Subversive Eclipse SVN folder remains in conflict - eclipse

I'm trying to commit using subversive svn in eclipse. But, it keeps giving me the following error:
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Aborting commit: 'C:\Users\_\Documents\Project\src\rule' remains in conflict
When I look into the files under "rule folder" (using package explorer), there is nothing in conflict..
Screenshot of the package explorer:
From other people's posts, I tried "update" and "synchronize with repository". No success though. It just doesn't let me commit!! I'm guessing it's because I need a way to tell that the conflict is solved, but I have no idea how. Any help??

I had the same problem and none of the solutions mentioned resolved my issue. When I would right-click on the folder, there was no option to resolve the conflict or mark as resolved or anything.
The way I resolved it in Eclipse (with Subclipse plugin), was right-clicking on the folder and selecting "Show Tree Conflicts". This opened up a view pane in Eclipse called "SVN Tree Conflicts" which showed the folder in question.
I right-clicked that message and selected "Resolve". Then a window popped up, asking what I wanted to do. I basically unchecked all the boxes, that had to do with accepting left file or right file or merging. Because basically, I just wanted to mark the conflict as resolved, and accept the folder as it was, from the repository.
Then I was able to continue updating my project without issues

I had a same problem with SVN in eclipse.
It help me following:
Right click on conflicting folder -> Team -> Synchronize with Repository;
Then go to -> Team Synchronizing perspective
In Synchronize tab right click on conflicting folder - Commit or Override and Commit


How to resolve a git conflict when pulling (in eclipse)

I accidentally made a mess of and then deleted a java project from eclipse (more specifically, I accidentally moved the classes to a different project and then moved them back, and then deleted the project [from the file system] in eclipse), and now whenever I try to do team -> pull (after running ant -f ...), a window pops up saying that there's a checkout conflict with the files that were deleted. How do I get past this conflict and make pulling work again? I could create a new workspace, checkout everything into there again, and copy the code that I'm currently developing into that workspace, but there must be an easier way. Please educate this git n00b.
Open the "Git repositories" view (Ctrl 3 -> git repositories), right-click your project, select "reset".
In the following dialog, enter "HEAD" in the "Reset to (expression)" field and select Hard.
This will completly reset your workspace to pristine state.
Now, reimport your deleted project (File -> import... -> Existing project")
Now everything is back to the state before your "mess" and you can pull again.

How to Resolve Conflict in Eclipse SVN

While using Eclipse in coding and SVN for the team repository, I am having trouble in having conflicts in Eclipse.
Supposing I have a conflict and there 3 automatically generated files. Once I have resolved the conflict, I can't find the command how to commit the solution of the conflict and automatically deleting the generated files.
In SVN outside Eclipse, there is a Resolve Conflict function and the codes will be updated. Also, the generated files for the conflict will be deleted. Is there a similar method in Eclipse or I have to manually delete the generated files and commit the solution?
Aside from the answers shown in the related question, it is also possible to solve the conflict, delete the automatically generated files and Mark as Merged.
I had the same problem and none of the solutions mentioned resolved my issue.
When I would right-click on the folder, there was no option to resolve the conflict or mark as resolved or anything.
The way I resolved it in Eclipse (with Subclipse plugin), was right-clicking on the folder and selecting "Show Tree Conflicts". This opened up a view pane in Eclipse called "SVN Tree Conflicts" which showed the folder in question.
I right-clicked that message and selected "Resolve". Then a window popped up, asking what I wanted to do. I basically unchecked all the boxes, that had to do with accepting left file or right file or merging. Because basically, I just wanted to mark the conflict as resolved, and accept the folder as it was, from the repository.
Then I was able to continue updating my project without issues.
The way I do it is change perspective to 'Team Synchronising' and in the synchronise tab you right click the file and select 'Mark as merged'
In Eclipse on the Team menu you can choose either edit conflicts or mark resolved
see Subclipse conflict resolution
Another solution (similar to princepieros) is to Right-Click your project -> Execute an entire commit -> It will show "Conflict" items -> Right-Click these items and hit "Mark as Merged" or "Edit Conflict". This did the trick for me. Hope it helps.
I did the following steps:
Go to the Package Explorer View. Mark the folders that you want to be checked for the conflicts (I selected all).
Right click and go to "Team" -> "Synchronize with Repository". Wait a moment.
In the "Team Synchronizing"-Perspective, you should see all changes files (incoming, outgoing, conflicted files etc.)
the conflicted files should be extended by the prefix, and have this structure: <-- Original file <-- My file <-- Their file (incoming file that caused conflict)
Right click of the original file and choose "Edit conflict"
Right click and .mark as resolved

Reconnecting a project to SVN in Eclipse

I have a project that has been versioned by SVN for months, but now all of a sudden it seems that Eclipse does not recognize the project as being under version control. In the team menu, I only have Apply Patch... and Share Project...
I tried Share Project as suggested elsewhere, but Eclipse doesn't recognize the project as being under version control.
All the svn dirs exist.
Interestingly, I tried sharing the project to a different repository and I got an error saying that the project was already a working copy for another URL.
Any ideas?
There are a few things that you can try.
If the project is in synch with SVN, probably the easiest way is to delete it and check it out anew.
Otherwise, you can try to delete the project from your workspace (not from disk!) and to re-import it into the workspace.
If that does not work, you can try to use the SVN command line tools, e.g. svn commit, to synchronize your local project with the SVN repository (and check it out anew using Eclipse).
In case the SVN command line tools do not work, there might to be an actual problem with the SVN files. In this case, you could back up your project (with unsynched changes), check out the project from SVN, and use an offline-diff-tool such as diff or meld to carry the changes over to the newly checked-out project.
Try following: Rigth click -> Team->'share projectS' (plural, in singular does not work) in your disconnected project
I cannot reproduce it now in my PC but there appears a option to reconnect to svn -or to connect using svn information that exists in project-. (Just do as you were going to put a new project in svn, it will see the svn info and will asks you to use it)
I hate that problems....
Team > Share project works fine. The disadvantage is SVN supports to share projects one by one rather than many projects at a time.
4 years too late, but for anyone who faces this problem :
If while disconnecting from SVN, the meta-data was erased :
Right click on the project ->
Team -> Share Project -> SVN ->
Use existing repository location -> Next ->
Browse to your project's trunk folder -> OK -> Next ->
Here you will get a commit comment box. Just press Finish ->
A warning sign is displayed in a popup window saying "The project xxx already exists in the repository and has some content. Do you wish to proceed?" ->
Click yes ->
A window will popup showing the progress of prepare commit ->
After completion you will get the actual commit window showing all the resources as modified ->
Click CANCEL here ->
It will connect your local project to SVN and also will not commit anything.
I had better luck with the singular version of 'share project'. Had to manually add 'trunk' to the suggested repository path.

How do I reconnect a moved git repository with it's original project in Egit?

I have a number of projects within an Eclipse workspace. One project is connected with a git repository. This is the original directory/project structure:
After reading about the complications that can arise from keeping a git repository within the parent directory of a project in a workspace (here), I decided it would be best to move the repository outside the workspace. Here is the revised structure:
Within the "Git Repositories" view I re-added the repository. I thought it would be simple to reconnect the repository to "Project1" by altering a few file path settings. I found that this was not possible from Project1's properties (right click on project -> properties). I noticed that within the "Share Project" wizard you can connect to an "existing repository". So I disconnected the project from the now non-existent repository and I tried to reconnect it using the "Share Project" wizard. But although the repository is shown in the "Git Repositories" view, I was unable to select it. I clicked the "create" button and tried typing in the file path but this gave me an error stating that the directory is "not empty".
So I have now become stuck as there seems to be no other options available. How can I reconnect this repository? I'm surprised by how complicated this is, I must be doing something really obviously wrong. I really need to get on with some work and messing around with Egit is taking up all of my time.
I ran into this same problem and here was my solution:
Copy your repository(including the .git directory and the working directory) to wherever your new location.
Add your new repository in the "Git Repositories" view in eclipse.
Then import your "Projects from Git".
The point is: try not to reconnect, just import the projects from your new repository into your eclipse workspace.
Hope this helps.
Select your project(If you have many projects don't forget the clic to the right one)
*clic right -->team -->Share project
Go to your project directory
open a console - type cmd
run git init
check your branch with - git branch
change branch - git checkout
You need to have a git tool installed in your computer.
it worked for me.

Eclipse Egit Not Detecting Changed Files

I have been using Egit and Eclipse together for well over a year. I recently upgraded my computer and had to reinstall everything. Previously whenever I would make a change to a file it would immediately get picked up by Egit and show with the red highlight and star next to the file name in the project explorer.
I have everything back up and running exactly as it was, however whenever I make a change the change is not picked up by Egit. I have to perform a 'git status' in order for the files to show as ready to be staged in the file explorer. Am I doing something wrong to have Egit automatically detect changed files and has anyone else had this problem?
which version of EGit are you using
do you get the egit team menu if you right-click any resource in your git tracked project ?
if not then you need to do "Team > Share > Git", then check "Use or create repository in
parent folder of project". If you are using a very recent nightly build version this
will be checked automatically.
when you modify a file tracked by (e)git a text decorator ">" should
appear in front of the modified file
as soon as you stage the modified file (Team > Add) the decorator should show the star
also the staging view should always show the git status for all modified files
You need to "Add to index" all files again probably
Track Changes Click Team > Add on the project node. (This menu item
may read Add to Index on recent versions of Egit)
(From the EGit docs:)
What I've found is that you need to make sure that your git repositories are showing up in the Eclipse Git Repositories view.
In the repositories view, you click on the [very] little Git icon with a green + (plus) sign to Add and Existing Local Git Repository.
Browse to the directory that already has a .git subdir and click Finish. You should then see you local repo show up in that list.
Then you can right click on the repo while still in the repositories view and add pull down to Import Projects.
"Import existing projects" is selected. Click Next.
Your project should be checked off. Add it to a working set if necessary. Click Next (maybe Finish).
I had a similar issue where all my changes just disappeared. Somehow, Eclipse had unselected my Git repository. Once I selected it again, they all came back.
If you have already added your files to Stage then change the branch it will ask you to commit/stash/reset
I faced the same problem. From your git repository view: Right-click -> Show in git staging
For me I have clicked Team --> Advanced --> No Assume Unchanged, fixed the issue
I faced the same problem using eclipse version 2021.12. Whenever I made changes on file, the eclipse didn't detect it.
I solve it by using Intelij IDE.
i just faced this problem by now, and i resolved by clicking in button Refresh in Git Staging: