Unable to deploy using firebase 3.0.0 - ionic-framework

I'm trying to deploy using firebase 3.0.0 latest CLI version.
Unfortunately I get this errors:
Error: Unable to authorize access to project XXXX
Note: This version of the Firebase CLI is only compatible with projects upgraded
to the new Firebase Console. To access firebase.com apps, you will need to
use a previous version: npm install -g firebase-tools#^2.1
Any ideas?

As a matter of fact I was trying to deploy to a custom domain that was not yet verified.
My bad :(
Sorry guys.

I believe you need to upgrade your project to the new Firebase at firebase.google.com. If you haven't you should check out the announcements at Google I/O 2016.


Firebase deployement of ; react-spw; Node.JS 14; mongoDB

I am trying to host a React application on Firebase, but am having some issues. I have previous experience with Angular and Firebase, as well as some knowledge of different JavaScript interpreters and basic Firebase. I am currently working with Node.js 14 and React, and have been using Firebase tools that are compatible with this version of Node.js.
The issue I am facing is that after building my project with React, it creates a new folder for the build. I am not familiar with this process and am having difficulty understanding how to host my application on Firebase with this new folder structure.
(The basic; npm install -g firebase-tools, firebase login, firebase init, npm run build, firebase deploy. has not worked.)
I have searched for documentation on this issue and have tried looking for any dependency issues, but have not been able to resolve the problem. I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance on how to host my React application on Firebase. Thank you in advance.

"firebase deploy --only hosting" suddenly failing with "Error: Failed to list functions for <PROJECT>"

My firebase hosting deployments have suddenly started failing both in my Github CI Workflows and from my local machine.
$ firebase deploy --only hosting
=== Deploying to '<project>'...
i deploying hosting
Error: Failed to list functions for <project>
The project in question does not have any functions, and only hosts a static site. Google searches for "Failed to list functions" turn up empty, it seems like not a common problem. The only leads I can find indicate some kind of network error.
I have updated my firebase-tools, logged out and in again to generate a new CI token, tried the process from my Github workflows and also manually from my machine, all to the same effect.
I can't find any information about this problem, except that the error seems to come from this part of the firebase-tools codebase:
My firebase tools version was 11.14.0. I changed that to 11.13.0. Installed this specific version through npm install -g firebase-tools#11.13.0. After that I could successfully deploy.
I came across the issue. using firebase-tools version 10.5 or upgrading it to blaze plan fixed my issue

AWS Appsync working example in Swift of s3 image upload?

I'm following this tutorial here:
I'm having some issues getting it to work, wondering if anyone has a working example.
Current issues:
Pods don't match up to the tutorial (awss3 and awsappsync require
different versions of AWSCore (2.6.6 vs 2.6.12)
When using using different pod versions (apsync 2.6.7 and awss3 2.6.6) - the code generated by api-appsync-codegen
doesn't compile - it doesn't create an S3Object class - but tries to
extend it.
Thanks for the help.
AppSync SDK release of 2.6.14 fixes this issue. Now it takes dependency on latest available version of code. You should be able to run pod install --repo-update and be able to get the latest installation.

Vue-cil distributed app deploy error on digital ocean - TypeError: t is not a function

I am deploying a Vue 2.0 SPA app to digital ocean. App is build with vue-cli webpack template and when deployed I get this error and can't figure it out...
TypeError: t is not a function
App was buit directly on the server and build was ok, no errors. Using Node v6.9.5 with latest released versions of vue and vue related packages.
As it turned out the problem was in my vue-router setup and I was running old version of vue-router locally. API changed a bit in the latest versions...

Create toolchain error message in bluemix

What does this error message mean?
Create Toolchain
This is Bluemix UI issues, as a workaround, you can try to use a different UI. For example, currently you are using Bluemix Classic UI, you can change to use Bluemix new UI, it will workaround this issue.
I got the same error, and I also have a similar message with the build package version (I use an other version than Leo).
I guess the error message is occuring because we are not running on the latest version of the Node.js build package.