How to design deep convolutional neural networks? [closed] - neural-network

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Closed 1 year ago.
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As I understand it, all CNNs are quite similar. They all have a convolutional layers followed by pooling and relu layers. Some have specialised layers like FlowNet and Segnet. My doubt is how should we decide how many layers to use and how do we set the kernel size for each layer in the network. I have searched for an answer to this question but I couldn't find a concrete answer. Is the network designed using trial and error or are some specific rules that I am not aware of? If you could please clarify this, I would be very grateful to you.

Short answer: if there are design rules, we haven't discovered them yet.
Note that there are comparable questions in computing. For instance, note that there is only a handful of basic electronic logic units, the gates that drive your manufacturing technology. All computing devices use the same Boolean logic; some have specialised additions, such as photoelectric input or mechanical output.
How do you decide how to design your computing device?
The design depends on the purpose of the CNN. Input characteristics, accuracy, training speed, scoring speed, adaptation, computing resources, ... all of these affect the design. There is no generalized solution, even for a given problem (yet).
For instance, consider the ImageNet classification problem. Note the structural differences between the winners and contenders so far: AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResNet, VGG, etc. If you change inputs (say, to MNIST), then these are overkill. If you change the paradigm, they may be useless. GoogleNet may be a prince of image processing, but it's horrid for translating spoken French to written English. If you want to track a hockey puck in real time on your video screen, forget these implementations entirely.
So far, we're doing this the empirical way: a lot of people try a lot of different things to see what works. We get feelings for what will improve accuracy, or training time, or whatever factor we want to tune. We find what works well with total CPU time, or what we can do in parallel. We change algorithms to take advantage of vector math in lengths that are powers of 2. We change problems slightly and see how the learning adapts elsewhere. We change domains (say, image processing to written text), and start all over -- but with a vague feeling of what might tune a particular bottleneck, once we get down to considering certain types of layers.
Remember, CNNs really haven't been popular for that long, barely 6 years. For the most part, we're still trying to learn what the important questions might be. Welcome to the research team.


Are compilers getting better at optimizing code over time, and if so at what rate? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We know for example that Moores law states that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every 1.8-2 years (and hence computing power has been approximately increasing at this rate). This got me thinking about compiler optimizations. Are compilers getting better a making codes run faster as time goes on? If they are is there any theory as to how this performance increase scales? If I were to take a piece of code written in 1970 compiled with 1970 compiler optimizations would that same code run faster on the same machine but compiled with todays optimizations? Can I expect a piece a code written today to run faster in say a 100 years solely as the result of better optimizations/compilers (obviously independent of improvements in hardware and algorithm improvements)?
This is a complex, multi-faceted question, so let me try to hit on a few key points:
Compiler optimization theory is highly complex and is often (far) more difficult than the actual design of the language in the first place. This domain incorporates many other complex mathematical subdomains (eg, directed graph theory). Some problems in compiler optimization theory are known to be NP-complete or even undecidable (which represent the most complex categories of problems to solve).
While there are hundreds of known techniques (see here, for example) the implementation of these techniques is highly dependent on both the computer language and the targeted CPU (such as instruction set and pipelines). Because computer languages and CPUs are constantly evolving, the optimal implementations of even well-known techniques can change over time. New CPU features and architectures can also open up previously unavailable optimization techniques. Some of the most cutting-edge techniques may also be proprietary and thus not available to the general public for reuse. For example, several commerical JVMs offer specialty optimizations to the JIT-compilation of Java bytecode which are quantitatively superior to (default) open-source JVMs on a statistical basis.
There is an unmistakable historical trend toward better and better compiler optimization. This is why, for example, it is quite rare nowadays that any manual assembly coding is done regularly. But due to the factors already discussed (and others), the evolution of the efficiency and benefits provided by automatic compiler optimizations has been quite non-linear historically. This is in contrast to the fairly consistent curvature of Moore's law and other laws relating to computer hardware improvements. Compiler optimization's track record is probably better visualized as a line with many "fits and starts". Because the factors driving the non-linearity of compiler optimization theory will not likely change in the immediate future, it's likely this trajectory will remain non-linear for at least the near future.
It would be quite difficult to state even an average rate of improvement when languages themselves are coming and going, not to mention CPU models with different hardware features coming and going. CPUs have evolved different instruction sets and instruction set extensions over time, so it's quite difficult to even do an "apples to apples" comparison. This is true regardless of which metric you use: program length in terms of discrete instructions, program execution time (highly dependent on CPU clock speed and pipelining capabilities), or others.
Compiler optimization theory is probably now in the regime of diminishing returns. That is to say that most of the "low hanging" fruit have been addressed and much of the remaining optimizations are either quite complex or provide relatively small marginal improvements. Perhaps the greatest coming factor which will disruptively impact compiler optimization theory will be the advent of weak (or strong) AI. Because many of the future gains in compiler optimization theory will require highly complex predictive capabilities, the best optimizers will actually have some level of innate intelligence (for example, to predict the most common user inputs, to predict the most common execution paths, and to reduce NP-hard optimization problems into solvable sub-problems, etc.). It could very well be possible in the future that every piece of software you use is specifically custom compiled just for you in a tailored way to your specific use cases, interests, and requirements. Imagine that your OS (operating system) is specifically compiled or re-compiled just for you based on your specific use cases as a scientist vs. a video gamer vs. a corporate executive, or old vs. young, or any other combination of demographics that potentially impact code execution.

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Audio [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have been following the tutorials on to learn how to implement a convolutional neural network that extracts features from images. The tutorial are well explained, easy to understand and follow.
I want to extend the same CNN to extract multi-modal features from videos (images + audio) at the same time.
I understand that video input is nothing but a sequence of images (pixel intensities) displayed in a period of time (ex. 30 FPS) associated with audio. However, I don't really understand what audio is, how it works, or how it is broken down to be feed into the network.
I have read a couple of papers on the subject (multi-modal feature extraction/representation), but none have explained how audio is inputed to the network.
Moreover, I understand from my studies that multi-modality representation is the way our brains really work as we don't deliberately filter out our senses to achieve understanding. It all happens simultaneously without us knowing about it through (joint representation). A simple example would be, if we hear a lion roar we instantly compose a mental image of a lion, feel danger and vice-versa. Multiple neural patterns are fired in our brains to achieve a comprehensive understanding of what a lion looks like, sounds like, feels like, smells like, etc.
The above mentioned is my ultimate goal, but for the time being I'm breaking down my problem for the sake of simplicity.
I would really appreciate if anyone can shed light on how audio is dissected and then later on represented in a convolutional neural network. I would also appreciate your thoughts with regards to multi-modal synchronisation, joint representations, and what is the proper way to train a CNN with multi-modal data.
I have found out the audio can be represented as spectrograms. It as a common format for audio and is represented as a graph with two geometric dimensions where the horizontal line represents time and the vertical represents frequency.
Is it possible to use the same technique with images on these spectrograms? In other words can I simply use these spectrograms as input images for my convolutional neural network?
We used deep convolutional networks on spectrograms for a spoken language identification task. We had around 95% accuracy on a dataset provided in this TopCoder contest. The details are here.
Plain convolutional networks do not capture the temporal characteristics, so for example in this work the output of the convolutional network was fed to a time-delay neural network. But our experiments show that even without additional elements convolutional networks can perform well at least on some tasks when the inputs have similar sizes.
There are many techniques to extract feature vectors from audio data in order to train classifiers. The most commonly used is called MFCC (Mel-frequency cepstrum), which you can think of as a "improved" spectrogram, retaining more relevant information to discriminate between classes. Other commonly used technique is PLP (Perceptual Linear Predictive), which also gives good results. These are still many other less known.
More recently deep networks have been used to extract features vectors by themselves, thus more similarly the way we do in image recognition. This is a active area of research. Not long ago we also used feature extractors to train classifiers for images (SIFT, HOG, etc.), but these were replaced by deep learning techniques, which have raw images as inputs and extract feature vectors by themselves (indeed it's what deep learning is really all about).
It's also very important to notice that audio data is sequential. After training a classifier you need to train a sequential model as a HMM or CRF, which chooses the most likely sequences of speech units, using as input the probabilities given by your classifier.
A good starting point to learn speech recognition is Jursky and Martins: Speech and Language Processing. It explains very well all these concepts.
[EDIT: adding some potentially useful information]
There are many speech recognition toolkits with modules to extract MFCC feature vectors from audio files, but using than for this purpose is not always straightforward. I'm currently using CMU Sphinx4. It has a class named FeatureFileDumper, that can be used standalone to generate MFCC vectors from audio files.

Training for pattern recognition (neural network)

How do you train Neural Network for pattern recognition? For example a face recognition in a picture how would you define the output neurons? (eg. how to detect where is the face exactly, rather than just saying that there is a face in camera). Also, how about detecting multiple faces and different size of faces?
If anyone could give me a pointer it would be really great
Generally speaking I would split the problem into multiple stages e.g.
1 - Is there a face in the picture?
2 - Where is the face in the picture?
3 - Is the face in the picture one that the NN (Neural network) recognises?
In each instance I would suggest you build a separate NN and train it to answer the questions posed.
As for the structure of the NN, that's a bit trickier to answer as it depends on your input data and desired output. For example if you had a 100x100 px image then I suppose its feasible to have 10,000 inputs. You might want to consider doing some preprocessing before hand to say detect ovals that way you could look and see if there are a number of ovals in a predictable outline (1 for the face, 2 for the eyes, and one for the mouth possibly). If you are preprocessing the data then you might have inputs for each oval.
Now for the output... for question one you could just have one output to say how sure the NN is that there is a face in the input data i.e a valuer of 0.0 (defiantly no face) --> 1.0 (defiantly a face). This way you can move onto stages 2 and 3.
I might say at this point that this is a non-trivial problem and you might be better to have a look at some of the frameworks available e.g. OpenCV
Now for the training part, you need to have a stockpile of images available to train the NN. There are a number of ways in which you could train the NN. One potential solution is to use a technique called back propagation 1, 2. In general terms, you use the NN on an image and compare it to a predetermined output. If its wrong tweak the NN to produce the desired output and repeat.
If you want a good book on AI, then I would highly recommend Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russell and Norvig. Im sure that there are more appropriate Computer Vision textbooks, but the Russell & Norvig book is an excellent starter.
Dear GantengX, you should prepare your self to the fact that the answer is so large, complex and hard to understand. There is so many approaches to pattern and face recognition. And implementing real-life face recognition system is a huge array of work that one person can never handle. Prepare your self for at least 10 years of life behind books on mathematic and artificial intelligence, I'm not talking about hiring 5 highly payed developers in the end who will understand what you want them to do. And maybe you will end up having your own face recognition system. There are also dozen of other issues that will jump out during the process. So be ready for a life full of stresses and problems.
I'm sorry for telling obvious things, but your question was not specific, complete answer would touch many different scientific spheres and will result as a book with over 1k pages.
Regarding your question (the short answer).
There are several principal parts that each face recognition app consists of:
Artificial intelligence algorithm
Optimization algorithm (for AI optimization)
Different filtration algorithms
Effective data set development
Items 1. and 2. are the central part of each system, they do the actual work. Any other preprocessing just makes the input data less complex, making it easier to do a decision for your AI. Don't start 3. and 4. until you will have your first results.
Using existing solutions is more cost-effective, but if you are studying things then don't loose time like I did, and start your dissertation right away.

Choose the right classification algorithm. Linear or non-linear? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I find this question a little tricky. Maybe someone knows an approach to answer this question. Imagine that you have a dataset(training data) which you don't know what it is about. Which features of training data would you look at in order to infer classification algorithm to classify this data? Can we say anything whether we should use a non-linear or linear classification algorithm?
By the way, I am using WEKA to analyze the data.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
This is in fact two questions in one ;-)
Feature selection
Linear or not
add "algorithm selection", and you probably have three most fundamental questions of classifier design.
As an aside note, it's a good thing that you do not have any domain expertise which would have allowed you to guide the selection of features and/or to assert the linearity of the feature space. That's the fun of data mining : to infer such info without a priori expertise. (BTW, and while domain expertise is good to double-check the outcome of the classifier, too much a priori insight may make you miss good mining opportunities). Without any such a priori knowledge you are forced to establish sound methodologies and apply careful scrutiny to the results.
It's hard to provide specific guidance, in part because many details are left out in the question, and also because I'm somewhat BS-ing my way through this ;-). Never the less I hope the following generic advice will be helpful
For each algorithm you try (or more precisely for each set of parameters for a given algorithm), you will need to run many tests. Theory can be very helpful, but there will remain a lot of "trial and error". You'll find Cross-Validation a valuable technique.
In a nutshell, [and depending on the size of the available training data], you randomly split the training data in several parts and train the classifier on one [or several] of these parts, and then evaluate the classifier on its performance on another [or several] parts. For each such run you measure various indicators of performance such as Mis-Classification Error (MCE) and aside from telling you how the classifier performs, these metrics, or rather their variability will provide hints as to the relevance of the features selected and/or their lack of scale or linearity.
Independently of the linearity assumption, it is useful to normalize the values of numeric features. This helps with features which have an odd range etc.
Within each dimension, establish the range within, say, 2.5 standard deviations on either side of the median, and convert the feature values to a percentage on the basis of this range.
Convert nominal attributes to binary ones, creating as many dimensions are there are distinct values of the nominal attribute. (I think many algorithm optimizers will do this for you)
Once you have identified one or a few classifiers with a relatively decent performance (say 33% MCE), perform the same test series, with such a classifier by modifying only one parameter at a time. For example remove some features, and see if the resulting, lower dimensionality classifier improves or degrades.
The loss factor is a very sensitive parameter. Try and stick with one "reasonnable" but possibly suboptimal value for the bulk of the tests, fine tune the loss at the end.
Learn to exploit the "dump" info provided by the SVM optimizers. These results provide very valuable info as to what the optimizer "thinks"
Remember that what worked very well wih a given dataset in a given domain may perform very poorly with data from another domain...
coffee's good, not too much. When all fails, make it Irish ;-)
Wow, so you have some training data and you don't know whether you are looking at features representing words in a document, or genese in a cell and need to tune a classifier. Well, since you don't have any semantic information, you are going to have to do this soley by looking at statistical properties of the data sets.
First, to formulate the problem, this is more than just linear vs non-linear. If you are really looking to classify this data, what you really need to do is to select a kernel function for the classifier which may be linear, or non-linear (gaussian, polynomial, hyperbolic, etc. In addition each kernel function may take one or more parameters that would need to be set. Determining an optimal kernel function and parameter set for a given classification problem is not really a solved problem, there are only useful heuristics and if you google 'selecting a kernel function' or 'choose kernel function', you will be treated to many research papers proposing and testing various approaches. While there are many approaches, one of the most basic and well travelled is to do a gradient descent on the parameters-- basically you try a kernel method and a parameter set , train on half your data points and see how you do. Then you try a different set of parameters and see how you do. You move the parameters in the direction of best improvement in accuracy until you get satisfactory results.
If you don't need to go through all this complexity to find a good kernel function, and simply want an answer to linear or non-linear. then the question mainly comes down to two things: Non linear classifiers will have a higher risk of overfitting (undergeneralizing) since they have more dimensions of freedom. They can suffer from the classifier merely memorizing sets of good data points, rather than coming up with a good generalization. On the other hand a linear classifier has less freedom to fit, and in the case of data that is not linearly seperable, will fail to find a good decision function and suffer from high error rates.
Unfortunately, I don't know a better mathematical solution to answer the question "is this data linearly seperable" other than to just try the classifier itself and see how it performs. For that you are going to need a smarter answer than mine.
Edit: This research paper describes an algorithm which looks like it should be able to determine how close a given data set comes to being linearly seperable.

Project ideas for discrete mathematics course using MATLAB? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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A professor asked me to help making a specification for a college project.
By the time the students should know the basics of programming.
The professor is a mathematician and has little experience in other programming languages, so it should really be in MATLAB.
I would like some projects ideas. The project should
last about 1 to 2 months
be done individually
have web interface would be great
doesn't necessary have to go deep in maths, but some would be great
use a database (or store data in files)
What kind of project would make the students excited?
If you have any other tips I'll appreciate.
UPDATE: The students are sophomores and have already studied vector calculus. This project is for an one year Discrete Mathematics course.
UPDATE 2: The topics covered in the course are
Formal Logic
Proofs, Recursion, and Analysis of Algorithms
Sets and Combinatorics
Relations, Functions, and Matrices
Graphs and Trees
Graph Algorithms
Boolean Algebra and Computer Logic
Modeling Arithmetic, Computation, and Languages
And it'll be based on this book Mathematical Structures for Computer Science: A Modern Approach to Discrete Mathematics by Judith L. Gersting
General Suggestions:
There are many teaching resources at The MathWorks that may give you some ideas for course projects. Some sample links:
The MATLAB Central blogs, specifically some posts by Loren that include using LEGO Mindstorms in teaching and a webinar about MATLAB for teaching (note: you will have to sign up to see the webinar)
The Curriculum Exchange: a repository of course materials
Teaching with MATLAB and Simulink: a number of other links you may find useful
Specific Suggestions:
One of my grad school projects in non-linear dynamics that I found interesting dealt with Lorenz oscillators. A Lorenz oscillator is a non-linear system of three variables that can exhibit chaotic behavior. Such a system would provide an opportunity to introduce the students to numerical computation (iterative methods for simulating systems of differential equations, stability and convergence, etc.).
The most interesting thing about this project was that we were using Lorenz oscillators to encode and decode signals. This "encrypted communication" aspect was really cool, and was based on the following journal article:
Kevin M. Cuomo and Alan V. Oppenheim,
Circuit Implementation of Synchronized Chaos with Applications
to Communications, Physical Review
Letters 71(1), 65-68 (1993)
The article addresses hardware implementations of a chaotic communication system, but the equivalent software implementation should be simple enough to derive (and much easier for the students to implement!).
Some other useful aspects of such a project:
The behavior of the system can be visualized in 2-D and 3-D plots, thus exposing the students to a number of graphing utilities in MATLAB (PLOT, PLOT3, COMET, COMET3, etc.).
Audio signals can be read from files, encrypted using the Lorenz equations, written out to a new file, and then decrypted once again. You could even have the students each encrypt a signal with their Lorenz oscillator code and give it to another student to decrypt. This would introduce them to various file operations (FREAD, FWRITE, SAVE, LOAD, etc.), and you could even introduce them to working with audio data file formats.
You can introduce the students to the use of the PUBLISH command in MATLAB, which allows you to format M-files and publish them to various output types (like HTML or Word documents). This will teach them techniques for making useful help documentation for their MATLAB code.
I have found that implementing and visualizing Dynamical systems is great
for giving an introduction to programming and to an interesting branch of
applied mathematics. Because one can see the 'life' in these systems,
our students really enjoy this practical module.
We usually start off by visualizing a 1D attractor, so that we can
overlay the evolution rule/rate of change with the current state of
the system. That way you can teach computational aspects (integrating the system) and
visualization, and the separation of both in implementation (on a simple level, refreshing
graphics at every n-th computation step, but in C++ leading to threads, unsure about MATLAB capabilities here).
Next we add noise, and then add a sigmoidal nonlinearity to the linear attractor. We combine this extension with an introduction to version control (we use a sandbox SVN repository for this): The
students first have to create branches, modify the evolution rule and then merge
it back into HEAD.
When going 2D you can simply start with a rotation and modify it to become a Hopf oscillator, and visualize either by morphing a grid over time or by going 3D when starting with a distinct point. You can also visualize the bifurcation diagram in 3D. So you again combine generic MATLAB skills like 3D plotting with the maths.
To link in other topics, browse around in wikipedia: you can bring in hunter/predator models, chaotic systems, physical systems, etc.etc.
We usually do not teach object-oriented-programming from within MATLAB, although it is possible and you can easily make up your own use cases in the dynamical systems setting.
When introducing inheritance, we will already have moved on to C++, and I'm again unaware of MATLAB's capabilities here.
Coming back to your five points:
Duration is easily adjusted, because the simple 1D attractor can be
done quickly and from then on, extensions are ample and modular.
We assign this as an individual task, but allow and encourage discussion among students.
About the web interface I'm at a loss: what exactly do you have in mind, why is it
important, what would it add to the assignment, how does it relate to learning MATLAB.
I would recommend dropping this.
Complexity: A simple attractor is easily understood, but the sky's the limit :)
Using a database really is a lot different from config files. As to the first, there
is a database toolbox for accessing databases from MATLAB. Few institutes have the license though, and apart from that: this IMHO does not belong into such a course. I suggest introducing to the concept of config files, e.g. for the location and strength of the attractor, and later for the system's respective properties.
All this said, I would at least also tell your professor (and your students!) that Python is rising up against MATLAB. We are in the progress of going Python with our tutorials, but I understand if someone wants to stick with what's familiar.
Also, we actually need the scientific content later on, so the usefulness for you will probably depend on which department your course will be related to.
A lot of things are possible.
The first example that comes in mind is to model a public transportation network (the network of your city, with underground, buses, tramways, ...). It is represented by a weighted directed graph (you can use sparse matrix to represent it, for example).
You may, for example, ask them to compute the shortest path from one station to another one (Moore-dijkistra algorithm, for example) and display it.
So, for the students, the several steps to do are:
choose an appropriate representation for the network (it could be some objects to represent the properties of the stations and the lines, and a sparse matrix for the network)
load all the data (you can provide them the data in an XML file)
be able to draw the network (since you will put the coordinates of the stations)
calculate the shortest path from one point to another and display it in a pretty way
create a fronted (with GUI)
Of course, this could be complicated by adding connection times (when you change from one line to another), asking for several options (shortest path with minimum connections, take in considerations the time you loose by waiting for a train/bus, ...)
The level of details will depend on the level of the students and the time they could spend on it (it could be very simple, or very realist)
You want to do a project with a web interface and a database, but not any serious math... and you're doing it in MATLAB? Do you understand that MATLAB is especially designed to be used for "deep math", and not for web interfaces or databases?
I think if this is an intro to a Discrete Mathematics course, you should probably do something involving Discrete Mathematics, and not waste the students' time as they learn a bunch of things in that language that they'll never actually use.
Why not do something involving audio? I did an undergraduate project in which we used MATLAB to automatically beat-match different tunes and DJ mix between them. The full program took all semester, but you could do a subset of it. wavread() and the like are built in and easy to use.
Or do some simple image processing like finding Waldo using cross-correlation.
Maybe do something involving cryptography, have them crack a simple encryption scheme and feel like hackers.
MATLAB started life as a MATrix LAB, so maybe concentrating on problems in linear algebra would be a natural fit.
Discrete math problems using matricies include:
Spanning trees and shortest paths
The marriage problem (bipartite graphs)
Matching algorithms
Maximal flow in a network
The transportation problem
See Gil Strang's "Intro to Applied Math" or Knuth's "Concrete Math" for ideas.
You might look here:
on the MathWorks website. The interactive tutorial (second link) is quite popular.
I always thought the one I was assigned in grad school was a good choice-a magnetic lens simulator. The math isn't completely overwhelming so you can focus more on learning the language, and it's a good intro to the graphical capabilities (e.g., animating the path of an off-axis electron going through the lens).
db I/O and fancy interfaces are out of place in a discrete math course.
my matlab labs were typically algorithm implementations, with charts as output, and simple file input.
how hard is the material? image processing is really easy in matlab, can you do some discrete 2D filtering? blurs and stuff.