Vue-cil distributed app deploy error on digital ocean - TypeError: t is not a function - deployment

I am deploying a Vue 2.0 SPA app to digital ocean. App is build with vue-cli webpack template and when deployed I get this error and can't figure it out...
TypeError: t is not a function
App was buit directly on the server and build was ok, no errors. Using Node v6.9.5 with latest released versions of vue and vue related packages.

As it turned out the problem was in my vue-router setup and I was running old version of vue-router locally. API changed a bit in the latest versions...


Lumen gives 500 when deploying on azure devops

deployed Lumen micro services using azure devops and suddenly it started giving 500 internal server error after successful deployment.
Set the same package version on deploying to Azure App Service as the package version that worked locally, for local environment.
App Service runs your app in production mode, so you need to make sure that your project works as expected in production mode locally. Depending on your composer.json, different packages may be installed for production mode (require vs. require-dev).
Thanks, for the answers but I got it fixed by adding flag --ignore-platform-reqs to composer install in yml file.

Deploy new version to google app engine not work

I m a new user in the google cloud platform,
I followed the jhipster tutorial to deploy the jhipster web application to Google App Engine.
I can deploy the original version of jhipser to GCP app engine, but when I deploy again it was not updated to the new version even my local was updated.
Does anyone know how to deploy new version to Google app engine??
I don't know much about jhipster, but if it is a classical java web application on app engine, as stated in the link you provided, you just need to re-deploy again:
./mvnw package appengine:deploy -DskipTests -Pgae,prod-gae
if you want to deploy as a new version, you should check what is the version parameter provided. You can find that in app.yaml, application-web.xml or pom.xml file depending on how the application is built.
If who built the application decided to automatically increment the version each deploy, you should have already everything set, but in App Engine > Version page in GCP you should migrate the traffic to your latest version.

Flows stopped due to missing node types: ui_base

Node-Red dashboard on IBM Cloud stopped working on 24 SEP after it worked properly for some months.
Node-Red Dashboard nodes have been installed initially. The app hasn’t been changed for a while. Couldn’t find any errors in the log so far, not sure what to look for either.
Check what version of NodeJS your application is deployed on.
Most likely the app has restaged at some point and upgraded some of it's components which now require at least NodeJS 8.x.
NodeJS 6.x went EOL around June 2019
If you enable the continuous integration feature in IBM Cloud you should be able to edit the apps package.json and change the engines entry to bump it up to a supported version of NodeJS (I suggest NodeJS v10)

Unable to deploy using firebase 3.0.0

I'm trying to deploy using firebase 3.0.0 latest CLI version.
Unfortunately I get this errors:
Error: Unable to authorize access to project XXXX
Note: This version of the Firebase CLI is only compatible with projects upgraded
to the new Firebase Console. To access apps, you will need to
use a previous version: npm install -g firebase-tools#^2.1
Any ideas?
As a matter of fact I was trying to deploy to a custom domain that was not yet verified.
My bad :(
Sorry guys.
I believe you need to upgrade your project to the new Firebase at If you haven't you should check out the announcements at Google I/O 2016.

Deploying Treeline

I'm trying to deploy a Treeline app on my Ubuntu/Digital Ocean server with no luck.
I have worked successfully with sails (using "forever") before and tried to install treeline the same way.
npm install treeline -g
But after the installation, when trying to do something else, it always returns: cannot connect to X server
I don't know if this error is due to my lack of experience deploying node or the earlier stage of the treeline project (which, on the other hand, is really awesome).
Thank you in advance.
Deploying a Treeline app is exactly the same as deploying a Sails app, because the files that get synched down from the Treeline server are Sails apps--they were just generated for you instead of you having to write the code. You don't need to npm install treeline -g on your server; that's only for previewing your app locally as you make changes to it on Instead, when you're ready to deploy, just follow whatever procedure that worked for your previous Sails apps and it will work for your Treeline app.
As far as the error--that appears to be coming from a conflicting file pre-installed on Ubuntu!