Demandware: Find Product's Category Position? - demandware

I'm updating a data feed export, which links a Product to a given Category. I want to also include that product's merchandising position within that category, which currently exists in Business Manger, and is used to control sorting on Product listing pages:
I'm digging through the API docs, and the logical place for this information to be exposed in in dw.catalog.CategoryAssignment, but it's not there. I'm currently inferring the position by essentially doing this:
// assume var product, category
var position = category.products.firstIndex(p => p.ID == product.ID);
However, this tells me where the Product got sorted to, not what the actual Position value is within Demandware. It works for now as an expedient hack, but I really want to replace it with something that pulls the actual value from DW.
Where in the Commerce Cloud API can I find the merchandising position for a given Product in a given Category?

I think you would'nt get the actual position of the product index as you may have multiple sorting rules to display different outputs on the category listing pages. These sorting rules can be created as and when required based on certain rules. I don't think this can be reflected on the product feed.

It took some digging, but I managed to find that the "Position" field for Products in the BM is stored as Product.searchPlacement. To find it, you have to look in Category.products, find the Product you want, and grab the searchPlacement property of that product.
In effect, I used:
// assume var product, category
var position = category.products.find(p => p.ID == product.ID).searchPlacement;
For Products that don't have a Position assigned in the Business Manager, searchPlacement is 0. Otherwise, it reflects the value entered in the BM.


REST API structure for multiple countries

I'm designing a REST API where you can search for data in different countries, but since you can search for the same thing, at the same time, in different countries (max 4), am I unsure of the best/correct way to do it.
This would work to start with to get data (I'm using cars as an example):
That request could return different ids for the different countries (uk=1,us=2,nl=3), so what do I do when data is requested for those 3 countries?
For a nice structure I could get the data one at the time:
But that is not very efficient since it hits the backend 3 times.
I could do this:
But that doesn't work very well if I want to add to that path:
Because that would then turn into:
Which doesn't look good.
Anyone got suggestions on how to structure this in a good way?
I answered a similar question before, so I will stick to that idea:
You have a set of elements -cars- and you want to filter it in some way. My advice is add any filter as a field. If the field is not present, then choose one country based on the locale of the client:,us,nl
This field should dissapear when you look for a specific car or its owner
because the country is not needed (unless the car ID 1 is reused for each country)
I really did not expect the id of the car can be shared by several cars, an ID should be unique (like a primary key in a database). Then, it makes sense to keep the country parameter with the owner's search:,us
This should return a list of people who own a car with the id 1... but for me this makes little sense as a functionality, in this search I'll only allow one country:

Getting Streets of a specific postcode using Open Street Maps

I want to write a code that has the Countrycode and Postcode as an input and the ouput are the streets that are in the given postcode using some apis that use GSM.
My tactic is as follows:
I need to get the relation Id of the district. For Example 1991416 is the relation id for the third district in Vienna - Austria. It's provided by the nominatim api:
Put the id in this api url:
After downloading the polygon I can put the gathered polygon in this query on the overpass api
(poly: "polygone data")
out geom;
And this gives me the streets of the searched district. My two problems with this solution are
1. that it takes quite a time, because asking three different APIs per request isn't that easy on ressources and
2. I don't know how to gather the relation Id from step one automatically. When I enter a Nominatim query like http:// I just get various point in the district, but not the relation id of the searched district in order to get the desired polygone.
So my questions are if someone can tell my how I can get the relation_Id in order to do the mentioned workflow or if there is another, maybe better way to work this issue out.
Thank you for your help!
Best Regards
You can simplify your approach quite a bit, down to a single Overpass API call, assuming you define some relevant tags to match the relation in question. In particular, you don't have to resort to using poly at all, i.e. there's no need to convert a relation to a list of lat/lon pairs. Nowadays the concept of an area can be used instead to query for certain objects in a polygon defined by a way or relation. Please check out the documentation for more details on areas.
To get the matching area for relation 1991416, I have used postal_code=1030 and boundary=administrative as filter criteria. Using that area you can then search for ways in this specific polygon:
//uncomment the following line, if you need csv output
//[out:csv(::id, ::type, name)];
//adjust area to your needs, filter critera are the same as for relations
// Alternative: {{geocodeArea:name}} -> see
(._;>;);out meta;
// just for checking if we're looking at the right area
rel(pivot.a);out geom;
Try it on overpass turbo link:
Note: not all ways/relations have a corresponding area, i.e. some area generation rules apply (see wiki page above). For your particular use case you should be ok, however.

Mahout: Recommending Items for a user in particular product category

What do we have as of now? - We are using Mahout's GenericItemBasedRecommender to get a list of recommended products for a user using TanimotoCoefficientSimilarity as ItemSimilarity.
Where do we want to go from here? - The above works fine when we don't care about product category but what we want to know is the Product Category specific recommendations i.e. Say if a user has been buying, browsing, liking etc. specifically more in Men's and Gadgets category, I would then want to show this user recommendation in that specific category saying Recommended for you in [X] where X would be replaced by Mens or Gadgets in this case. We are thinking about a couple of options below to achieve this and we need some leads/opinion/feedback etc. so as to make sure we are going in the right direction. Options:
Firstly we'll have to move to a non-tanimoto version for calculating item similarity so that we account for users buying, liking, etc and not only view/browsing data.
Figuring out product category for a particular user (this is where we need direction) - Our product category hierarchy is basically a tree and we need to know which top 4 nodes (with best recommendations) in tree we would show to the user. Also if we are saying that node X is a category which we are showing to the user and node Y is a parent of node X we then don't want show user products in category Y or any parent for that matter. Couple of ways achieving this:
For every user calculate SUM of similarity scores values of items for a nodes at leaf level and recursively calculate for parent node till the root. Now at each node we have A = SUM of similarity scores & B = Number of Items Recommended so we also have A/B=Value (V) at each node. Now we pick the top 4 V values from the tree and recommend that to the user. The challenge here is that if we try to calculate this online during the request it we would tough to limit this under 150 ms for the entire request. An Example:
Root Level - Category12 (A=11, B=4) (category1 + category2)
/ \
/ \
Leaf Level - category1 (A=6, B=2) category2 (A=5, B=2)
Recommended products in Category 1: Item1 (score = 2), Item2 (score = 4)
Recommended products in Category 2: Item3 (score = 1), Item4 (score = 4)
Second option: For every category create a cluster of users based on their behaviour (likes, buying, viewing etc.) and then figure out the top 4 categories to which the user belongs. Not sure if we can achieve this using clustering in Mahout but I think we can do this offline.
Please provide your feedback/suggestions/leads/thoughts.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to model more than one thing in your data, I would suggest to use the SVD recommender instead with the ALSWR factorizer set to implicit feedback. With that done you can have user,item,preference in your data and the preference value would be how strongly associated your user is to the item. You can play with the numbers, for example a purchase is a 20 and a view is just a 2. I'm just throwing numbers here, I wouldn't know what will work best for your data, because you can also model things proportionally, as in if a purchase is 30 times less likely to happen than a view, then a purchase should be 30 times stronger than a view.
Mahout provides a way to influence the recommendations through the IDRescorer. You implement your own logic here and decide how to affect the recommendations. For example, the IDRescorer would check if a recommendation candidate belongs to the same category and if it does, boost the score by X. There's an example here (link) from the Mahout in Action Book (which you should definitely read), showing a rescorer.
Hope this helps

How to order documents by a dynamic property in Mongoid

I am using Mongoid to store a series of geocoded listings. These listings need to be sorted by price and proximity. The price of every listing is a field in the database whereas distance is a dynamic property that is unique for every user.
class Listing
include Mongoid::Document
field :price
def distance
How can I sort these documents by distance? I tried #listing.desc(:distance) and that didn't work.
The short (and unhelpful) answer is: you can't.
Mongoid does have the ability to query based on 2d co-ordinates though, then you could update your controller to do something like this:
#listings = Listing.near(current_user.location)
Which I believe will return your listings in order of distance.
On a side note, I noticed that your Listing model is referring to your current_user object, which kinda breaks the MVC architecture, since your models shouldn't know anything about the current session.

Is it possible to prioritise the product order in Adobe Business Catalyst?

A client has asked if they can prioritise a certain product in their online catalogue so that it appears as the second product rather than the sixth or so. Is this possible?
This is all I can find in the help section, which points to a no answer.
Customizing how sub-catalogs list appears
rowLength Number of catalogs per
row targetFrame e.g. _blank.
Specify the frame you want the product
to open in resultsPerPage
Number of catalogs you wish to display
before the page paginates
notUsed this field is not currently
used. Leave empty. sortType
- Alphabetical
- Weight (Defaut) hideEmptyMessage if a catalog does not
have any sub-catalogs you will see a
message This catalog has no
sub-catalogs. You can hide it by
setting it to true.
Hopefully I'm just missing a really obvious control in the BC interface somewhere.
So that help documentation you've pulled up is regarding catalogs. If you want the catalogs to appear in a different order, use the "Weight" sortType in your tag_cataloguelist and assign weights to your catalogs when setting them up.
For individual products in the list view, assign a weight to each product under eCommerce > Products in the detailed product settings. You can also assign weights in bulk by downloading the entire product list then reimporting the product database.