionally, in a single transaction.
The get_top_product_tags method does a simple datastore query to find the num top ranked tags for a product.
You should use a normalized schema and let SQL and the database engine be your friend. Have a single table with a design like this:
create table KeywordUse
( AppID int
, UserID int
, Sequence int
, Word varchar(50) -- or whatever makes sense
You can also have an identity primary key if you like, but AppID + UserID + Sequence is a candidate key (i.e. the combination of these three must be unique).
To find the top 5 keywords for any app, do a SQL query like this:
select top 5
count(AppID) as Frequency -- If you have an identity PK count that instead.
, Word
from KeywordUse
where AppID = #AppIDVariable...
group by Word, AppID
order by count(AppID) desc
If you are really, really worried about performance you could denormalize the results of this query into a table that shows the words for each app. Then you'd have to work out how often to refresh that snapshot.
As Nick Johnson so generously pointed out, aggregate functions are not available in GQL. However, the philosophy of my answer remains unchanged. Let the database engine do its job.
The table should be AppID, Word, and Frequency. (AppID and Word are the PK.) Then each use of the word would be added up as it is applied. Then, when you want to know the top five words for an app you select by AppID := #Value and order by Frequency (descending) with a LIMIT = 5.
You would need a separate table to track user keywords if that is important.

Tag hierarchies and handling of

This is a real issue that applies on tagging items in general (and yes, this applies to StackOverflow too, and no, it is not a question about StackOverflow).
The whole tagging issue helps cluster similar items, whatever items they may be (jokes, blog posts, so questions etc). However, there (usually but not strictly) is a hierarchy of tags, meaning that some tags imply other tags too. To use a familiar example, the "c#" so tag implies also ".net"; another example, in a jokes database, a "blondes" tag implies the "derisive" tag, similarly to "irish" or "belge" or "canadian" etc depending on the joke's country origin.
How have you handled this, if you have, in your projects? I will supply an answer describing two different methods I have used in two separate cases (actually, the same mechanism but implemented in two different environments), but I am also interested not only on similar mechanisms, but also on your opinion on the hierarchy issue.
This is a tough question. The two extremes are an ontology (everything is hierarchical) and a folksonomy (tags have no hierarchy). I have answered this on WikiAnswers, with a reference to Clay Shirky's "Ontology is Overrated" article which claims you should set no hierarchy.
Actually I would say that it is not so much a hierarchical system but a semantic net with felt distancies between tags meanings. What do I mean: mathematics is closer to experimental physics then to gardening.
Possibility to build such a net: Build pairs of tags and let people judge the perceived distance (using a measure like 1-10, meaning something like [synonyms, alike,...,antonyms], ...) and when searching, search for all tags within a certain distance.
Does a measure have to be equal distance if coming from the oposite direction ([a,b] close -> [b,a,] close)? Or does proximity imply [a,b] close and [b,c] close -> [a,b] close?
Maybe the first word will by default trigger another semantic field? If you start at "social worker", "analyst" ist near. If you start at "programmer", "analyst" is near as well. But starting at any of these points, you probably would not count the other as near ("sozial worker" is by no means close to "programmer").
You therefore would have only pairs judged and judged in both directions (in random order).
tagId integer
closeTagId integer
proximity integer
Example for selection of similar tags:
select closeTagId from TagRelations where tagId = :tagID and proximity < 3
The mechanism I have implemented was to not use the tags given themselves, but an indirect lookup table (not strictly DBMS terms) which links a tag to many implied tags (obviously, a tag is linked with itself for this to work).
In a python project, the lookup table is a dictionary keyed on tags, with values sets of tags (where tags are plain strings).
In a database project (indifferent which RDBMS engine it was), there were the following tables:
tagID integer primary key
tagName text
tagID integer # first part of two-field key
tagID_parent integer # second part of key
trlValue float
where the trlValue was a value in the (0, 1] space, used to give a gravity for the each linked tag; a self-to-self tag relation always carries 1.0 in the trlValue, while the rest are algorithmically calculated (it's not important how exactly). Think the example jokes database I gave; a ['blonde', 'derisive', 0.5] record would correlate to a ['pondian', 'derisive', 0.5] and therefore suggest all derisive jokes given another.