"Fetching SVN revision history" error on Eclipse - eclipse

Yesterday I move my Eclipse workspace following this method to a bigger partition. It works fine I got back all my projects. Except about one option:
My projects are managed with SVN, I can still commit or update, but when I want to get the SVN history (right click on a procject => Team => Show History) I got the following error:
'Fetching SVN revision history' has encountered a problem
org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: The path is not a working copy folder.
svn: '/home/admin/workspace/myproject' is not a working copy
The workspace's old path was /home/admin/workspace/ and the new one is /media/1to/workspace/.
It seems that there is still a hardcoded path on the history config. Do you know how I can find this path in order to correct it?


bin-dir does not get ignored with SVN

I am working on a project using Eclipse 4.19.0. I also have Subclipse installed. However I started using TortoiseSVN 1.10. I have ignored files in a nested project (trunk > subproject > right click > TortoiseSVN > Properties) like:
However, if I trunk > right click > Commit, changes in subproject/bin/someFolder does still get shown. Weirdly the ignore works for subproject/build/*.
Any idea what could be the cause?
If a file has been commited to SVN then it doesn't matter if it is ignored or not. It will be handled like any other file you have checked out from the SVN repository.
So if you want to ignore files that have already been committed to SVN you first have to delete them from SVN.
TortoiseSVN has a functionality that combines deleting the file in SVN (but keeping it locally) and adding it to ignore list:
Unversion and add to ignore list:
The other ways like deleting the file locally and commit it or delete the file in SVN via SVN repo browser will end up in the local file being deleted. So you chose this way make sure to first copy the local files to a backup location so that you are able to restore the file(s) once the delete operation has been applied.

Subversive Eclipse SVN folder remains in conflict

I'm trying to commit using subversive svn in eclipse. But, it keeps giving me the following error:
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Aborting commit: 'C:\Users\_\Documents\Project\src\rule' remains in conflict
When I look into the files under "rule folder" (using package explorer), there is nothing in conflict..
Screenshot of the package explorer:
From other people's posts, I tried "update" and "synchronize with repository". No success though. It just doesn't let me commit!! I'm guessing it's because I need a way to tell that the conflict is solved, but I have no idea how. Any help??
I had the same problem and none of the solutions mentioned resolved my issue. When I would right-click on the folder, there was no option to resolve the conflict or mark as resolved or anything.
The way I resolved it in Eclipse (with Subclipse plugin), was right-clicking on the folder and selecting "Show Tree Conflicts". This opened up a view pane in Eclipse called "SVN Tree Conflicts" which showed the folder in question.
I right-clicked that message and selected "Resolve". Then a window popped up, asking what I wanted to do. I basically unchecked all the boxes, that had to do with accepting left file or right file or merging. Because basically, I just wanted to mark the conflict as resolved, and accept the folder as it was, from the repository.
Then I was able to continue updating my project without issues
I had a same problem with SVN in eclipse.
It help me following:
Right click on conflicting folder -> Team -> Synchronize with Repository;
Then go to -> Team Synchronizing perspective
In Synchronize tab right click on conflicting folder - Commit or Override and Commit

.so files are not committing to SVN

Possible duplicate
I fail to commit a .so library file using subclipse
I am developing an android application and in that I am trying to add some .so files from UlraliteJ framework. When I googled, I could see that .so files are ignored by SVN by default. So, I uncomment the line global-ignores in the config file of /.subversion folder as per this example
But, even then I was not able to commit them.
After that, I found the above post, so following that, I manually added .so files to version control and they have been added now.
But, now my problem is that they are not getting committed to SVN still. It fails with the following message,
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: File not found: transaction '1635-1c5', path '/SVNfolder/trunk/OS_Android/SVNProject/libs/armeabi/libmlcrsa12.so'
If any body knows the answer, can you please share it with me
Here is my solution to this annoying problem using Eclipse and SVN
select the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective.
choose the right folder where the .so files should be in the "SVN Repositories" view.
right click and choose the "import" menu
in the pop out dialog, choose a local path which containing the .so files, input the commit comment and hit OK button.
now the .so file are at the correct position.
Finally, I am able to commit after a day of effort. Thanks to this guy,
SVN: Folder already under version control but not comitting?
All you need to do is, take a back up of your project. Go to the problematic folder. In my case it was armeabi folder inside /lib of my project. View hidden files. There will be a .svn folder. Delete that.
Then revert back the .so files, clean the project. Add them back to the version control. Now along with the files, one more file named svn-commit.tmp.save is also created. Don't worry. Just commit the whole folder. Thus it is committed now.
How ever, I din't exactly know the need for deleting .svn folder.

Start using Eclipse GIT with an existing project ... project files get moved

Yesterday I wanted to start using Eclipse eGIT on an existing project following the instructions on http://www.vogella.com/articles/EGit/article.html
This tutorial suggests to have the git repository outside of the workspace, and I followed this suggestion.
After the step "5.5. Using the Git Staging view for the initial commit" I committed my initial commit. Then I continued editing one of my source files that was still open. But when I tried to save my changes, Eclipse complained that the source file was no longer there.
Then I checked both my workspace and git folder, and the project files were only in git. This is mentioned nowhere in the tutorial. Is this normal behavior?
Even more surprising: In order to continue working normally with my already open files, I copied the project subfolder from .git back to the workspace folder. And now everything seems to be fine. My changes are reflected in workspace folder as well as in "Unstaged Changes" in the Git Staging view and in git folder.
Is this expected behavior?
I found out that the files really get moved. I needed to close all the open project files and then open them from package explorer again (which will open the files from git repository).

Commiting new files to SVN through eclipse

I'm working on a project for which I'm using the plugin Subeclipse in Eclipse to commit changes to our SVN repository. It is the first time I'm using SVN and I was trying to create a branch when I accidentally got a commit in which all my files were deleted.
So I went back to a working revision and I want to commit it. However, because all the files are deleted the commit fails with a File not found and path not found error.
svn: File not found: transaction '5148-475', path '/ndeklein/MS/PyMS/pyMS/rPlots.py'
svn: '/svn/test/!svn/ver/5147/ndeklein/MS/PyMS/pyMS/rPlots.py' path not found: 404 Not Found (https://test.ac.uk)
I tried importing the whole project to SVN through the commandline with svn import, but this gives the following error:
svn: MKCOL of '/svn/barton/!svn/wrk/be218e50-2605-479e-af1c-ebd8b08b8164/ndeklein/MS/PyMS': 405 Method Not Allowed (https://test.ac.uk)
Doing an update removes all the files again (since the revision it is at now still has all the files removed)
So how can I commit a bunch of new files with SVN?
Subversion (inside and outside Eclipse) has no option to work on previous revisions. So you can do the following steps:
Ensure that your are current by doing an update.
Then copy the files you want to commit (again) in your working copy. You will of course loose the history of these items then.
Add them to your working copy (svn add).
Commit them at the end.
Alternatively, you could copy the files on the server into the HEAD. By doing this, the history of the files is continued. Then you are able to do an update first, change what you want to change and commit your changes.